Harry potter blood ties chapter twenty four

Harry potter blood ties chapter twenty four

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter twenty four

Dark Lord Rises
The following day were tense at Hogwarts the students were getting edgy they wanted more space to breathe. Everyone was excited at the up and coming Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. That morning at breakfast Owls came swooping in from everywhere.
Delivering only one parcel. The Daily Prophet. Opening the wizarding newspaper ohh's and ahh's could be heard from around the Great Hall which quickly turned into shouts and excited cheers.
On the front page was a very old mentally disturbed looking man with balding gray white hair. The heading read:

The trial for Throfinn Rowle has yet to be set. He was charged with multiple counts of murder, torture of magical and
Muggle alike, and numerous other charges to just name
a few. Minister of Magic said that the Auror's office received
information of Rowle's where abouts. He was captured with
little to no injuries....."

"Wow look at this!" Albus yelped. Scorpius trotted over saying good morning. "G'morning cuz." James fist bumped him. "My dad told me about this bloke. Says he's a seriously evil individual. More brawn than brains though." Scorpius said.
"I wonder how he managed to stay hidden all these years?" Alex wondered.
"Seems he's got some kind of brains." Betsy shrugged.
"Guys look." Rose pointed at the staff table. Where all the professors and staff members were hugging and cheering at the good news.
"Wait a minute. Isn't this the guy that our parents were talking about at Christmas?" James asked confused.
"You're right James. But that don't make sense though." Rose scowled.
"Why is that Rosey?" Hewortt asked her.
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"Because my dad sent our house elf to find him. I don't think the Ministry even knew that." Albus answered.
"Maybe Kreacher found him and sent word to dad. He probably alerted the Auror's office." James said. Everyone nodded as if to take it at face value.
Unknowingly to everyone around cold steel eyes watched the celebration. "Hmm. House elves have the ability to find people. Interesting." The evil man narrowed his eyes in thought.
Friday rolled around there was so much anxiety between the students and staff alike. The professors didn't assign any homework for the weekend at the Headmistresses direction. The Group sat in the court yard playfully picking on each other. "Who you betting on winning tomorrow?" Scorpius asked Albus.
"Ravenclaw they're pretty tough and aggressive.” Albus remarked.
"Yeah Hufflepuff doesn't really stand a chance. Their Seeker flies too slow the Beaters couldn't hit the broad side of the Three Broom Sticks with a bludger let alone Ravenclaw's Chasers." James giggled.
"There's our Prefect see you all tomorrow at the game." Su-Wa stuck her tongue out at the two brothers playfully mocking them as she Alex, Craig and Troy were all in Hufflepuff House. One by one they all went with their perspective house Prefects to their common rooms.
Up in the Headmistresses office. Minerva Mcgonagal paced nervously. All of the Professors, staff members and House Boy and Girl all sat in rows of chairs as if they were in class. "Everyone knows their posts and assignments correct?" She asked them.
"There really isn't no need to worry Headmistress. There isn't a wizard or witch alive that could get through all of our protections." Aberforth said calmly as he glanced up at his brother Albus.
"I appreciate you enthusiasm Aberforth I'm sure that all precautions have been set in place. I just cannot get the feeling that there is something amiss. I can feel it to my soul." Mcgonagal stopped then looked up to the ceiling as if it held the answer.
"If I may make a suggestion Minerva?" Albus spoke up breaking the silence.
"Of course Albus." She said as she turned to face him. All eyes both living and dead were glued to him.
"Go to the Forbidden Forest and call out for Bane head of the Centaur Herd. Explain your concerns to him and ask him if he and his herd would patrol the forest during the match.” Albus said.
"But why patrol the forest my great professor?" Janet Hornsby asked him.
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"The Auror's will be flying above the grounds. You, Aberforth, and Nevelle will be patrolling the Quidditch arena. Everyone else will be in and around the castle itself. Though Hagrid is big and very versatile. He can only patrol certain areas at a time. The only way this dark wizard could approach us would be through a gap in an unpatrolled area of the forest. Just as we saw Voldemort do. Centaur are very cunning my dear. Hunting and stealth are hard wired from birth. Any magical being would be hard pressed to sneak past a lone Centaur let alone an entire herd on full alert." Albus explained his reasoning. All present nodded their agreement.
"I will set out and talk with Bane. Hopefully he agrees." Mcgonagal sighed.
"Remember to us as much flattery as a course of approach. They can be very temperamental and easily offended." Albus added.
"I thank you for coming here tonight. You all go and get some rest. ACCIO CLOAK!" She said as her thick wool cloak soared towards her.
