Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty five

Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty five

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter twenty five TALES TOLD

Tales Told
Moving as cautious as he could, the Dark Wizard paralleled the search group of wizards who were supporting Nevelle. He was still in bad shape from the beating he gave him. Deciding to get a little closer so as to hear what was being said.
"Minister, whoever this Dark Wizard is he must have made it to the outer boundaries and disappeared." Marcus Flint informed him hovering just over his head.
"MERLIN'S RUSTED CAULDERON!" Kingsley Shacklebolt gritted his teeth.
"You are sure that you can't identify this man?" he asked Nevelle.
"I'm sure Minister. All I saw was a short man about five foot tall. His hood was too deeply hooded for me to see his face. Is Rosey ok? She saw who it was." Nevelle asked.
"Ms. Weasley will be fine. She was still injured when I arrived. I don't know the details. Ms. Thorton was there with her she was also hurt." Kingsley informed.
"Janice Thorton? I didn't see her in the bathroom." Nevelle said shocked.
"Apparently she was attacked first. Lil Rosey was the main target. Why I am not sure. She doesn't remember being attacked." Professor Dotisti spoke up.
"Has her parents and the Potters been notified?" Mcgonagal asked.
"Yes Headmistress, both families should be at the castle when we arrive. Ms. Thorton's family has been notified as well." Dotisti answered.
Emerging from the forest Nevelle saw that a magical bridge had been erected over the ravine. "Yes!" the Dark Wizard shouted in his mind. "They don't know it was me." he leaped for joy. Crossing the bridge he took off at a dead run towards the castle. Madam Pomfrey helped Nevelle to a stretcher where he laid down. Looking to his left he saw the maroon and gold shroud 'the Gryffindor House colors' over a body. He knew it to be the body of Aberforth Dumbledore. The last of the Dumbledore family who like his brother Albus were both killed on the school grounds by the dark side of wizardry. Gritting his teeth laid his head down sighing in remorse.
"Where are all the students now?" Mcgonagal asked everyone.
"They are being escorted to their House common rooms by my people. The House ghosts are helping to identify each student so as all are accounted for." Kingsley informed her.
"I want Hogwarts locked down. Nobody moves at the moment. I want to see everyone in my office at once." She said as she started to pick up her pace.

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Approaching the giant doors to the main entrance of the Great Hall. Hagrid stepped out to meet her. " 'Eadmistress the Weasley's and Potter's have just arrived. They are all in the 'ospital wing." Hagrid said somberly. "Thank you Rubeus. Please inform them that I will see them shortly once they see to Ms. Weasley's safety." she said with a sigh.
"Did ye catch that Dark Wizard?" He asked.
"No we did not!" she snapped while climbing the steps.
"HEADMISTRESS!....MINISTER!" called out a woman's voice for their attention.
"It's ok Minerva she's with the Auror's office. What is it Ms. Coutier?" Kingsley asked.
"There is a blonde woman at the perimeter gate that is demanding to see her daughter. I explained that no one is allowed to enter the castle grounds. She threatened to hex me if I didn't alert you." she informed.
"Who is this woman?” Mcgonagal asked.
"A Ms. Katie Thorton know in school as Katie Bell." she answered.
"She is Ms. Janice Thorton's mother Rubeus go and escort her to the hospital wing. I will speak to her with the others." Mcgonagal instructed then turned walking briskly to her office.
"All the students are accounted for except Ms. Rose Weasley and Ms. Janice Thorton both from Gryffindor House." Informed the House Girl. "Thank you Ms. Hooten. Please join the House Boy and return to your Houses." Mcgonagal said without breaking her stride.
Approaching the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to her office.
She barked out the password. "Dumbledore!" The stone gargoyle jumped immediately to the side. Reaching the top she waived her wand the office door opened as if pushed with force. With another quick waive multiple chairs appeared. She walked over to Albus Dumbledore's portrait. Dumbledore looked frailer than ever. Mcgonagal looked up at him trying to remain strong.
"Oh Albus I am so so sorry. Aberforth was a great man...." she stopped unable to continue.
"My dear Minerva. I love my brother most dearly. His loss is a hard one for me. But now is not the time for remorse. This Dark Wizard is unlike any we have ever encountered." Albus spoke as he straightened his posture as rage entered his eyes.
"He had to of been on the castle grounds before we placed all of our protections in place." Terry Boot spoke up in disbelief.
