Fairwell Methodical

Fairwell Methodical

A Poem by LL2

a poem aboutliving your own life, abandoning old patterns, and self empowerment


This poem doesn’t peruse a particular rhyme scheme, and it doesn’t fit neatly into any sort of pattern, but I adore the rhythm and the sound of its words.  To me, poetry is about playing with words, rolling them around, mixing them up, and falling in love with them.  And it’s about expression, about the spark of excitement and exhilaration from sharing something personal, something real, and something that hopefully provides inspiration for someone else.


          The poem I’m presenting is entitled Farewell Methodical because it’s a declaration, a sort of personal manifesto, of saying goodbye to the patterns in life we find ourselves trapped in, the excuses we might make blaming others for our actions, and it’s a refusal to give power to these annoying thorns in our sides, sometimes taking the form of relatives, exes, coworkers, that we allow to manipulate and employ us.  It’s a statement of ambition to enjoy life according to your own rule book.



You disappoint me periodically


and I wait

Staring at a grenade

That may or may not explode

I think


Must have laid it down.

It’s a load

On my shoulders


And I think... wait.

That... That’s the old me.

Wanting you to hold me.

Thinking you controlled me.

Thinking I could fold me

Into something I was not

meant to be.



Plain Vanilla Lane, was nothing but

So on the road less traveled,

I took a right.

After years of waiting,

Began reinstating,


have the right-of-way

Searched for

Mr. Right

spent time with my

right "hand-woman

who pointed me in the

right direction



my world materialized

into something I prized

instead of despised
when I turned around

and looked


Looked at the door

generations before

held wide open

Open to hallways of women who

Prettied themselves


Pitied themselves


To closets of men

Who drank themselves silly

While playing the part of Mr. Perfect



And men

No longer emulated

Unconsciously in my mind


You disappoint me periodically



And I think it’s beautiful

that I can walk away. 


Away from the need

That I feed

To succeed

In your eyes

Plant a seed

To succeed

Even exceed

What I see in mine


From now on

Where  I’m going

I’m knowing

I’m towing

This baggage

But I know

It lies low

On the list of authorities

In my life.


Now the priorities

In my life

Reward me in exhilaration


In cessation

Are the times

I stood in the corner refusing to dance

And stood in the doorway afraid to leave

Afraid to grieve

For the loss of my parents

And the loss of a childhood

I didn’t want to admit I didn’t have.


Afraid to receive

The advice of friends

Too polite to yell out

“open your eyes”

Subdued in telling me to realize

The path I was walking

Didn’t match

The one I was talking



Those times are gone.


While you disappoint me periodically



I live in a world

Of rose colored glasses

They seldom come off


You may scoff,


Working late

So he, and she

Can expand a mind

Change mankind

A long weekend

tends to send

Me to a place where I think life is perfect.

© 2010 LL2

Author's Note

I really need a better title, and I'm not sure if the poem is finished or not.

My Review

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Featured Review

In my mind, I can hear this being spoken. When you recite this one, I suspect it should get a reaction from the audiences. reading it, there were a few words that caused me to puase a moment such as plane v. plain, is there a purpose towards that, I might being missing something? whether I'm missing something, or whatnot, I enjoyed reading it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Theres a story behind this poem, which is what makes the poem phenomenal in my mind. very nice job, and thanks for the review:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

i like it a lot, i like the story it tells

Posted 14 Years Ago

I agree with ethan that is my favorite stanza and this piece holds so much more depth than you would expect

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My favorite stanzas is this:

You disappoint me periodically


and I wait

Staring at a grenade

That may or may not explode

I think


Must have laid it down.

It’s a load

On my shoulders

You created a deep poem that surprised me at first. You made a story like poem that is deep in full of decisions. Seems like you got a talent for that, so keep it up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is beautiful writing, apart from some specific lines I found to be perfectly worded...it was just so honest and from the mind of a person who is strong in their realizations and decisions to empower themselves. I thought it was lovely and my attention was held from line to line.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I am not an authority on performance poetry but this has the feel of a nice one. I have concerns that there are too many line breaks making it choppy but I like the theme and the sing song beat. Creative !

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

you dont need to worry about whether the poem has finished or not; I think it is written beautifully and I suspect one can go on without ending on this topic you have chosen for writing the poetry.

The rhyming scheme is different from what I usually find in the poems I read and that I believe is one of the plus points of your poem.

There's always a stanza or a couplet which I specially like and it kind of stays with me . For your poem , it would have to be the following lines :

To closets of men

Who drank themselves silly

While playing the part of Mr. Perfect

Keep up !

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

a finished poem or not i think this is wonderfully done. Its full of strong feelings and powerful thoughts

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In my mind, I can hear this being spoken. When you recite this one, I suspect it should get a reaction from the audiences. reading it, there were a few words that caused me to puase a moment such as plane v. plain, is there a purpose towards that, I might being missing something? whether I'm missing something, or whatnot, I enjoyed reading it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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10 Reviews
Added on April 1, 2010
Last Updated on April 7, 2010
Tags: patterns, voice, excuses, childhood



amateur writer hoping to down the road publish a book of poems, a novel, and an autobiography (have to live a little more for that last one) more..
