![]() LovelyA Chapter by Sophie![]() a time-lapse chapter, sorry. They were scenes I just couldn't wait for XD![]() Diana-22
I strum Niall's guitar once to make sure the mic is working on my laptop, and it is. I have the lyrics on the side of my screen just in case I have a brain fart. I press 'Start recording' and I smile at the camera. “Hi, I'm Diana, some of you might know me, I'm dating Louis Tomlinson of One Direction, but I'm actually on YouTube because I've always wanted to be a singer, and so I'm gonna see what people think. I'll be singing Moments because it's a beautiful song, and I just really love it. Also,” I hold up the guitar, “this is Niall's guitar! That's ironic somehow, isn't it?” I laugh. “And... I'm rambling...” I say, turning pink. “How does Louis stand you?” Harri asks, laughing. “I would throw something at you, but that would be morally wrong.” I retort. “Well, aren't you a good person.” She teases. I stick out my tongue and turn back to the camera. “Sorry, I'll start singing now...” I laugh nervously and then start playing the guitar. “Shut the door, turn the lights off, I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love...” I start and then continue throughout the song, hitting both Louis' note and Zayn's with a little triumphant smile. When I finish I say, “So tell me what you thought n the comments,” I point up then roll my eyes at my stupidity, “that would be up. Genius me.” I switch the direction of my fingers and blush. “I'll probably post more videos, so subscribe, you know, if you want.” I wave in a goodbye and stop recording. “I can't do it! You post it!” I say looking away. After a second Harri says, “Done.” I squeal and bury my face in the couch. “So why didn't you do the cover while the boys were at the concert?” Harri asks. “I was nervous.” I say, picking my head of from the couch. “Well, one less thing to be nervous about, how're you feeling about meeting Louis' parents?” “Oh god, don't get me started.”
“They're going to love you, I promise.” Louis assures me before opening the front door of his house. “I'm hoooooooommmmeee!” He calls, walking in. “Boo Bear!” His mother calls, walking toward him with her arms out. He goes to hug her and gives her a kiss on the cheek then gestures to me, “Mom, meet Diana, Diana, meet my mom.” “Call me Jay.” She smiles, taking my hand. “Okay.” I say stupidly, and turning bright red. “She's usually more intelligent.” Louis teases, laughing at my pink face. “Don't worry, you don't have to be nervous, I promise, I don't bite.” Jay says then walks down the hallway. “Girls! Louis' home!” The various doors open simultaneously and his four sisters pour out, running to hug him. “You're pretty.” One of the twins says. I don't think I'll mind being here.
“Happy anniversary, my little YouTube sensation.” I whisper into her ear to wake her up. She's been invited onto Ellen, a ways away. “Has it really been a year already?” She murmurs, kissing me. “Time flies when you're having fun.” I say against her lips. “Don't I know it. Oh hey, I have a question. Remember Valentine's Day with the roses? There wasn't a fake one in their, but somehow there has been a lively bouquet of roses everywhere we stay.” “I get a delivery once every two weeks, no matter where I am.” He says cheekily. “You're too good for fake roses.” “That has to cost a fortune!” “Well, I have a fortune to spend.” She laughs, “Fine. So what have you got planned for today.” “Oh, just a little plane ride, a dinner with a nice view...”
“We're eating dinner on the top of Eiffel Tower?!” She squeals. “I was hoping you'd like it.” I grin. We've been having an amazing day out in Paris, and now we get to eat dinner. We reach the tippity top and a piano and a violinist are there. I pull out her chair at the table for her, but then take a seat in front of the piano and start singing a much lower, more manly version of 'Ours' by Taylor Swift. When I reach the chorus she starts singing along with me. “This love is ours...” We finish and she kisses me as dinner is served on the table with glasses of champagne. After dinner we walk around in the light of the Eiffel Tower. “I love you.” I say. “I love you too.” She says and goes on her tiptoes to kiss me in front of the beautiful structure.