"How did he break through all of our enchantments? Especially your own powerful
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protections Albus! He went through the barrier like it was child’s play." Mcgonagal said bewildered.
"I am at a total loss for words. That spell is one of my own design. It had held Voldemort and his followers at bay for many years. Nobody but yourself should have been able to break that barrier." Dumbledore said dumbfounded.
"Nevelle said that when he was blasted to the ground. The Dark Wizard conjured a troll like fist that pounded him unmercifully all the while this b*****d stood on his back. Saying that this ain’t over and to get ready for war." Marcus informed.
"This man has been several steps ahead of us at every turn. We still don't even know who this slime is!" she said in frustration as she leaned on her desk with both hands. "MERLIN'S PANTS!" she yelled out with one sweeping hand she cleared her desk sending them crashing to the ground. Flicking her wand all the contents repaired themselves then appeared back on her desk in nice neat fashion.
Turning back to those assembled she let out a huge sigh of frustration. "Please forgive me." she shook her head ashamed that she allowed herself to lose control. "It is quite understandable Minerva. I am open to any ideas as way of any course of action. I don't care how small or silly it may seem, I want to hear it." Kingsley said to everyone.
"If I may make a suggestion Minister?" Snape spoke up for the first time.
"Yes Severus?" Kingsley urged him.
"An envoy or rather several envoys should be sent to the Giants, Goblin's, and any of the magical communities abroad. This Dark Wizard has shown us that he has done his homework. We must take into consideration that he eventually follow the same paths that the Dark Lord himself followed." Snape then fell silent.
"You are of course correct. When I take my leave I will send every asset at my disposal." Kingsley said. Mcgonagal looked up at Albus shaking her head. "First two of my professors are attacked then two my students. She then rounded her desk and sat down.
The Slytherin House ghost The Bloody Baron floated along the corridor. Seeing Peeves shaking in the upper columns he stopped.
"PEEVES! Come here!" The Baron called out. Peeves came down and cowered before him. "Y.yes your B.bloodyness." Peeves answered shakily."
"You have been this castles resident poltergeist for centuries. Even from my days here as a student. I have never seen you in this act of worry why are you shaking so?" The Bloody Baron asked.
"These are evil times Baron, sir." Peeves kept shaking looking everywhere. “You havn't been scared of anything in your entire existence except from me. Now tell me what has
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you shaken in this display you are showing." Peeves began to shake his head no so fast it made the Baron dizzy.
"TELL ME....OR FEAR MY WRATH!" The Bloody Baron shouted.
Peeves began to shake into convulsive fits. The Baron reached out and grabbed Peeves by his shoulders which emitted a yelp from Peeves.
"I ..I know who the Dark Wizard is who is doing these things!" Peeves looked wild eyed at him.
"YOU WHAT!" The Baron eyes went wide in shock. "How do you know who this evil wizard is? Tell me everything." he commanded. Peeves let loose telling him everything he has seen and been through. The Bloody Baron listened in shocked horror. He snatched Peeves by the shoulder then whooshed through the near wall in obvious haste.
Mcgonagal stood in front of the assemble people before her. With a look despair she took a step closer. "Everyone may I have your attention please." She said softly. All eyes were upon her they could tell that she was trying very hard to remain strong in the face of this crisis.
"Since the time of our Four Founders of this illustrious school was built. Never has it truly been a factor or rather a question of whether Hogwart's would ever close its doors. This school has with stood the many evils throughout the ages. From Emeric the Evil, Gillert Grindlewald, Slytherin’s Monster, even Lord Voldemort and his followers. Through all of them we have never encountered a Dark Wizard of this strength and knowledge. He has proven that even with all of our magical knowledge and strength that we as a whole still could not prevent the tragic losses and sufferings we have been made to endure this year.
"I am and have been blessed along with a deep honor to be a part of this great magical school as student, Professor, and now to my highest honor and privilege as its Headmistress. This school for Witchcraft and Wizardry is and always be my first love and joy. This is my home as well as it is for others. The wellbeing and safety of the students, faculty and staff are of my greatest concern. It is to my greatest remorse. I am invoking the rules of guidelines under magical law that whenever Hogwarts is under the attack of outside forces to where its inhabitants and lives are no longer safe. It is the duty of Hogwart's Governing Head to close its doors. I am closing the doors until we as a
Magical Community stop this new Dark Wizard and bring his reign of terror." She spoke now heartbroken.
