Harry Potter blood ties

Harry Potter blood ties

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter twenty seven ST. MUNGOS WOES

St. Mungo's Woes
The bright lights shown down the long corridors of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries polished floors. Antiseptic smells assaulted throughout. Whimpers and soft cries were the only sounds that could be heard within the waiting room. Ministry officials from every office lined the hallways. Every professor from Hogwarts sat with the Potter and Weasley families. Inside the waiting room Harry paced back and forth slowly as he looked down at the duplicate eye glasses that Albus wore. Broken and covered with his blood he held them close to his heart as silent tears rolled down his face. Ginny was being held between Molly and Hermoine. The rest of the family sat in somber silence waiting for news from the Head Healer. Lily and Hugo were the only family members not present. They stayed to play with their Uncle Dudley.
The doors to the main hallway burst open. In walked a very upset Draco Malfoy. Storming to the double doors to the administration office he was stopped by the Minister. "Mr. Malfoy please the Head Healer said he would bring news as soon as he could. I am terribly sorry. Scorpius is hurt. But he is alive" Kingsley said softly. Tears welled up in Draco's eyes then began to break down.
"Draco." Harry called out to him then went for him. Ministry officials parted giving the two men a clear path. They embraced each other tightly as both men cried. Others looking at the scene before them brought tears of admiration seeing the two once upon enemies embrace like two brothers would. Parting Harry put his arm around Draco escorting him to the waiting room. Seeing Draco, Ginny got up and hugged him. As did Hermoine, Molly and the rest of the family. "What happened to my son Harry?" He asked in a worried tone.
"He's with the healers so is James and Albus." Harry said as he started to come apart again.
"James?...Albus? Are they ok?" Draco asked concerned.
"I don't know. They fought pretty hard." Harry shook all over holding Albus's glasses close to him. Seeing the blood on Harry's shirt his heart broke for him and Ginny. Ginny broke down leaning into Hermoine.
Draco put his arm around Harry leading him to a vacant coach. "What happened?" Draco asked. "During the Quidditch match Hewortt Dovelman attacked Rosey and Janice 'Katie Bells daughter', Nevelle stopped the attack then chased him into the forest. He killed Aberforth the son of Bane. And Mr. Simmons of the Auror's office. When we were all at the hospital wing. Hermoine performed a memory theory charm she has been working on. I sent for Scorpius to join us. When Rosey woke up she screamed out that it was Hewortt that attacked her and Uncle Lee meaning Lee Jordan. So we ran up to
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Professor Mcgonagal's office to warn her. We were too late Hewortt had already attacked the room." Harry paused.
"Wait a minute Harry. Why did Hewortt attack Rosey in the first place?" Draco wondered.
"He's the Dark Wizard we've been looking for. He's the one that attacked Zabini and Lee." Harry answered as his anger returned.
"But how can that be? He's not old enough or educated enough to perform the magic." Draco said confused.
"I don't know but the b*****d sure as Merlin's Blood is the Dark Wizard we have been looking for!" Arthur Weasley said through gritted teeth.
"You mean to tell me that the boy I brought into my home with our family is the Dark Wizard." Draco snarled.
Everyone nodded to him. Draco let out a huge sigh the put his hands to his face then ran them through his hair. "How did our children get hurt in all this if they were in the hospital wing?" Draco asked.
"Scorpius showed up just before Rosey woke up screaming Hewortt's name. When we all ran out Madam Pomfrey said she overheard the boy's vow revenge. My sons have always seem very protective of Rosey and Lily. They ran out of the ward with wands drawn. Madam Pomfrey tried to stop them. But Albus froze her solid." Harry smirked slightly.
"He what!" Draco looked surprised. Harry nodded then glared at George for giggling.
"The next thing we all knew James, Albus, and Scorpius were on brooms chasing after Hewortt." Ron spoke up.
"They gave as good as they got. James was able to tell us that Albus and Scorpius hurt him pretty bad. That Albus attacked him towards the end. We saw a lot of sparks and flashes of lights like a bomb of fireworks going off at once. James said Albus dueled Hewortt so aggressively that he almost defeated him." Ginny spoke up.
"Wow! Draco said in surprise.
"Yeah, he inherited my temper. And he hates to be attacked. He becomes highly explosive when threatened or he feels like he's being attacked. It took me, Ginny and George to bind him when he once felt threatened. I was teaching him and James how to disarm. Really just playing around. But I accidentally hit him with a stinging hex." Harry explained starting to giggle.
"Yeah! That little tiger attack all of us so aggressively I couldn't sit down straight for a week!" George burst into laughter.
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"How old was he?" Draco chuckled.
"FIVE!" the entire room answered. Everyone was laughing by now. Which was a much need emotion.
