Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty six

Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty six

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter twenty six ALBUS's AFTERMATH

Albus's Aftermath
As smoke billowed all about him keeping him in flight though not at a fast speed. Laughing to himself about the whole day’s events. "These stupid mediocre fools. I'm going to have so much fun....WHAT HE!" he said to himself yelping as three jets of light streamed past him. Looking back he saw James, Albus, and Scorpius in speedy pursuit. Scorpius sent spell after spell at Hewortt. He blocked them easily without
"So Potter pooper's and their pet wanna play!" he said humorously. "DURO!" he yelled. The tail end of the smoke turned into a solid brick wall magically floating in midair.
"EXPULSO!" Albus yelled in a snarl. The floating wall blasted apart in a tremendous explosion. The three pursuers shot through the debris unscathed.
"STUPEFY!" James flicked his wand sending the stunning hex at Hewortt.
Hewortt giggled as he blocked the sent the same hex at James.
"PROTEGO!..."EXPELLIARMIUS!..LOCOMOTOR MORTIS!" James shot back rapidly along with several spells from Albus and Scorpius.
"Hewortt flicked his wand as if he was Fencing, knocking the spells aside. "IMPERIO!" he shot the Imperius curse at Scorpius. "No!" Scorpius yelled out then shook his head. Letting out a snarling growl he sent curse and hex one after another. Hewortt was flying all over the horizon blocking, ducking, and sending spells of his own. Amazed the Scorpius warded off the Curse he sent.
Multiple flashes of light emitted between them. Hewortt was simply amazed at the boy’s determination to stop him. Which only made him more dangerous and aggressive. In the distance it looked like an early Fourth of July.
"DAMN IT BOY!" Harry blurted out as he and the others ran as fast as their legs could stretch. "James circle to his right, Scorpius circle his left. Keep him busy I got a plan!" Albus shouted to them.
Without question they did as he said. The split confused Hewortt as he twisted and turned to fight off the two boy’s attacks. Albus put on a burst of speed as he dived straight for the ground as if he were going after the Snitch. The two kept up the attack while Albus pulled out of the dive heading past Hewortt above hidden within the black smoke. Blocking the spells he started giggling.
"Oh come on boys...you can do better than this!" Hewortt smiled then spun like a top sending an aggressive barrage of curses at them. Albus flew as fast as his Nova 100 would fly. Stopping virtually on the spot he swished and flicked his wand quickly pointing at a tree.
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"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" he seethed. The tree ripped out of the ground as it was plucked out by giant unseen hands. "ENGORGIO!" He snarled a grin at Hewortt. James grinned seeing Albus's plan. The tree was now triple in size.
"HEY HEWORTT!....WELCOME TO POTTER'S SPORTS!" Albus yelled giggling.
Hewortt turned in shock at the sudden voice behind him just in time to see Albus swing his wand like a bat. The tree mimicked his motion hitting Hewortt with the base of the trunk with bone crushing force like a batter would hit a baseball. Hewortt let out a scream of pain as he was hit sending him three hundred yards in the opposite direction.
Ending with him crashing to the ground.
"HOME RUN!" James shouted in laughter raising his arms straight up in the air. Scorpius laughed as well mimicking James not really knowing what the term of 'Home Run' meant.
The three boys high fived each other as Albus flew up to them. Flying down to where Hewortt lay prone unconscious. "Let's tie him up and take him back to the castle." Scorpius pointed his wand at Hewortt. "Allow me cuz." James curled his lip. "INCAR...." James never got to finish. A huge green troll fist quickly appeared. Just as Albus had done the first hit James in the left side of his body sending him twenty five yards away. Landing hard James grabbed his body screaming out in pain. Scorpius stood in shocked horror he looked toward James. Albus rushed to his big brothers side.