"Would you like for me to accompany you Headmistress?" Nevelle asked.
"No..no, you get some rest too. I appreciate your concern. Albus is right the Centaurs are easily offended I should go alone." she said with a slight smile. Everyone exited her office. With a quick glance to Albus she set out for the forest.
The next morning at breakfast the entire castle was excited to hurry and get to the Quidditch field for the match. Professor Mcgonagal stood up with her voice magically amplified she cleared her voice to get everyone’s attention. "Please quiet down for a moment students." She announced waiting calmly.
"Thank you. In one hour and thirty minute’s time. We will all make our way to the Quidditch arena. Should any of you choose not to watch the match, please stay within your House common rooms. Please do not roam the castle halls. Now, would the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw teams please convene at the entrance. Professor's Dumbledore and Longbottom will escort you to your locker rooms. Good luck to both teams." Applause rebounded around the hall as the voice level rose in volume.
"Headmistress, Bane sends word that his herd have begun their patrols.” Professor Boot informed.
"Thank you Terry. It took me nearly all night to convince him." she said as she buttered a blue berry muffin.
It took well over the one hour and thirty minutes to get all of the students assembled in the Great Hall. Each Head of House escorted their students to the arena. Not a single student remained in the castle. Reaching their seats in the Gryffindor area. Albus looked around. "James look at that!" Albus said excited. James looked up and saw Scorpius in the commentary seat.
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"Wow! Scorpius is commentating the match!" James shouted to Rose, Hewortt, and Janice.
"This should be interesting. You know he has a real love for the Ravenclaws especially for their captain Shannon White." Rose smiled.
When everyone was seated Professor Terry Boot motioned for Scorpius to begin. "Ahem, Ladies and Gentlemen! Greeting to our Headmistress, Professor's and esteemed staff. A great big thank you and appreciation to our Headmistress for making this match possible." he paused as the arena erupted in cheers.
"We are here today to witness this highly anticipated match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff..I mean the winner will meet Slytherin in two weeks...." "I told you this was going to be interesting." Rose giggled as she saw the look that Terry Boot gave Scorpius. "Where it will determine who will face team Gryffindor for the Quidditch Cup Championship.” Applause erupted again.
"Excuse us guys, we need to hit the little girl’s room before the match starts." Rose and Janice got up shimmying down the rows of people.
"Hurry up Rosey! Ravenclaws Seeker is fast. He's gonna want to end this match quickly!" Albus hollered down at her. Both girls nodded as they descended the stairs.
"Scorpius is doing a pretty good job." Albus said as he waived to him.
"Yeah he is. He doesn't even seem nervous." Hewortt smiled showing his sparkling white teeth.
Hewortt then stood up pulling his black cloak around him. "I better hit the rest room too. I drank way to much pumpkin juice at breakfast." he too shimmied down the row. "Hurry back mate! Madam Hooch is calling for the teams to enter the arena!" James called out. Hewortt raised his hand in acknowledgement.
"From Team Hufflepuff..Keeper and Captain...Bill Heartsok. Chaser.. Margret Massey. Chaser.. Susan Karna. Chaser.. Jacolb Cullins. Beater.. Paul Lowel.. Beater.. Jenson Mains. and the beautiful Seeker Cursty Stewert!" Scorpius introduced them. Scorpius giggled as the Hufflepuff crowd wolf-called at Cursty who put her hands on her hips looking at Scorpius with a 'thanks alot' grin on her face. Then a huge magical Badger sparkled and snarled down at the Ravenclaw crowds.
"Wow! That's impressive." James cheered.
"Su-Wa and Alex said they had a surprise up their sleeves." Albus laughed.
The cheers and applause were just as loud as in the arena itself. "I'm glad there wasn't a long line to the stalls like usual. I was about to burst." Janice commented as she went to the sink to wash her hands. "You got that right. I don't know why I drink pumpkin juice it
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runs right though me." Rose smiled she walked out of the stall. Turning towards the door which had burst open and shut as if a gust of wind had blown in.
"Is there supposed to be a storm coming today?" Rose asked.
"I don't think so." Janice said as he dried her hands.
"That's strange cause a pretty powerful wind just...." Rose stopped suddenly in shocked horror as a bright flash erupted behind Janice who was blasted into the nearest stall. She fell to the tiled floor unconscious.” JANICE!" Rose screamed as she ran towards her grabbing her wand. Before she could take two steps her body went ridged as a board with her arms and legs snapped together she fell flat on her face blooding her nose.