The Head Healer and two other healers walked in. The laughter died instantly. Harry, Draco, and Ginny were on their feet. "How are our boys?" Draco spoke first.
"James Potter suffered several broken bones. Many were shattered with very serious internal damage. Nothing vital was ruptured. He is healing as we speak. After a few bottles of Skele-gro and at least one weeks rest he should be ready to return home fully recovered." The Healer let out a small then continued.
"Scorpius Malfoy is gravely injured. All of his major and minor joints were dislocated and torn from their sockets. Evidence shows that it was the very same curse used on both Professor's Zabini and Jordan. We have been able to heal the joint damage he will be immobile for quite some time. His most serious injury is the Dark Magic curse that was used on him. He has a vast series of tiny cuts all over his body. His blood was turned to acid as soon as it came in contact with oxygen. I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy, but injuries that have been inflicted by use of Dark Magic they will never fully heal. We have been able to contain the curse to stop his blood from any further acidic injuries. But there will be some scaring from the cuts themselves." He explained.
"Is he going to be disfigured?" Draco asked expecting the worst news.
"Though minor but yes there will be some disfigurement." The Healer next to the Head Healer spoke up with a sad look.
Draco fell into Harry and Ginny's grasp. George, Percy, and Arthur walked him to the couch as cried for his son. "Tell us Doc. How's our son?" Harry held Ginny close. “Mr. Potter please understand that we have and are doing everything magically possible." He paused. Which made both parents tears start to flow. "What's wrong with my grandson?” Molly walked up being strong for Harry and Ginny.
"Albus Potter is alive. He is in a very serious condition. His injuries were extensive and so extreme that I have never seen the sort. Ninety percent of his body showed signs of being hit with multiple curses, hexes, and charms. Only and I must urge you to understand that only his fast counters prevented the effects of the worse ones. Whatever you taught your son very much so saved his life. No wizard alive should have been able to withstand that many spells at one time. The bones that were broken will heal perfectly. The injury to his head is what is really worries me. A curse was used on him with dark magic as well. He has suffered severe brain damage. Nothing that we have tried has worked. It's almost as if HIS own skull won't allow any enchantments to penetrate. After we tried every enchantment we know his entire body won't allow anymore to penetrate. It's as if the magical blood inside him is so strong and powerful. He is virtually healing himself whether consciously or unconsciously. I have never heard
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or seen anything like it. He will most likely stay with us for a while. Please know that we are doing everything possible for all the children." The Head Healer ended then left the room. Harry hugged Ginny who burst into tears falling apart hearing the news of their youngest son.
The entire school sat murmuring at their perspective tables. Mcgonagal stepped to the podium with red puffy eyes. Everyone fell silent. "Students, faculty and our many staff members I stand here this evening not only as your Headmistress but as your friend. This year has been wrought with danger, heartache, and sorrow. For the past nineteen years we have experienced peace and serenity because several people took a stand against overwhelming odds. Now we are faced with an even greater threat than before. We are once again forced to stand up united against one of our own. The Dark Wizard that has been brought terror to our school...to our home is none other than Hewortt Dovelman formally of Gryffindor House." She paused due to the sudden rise in volume.
"Students please allow me to finish." She spoke even louder.
"Thank you. During the Quidditch match this Dark Wizard attacked Rose Weasley and Janice Thorton. Both are fine and unharmed they are currently back at home with their family. Professor Longbottom stopped the worst of the attack and took pursuit of Hewortt Dovelman. During this chase Hewortt cast several killing curses killing Professor Aberforth Dumbledore, Centaur, Odysseus son of Bane, and Auror Mr. Simmons.
After apprehending Hewortt Dovelman he attacked us teachers and escaped. Your fellow students Mr. James Potter, Mr. Albus Potter, and Mr. Scorpius Malfoy gave chase after seeing Ms. Weasley and Ms. Thorton injured. The three boys fought with bravery and immense gallantry. From what I know it was Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter that attacked and did the most damage to this Dark Wizard. Though to what extent we are not sure. Mr. Albus Potter dueled and almost defeated Hewortt Dovelman. Had it not been for his concern for the safety of his brother James, who was gravely injured, Albus Potter most assuredly would have ended this Dark Wizards reign of power before it started." She had to stop from all the shouts and cheers from the students especially the Gryffindor table. Calming down she continued.
"Both Mr. Potters and Scorpius Malfoy are currently in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. With severe to extreme injuries. Please pray for their speedy recovery. Tomorrow you will leave by way of the Hogwart's Express. Protection will be doubled tenfold to ensure your safety. As to next year, that hasn't been decided yet. The Minister of Magic will be in discussion as to whether Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will remain open. Letters will be sent to your homes during the summer months to come. I thank you all for your patience and please listen to your parents or guardians and remain safe. Thank you." She ended then left the Great Hall not wanting to answer any questions.