"I like this sport too...LANGCIRCTUS TOTALUS!" Hewortt growled. Scorpius grabbed his throat as if choking. Then lifted into the air encased in a sparkling bubble preventing any escape. "LIVRE PUNHOS!" Swinging his wand the, giant fist smashed into the bubble sending Scorpius high over the tree line out of sight.
"Get out of here....Al!" James screamed barely able to breathe. Coughing up blood he sprayed the ground in front of Albus. Then balled up crying in pain.
"I'm not leaving you!" Albus cried seeing his brother bleeding.
"RUN!" James tried to push Albus away but balled up as he coughed out more blood.
A dark shadow floated over Albus's shoulder. Albus looked up with tears flowing down his face. "You three are very brave to chase after me. But very foolish. When I finish the torture of Rosey, your whole family will beg for death, where I will destroy them one..by..one." Hewortt stood there smiling.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Albus snarled looking at the tip of Hewortt's wand just inched away from his face.
"You know who I am. Don't be stupid. As to why, well that is an interesting story. Your family destroyed my chances at growing up to a happy child hood. If your father would have just died when he was a baby. Things would have been different for me. But NO!
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He had to live and kill Voldemort. The selfish b*****d. At the same time my mother was killed by your fat troll ugly grandmother." Hewortt eyed viciously down at Albus.
"What does my grandmum have to do with you?" Albus growled.
"SHE HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT!" Hewortt screamed losing control. SHE KILLED MY MOTHER! BELLATRIX LESTRANGE. THE DAY YOUR FATHER KILLED VOLDEMORT!" He screamed, with spit flying from his mouth.
“Your mother? You're twelve that was nineteen years ago." Albus snided.
"Oh I'm much older than nineteen you foolish little boy. When I'm done I will take extra special care of your fat grandmother. I don't have any time left to play with you. I see the adult are coming....AVADA KED..." "AHH!" Albus yelled as he jumped up."
"PROTEGO!...LEVICORPUS!...IMPEDIMENTA!" He blocked the killing curse lifting then blasting Hewortt several feet away from him and James.
Albus sprinted after Hewortt casting multiple spells as he did. The battle began. The two wizard dueled aggressively. Wands slashed, jabbed, and twirled so fast the two seemed to blur in movement. Hewortt growled in frustration seeing the rage in Albus's eyes. Amazed at Albus's skills he never expected this aggressiveness from him. Hewortt quickly twirled his wand then jabbed it at him. A fiery lasso flew around him singeing his hair and robes.
"AQUAMENTI DELETRIS!" Albus reacted. The fiery lasso dissipated like smoke.
"INCARCEROUS!" Hewortt shouted.
"SERPENSORTIA!" Albus countered with a quick twirling jab turning Hewortts ropes into a large poisonous snake. With another quick jab at him the snake struck at Hewortt with amazing speed. Both fangs sunk deep into his upper thigh before he could stop it.
"AHH!...FINITE!" Hewortt screamed. The snake disappeared like a lit fuse.
Hewortt dropped to one knee holding his injured thigh. Quickly he muttered an incantation touching his wand to his thigh stopping the spread of the poison. His nose began to twitch like an enraged animal. He leaped at Albus slashing his wand violently. Albus blocked his advances countering when he could. And so the battle between them resumed even more aggressive than before.
Running in the distance Harry, Ginny, and Ron were out front as the rest trailed close behind. Seeing the flashes of sparks more rapidly than the first series they saw. Ginny yelled out breathing hard. "That's got to be Albus Harry!" Harry snarled picking up speed. "Keep fighting son, we're coming!" he said to himself gritting his teeth becoming winded.

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"How do you know that's Albus?" Dawlish yelled from behind.
"Trust me! It's Albus alright only he could be that aggressive when attacked. Especially when he's threatened!" Mcgonagal yelled out as she started to lose ground becoming too winded to keep up the current pace.
The two wizard’s spells collided at the same time causing an explosion blasting them both to the ground. They both rolled to their knees breathing hard snarling at each other. “That’s all you got pumkin puke! My little sister fights harder than you!" Albus taunted. James couldn't help but feel proud of his little brother for the way he was fighting Hewortt.