Everyone was in awe and disbelief. "Minerva, I appointed you to this post as Headmistress with a unanimous vote from the governors. Not just because of your love
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for this school and as your tenure as Deputy Headmistress under Albus for many years. But because of your relentless devotion to the education of the children who have walked through these halls for better part of a half century. You are the wisest person I know. But closing the doors is not in my opinion the best option." Kingsley and warmly.
"Minerva my dear. I have never been more proud of anyone in my entire life. I was honored to have had you as my second in command of this school. I would have never left during my pursuit of Voldemort's down fall. I knew that this magical school and all those who are within these walls were safe in your hands. But I must agree with Kingsley in that closing the schools doors isn't the best option at this time.” Albus spoke knowing exactly how she currently felt.
"Excuse me Headmistress but there is an urgent request for your audience." Past Headmaster Dippit announced.
"Who is it Armondo?" she asked relieved for the interruption.
"It is the Slytherin House ghost The Bloody Baron and Peeves." he answered.
"Let them in." she said irritated not wanting to deal with Peeves antics in a time like this.
Gliding through the air with his multiple chain draped from him. The Baron came to a halt in front of the Headmistress bowing to her and Kingsley. Peeves followed closely behind him shaking worse than ever. "Welcome Baron. What can I do for you I am quite busy at the moment." She as kind as she could.
"I beg your many pardons my esteemed Headmistress. I have only just learned of most important news that you must be informed of. Peeves tell the Headmistress what you informed to me." The Baron glided to the side bowing to Albus out of respect. He inclined his head like wise.
"What is it Peeves?" she asked losing her patience after the long pause.
"I..I know who the Dark most evil Wizard is my Headmistress." Peeves stuttered out.
"YOU WHAT!" Came the outburst cry of the past and present.
"Who is it?" Shacklebolt demanded.
"I.It is the n.new boy in G..Gryffindor. Th.The one who's come from the other school." Peeves said scared to even say his name.
"Mr. Dovelman?...Hewortt Dovelman." Mcgonagal asked beyond shock.
Peeves nodded his head frantically.
"Peeves I have no time nor tolerance for these lies or games. Mr. Dovelman couldn't

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possibly be this new Dark Wizard he is only twelve years old!" Mcgonagal said with all venom in her voice.
"Madam Headmistress, I do not believe that Peeves is telling tales." The Baron said quickly coming to Peeves defense of which he has never done.
"Who is Hewortt Dovelman?" Kingsley asked.
"He is an exchange student transferred here from Durmstrang. Although he IS twelve years old. He is in his first year here he was sorted into Gryffindor House. He is very smart and shows strong magical skills. But he could hardly be this Dark Wizard." she answered matter of factly.
"My dear Headmistress. Please excuse my interruption. But when I became Headmistress after my retirement as Head Healer many centuries ago. Peeves was here even then. I have never seen him shaken nor afraid ever" Dilys Dilwert spoke up.
With an irritated sigh she turned to Peeves. "How do you know that Mr. Dovelman is this new Dark Wizard Peeves.?" she asked him. "I..I saw him leaving Professor Zabini office the night he was attacked. Minutes before Professor Jordan came down the corridor. I also saw him running from Professor Longbottom through the archway casting curses at him. He is very evil. He even tortures meeee!" Peeves said shaking so bad his pearly glow seemed to flicker.
"Where is this Hewortt Dovelman now?" Kingsley asked.
"He is in Gryffindor Tower sir. The Fat Lady is under orders to seal everyone inside." The Baron informed.
"Well let's just have a long talk with him shall we?" Professor Dotisti pulled out his wand.
"One moment Professor." Snape spoke up. Everyone turned to him.
"If this Mr. Dovelman is in fact the Dark Wizard we are seeking. He is far more advanced than any of you. As ashamed as I am of my advanced knowledge of the Dark Arts. Even I would approach him with extreme caution." Snape said earnestly.
"Severus is right. If you march into Gryffindor Tower with wands drawn he has already shown his willingness to kill. Many innocent people could be hurt or killed." Dumbledore spoke with caution.
"We need to get him away from the children. What would you suggest?" Kingsley said.
After a long moments pause Terry brightened. "I may have a way for us to get him out of Gryffindor Tower. And take him down with reasonable ease." Everyone listened to his plan. Albus smiled at Terry's sheer cheek of an idea. Later approaching The Fat Lady Terry and Marcus Flint looked at each other. "You ready?" Marcus asked Terry.
