Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dream

Zayn POV:

Zayn Malik could sense this concert in the small city near Kent was different than any other. He could sense her, and smell her. This someone was his mate. The smell was special to him, almost like spices and ginger. 

He sighed nervously as the boys pranced around the backstage getting ready for the big show. Of course it was no different than any other performance but it wasn't to Zayn, it had to be special.

As the concert drew closer her sent became stronger. Along with Zayn, Liam says his mate his here too. You see the famous boy band One Direction that consisted of Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and of course Zayn Malik were all werewolves. This included their entire management who were also in their pack. 

Among all of the werewolves in their large pack, Niall Horan was the alpha. He controlled all of them. Niall was almost afraid of his authority so he tended to control it more compared to other pack's alphas.

"Thirty seconds!" the stage manager shouted. Zayn's breath hitched in his throat. He could sense she was close. As close as if he could touch her. So near, was she safe? She'd have to be safe. She had to be safe. Zayn thought. Of course these thoughts only made him more nervous but he couldn't help it. 

As the beats to What Makes You Beautiful came on all of the members of the band ran onto the stage with excitement and butterflies. Zayn stopped though, freezing in his spot. Those piercing green eyes glimmered with excitement. 

Harry nudged Zayn trying to snap him out of his gaze but he couldn't. Not know, he couldn't look away. Liam's solo is for another thirty seconds. I can get Paul to get her!! he thought and with that ran backstage to a bewildered Paul.

"Paul, grab the girl in row fifteen seat twelve." he ordered quickly. 

Paul shook his head. Although he was strong, it would be hard for him to get through the thick mob of girls and not to mention getting one specific girl? He could grab the wrong girl or the girl would get hurt herself. 

"Zayn, no. It's way to dangerous." Paul argued, being the sensible one. 

"Get her." Zayn said poison leaking like venom from his voice. Paul nodded obeying Zayn's command. Although Zayn wasn't an alpha, he was a higher bloodline and could easily overtake the body guard. 

Zayn ran back onto the stage making his part just in time while Paul ran through the mobs of girls. 

"Hello, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." Paul said tapping on the girl's shoulder. Her brown wavy hair wiped around with her as she turned to face the guard. 

"Oh, have I done something wrong?" she asked scared looking around to see if any police or a passerby had seen her do anything. 

"No, ummm . . ." Paul stuttered, trying to come up with something. 

"You won a secret contest! Every ticket purchased was put in a bucket and we picked two tickets to meet a member of One Direction and you're one of them!" he lied a little over enthusiastically remembering that he still had to get Liam's mate. I better do that soon before Liam kicks my a*s. he thought in the back of his mind. 

The girl raised in eyebrow in speculation but sighed and picked up her white purse slinging it over her shoulder. Paul took her hand in his as they stumbled through the teenage girl's glares from disrupting them from the concert. 

Zayn witnessed it all, his eyes never leaving her. Even as they made their way backstage to their rooms. He could tell she was a little scared, even though she put on a tough face for the bodyguard. 

Meanwhile, Angelica, the girl was feeling just as Zayn thought. Scared. Why would I meet One Direction and why make the contest secret? The companies could sell the tickets for more if they knew there'd be a contest. 

The bodyguard in whom she didn't know the name to led her into a room that looked into a dressing room. There was a makeup chair and couch along with a mini fridge. "Help yourself. He should be in here for a few makeup changes." the guard said and with that walked out of the room. 

Angelica walked around the room surveying the little knick knacks. Soon enough the door opened and closed. She turned to be faced with the one and only Zayn Malik. His features were flawless. The man's hair was in his signature quiff and wore a varsity jacket with khakis. 

Zayn thought Angelica was flawless too. Her brown hair was wavy and neatly brushed flowing down to the middle of her waist. The young women wore a purple floral dress with white flats. 