"I'm gonna kill her while you watch!" Hewortt growled
"My dad's gonna see to it that you get a nice snogging from the Dementers!" Albus giggled as he imagined the scene. James let out a howl of pain laughing at Albus's remark. He turned his head slightly hearing James in pain.
"TARATELLEGRA!" Hewortt snapped his wand at Albus using the momentary distraction. Albus caught off guard he flopped to the ground his legs went into a frenzied kind of dance making it impossible to stand or move properly.
"LANGLOCK!" Hewortt advanced stopping Albus from speaking as his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Albus looked up at the Dark Wizard horrified. "DON'T GIVE UP! YOU'RE A WIZARD! WHO NEEDS A TONGUE ANYWAY?" Albus screamed silently. Concentrating he screamed inside himself. "AVIS OPPUNGO!"
Hewortt let out a howl as he was surrounded by attacking twittering birds pecking and scratching his face and body.
"Damn non-verbal spells!" He shouted. "ORCHIDEOUS!" He yelled. The birds turned into harmless flowers falling to the ground. Thick black ropes flew out of Hewortt's wand binding Albus tightly. With a flick Albus's wand flew out of reach.
Albus struggled to get free as Hewortt stood over him. "You have proven to be a worthy opponent. But enough of this! CRUCIO!" Albus screamed out as the Langlock hex lifted.
"NOOO!" James yelled coughing up more blood.
"Now for the curtain call....AVADA KEDAV...." he was cut short again as the tree line instantly exploded outward, showing the wizards with multiple debris. Scorpius shot out of the blast like an angry tree monster.
"IMPEDIMENTA!" Scorpous shouted blasting Hewortt to the ground. "INCENDIO!" Hewortt burst into flames screaming out at the top of his lungs.
"IMPEDIMENTA!..SECTUM SEMPRA!...IMPEDIMENTA!" Scorpius was beyond rage.
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Hewortt was blasted twice more while deep gashes appeared all over his body. Dark liquid appeared through his robes. Screaming rolling around on the ground. Hewortt flashed his wand at Scorpius. He was instantly lifted into the air all four limbs were outstretched, as if being pulled apart.
Hewortt twirled his wand the intense orange and yellow flames dissolved. Quickly he traced his deep bleeding gashes sealing them. Trying to stand, he collapsed to the ground. Burnt flesh and hair scented all around them. With a surge of effort Hewortt got up snarling. "RELASHIO" Scorpius yelled out in pain pointing his wand at Albus. The thick ropes binding him ripped apart. Not able to get up from the effects of the Cruciatus curse he rolled over on his side. Scorpius's joints were beginning to separate.
"SECTUM FLEAUCORTE!" Hewortt bellowed. Multiple tiny cuts appeared everywhere. As the blood reached the oxygen it turned to acid burning his flesh. He screams so loud Albus new Scorpius was going to burst his lungs. Albus screamed.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Albus jumped up grabbing Scorpius's dropped wand. He set off at Hewortt attacking with even more aggression. It took everything left inside him to block Albus's spells.
"ENOUGH!" Hewortt screamed.
Albus was blown backwards as if a gust of wind carried him. Slashing his wand sending multiple rocks of various sizes at Albus with tremendous force. Albus blocked as many as he could. Many of them got through his defenses hitting him breaking bones. One rock flew straight hitting him in the head. Albus dropped to the ground unconscious. James screamed out knowing he just watched his baby brother being killed.
Hewortt limped badly towards them. Badly burnt with a large gash down his cheek he snarled at the brothers.
"AHHH!" He yelled as he was forced to jump sideways. Several spell rained down at him. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermoine, and Katie were right at the front like a pack of enraged dragons. Blocking three of the spells he heard someone yell out.
