Greatly done. There's so much things and people around us that make us feel like this. And we always realize too late that we are unique in our own way. But Sophie, i really don't know why you would feel like this. You are such a talented writer and you surely have many other great skills.
Nice Job.
I really love this, the feeling i can relate to. So much emotion. This feeling really sucks, very well written. I like how you worded it, and i like the flow, great job, gonna put this one in my library :P Very well done, great job, loved it.
Most people can't see their beauty. Beauty is the good things we do without the desire of reward or honor. I like the strong description.
"I realize,
I'm beautiful.
That's all I ever wanted.
But it's too late.
I'm gone."
Thank you for the excellent poetry.
Oh my god! I love this SOphie, I feel like this all the time and unfortunately, I have done something about it. Nothing extreme as cutting though. Keep up the good work!
A lot of girls seem to get this way. I've read soooo so many cutting-poems like this, but none as calm. When I read this I felt... I don't know, serene. I always love reading your stuff, I usually delete all of my reading requests except for yours and maybe 2 others. Most people, when they write about emotional things, are just lazy and pissed off and don't care really what they're writing. I think they just want pity. But in this, you made it seem so beautiful and sad. Great job. As always.
Greatly done. There's so much things and people around us that make us feel like this. And we always realize too late that we are unique in our own way. But Sophie, i really don't know why you would feel like this. You are such a talented writer and you surely have many other great skills.
Nice Job.
I'm 16 in my sophomore year of high school, I started on this site when i was 14, took about a year break and now i might be back, im just fixing my description because i was annoying as f**k last yea.. more..