Elements of My SongA Story by Lakshmi Ramesh
Everybody needs a song in his or her life. I'm not talking about just any random song. They need THE SONG. They need the song that you want to hear on repeat and it just makes you happy every time you hear it. It almost feels like a reflex - listening to it and feeling happy. It’s that one song that runs in your head unconsciously all the time. You didn’t realize when it came to your head, but it did and then it stuck. It’s that song which is on your playlist and you probably don’t listen to it that often and it’s okay if you don’t but when you do, it’s the only song you need.
So how did I find my song? I found it in parts. It came in parts to me - piece by piece and now I can’t get it out of my head. It came in 9 pieces - 9 people that gave me my song. They were 9 people that gave me everything I needed, whenever I needed it. First came the pitch, the base of your entire song. He has seen me through my awkward phases and my weird moments and my glory times. He taught me that it’s okay to cry about weird tiny things sometimes but sometimes it’s a waste of time. Like the pitch, he always showed me the right path. He always told me what should be done, but I often went the other way. I frayed away from the pitch, you can say. I made mistakes but he was there. He was there always stagnant at that one point mocking me with -I TOLD YOU SO- just like how hearing your scale reminds you that you have made a mistake. And then when the -I told you so- moment was done, he was still there, waiting at the same spot telling me this where I needed to be. This is where my song needs to start itself. Then came the rhythm, the pace of your song, and the life of my life. She is everything. Sometimes making me catch up with it, sometimes making me go slow to tell me to calm down. She was a constant. Every time my life went -off beat- she was there. She was there to give me back my rhythm; she was there to tell me that I could get back to it. She was there to show me this is how life works and I need to just get up and get back running every time I failed. And she was with me every step of the way. Running fast if needed, slow if needed. As long as I have her, I can get through the rough patches. She is the one I dance with. Then came the notes of the song, the melody that made the song what it is. She is happy, merry, making me laugh with her at all odd moments and also cry with her. She defines my song. It was her power that makes my moods swing back to normal. One talk with her and things can be fine. She doesn’t know the words yet. She doesn’t know if the words are happy or sad but she knows that whatever it maybe, she would make it something I love listening to, even if it is completely lame. She’s addictive. She’s that catchy tune that refuses to leave your head. So now you have the pitch, the rhythm and the melody what is the next thing you need - the lyrics, the lyrics that define the song. Lyrics give you the true meaning of the song. It brings out what the song is really about. He did that for me. He let me be myself. He let me find myself. Like the lyrics of a song guide you throughout the song, he guided me to who I am. He guided me to what I needed to be. Good things and bad, whatever happens, he allows me to learn from those things and become more than what I already am. Then came the pre-chorus. The next most remembered part of the song. She is just that " remarkable and memorable. It’s very quirky and quite often than not it might seem like it is not part of the song but she embellished my song. She was a rather recent entry. I didn’t realize when she happened and made my song better to hear. She’s the crazy in the song. She’s also the knock on my head when I’m being too predictable Then I found my chorus, the one part of the song everyone knows about. It’s the one part a song is never complete without. Even if you don’t have anyone or anything else, that one part, that one person is always there. The chorus is a habit. It’s something you always sing regardless of anything else. He’s my habit. Talking to him makes me forget other things. He puts things in perspective. He tells me what I need and what I don’t. Just like how a chorus is what you remember when you can’t remember anything else, he’s the one I turn to when I don’t have anyone else. He reminds me who I am. He reminds me that despite everything, this is what my title is. This is what I need to remember. Now, I don’t know about everyone else but every song needs that extra oomph. That one guitar riff or drum section that sets your song apart. It’s not there throughout the song like the other things are but he’ll come and go. He’ll come when things get dull or to share the enthusiasm of life with you. You never know when it’ll come. It’s like a big surprise. You hear it and you go Wow! He’s the extra oomph in my song. He’s the completely crazy person with whom you can be crazy with whatever the mood or situation. He will either make you jump in joy or dance like a crazy person but the reaction to him, to that amazing guitar riff, is always an extreme. You hate that it’s not there throughout the song but you still love it too much to remove it from the song. My song also recently developed an ad-lib within it. An ad-lib that frays away from the typical meaning of the song and just does what it feels like. It is refreshing and something new. Every time I hear it, there is something new to learn and know. It is unique each time you hear it. He’s that peculiar existence in my life that keeps changing and keeps making my song feel new and fresh. He’s my personal refresh button. Now one might thing that you have all you need. The song feels complete. It has the pitch, the rhythm, the melody, the lyrics, the chorus and even an amazing guitar riff. So what else do you need really? It’s complete right? Wrong. You need the right instruments and the right voice of the music. Not just any random thing, the right ones. You need that one last thing that ties everything up into perfection. You don’t realize the need for it but when you find it, when you find the right one you think, -This finishes things up- He’s that for me. He’s the final touch to my song, the one that completed it. He’s the one that I didn’t really need but when I found him I realized how much I needed him. He made me realize that having the right voice is important. Everything else and everyone else can support me, guide me but they can’t be me. I needed to that. He gave me my voice. He showed me that I’m worth being heard. He made me realize that no song is complete without someone to sing it and no thought is worth a thing without a person to say it out. And just like that, my song was complete. 9 completely different people, 9 different colors that when working together brought the sunshine to my life. They’re my song. I don’t know how or when it happened but it dawned on me today. My friends are my song © 2016 Lakshmi Ramesh |
Added on November 28, 2015 Last Updated on January 5, 2016 Author