![]() FightA Chapter by Sophie![]() gonna be wrapping it up soon :'( (by soon I mean like 10 chapters)![]() Louis-29
“Will you be listening to the interview?” Lou asks on his way out the door of my bus. “I have nothing better to do.” I laugh, giving him a quick kiss. I sit down on my bed with my album in my hands. It came out amazing, and I sleep with it when Louis' not there. I don't sleep with the actual cd, I sleep with it playing... and with the cd case. It came out three days ago, and it's already rivaling Take Me Home, One Direction's newest album. Finally, their interview comes on and after the initial introduction and boring, generic questions, we get to the fan questions. “Hi guys, I'm Jill, my question is to Louis. How do you feel that your girlfriend's album has officially beaten yours in ten countries?” “Well, considering that's the first of that news I've heard, she's probably screaming right now because she's listening-” He starts, laughing. He's so right. “But she told me if I didn't promote her album along with Take Me Home that she wouldn't have sex for two weeks.” He laughs. My cheeks flame of embarrassment and a little bit of anger. He really shouldn't be telling about our sex life on a public radio station. For one, they have fans under fourteen years old and it's just... wrong. No one seems to notice though and I hear their laughter. “Okay, next question, this one's from Twitter: What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” “One time Louis pulled down my pants in a service station.” Niall says, laughing, then it's Louis' turn. “Back when Diana and I had just started dating, I asked if she wanted to go out, and she said she wasn't feeling well. And then her mood kept changing, like she'd snap at me for little things and then be laughing the next. But then I told her I was going to go to CVS and she asked me for... lady products.” There's a laugh, “And at CVS, I had no idea what I was looking at, and then a fan recognized me and I had to ask her to help me look for extra absorbent tampons and Midol.” “What the hell, Louis!” I yell, getting up from the bed and pacing in front of the radio. “You don't just say that kind of stuff on national radio!” I angrily turn off the radio and wait, listening to music and waiting for him to get home. After about an hour, he finally gets to my bus. “Hey babe.” He calls and I turn down the music. “Hey.” I say. “What's wrong?” He asks, noticing my tone and general lack of kisses. “What's wrong? All of England now knows that a) I threaten you with no sex, and b) that I have a heavy period. Both of which are about my vagina, and both of which no one but us needed to know!” I get up from where I was sitting and turn away from him. “I-I-” “And who knows what else you said about me! In what other way did you embarrass me? I stopped listening after the second question because I was so embarrassed.” “Babe, I've been in this business longer than you, making you seem human is a marketing technique. You're relate-able.” “To whom? Girls who bleed through their pants every month and deprive their boyfriends of sex if they don't do what they want? Great!” I say sarcastically. “I helped us! I promoted both of our albums and made our relationship seem normal! I know you don't read a lot of the tweets you get, but I do, and people think I hired you to be my girlfriend, that you're a cover up for my 'homosexuality'. I'm trying to make us seem real before I freak out on everyone like I want to! Have you seen the trends on twitter? There are three: Awww, Louis; Diana wears the pants; and Louis loves Diana. I don't know about you, but none of those sound like they're insulting you.” Louis' mad at me too, now. “But you could've done all that without humiliating me!” I say, “I'm leaving.” I yell, grabbing my purse before remembering, “This is my tour bus, why don't you leave instead!” “Fine!” He shouts, the classic fight answer, and storms off the bus.
“I think I just had my first fight with Diana.” I say, sitting down next to Harry in the booth at the table. “Twenty pounds, please.” Harry says to Zayn. “F**k off.” He laughs, handing it to him anyway. “Wait, you bet on whether or not Diana and I would fight? When?” “After you told the entire country about her... lady parts.” “So you're on her side? Great!” I say sarcastically, throwing up my hands. “I hate fighting with her, I hate seeing her mad.” “Well then why don't you apologize? You know you don't exactly have nothing to apologize for.” Niall says. “Double negative!” Zayn says. “Shush you.” Niall says. “It's true, but she's just so mad about it, she won't even see my side.” “It was you who said that when you and a girl are in an argument you let her win, because seeing her smile makes you feel like you're winning.” Harry shrugs. “And sleeping angry isn't good for you.” Liam adds. “But- ugh, fine.” I say, and take out my phone.
I'm angrily mixing brownie batter when my phone starts blasting Louis' voice: “Diaaaannnaaaaa! It's meeeee! Pick up your phone 'cause I'm missing you!” He recorded it while I was sleeping the day before I started recording for the album because I was going to be gone a lot. I pick it up, “What?” “I'm sorry. I was wrong, I don't want to fight.” “Me neither, and I'm sure the brownie batter I'm mixing would be happier if I wasn't angrily whisking it.” “You're making brownies?” “Yeah, I bake when I'm mad. That and I'm hungry. But can we make up? I don't want to eat the entire pan by myself.” I say, and as I do the door to my tour bus opens. “No problem.” He says into the phone and then hanging up. I put down the pan of brownies and hug him, “I'm sorry for being a b***h.” “I'm sorry for embarrassing you, in your next interview you can embarrass me.” “Sounds good.” I laugh, unwrapping my arms from him.
“So we had our first fight.” Louis says, taking a bite of brownie. “It went pretty well, as far as fights go.” I laugh.
© 2012 SophieAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on October 22, 2012 Last Updated on October 22, 2012 Author![]() Sophie-, MAAboutI'm 16 in my sophomore year of high school, I started on this site when i was 14, took about a year break and now i might be back, im just fixing my description because i was annoying as f**k last yea.. more..Writing