Today's Problems

Today's Problems

A Poem by Mary

Today’s Problems


There is a time

When the ground disappears

And I begin to sink and fall.

Gravity becomes an enemy I can’t defeat,

I call these my Wonderland moments.


Up becomes down

Left becomes right,

I forget all details:

Like my last thought

And why crying is not a good idea.


I just want to leave,

To be a speck of dust in a sandstorm-

The unimportant.

To be free of all burden

And choice.


What to do in these moments,

With knees like jell-o

And the literacy of a peanut.

Only one thing,

To fly.


Like a bird I crave the air,

Cool and powerful

Yet as comforting as a mothers embrace.


My mental wings take flight

And peace fills my sky of magenta twilight,

After a time I remember how to stand

How to live again.


If only just for another night.

© 2011 Mary

Author's Note

another poem...thoughts?

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i like this.. the last stanza was really good

"my mental wings take flighgt
And peace fills my sky of magenta twilight
After a time i remeber how to stand
how to live again."

that was powerful,. we all need a break at some point , if only for a short while to be able to continue on.. loved this

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 12, 2011
Last Updated on April 12, 2011



Canton, OH

Angel Movements Angel Movements

A Poem by Mary