![]() The complimentA Chapter by Sophie![]() Again, it's on my iPad, sorry for typos![]() Chapter two After a drink or two, Harry's kind of slurred and... Weird. "Is that a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them." He says into my ear. "Harry, you're drunk." I say, pushing him away. I always thought Liam couldn't drink because if his kidney problems, but recently he found out the other one is working just fine, but in interviews he still says he doesn't like to. But he is pissed drunk. Like, more than Harry. "Hey! Hey, harreh, keep your hands 'way from the ladies." He slurs, stumbling over. "What wrong with him?" I ask Louis, who's sitting next to me. "Ever since Danielle broke up with him... He hasn't really been okay." He explains, looking sadly at the drunken boy. "Hadley, why won't you talk to me?" Harry pouts. "Because you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying." "I know what I'm saying! You're so fit, please, talk to me." I roll my eyes and ignore him, though I'm blushing fiercely. "You promise you'll stay with us all day?" Niall says, looking nervous. "I promise. You're so lucky we have the exact same schedules. School is like a jungle." I say. "How?" Harry asks. "You get eaten." I say bluntly. "I remember." Niall nods. So far, no one has noticed them on the bus, but that's because it's raining and they had their hoods up, though a few girls turned their heads in shock at Harry's Jack Wills sweatshirt. We manage to get to our shared homeroom before anyone notices, and the announcements start. "Happy first day of school everyone! Before we start the usual announcements, we have some special new students. A lot of you know a certain famous band, well two of their members wanted to finish school. In mrs. Johnson's homeroom is Harry Styles and Niall Horan, please treat them the same you would any other peer." None of the school hears the last sentence because almost every single girl screams at the exact same time, especially this room, everyone look around wildly. Harry and Niall take off their hoods and they are immediately flooded by girls, some crying, some just wordlessly screaming, others just silent from shock. The boys look like they're drowning, they usually have the other three lads sharing the... Love? But now it's just them and they look like they want to die. "Welcome to our school." Ms. Johnson says, "would you like to pick your guide until you've learned your way around?" They nod and immediately almost every hand goes up. "We already talked this out with Hadley, we have the same schedule, so we're going to stick with her." Niall says, and you can physically watch every girl melting at his accent. And then turning to glare at me with daggers. Harry still hasn't mentioned last week when even when I was ignoring him he kept telling me, "but you're so fiiiiit! Please please please please make out with me?" Of course I laughed at that, but he hasn't mentioned it, and until he does I won't. Because its the first day of school, I'm all dolled up, as Lydia calls it. I'm wearing galaxy jean short shorts that I did myself, and they came out perfectly with a white v neck t shirt. So it's not really dolled up, but the combination looks good. My shoes are just my favorite tattered grey converse. So, no dollishness there. As the bell rings for the first class, I stand up and drop my binder. Of course. I bend over to get it and I hear Harry do a low whistle, "you know, my offer rom the first night we met is still up." I blush a deep red, "not in your dreams, Styles." "Oh, sorry, too late." He grins that famous lopsided grin at me. I playfully punch him in the arm and I see a few girls giving me a death glare. "Does he look broken? I have no muscle! Stop glaring at me." I yell at them. I'm not exactly the shyest person ever. "That's so gross, by the way." I say once they scurry away. He shrugs. "So mr. Balk is our calculus teacher, right?" Niall asks. Honestly, I was surprised they were in all my ap classes and stuff. I guess their tutor was really good and they were able to advance. We reach the classroom and manage to get three seats in the back. Once the bell rings, mr. Balk stands up and walks over to Harry and Niall, "so you're the new, famous hot shot students?" He asks. Mr. Balk is a little... Strange. He's a good teacher and all, but he's just eccentric. "Um... I suppose." Harry says. "What brought you to our tiny town in England's countryside?" "There's less people here than in London." Niall explains. The class goes on as normal. Well, if normal is every single girl staring at two boys. "Can you sing for us?" One girl blurts out in the middle of mr. Balk explaining the fire drill. She claps her hands over her mouth. "Oops, sorry." She mutters, blushing. As mr. Balk goes on, a crumpled up piece of paper lands on my desk, from Harry. I really do mean it, you know. You're hot. I roll my eyes before replying "stop trying to get into my pants!" "NEVAAAAR!" He replies in his quirky handwriting. Suddenly the note is snatched from me as I write a reply. Crap. Mr. Balk reads the note aloud, much to mine and Harry's dismay. And the dismay of a lot of girls, for they all turn to glare at me, while the others are too busy fangirling over Niall's laugh, like I so desperately want to. "Age appropriate, mr. Styles." Mr. Balk chides. Well, this is an interesting first day. We get off at the bus stop, glad it doesn't go right to my house, and walk home. Harry says he's going to take a nap and Niall drives to where he's staying. I go upstairs and open my laptop, logging into Facebook. My eyes pop out of my head as I realize I have 40 notifications, all wall posts, and 30 messages, all about Harry and Niall. Wut. I go through them, and a lot of them are like: omg! You're so lucky or like: omg! I hate you! Yup, I'm officially hated. And if Harry keeps flirting, it'll just be worse. Like, really, that note will probably get me murdered. After a while, I hear a thumping sound in a rhythm, a code Harry made up meaning: I'm bored, entertain me. I sigh, laughing, and head downstairs with a bag of cheetohs. I open the door and walk by him, he wolf whistles, and I flip him off. "Why don't you accept compliments?" He asks, laughing. "I dunno, I guess no one really does." I answer, opening the bag. "But see, if you were to call me fat for eating these, that I'd believe and I'd be sad for like the rest of my life." "I'd never call a girl fat, that's just wrong." He says, reaching into the bag to get some of the curly snacks. "I don't know, I read this thing once and it said: you know the difference between calling a girl hot and calling her pretty? Respect. I guess when you call me hot I roll my eyes just cuz, i don't know, it doesn't make me as happy as being called beautiful would." "But you are beautiful, I just thought you knew it." Harry says, solemn now. I turn my head toward the floor and try to cover up a smile. "And when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know-oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful." He sings softly. I look up at him just to thank him for making me happy, and find his face really close to mine. Jeez, personal bubble much? Only then does it cross my mind that he's about to kiss me. The fan inside me wants to REALLY BAD, but the rest of me screams "NO NO NO NO". They're at war with each other, and I really don't have enough time, just before I'm about to push him away, the door bursts open and we spring apart. Part of me is like "who the f**k just interrupted the moment my entire life has been waiting for?" And the other part of me sighs in relief. "Thanks for knocking." Harry grumbles at Louis, Liam, Zayn , and Niall.
© 2012 SophieAuthor's Note
Featured Review
5 Reviews Added on October 26, 2012 Last Updated on October 26, 2012 Author![]() Sophie-, MAAboutI'm 16 in my sophomore year of high school, I started on this site when i was 14, took about a year break and now i might be back, im just fixing my description because i was annoying as f**k last yea.. more..Writing