"IMPEDIMENTA!" James shouted the fell to the ground again coughing out blood spraying the ground.
Hewortt was blasted into the air on the downward descent he disappeared without a visible collision in the grass. "WHERE DID HE GO?" Kingsley screamed running up behind the parents. "He's disappeared Minister." Gabrelle shouted as she pointed to the outer boundaries.
"BOYS!" Harry screamed. He rushed to Albus as did Ron. Ginny and Hermoine ran to James. Gabrelle and Mcgonagal ran to Scorpius.
Harry fell down at his youngest son’s body. His glasses were broke still clung to his face
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by the ear pieces. "ALBUS!" Harry shook him seeing all the blood he feared he was dead. Harry broke down crying hysterically. "No Albus...no.no.no." Harry imploded into himself. "He's not dead Harry! Look he's breathing!" Ron shouted with a flick of his wand a stretcher appeared. "That's it little man hold on mummy and daddy are here." Harry picked his tiny body up laying him on the stretcher gently cradling head. Hermoine did the same for James, Mcgonagal for Scorpius.
"Were are you hurt Jimmy?" Ginny was hysterical. Hermoine never stopped muttering incantations as she waived her wand over his body.
"My bodies broken up. Is Al alive?" He shouted over to his father coughing up more blood but it tiny amounts. Hermoine seemed to be healing the internal injuries.
"He's alive. What in Merlin's pants made you all chase after that b*****d?" Ginny began to shake even more as she saw Harry bring Albus by them angry out of fear.
"Mum, he tortured Rosey!" James said as he sat up too fast howling in pain. Falling back unconscious.
"JAMES!" Ginny screamed in horror.
"We NEED to get these boys to St. Mungo's NOW!" Hermoine though crying she tried to hold her voice together.
Without a single word Harry and Ginny grabbed a son each then disappeared with a loud crack. "I'll take Malfoy!" Dawlish belted lifting Scorpius and disappearing. Mcgonagal broke down falling to the stretcher burying her face in her hands. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He shouted. The silvery Lynx shot out of his wand tip then faced him.
"MESSAGE! Head Healer in Charge at St. Mungo's. Potter and Weasley family enroute. Children severely hurt...Ministry Priority!..GO!" The Patronus bounced off and disappeared.
Mcgonagal got up tears still streamed down her face. "Those boys are like grandchildren to me. Why did they have to chase that evil b*****d?" She looked at Kingsley shaking their heads.
"Both of us 'ave watches az theez boyz grew up. They 'ave alwayz been very protective of little Rozey." Gabrelle spoke crying herself.
"They are not their father!" Mcgonagal shrieked.
"No but they are their fathers sons. We watched Harry and the others do so many times. Remember when Harry chased Bellatrix after she had killed Sirius." Kingsley said as soft as he could. Putting a hand on Mcgonagal's shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. Then stepped back and disappeared.

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"Search this area. Alert me if you find anything." Mcgonagal said, then disappeared as well.
Hewortt still invisible sat leaning against a tree watching the Auror's and other professor's search the area. "You need help my son. Disappear quickly to your home. I will instruct you on healing your wounds. I wish I could have been here to help you. Your father should have been here with you. Those little brats think they are their parents. We will teach them what magic really is. Why isn't your father here with you?" She said as she looked at his deep wounds.
"My father?" he groaned as he shifted his position.
"Yes your father..Rodolphus! Why isn't he here with you?" She eyed him.
"He's dead mom." Hewortt said painfully.
"Dead? No he'd not. He must have been captured and in Azkaban or out there somewhere. If he were dead he would be here with me in this forsaken existence.” She now stood up.
"THAT LIEING....." Hewortt growled as anger flooded him as he disappeared.
"What was that?" Gabrelle gave a startled jolt.
"THAT my dear was the sound of Hewortt Dovelman disappearing. Let's inform the Minister and Headmistress and head back to Hogwarts." Terry Boot said disgusted.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