He walked towards her slowly and said, "You're beautiful". Angelica's cheeks turned pink flattered by the compliment. She nervously fiddled with the ends of her brown hair staring at her floral dress, suddenly memorized by the unique pattern.

"What's your name, Princess?" he asked. Angelica liked the nickname but made her cheeks turn a brighter shade of pink. 

"Angelica but I prefer Angel." she smiled shyly. 

"Ready to go meet the boys?" he asked. Angel nodded and Zayn took her hand in his leaving a fuzzy feeling inside of the two of them. Walking down a few hallways Zayn opened the door to reveal the four idols and best friends.

Angel was overwhelmed. I mean, Zayn Malik was holding her hand, and she was standing in front of the five members of One Direction. Every girl's dream. Harry's eyes were as green as everyone said, Louis brought a happy atmosphere, Liam brought a mature vibe, and Niall . . . was different. Almost commanding or ruling. she thought but her opinion soon changed on Niall as his gaze softened. 

Niall had been studying her. If she was Zayn's mate than he had to make sure she would be an obedient member. She was. "Nice to meet you!" he exclaimed after his check. Angelica just nodded afraid that if she talked she would scream instead, making her look like a fool. 

"Don't be shy, if you want to go on tour with us you'll have to loosen up." Zayn smiled, "You are eighteen right?" he checked. 

Wait, what? Angel thought confused, "Yeah, I'm eighteen but you can't possibly think I'm going to go on tour with you? We just met." she laughed. Zayn looked hurt by this. He should've remembered she was just a human. She of course felt the pull but didn't know what it was or who HE was yet. 

Meanwhile, Angel had different thoughts running through her head, Although I'd love to tour with them and be surrounded by their boy band hotness, okay and maybe Zayn's sexiness, and smell, and love, and tou- STOP IT ANGEL, I have a regular teen life. For instance I'm only eighteen, fresh out of high school. I have a steady job at the local journalism paper and have a pretty well known blog about photography. Not to mention, my parents weren't expecting me to move out so soon. Sure I don't have to worry about friends or a special boy but still, he can't possibly expect me to just get up and LEAVE!

"You're coming on tour with us, you don't have a choice." Zayn said firmly. He grew frustrated as Angelica shook her head no. She was his and she didn't have a choice to Zayn. 

"I can't, I have so much for me right now. I want to go, guys, really I do" Angel paused looking for the right words to say, "but I have a life here that's perfect." she finished. Niall shot her a warning glance in which she didn't know why. 

Angel felt Zayn's hand grow firmer around my waist. "You're coming." he ordered, his voice posionous.

"Bu-" she began about to protest,

"YOU'RE COMING." he growled unnaturaly. Frightened Angel obeyed her eyes showing just how frightened she was, the boys gave her an apologetic look and Zayn just smiled triumphantly nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Umm, Zayn?" Angel questioned. Zayn was left confused for a moment only to realize his werewolf instincts had taken over. 

Angel stepped away from Zayn and went to the corner of the room pulling out her phone and playing Temple Run.

"You shouldn't be alone, you're too special. Never leave my side." Zayn whispered in Angel's ear making her jump. This simple action sent shivers down my spine. It took all my will power not to turn around and kiss him. I nodded gently, weak from his touch.

"Let's go, we have to go to the next areana." he said taking Angel's hand. Still not wanting to leave her life she decided to see if he'd let me stay.

"Can I stay, Zayn? I have my entire life here!" Angel asked,

"No, your entire life is with me." he growled,

"What do mean, we just met?! I love my job! Let me stay!" she begged, Zayn was growing even more impatient and Niall was sending him a glare.

"NO. You're coming with me, move it!" he ordered his eyes turning yellow with black flecks. I shook in fear tears threatening to come over. His expression didn't soften when he firmly gripped Angel's upper arm dragging me to the tour bus. Angel sobbed scared but all of the workers and management seemed oblivious. 

Zayn however wasn't thinking. All he knew was that she was coming with her no matter what. Wether it was by force or choice, no couldn't be an answer.