"I have always loved that curse. The Full Body Binding. Kinda has a nice jingle to it don't you think?" A male voice spoke out.
Rose's eyes searched for who had attacked her and Janice. "Oh yes forgive my rudeness." The voice said. As if a veil had been dropped in front of her to reveal her attacker. Rose let out a horrified silent scream.
"You look just like Professor Jordan when he saw that it was me. You all are such weak minded fools. Your magic here at this joke of a school is mediocre at best. That is why I came to this school to test the water sort of speak. And to think that it was this school that won the 'Great War'. Voldemort must have really been weak himself....The Mighty Hogwarts... what a joke." The dark wizard mocked as he sat on the sinks.
"The Great War will be but a mere shadow of what is to come. Many of your friends and family will suffer painfully by my hands or wand rather." he shrugged.
"Ahh! The match has begun." He said as cheers grew louder. "Let's get to it shall we." He said as he jumped off of the sinks counter. Kneeling down in front of Rose he sneered at her. Causing her to look up in fright her eyes began to moisten with tears.
"Now I have one question for you and one question only. You answer me...you live to see another day. You don't answer me...well let's just say that you don't want to go through what I put Zabini and Jordan through..TRUST ME." The evil wizard grinned.
Standing back up with her wand in his hand. "You won't be needing this anymore." He then snapped the wand in two. Rose's fear turned to anger seeing him snap her wand. George had given her Fred's wand saying that Fred lives on every time she does magic. The curse that bound her wore off. She rolled over to a crouch a growling hatred rumbled deep inside her.
"You!..you tortured Uncle Lee! You tortured him to death!" Rose snarled at the dark wizard.

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"I know it is hard to imagine. But hey, didn't your parents ever teach you not to trust strangers?" he smiled.
"You will never get away with this! We trusted you!....We welcomed you into our home...to our family!" Rose yelled at him.
"Yell all you want too. Nobody can hear you over that noise. If you think you're mad now...you're about to be furious...CRUCIO!" he snarled.
Rose screamed so loud it even took the Dark Wizard by surprise. Rose squirmed and rolled on the tiled floor as her body was assaulted by severe pain. Lifting his wand she laid on the floor crying. "That was just a taste test. Just in case you thought that I wouldn't hurt you." he giggled.
"Now for my question. Where can I find....." Before he could finish his sentence the bathroom door was blasted off its hinges. Nevelle burst through the door. With venomous anger in his eyes. A flash of light jetted towards him.
"PROTEGO!" Nevelle yelled but the spell was too strong and knocked him into the far stall.
"OBLIVIATE!" The short Dark Wizard shouted as he pointed his wand at Rose.
"PROTEGO!" Nevelle shouted quickly. The memory charm barely hit Rose due to his quick action of the protection spell. Her eyes still glazed over unfocused as she had a bad concussion.
STUPEFY!” Nevelle shouted sending the stunning hex at the wizard. Which missed its mark for he rounded the corner too fast.
"Are you alright! He knelt down at Rose's side. Seeing her blank expression on her face he jumped up then ran side. Quickly raising his wand he shot gold sparks into the air. Then quickly searching he saw the Small black cloak running towards the castle. Like a shot from a cannon he sprinted off after him as his anger reached boiling point.
Running as hard as he could he closed a great deal of ground on the fleeing Dark Wizard. "STUPEFY!...STUPEFY!" Nevelle shouted trying to stun him. All were deflected with ease. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The dark wizard shouted sending the killing curse back at Nevelle. Nevelle ducked the curse only to meet several more. Blocking, dodging even diving to the ground to avoid being hit.
"Man! Not this again! Nevelle growled as he jumped up running again.
Running through the main arch way to the castle. The Dark Wizard heard the distinct whooshing sound of someone on a broom. Searching the sky above knowing it to be an Auror. He sent multiple curses at Nevelle hot on his trail. Seeing the shadow of the broom on the ground he turned around just in time to block the spell cast at him. In a
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steep dive pursuing him he turned jabbing his wand at the Auror. Before Nevelle could shout his warning. The jet of green light hit Simmons in the center of his chest. He fell from twenty feet above hitting the snow dead. The broom fell sticking into the ground like a javelin.
"Damn you on Merlins Blood! STUPEFY!..STUPEFY!...STUPEFY!" Nevelle yelled.
He shouted in anger as his spells were blocked and ducked with ease. Laughing at Nevelle's attempt he sent rapid killing curses back at him.
Nearly hitting him with the last one. Falling to the ground as he dived out of the way. He turned when he suddenly saw red and gold flashes soaring at the Dark Wizard.