“Wow, you're...” “About to pop?” Harri finishes for me, sitting down with some effort on the couch. “Pretty much, yeah.” I say, laughing. Harri and Harry came to visit today and the boys are going out. All for of the girl's are at friends' houses and so it's just Jay, Harri, and I. We sit around and talk. “Harry's going to be the cutest dad, you really can't even imagine. When we wake up, after saying good morning to me he kisses my belly and talks to Darcy.” She laughs. “That's adorable!” Jay squeals. “Are you okay?” I ask as Harri winces. “Yeah, I'm fine, she's just moving around.” She says rubbing her stomach. “And he makes extra dinner all the time for-” Her eyes go wide and a wet stain appears on her sweat pants. “F**k. Um, I think my water just broke.” She says, still frozen in place. “Should we call an ambulance?!” I ask, starting to freak out, they both look at me like I'm an idiot. “No, we drive. Diana, can you call the boys? I'll drive.” Jay says, I nod, taking out my phone and calling Harry. He picks up on the last ring, “Hey Diana, what's up?” “Harri's water broke.” I say, grabbing her coat and heading out the door. “WHAT?” He screams. “Harry, what's wrong?” I hear Louis ask in the background, “Harri's in LABOR!” Harry yells, “Turn around! We have to get to the hospital!” “Harry! Harry! Listen to me. Calm. Down. She's scared, okay? She needs you to be calm.” I say. He takes a deep breath, “Okay, hand me to Harri.” “Hey babe.” She says. “Yeah, I'm good, wait hold on, Hey, Jay? When do the contractions start?” “Well they should start increasing intensity pretty soon, the moving around you felt was probably contractions.” Jay answers, turning onto the highway. “Okay thanks. So, Harry, remember that time Louis and Zayn pranked you guys with the fake pregnant lady who was 'giving birth?' Remember how Niall went off and practically hid in a corner, Liam helped but wouldn't go within a three foot radius of her, and you were completely into it, breathing with her and everything? Do that again, okay? Thanks. Ow, oh crap, I think- ow ow ow owowowowowowowowowowowow! Ow! Jeez contractions hurt!” “That's not a contraction, that's only building up to-”Jay starts. “HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! F**K!” “There's the contraction.” “PUT HIM ON FREAKING SPEAKER I CAN'T HOLD THE FREAKING PHONE!” She screams. I take the phone from her and turn the volume up as high as it will go. “Harri? Harri? Are you okay?” Harry sounds frantic. She's silent for a second, shaking a bit, “Yeah, I'm peachy.” She says, eyes wide and a terrified look on her face. “We'll be at the hospital in five minutes.” He says, reassuring her. “We're here now, we have to hang up.” I say. “Okay, I'll see you soon, Harri. I love you, you're going to be okay.” “Bye, love you too.” We pull into the hospital, do all the annoying stuff, and then wheel Harry into her room as another contraction hits her. I go back into the waiting room and wait for Harry and Louis. Harry bursts from the elevator and looks around wildly. “How is she? I didn't miss it, did I?” He asks, obviously terrified. “No, Haz, you're in for a long night.” I say and we go to her room, where the contraction has stopped and she's lying on the hospital bed. We wait for hours and hours, waiting for her to be dilated, through screams and tears until it's finally time. “Who do you want with you, only two.” The nurse asks. “Harry and Diana.” Harri gasps, shooting an apologetic glance while Louis only looks more than happy to leave. I go to her side and take her right hand while Harry takes her left. The nurse gets her ready, and then a contraction comes and it's time for the first push. Harri yells wordlessly, but doesn't grip our hands, like she still has a conscious under all that pain. By the fourth push, that has gone, my fingers feel broken and she screams words that would make the children of a truck driver and a pirate shudder. “GO TO HELL! GO TO HELL!” She screams at Harry, tears sliding down her cheeks while she pushes, sweat matting her hair. “YOU GET SEX AND I GET THIS? HOW IS THAT F*****G FAIR?” By the seventh push she says over and over again, “Please just make it stop! Make it stop!” Harry looks like he's physically in pain just watching her face. “She's crowning.” The nurse says, and Harry, forgetting that he really doesn't want to look, looks. He turns and little green and sinks to the floor, burying his face in her hand as she pushes one last time and suddenly the cries of a baby fill the room. Harri's head falls back onto the pillow, the sweat dripping down her forehead. In that one movement, I see her go from a teenage, to a mother. She release my fingers and the blood rushes back into them painfully. The nurse has Harry clip the umbilical cord and then goes to clean up the baby, coming in with her swaddled in a little pink blanket. “You can go get the others.” The nurse says to me. “I have to take a picture of this first.” I say, taking out my phone which I, thankfully, remembered to bring. As the nurse places their daughter into Harri's arms and Harry looks down at both of them, they both get the hugest smiles on their faces. I snap the photo and then go get Jay and Louis, a grin on my face. “C'mon.” They follow me back to the room where Harri is placing the baby into Harry's arms very carefully. His eyes are open wide as he looks down at his daughter. I go to video camera and record. “Um, hi.” He says, a look of wonder crossing his face as she wiggles her fingers with their tiny fingernails. “I'm your Daddy, your mommy and I are gonna take really good care of you, along with you uncles and auntie.” Then he starts singing softly Isn't She Lovely, the song he audition for the X factor with. Harri grins. “You want a hold?” Harri asks, looking at me. I nod and stretch out my hands to Harry, “Oh my god, Diana, your fingers are bruised.” “Hm... I wonder where I got those?” I joke, looking at Harri. I sit down and take the baby in my arms. We thought it was a sure thing she's have curly hair, considering both her parents do, but she actually has straight hair, it's Harri's exact color. It might fall out and be replaced with curly hair, though. “What's her name?” I ask, though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. “Darcy.” they answer at the same time, and Harri adds, “Darcy Michelle...” She looks confused. “Styles.” Harry says certainly and then kneels down next to the hospital bed and opens a little black velvet box. © 2012 SophieAuthor's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on September 13, 2012 Last Updated on September 13, 2012 Author![]() Sophie-, MAAboutI'm 16 in my sophomore year of high school, I started on this site when i was 14, took about a year break and now i might be back, im just fixing my description because i was annoying as f**k last yea.. more..Writing
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