Hey, it's @luv2dream !!! I wrote this chapter and I hope you like it! Uhhh, @DreamerHopeLoveSmile will be writing the next chapter from another person's point of view. I gave you a hint to that person in paragraph three in Zayn's point of view. *last sentence, teeheehee* Enough though! I hope you like it! 

Also I had to mention Dum Dum pops because I am extremely addicted to those . . . along with Nutella but that shall wait for another part of the story. 

Sooooo . . . 





© 2012 Dream

Author's Note

Property of @luv2dream

My Review

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1 - Are you on a werewolf, One Direction kick lately? :) You have several stories written about both. Or do any coincide with one another, like a series?

2 - I am not an expert in English or grammar and haven't had classes for either in a very long time, but I'm not sure if you are able to use both can't and not together without punctuating properly. So instead of, She can't NOT be safe - I think it should be more like, "She can not, NOT be safe". But double check with others and don't take what I've said as truth because I am not 100% sure on this.

3 - "Get her." my alpha voice leaking. -- I do not see how this is possible because you've already told us that Liam is the alpha of the pack. So maybe you could say something more on the lines, like.. "Get her.", my snarl grew across my face, making it apparent to Paul that it was important. Or something to make it clear to Paul that Zayn needed him to do this for him because of the importance of it all since he didn't give any reason other than "Do it or else".

4 - The fact that Paul took her away without explanation is a little scary, maybe you should show from Paul's POV how he says that she's won back seat passes or something that would let your readers believe she would go willingly with a stranger without kicking and screaming. Which brings me to the idea of possibly using a third person narrator so that you can get the feelings, emotions and thoughts from all characters without having to switch back and forth with POVs all the time. It is just a suggestion but I think your writing style would improve from it because you are very good with descriptions and bringing the picture to one's imagination so having a third person narrator would be useful to your writing style and in my opinion, strengthen it.

5 - I understand that werewolves know their mates upon seeing them or sensing them and mark them but I think you rush relationships way too quickly. Which rushing the story in general. I like love stories that build slowly so that you learn about each character and get the big picture of what makes each of them fall for one another. Because honestly if I were taken by a stranger to a room like that even if a celebrity walked in briefly afterward, I'd be frightened and wouldn't be so quick to give out my information. Celebrity or not, if you don't truly know the person or their character then a situation like that may make one iffy.

6 - I don't know the ages of the guys in One Direction but saying a line like this without having a reader understand the age of any person in the story is a bit unrealistic, "Don't be shy, you'll have to warm up to us if you'll be going on tour with us." because a mate to a werewolf or not, if she is under the age of eighteen or living with her parents I highly doubt they are just going up and let their child go on tour with a popular boy band.

7 - "Under his breath I could hear him chanting 'mine' but couldn't be sure." This one is a little bit creepy too, considering he has yet to explain anything to her.

8 - I like a realistic love story that shows real passion, this to me isn't passionate... "As I was saying, as long as you get me an Apple laptop and a new Kodak camera I'll go.", and the fact that one second she feels under his command and yet another second she feels like she'd faint at his touch is awkward. I think you should describe her rushing, changing emotions at more length and also let the reader know more descriptions of the sound of his voice, the power behind it and the facial expressions when he speaks to her. He sounds more like a controlling butt head verses the passionate, can't live without type of guy. Again, a good reason to have the third person narrator.

9 - I see some misspellings and a couple grammar mistakes but it can be easily fixed with a read through or editor. But all in all, I like your enthusiasm and your ability to paint a picture, however the picture could be so much better if you gave more descriptions on emotions, thoughts and facial expressions and of course if you used a narrator verses the POV choice you usually do. You are a great writer with amazing potential and I hope that you see that I'm attempting to give constructive criticism because I am a fan and want to see you grow into the amazing writer you are. God bless you and I look forward to the next chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thanks for the advice. I'm rewriting it in the narrators POV right now. It's easier for me to write .. read more

12 Years Ago

We updated. :)
Amanda Dawn Sanderson-Greer

12 Years Ago

Please send me read requests, if possible and I will definitely keep reading and reviewing.


