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A Story by lulesky

Fictional story inspired by real life

Just like any other young girl I had dreams life was beautiful back then, everything was taken care of by my parents, all I had to worry about was home work...yes that's how nice my life was. While other kids had to do chores I had a helper who did everything for us, I called her ousi, that's the title that most black households give to their domestics. Up until now, I had never had to work hard in my whole life, everything was handed to me on a silver platter, or should I say gold platter? My family wasn't just your ordinary black family, we were the Sitholes, ask anyone around about Joe Sithole the whole of South Africa and beyond knows him. Yes I'm the daughter of the famous Joe Sithole. If the name doesn't ring a bell to you, I'm sure u live in some isolated island somewhere, can I take the liberty to inform you or rather give you a history lesson. Joe Sithole was an apartheid activist alongside many of our famous activist in South Africa, yes my father was and still is a hero, my hero. My family name and all our glorious riches came crumbling down in my eyes by daddy's scandals, first it was the divorce then from the on it was scandal after scandal, from sleeping with w****s, to impregnating young girls, drugs, and all sorts of nasty things. I know u probably asking what went wrong? Till today I cannot say exactly what led to my daddy's down fall, I can only make assumptions. And you free to make yours. My parents divorce was the hardest thing for me and my siblings, being raised by both parents, was beautiful,our home was filled with warmth and mom was a big contributor of such warmth...she was a career woman yes, but her schedule was not as busy as dads, she always had time for us, but unfortunately dad didn't have much time for her, my dad was all work and all play with his mates and play mates. If my father was not working, he was either having dinner with some important people, clients, business partners,or playing golf with the same people and overseas travels, how can I forget those? My dad travelled a lot for business mixed with pleasure, this didn't leave him with much time for us and mom, poor woman... Its no wonder she decided to separate from my dad, she separated for this reason and many others. Sure this was hard for us to accept, but what could we have done, as we grew older we could see how unhappy mom was, being the strong woman she is, she hide it very well, behind that sweet smile, no matter how tough things are, she always managed to smile," Sindiswa no matter what life throws at you, always wear your smile". Whatever I go through in this life indeed I always try to smile, a day should never end with a frown. As I reflect upon my life, I realise that I have been very blessed, but on the other hand I can't help but think a bit of tough love wouldn't have done me any harm, instead it would have prepared me for the life ahead, had I learned how to earn money, how to be independent and do things myself instead of depending on my family wealth, I believe I would have been a better person today, but here I'm trying to make a living, barely coping... Oh how I miss my mom, she would have known what to say to make me feel better in days such as these? Where are u when I need you the most Nandi Cythia Sithole?

© 2015 lulesky

Author's Note

Ignore spelling errors

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Added on January 19, 2015
Last Updated on January 19, 2015



bloemfontein, free state, South Africa

I'm a young woman aged 24, and a proud mother of a 2 years old girl. There's nothing much exicting about my life, but there is plenty of interesting things about my life. I love writting, I write shor.. more..

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A Book by lulesky