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The next morning Mcgonagal looked out of the blown out window overlooking the main court yard viewing the scene below. The last of the students were being loaded up into the carriages. Pulling out her wand she gave a quick swishing motion the window repaired itself.
"What are we going to do Albus?" she said never turning from the window.
"In the days of Gillert and even myself for that matter. Dark wizardry
was almost a common practice. Which is what spawned Knock Turn Alley. When he himself turned dark and evil many thought that there was no stopping him. He WAS defeated. Then Lord Voldemort showed up. He was worse...way worse than Gillert. In the end he too was defeated. Hewortt Dovelman is a Dark Wizard of the likes we have never faced before. In a manner of speaking he is the New Voldemort..maybe worse. He too will be defeated. We must stand together united Minerva. That is the only way the Dark Arts can and will be defeated. That Hat is no dummy!" He ended as he pointed at the Sorting Hat sitting dormant on the far book shelf.
Mcgonagal walked slowly around to her desk and looked up at Albus Dumbledore with those piercing blue eyes of his behind half-moon spectacles. "Yes, with Gillert Grindlewald we had you, with Voldemort, we had you, Severus, and Harry. What is or who is here that can bring Hewortt down. He out dueled us Professors of Magic! He has out smarted the ministry! Those boys were foolish to chase after him Albus. They were all nearly killed!" She sighed in worry.
"Yes, what those boys did was extremely foolish. But not so different from what the Potter and Weasley families had done. When I visited my other portrait at St. Mungo's I spoke with Kingsley. Dawlish explained that when he spoke to the Centaur Herd they are still in an outraged sense. They have also banned any jaunts into the forest. They witnessed the duel or battle rather from far off between young Albus Potter and Dovelman. They were amazed at the aggressiveness that Albus displayed, fighting like a fully educated grown wizard. As extraordinary as that may seem those boys are going to be very hard to contain. They have a bond that even Voldemort would have feared. Hewortt will feel the same way. He won't attack them when their together. It will be when they are separated they will face the most danger.
The Head Healer explained that the James will recover fully. He should be released within a few days’ time. Albus and Scorpius will stay for an extended stay. Mr. Malfoy's injuries were severe. The spells that were used to inflict those cuts were cursed by very deep dark magic. His injuries will be permanent with some disfigurement." Albus gave a slight pause as he closed his eyes in remorse. Mcgonagal gasped putting her hand over her mouth horrible thought.
"Cuts Albus?" Snape frowned.
"Yes Severus. It seems to be a cousin form to your SECTUM SEMPRA curse. The
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difference was that when Scorpius's blood touched oxygen it turned to acid burning the outside flesh." Albus explained.
"What's most interesting is that the injuries to Albus Potter. It seems that his own magical blood is healing him. And won't allow any forms of magical enchantments to penetrate in order to help.” Albus stopped as he smiled.
"What does that mean Albus?" Mcgonagal asked catching the gasp from Professor Delwert.
"Would you like to expound Diley's?" He asked brightening up.
"It means Headmistress that the magical blood running through Mr. Albus Potter is so magically strong. That it has taken over his body. Virtually healing and protecting him. His magical blood is probably what protected him during his massive duel with this Dark Wizard. When injured in severity his magical blood has taken over preventing any outside interference or help. It is rare. So rare that the last recorded case was over two millennia ago." Diley's explained in shocked wonder.
"TWO MILLENIA! That would be even before Merlin's age!" Mcgonagal said surprised.
"Yes it would put it to date around the age in time of the Great Exodus of the Israelites." Dumbledore added.
"So you’re saying that we should rally behind Albus Potter like we did with his father?" Mcgonagal asked.
"No, no I am not saying that at all Minerva. Though he may look and act just like his father. His father he is not. Along with James, Rosey, and Scorpius as is with the rest of the children. They are far too young and inexperienced though they were taught magic at a very young age. What I am merely implying is that we need to teach THIS generation ALL of our magical skills..without prejudice. The very best witches and Wizards of their talents and skills need to be brought here to Hogwart's SCHOOL of Witchcraft and Wizardry to teach them. So that in the event that Hewortt Dovelman is the worst most dangerous Dark Wizard we have ever had to deal with. This generation will have a fighting chance. His reign of terror MUST be stopped. The parents of these children need to be more instrumental in the education of their children. The Magical Communities must stand united. If not, we all will be in for a very long ride through a very dark age." Dumbledore ended with in a serious tone.
Severus Tobias Snape sat in silence, staring out into nothing as if in deep thought. His elbows resting on the arms of his painted emerald green and silver chair. The pointer fingers of both hands were steepled resting against his pale thin lips. Tapping at times he then closed his eyes. Mcgonagal nodded to Albus then sat down behind her desk.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