This will do well, style and content fit together.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

1 - Are you on a werewolf, One Direction kick lately? :) You have several stories written about both. Or do any coincide with one another, like a series?

2 - I am not an expert in English or grammar and haven't had classes for either in a very long time, but I'm not sure if you are able to use both can't and not together without punctuating properly. So instead of, She can't NOT be safe - I think it should be more like, "She can not, NOT be safe". But double check with others and don't take what I've said as truth because I am not 100% sure on this.

3 - "Get her." my alpha voice leaking. -- I do not see how this is possible because you've already told us that Liam is the alpha of the pack. So maybe you could say something more on the lines, like.. "Get her.", my snarl grew across my face, making it apparent to Paul that it was important. Or something to make it clear to Paul that Zayn needed him to do this for him because of the importance of it all since he didn't give any reason other than "Do it or else".

4 - The fact that Paul took her away without explanation is a little scary, maybe you should show from Paul's POV how he says that she's won back seat passes or something that would let your readers believe she would go willingly with a stranger without kicking and screaming. Which brings me to the idea of possibly using a third person narrator so that you can get the feelings, emotions and thoughts from all characters without having to switch back and forth with POVs all the time. It is just a suggestion but I think your writing style would improve from it because you are very good with descriptions and bringing the picture to one's imagination so having a third person narrator would be useful to your writing style and in my opinion, strengthen it.

5 - I understand that werewolves know their mates upon seeing them or sensing them and mark them but I think you rush relationships way too quickly. Which rushing the story in general. I like love stories that build slowly so that you learn about each character and get the big picture of what makes each of them fall for one another. Because honestly if I were taken by a stranger to a room like that even if a celebrity walked in briefly afterward, I'd be frightened and wouldn't be so quick to give out my information. Celebrity or not, if you don't truly know the person or their character then a situation like that may make one iffy.

6 - I don't know the ages of the guys in One Direction but saying a line like this without having a reader understand the age of any person in the story is a bit unrealistic, "Don't be shy, you'll have to warm up to us if you'll be going on tour with us." because a mate to a werewolf or not, if she is under the age of eighteen or living with her parents I highly doubt they are just going up and let their child go on tour with a popular boy band.

7 - "Under his breath I could hear him chanting 'mine' but couldn't be sure." This one is a little bit creepy too, considering he has yet to explain anything to her.

8 - I like a realistic love story that shows real passion, this to me isn't passionate... "As I was saying, as long as you get me an Apple laptop and a new Kodak camera I'll go.", and the fact that one second she feels under his command and yet another second she feels like she'd faint at his touch is awkward. I think you should describe her rushing, changing emotions at more length and also let the reader know more descriptions of the sound of his voice, the power behind it and the facial expressions when he speaks to her. He sounds more like a controlling butt head verses the passionate, can't live without type of guy. Again, a good reason to have the third person narrator.

9 - I see some misspellings and a couple grammar mistakes but it can be easily fixed with a read through or editor. But all in all, I like your enthusiasm and your ability to paint a picture, however the picture could be so much better if you gave more descriptions on emotions, thoughts and facial expressions and of course if you used a narrator verses the POV choice you usually do. You are a great writer with amazing potential and I hope that you see that I'm attempting to give constructive criticism because I am a fan and want to see you grow into the amazing writer you are. God bless you and I look forward to the next chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thanks for the advice. I'm rewriting it in the narrators POV right now. It's easier for me to write .. read more

12 Years Ago

We updated. :)
Amanda Dawn Sanderson-Greer

12 Years Ago

Please send me read requests, if possible and I will definitely keep reading and reviewing.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 6, 2012
Last Updated on October 8, 2012



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