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"Yeah, remember don't draw your wand for any reason unless we have to." Terry remarked. Nodding both men looked at the perplexed expression on her face.
"SEVERUS!" Terry gave the password.
"Correct." She answered then swung open.
Entering the entire Gryffindor House was assembled in the common room. Seeing the two professor's the noise volume rose even higher. Rapid fire questions assaulted them by the students. "Students!
Students! Please calm down. I know that you all are worried and wondering what has happened. We are not at liberty to tell you anything further other than the Headmistress will be addressing you soon.” Marcus said loudly but with calm voice.
"Where’s Rosey?....Is she alright?.....What happened to her!" Came the quick questions from James, Albus, and Hewortt.
"She's fine maybe a little out of it for now. But she and Ms. Thorton should be alright." Terry informed. The students all looked around noticed that Janice in fact wasn't there.
"Actually your parents are with her now. We came to fetch you and Mr. Dovelman.” Terry said with fake expression.
"Me?” Hewortt asked surprised.
"It is at the request Ms. Weasley's mum that you come too. She said that you are close to her daughter it would mean a lot if you would come too." Terry said with as much warmth to his speech as he could possibly fake.
They all left the common room heading for the hospital wing. Keeping a close eye on Hewortt Marcus held his wand tight inside his pocket. Professor Boot walked up front leading them. "I really hope Rosey's alright. I can't imagine what could've happened." Hewortt said as he put his arm around Albus. Marcus flinched at the motion by Hewortt. He relaxed only a bit when nothing happened. Rounding the staircase leading to the hospital corridor. A man’s voice bellowed.
"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Kingsley barked quickly. Hewortt was instantly stiff as a board. Falling to the stone floor. Dawlish stepped out from the shadows.
"INCARCEROUS!" Thick black ropes flew from his wands tip wrapping themselves around Hewortt tightly.
James and Albus spun drawing their wands so fast Kingsley took a step backwards amazed at the two brother’s quick defense. James shielded Albus with his own body. "What's going on?" James snapped out. "Boys, put down your wands. It’s not what you think. Go now with Professor Flint. Your parents are waiting for you. There is no time to explain. Go..now!" Kingsley spoke more harshly than intended. Both brothers conceded
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sensing that now was not the time to argue. They followed behind Marcus looking back at Dawlish pointing his wand at Hewortt.
"MOBLICORPUS!" Shacklebolt said magically hoisting Hewortt off of the ground. Guiding him with his wand to Mcgonagal's office.
"Here is his wand Mr. Dawlish." Terry said as he handed over the Hawthorn wand. Dawlish nodded sticking into his side pocket.
Walking into her office she yelped for joy. "Good! Very good. I was afraid that something had gone wrong." She sighed a relief. "No Mr. Boots plan went just as he planned it. The Potter boys gave us quite a start. I for one would not want to be on the receiving end of their dueling.” Dawlish explained what happened.
"You have no idea how aggressive young Albus can be when threatened. He is his name sake in that regards." Mcgonagal chuckled then her face morphed into her Headmistress expression.
"Mr. Dovelman do you know why you are here in my office in your current predicament?" She asked in an angry tone.
"N.No Headmistress. W.What'd I do?" Hewortt appeared scared.
"There is an eye witness that places you at Professor Zabini's office the night just before Professor Jordan discovered him to be tortured. Explain yourself!" She spoke in a venomous tone.
"I...I went to the Professor's office cause he had given us homework on the Wolfbane potion. I went to ask him some questions. When I knocked the door he never answered. So I went back to the common room didn't know till the next morning that we weren't allowed to leave our House common rooms after hours." Hewortt explained.
"Explain why you were seen running from Professor Longbottom casting killing curses at him?" Shacklebolt questioned him with an intense scowl on his face.
"Run..Running from Profess...I was at the Quidditch match like everyone else. We all didn't know anything was wrong until the match was stopped by Professor Janet and Madam Hooch. Ask James and Albus we all sat together." Hewortt looked more scared than confused.
Mcgonagal looked at Kingsley who was perplexed by the answers. "Minerva this can be settled if not for just confirmation." Snape spoke up.
"How Severus?" She asked.
"Permit me to go to the Fat Lady where I will ask her if in fact Mr. Dovelman left Gryffindor Tower the night Professor Zabini was attacked." Snape said as he eyed Hewortt. At that moment Dumbledore caught what he was looking for. Hewortt let out a moment of rage that only his eyes could have betrayed.
