

A Poem by Luissanto

Written by Louis Saint Verges


Tired of the secrets

Tired of the lies

Tired of protecting family ties

Tired of covering up

It's time for the truth

Her innocence stolen

from early youth

was weary of predators

from the outside

not knowing the threat

was right by her side

her father and mother

had no idea

the abuse going on

and could not see the tears

when they weren't around

he made his sister, his wife

being destroyed from inside

she hated her life

the abuse kept on going

for many years

Now an adult filled

with anger

replacing a child

filled with fear

building a wall,

so no one could see

a scared little girl

who would never be free

As for the monster

he abuses her still

he's in all her nightmares

all her dreams,

he has killed

© 2014 Luissanto

Author's Note

If you click on the image next to the title... You will find a graphic
representation of my words.

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Secrets are a powerful thing.. They give power to your demons... They keep the pain raw, festering.. They haunt your thoughts, always creeping in, taking over, and messing with your head.... That wall is one of self protection, fear, shame, but it also holds in all of the hurt and doesn't allow the healing and removal of the demons.. Add to that, the fact that family is involved, and you have yourself even further torn between loyalty, repercussions of exposure, and there is always that fear of judgment.. I know, from experience, just because you let a secret out... doesn't mean that someone will believe you, will help you, will listen, will care... It does evolve from a child with fear to an adult with anger.. You have a lot of truth here, told with emotion and conviction.. The flow felt a little off in places, but with something this raw, sometimes that is expected.. good job sir..

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank You for your beautiful, honest and insightful words for they inspire
me keep to keep on .. read more


Thank You, for all of you who have taken the time to review my work, and
share your hearts with me. I am both blessed and honored that you have chosen
to let me share my deepest innermost thoughts with you.
Thank You

Posted 10 Years Ago

Now an adult filled
with anger
replacing a child
filled with fear

These lines really hit me hard.
This poem is so tragic but it is so beautiful. The fact that she still can not escape even now the fact that she is still being tormented is what hit me the hardest in this poem, because just because you hide your wounds it does not mean that they have stopped bleeding. This poem flows with an ease that contradicts its subject matter and I think that is the best part. Your words seem very calculated to me and none are without purpose...So I can appreciate this poem for two reasons...the fact that is extraordinarily written, and the fact that it is raw and real...

Posted 10 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank You for your beautiful and powerful insight. When I wrote this, I was trying
to show wh.. read more
Jessica Lynn Polley

10 Years Ago

I think you did a great job in conveying that desperation and helplessness...So thank you for writin.. read more

10 Years Ago

Thank You for your kind words...
This was really honest and had much emotion in it. I loved it. It was great. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank You for taking the time to read my work and sharing... I t means a lot to me.
It's about as honest as it gets and the authenticity of someone who is close to this ...
The family ties, always boils down to those family ties.
Do I let one person die inside? Or do i break everyone else's heart too.?

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you for your powerful insight and thank you for taking the time to read my work.
Matching Socks

10 Years Ago

My Pleasure.
This is raw and stripped naked right down to the nitty gritty of it, I enjoyed this painfully honest read, secrets are killers....well done!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Louise Ayres

10 Years Ago

This grabbed my heart and I had a lump in my throat by the end. The feeling of utter helpless in pro.. read more
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10 Years Ago

Thank You very much for your profound words and deep insight.
You got exactly th.. read more

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17 Reviews
Added on July 1, 2014
Last Updated on July 30, 2014



Woodside, NY

My name is Luis Santos Verges and I have a passion for graphic design and writing. It is my belief, that poems are inner reflections, "Soul Tattoos" that are meant to live forever. This grou.. more..


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