Aberforth was running at the wizard trying to stop him. Nevelle was shock for a split second he thought that he was seeing Albus Dumbledor coming to the rescue. Shacking himself out of it he jumped up continuing his pursuit. Curling his lip in anger at the new comer the Dark Wizard turned abruptly slashing his wand the brought it down hard to the ground "RAVINTOS!" The ground gave a tremendous rumble shaking it like an earthquake. The ground split apart opening into a huge ravine. Separating him from his pursuers.
Nevelle was running so fast he couldn't stop in time. Quickly he pointed his wand at himself yelling "LEVICORPUS!" Which flipped him upside down as if he hung by his ankle. The momentum literally sailed him across the great divide. "FINITE!" he shouted dropping to the hard ground.
"Nice one!" Aberforth yelled as he was hit with flash of green light. Nevelle looked on in horror as he saw the last living Dumbledore fall dead to the ground rolling into the ravine and out of sight.
"No!" Nevelle shouted watching in disbelief. Dirt and rocks stung his body as multiple curses were shot at him. Snarling he jumped up with a renewed anger.
The Dark Wizard ran straight for the tree line of the Forbidden Forest. Within feet of the tree line he slammed into an invisible barrier causing him to fall preventing him from escape. The spell Albus Dumbledore designed held true to its purpose. Lifting himself off of the ground he turned and saw others running across the castle grounds only to be stopped by the ravine. Seeing movement he knew that Nevelle was coming. Two more brooms appeared knowing them to be the other Auror's. Gabrielle swooped in to check on Simmons not knowing he was killed. While Dawlish stayed in pursuit.
"IMPEDIMENTA!” the Dark Wizard shouted. Dawlish was blasted off of his broom hitting the ground hard knocking the wind out of him. He sent several more curses at Nevelle slowing him down causing his to run from tree to tree blocking and avoiding any of them from hitting him.
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"AHH!" he yelled in frustration. Turning towards the forest he made a circle with is wand then gave a sharp jab forward.
"FINITUS DISPELLIOUS!" he snarled gritting his teeth.
A lighting flash of light burst all around the boundary. Grinning he set out at a run, crossing into the forest, past the point where the barrier should have been. "WHAT THE!...How the hell did he do that!" Mcgonagal shouted. "Terry retrieve Aberforth’s body take him to Poppy!" she turned on the spot.
"ACCIO BROOMS!" she shouted. A loud crash could be heard as her brooms shattered the bay windows from her office racing toward her.
"I'll send for the Ministry!" Flitwick ran as fast as his short legs would allow. Albus Dumbledore had already alerted the Ministry which was already on their way.
Nevelle kept zig-zagging sending curses of his own. Bark and bits of trees stung his face as they were blown apart by the Dark Wizard's spells. "IMPEDIMENTA!...STUPEFY!...LOCOMOTOR MORTIS!...
EXPELLIAIMUS!" Nevelle shouted. Each curse and hex he sent was blocked with casual flicks of a wand.
"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Nevelle growled. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" he shouted sending his own killing curse. The Dark Wizard ducked the curse and astonishingly kept out running Nevelle. Out of air and lungs beginning burn Nevelle pushed harder trying to catch up.
"IMPEDIMENTA!" before Nevelle could react he was blasted from behind sending him ten feet forward. Crashing to the ground skidding to a halt. He groaned in pain. In the motion of turning over he was stopped by a foot slamming down on his shoulder blades with bone crushing force.
"You're brave to chase after me...but stupid. "LIVRE PUNHOS!" The Dark Wizard snarled. The huge troll like fist appeared and one after another hit Nevelle rapidly as if to pound him deep into the ground. Screaming horribly gashes appeared as blood flowed. Hearing thunderous sounds coming towards him he turned.
"Always interruptions." He sent multiple killing curses at the oncoming Centaur Herd. They all dodged the curses sending multiple arrows at him. With flicking motions of his wand. The arrows turned into harmless daisies which floated to the ground. A lone snow white Centaur with shining blonde hair appeared around a tree. Quick action he spun to the ground as an arrow pierced his robe flying straight through.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He growled. The Centaur dropped dead by the tree he tried to hide behind.
The Centaur Herd shouted in agony. Turning back to Nevelle who was a bloody mess. "This ain’t over. Get ready for W..A..R..Professor!" The Dark Wizard chuckled then
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touched his chest with his wand disappearing in front of the Herd. "Where did he go!" Shouted a Centaur. "He must have used that disappearing jumping spells these humans use." Bane said angrily. Turning they heard the sounds of brooms approaching. Raising their bows in defensive posture for attack. They saw that it was the teachers of Hogwarts. With a very angry Headmistress leading them.