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"Go." Mcgonagal agreed. Snape let at that instant.
"Give me his wand please." Mcgonagal requested. Dawlish walked over handing her Hewortt's wand.
"PRIOR INCANTATO!" She said as she touched the tip of his wand with hers.
Thick grayish smoke emitted from the tip showing a caulderon floating in midair. "That's my class assignment Headmistress. I was teaching the WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA charm to the class." Professor Flitwick spoke up.
"DELETRIUS!" she said as the smoke dissipated.
Dumbledore sat back with a raised eyebrow at Hewortt which didn't go unnoticed by the Minister. "Headmistress, the Fat Lady informed that the only student that left the night of the attack was Albus Potter. As we already know. I took the liberty to speak to both Potter children. They up hold Mr. Dovelman's claim that he was there at the Quidditch arena. Whereas they all returned to Gryffindor Tower together." Professor Snape informed.
Mcgonagal stood looking at Hewortt with a stern expression. "Let me get this straight. An eye witness claims that he saw this young man exiting Professor Zabini's office shortly after he was found attacked. This Same eye witness saw him running from Professor Longbottom casting the Avada Kedavra killing curse several times. The Fat Lady claims that that the only student to leave Gryffindor Tower the night the attack was Albus Potter. This young man’s wand just confirmed that the only thing he assaulted was a caulderon in his class assignment. To top it off both James and Albus Potter, children we have watched grow up confirm that Mr. Dovelman was in fact with them at the Quidditch match and returned together. Making it impossible for this young man to have been the same wizard you all saw running into the Forbidden Forest. And Ms. Weasley, Ms. Thorton, and Professor Longbottom have all stated that they cannot identify the Dark Wizard that attacked them. Is that all or have I missed something?" Kingsley Shacklebolt said irritated but trying to remain calm. Mcgonagal was at a loss for words and only could nod her head saying." You are correct Minister."
In the light of everything that has been presented. I am sorry Minerva but as Minister of Magic I have no alternative but to absolve Mr. Dovelman of any wrong doing." He then rounded on Hewortt.
Just then Dumbledore caught exactly what he was waiting for and smiled in a vicious kind of way. As did Severus Snape who leaned forward as if to leap from his painted frame.
"Mr. Dovelman as the Minister of Magic I have been presented evidence that accused you of using Dark Magic in the course of several attacks. None of this evidence
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presented has brought forth any truth to substantiate these claims. I hereby formally absolve you from any wrong doing." Kingsley raised his wand.
"Just a moment Kingsley. Please pardon my interruption. There is one more fact that I believe and if I am not mistaken, but Severus as well.
If I may be allowed a moment." Albus Dumbledore asked as his eyes never left those of Hewortt's, who stood calmly, still bound by the thick ropes.
"Yes of course Albus. Please continue." Kingsley urged his longtime friend.
Dumbledore sat at the edge of his painted chair resting his elbows on the arm rest folding his hands together. "You are correct on all accounts leading up to today’s events. But you are missing one small detail. I don't doubt that our eye witness is telling the truth. Or that both Potter children believe that Mr. Dovelman was there with them the entire time. Nor that any curses were cast by the wand you are holding Minerva. You rendered yourself completely invisible which is a feat that most of the wizarding world cannot achieve without help. But you did and saw your chance to sneak out of Gryffindor Tower when young Albus Potter went to retrieve the hot chocolate for the study group. You went to the Transfiguration Classroom where you assaulted and tortured Professor Blaise Zabini. You then snuck back to Gryffindor Tower awaiting Mr. Potter's return. As to the attack and torture to Professor Lee Jordan perhaps we shall never know. I could guess of course, which have genuinely been pretty good. But let's move on.
"You then rendered yourself invisible once more, entered the girls bathroom attacking two innocent girls, until you were interrupted by Professor Longbottom whereby he gave chase after you. You sent several killing curses killing my younger brother, the son of the Head of the Centaur Herd, and Mr. Simmons of the Auror's office.
"You were not found in the Forbidden Forest due to you being invisible. With all the frustration and ciaos nobody remembered to use the HOMENUM REVELIO charm to which reveals any hidden human presence or you would have been caught then." Mcgonagal rolled her eyes as did all who were there chastising themselves for their mishap.
"You then somehow snuck back to the castle where you met up with the Gryffindor crowd preforming a marvelous memory charm on the two Potter children as well the others. By use of the Confundus Charm. Then you pulled of your switch-a-roo act. You had the wrong game with the wrong players. How warm am I MISTER DOVELMAN!" Dumbldore's lip curled as he said his name.
"You have two wands!" Marcus exclaimed as he smacked his forehead.
Hewortt started to laugh out loud. All in the room looked at him as if he had gone mental. "You really think you have it all figured out don't you?" Hewortt glared at
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Dumbledore. "You all from the Mighty Hogwarts.” he began to laugh even more though his eyes were full of rage. Kingsley rounded on Hewortt one more.
"Hewortt Dovelman you are hereby under arrest where you will be transferred to Azkaban prison. Whereby you will be formally charged and put to trial for your crimes." Kingsley ended. He was caught in surprise for Hewortt laughed even harder as he spoke. Then he stopped abruptly.
"No...I don't think so.....EXPULSO!" he shouted. The thick ropes exploded with tremendous force. Causing everyone to shield their eyes. In the same motion Hewortt circled his wand then brought it down sharply. A loud bang and flashes of orange light everyone in the room was blasted to the floor stiff as boards. As if they all were hit with the Full Body Binding curse. Hewortt stepped over them giggling at their horrified expressions.
"You have no idea who I am or who you are dealing with. Oh don't worry I'm not going to kill you all....yet. Where would be the fun in that?" he taunted.
"If I were alive and able..." Dumbledore snarled.
"You'd do what? Chase me down!.. even kill me? You wouldn't stand a chance against me. I have studied Gilbert and your fool Voldemort. I won't make the same mistakes of that I can promise you. And I always keep my promises." He looked venomously under eyed at Albus Dumbledore.
"I guess I could give you all a little tiny bit of what's to come. Lord Voldemort was child’s play...a mere warm up to what's coming." Hewortt said chuckling with eyes more evil than Dumbledore had ever seen inside any human being. Hewortt twirled his wand in the air. He wrote his name magically in the air above them so they could see. With a swishing motion the letters began to rearrange themselves into new words.
"As you can see folks..I AM......THE NEW VOLDEMORT!" Hewortt then applauded himself laughing.
"As I told Longbottom....THIS AIN'T OVER!...GET READY FOR W..A..R!" Hewortt growled at the group.
He turned to Dumbledore and stuck his tongue out at him in mock humor. Turning to the windows overlooking the main court yard he raised his wand. "DEPRIMO!" he barked. A huge hole was blasted outward. Jumping up to the window edges he pulled his black cloak up around him. He suddenly threw his arm up as the door to Mcgonagal's office was blasted off its hinges.
Hermoine, Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Katie all ran through the wreckage. "STUPEFY!...LEVICORPUS!...EXPELLIARMUS!...PETRIFICUS TOTALUS....INCARCEROUS!" came the rapid fire curses and hexes from the three rescuers. Hermoine ran to the
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window firing rapid curses at Hewortt who as she saw was flying away. Dark smoke billowed around him carrying him away.
"NOBODY ATTACKS MY CHILDREN YOU B*****D!" Hermoine screamed out in utter rage. All the parents were now at the window watching Hewortt escape. Who waived to them then blew them a kiss.
"FINITE!" They all yelled severing the curse that bound them.
"Is everyone alright?" Harry asked.
"Yes we're fine. Dawlish..." Kingsley's sentence was cut off due to a woman screaming for the Headmistress. Everyone drew their wands heading for the ruined office door. Only to be met by a hysterical Madam Pomfry.
"HEADMISTRESS!... OH FOR THE SAKE OF MERLIN! Headmistress you need to stop them!" she belted out.
"What is it Poppy! Stop who?" Mcgonagal rushed to her side.
"The children Minerva!.....Their GONE! I tried to stop them but Young Albus froze me as they ran out." Madam Pomfrey was at the verge of tears.
"WHAT! Where did they go? Ginny yelped.
"I don't know!" she exclaimed.
"All at once the parents rushed to the blown out window. Hearing a distant crashing sound. Seconds later they all gasped in horror as they saw two maroon and one emerald green blurs streak past the lower battlements.
"BOYS!" Harry screamed.
Ginny, Hermoine, and Katie ran out of the office as did the rooms occupants. "I hope that they can stop those boys. They will surely be killed! Past Headmaster Dippit spoke up. "Don't count your chickens yet Armondo." Dumbledore sat back narrowing his eyes. While Severus Snape let out an audible groaning sigh.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