Bane walked slowly to the slain Centaur. "Odysseus is dead." Firenze spoke sorrowful as he walked up to Morigan. The Herd dropped their heads as the convened around Bane. Soft whimpers were heard as Bane dropped to the ground lifting his son's head to his chest.
Mcgonagal came to skidding halt as did the others. Marcus and Janet jumped off their brooms and ran to Nevelle. Who rolled around in pain bleeding. Janet quickly traced his wounds muttering incantations healing his wounds. After the broken bones were set and mending she turned to the Headmistress.
"He'll be fine Minerva." to which she nodded.
"Did you see who this Dark Wizard was?" Mcgonagal asked. “No Headmistress. His hood was too deeply shrouded. His voice sounded familiar. All I saw was the curses he sent at me." Nevelle tried to stand but fell back. “Just rest easy my friend." Marcus touched his shoulder.
"Were you able to see who it was?" She asked the Herd.
"No my esteemed Professor. We only saw a short deeply hooded person. He sent many of your killing curses at us killing Odysseus the son of Bane." Morigan snarled at her. She took a step towards Bane but felt a soft but firm hand on her shoulder. Looking up she saw that it was Firenze, a onetime professor of Divination. Bane allowed Firenze to return to the Herd after being disowned for helping 'humans'.
"It would not be a good idea." he said with pleading eyes. With a sigh of regret she conceded.
"Were did he go?" She asked coming back to her senses.
"He disappeared Headmistress." Firenze informed.
"DISAPPARATED! That is impossible. Look I don't have the time to explain. Whoever it is he is still in this forest we have to find him before he can reach the outer boundaries of the castle!" She said in an urgent tone.
"Marcus, take Nevelle to the hospital wing. Everyone else search this entire forest." she barked orders.
"LEAVE THIS TO US!" Bane screamed then got up and grabbed his bow notching an arrow. The heard roared as they stampeded off.
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"Professor, if this evil man is found by the Herd before you do. Bane will tear the flesh from his body. If you do find him before they do get him quickly to the castle. Bane won't care that 'you' have him. He WILL attack you just to get the man responsible for his son's death." Firenze then thundered off after the Herd.
"You better go with them. I'll be fine I'm just gonna sit here for a while." Nevelle said as he leaned against a tree.
"Find him before they do. Because 'I' want to tear the flesh from his body!" She said with pure venom in her voice.
The Dark Wizard was about three hundred yards away seeing them begin their search for him. Carefully watching where he stepped so as not to alert them he crept slowly. "So they haven’t called out my name yet. Could it really be that I just might be able to return and finish what I started with Little Rosey?" he chuckled at the thought.
"Did my memory charm hit her? Cause she definately knows who I am." he thought to himself.
Looking up ahead still watching his steps. He saw an opening in the dense forest. Carefully he headed for it though it was at least five hundred yard away. Getting closer he saw that a strange multi-colored moss hung from the trees. Casting beautiful prisms sparkling on the entire area. Mesmerized by the beauty he approached it with caution. Reaching up he touched the moss. Upon contact the moss let of a chain reaction a vibrations. Then he froze. To his right a dark shadow morphed into existence. Long tree trunk sized limbs slowly protruded from the deep dark cavern. Huge bulbous eyes emerged, smoked over in blindness. Searching quickly he saw that several teachers were close as they swept the area for him. Looking around he saw a hollowed out tree. Slowly he made his way there all the while keeping the huge spider in sight.
Reaching the tree he nestled down inside squatting pointing his wand at the spider in case it attacked him. Several moments had passed the Arcomantula spider withdrew sensing a false alert to a potential meal. He suddenly heard the thunder of approaching hooves. The Centaurs search methodically. He noticed that they kept well away from the webbing so not to disturb the deadly creature.
"So you're afraid of this big guy." He chuckled.
Sitting back trying to relax a bit he caught the glimmer of an object imbedded into the side of the nearby tree. Leaning forward he narrowed his eyes. With extreme caution he crept out of his hiding spot to where the object glistened. Eyeing it he reached up to touch it. Tapping it he jerked his head to the cave. Seeing no movement he looked even closer. It was a dark black onyx type stone apparently cut by an expert highly polished at some time. Digging his nails into the sides the stone broke free. Closing his hand around it the stone disappeared from sight with him still being invisible. Retreating back to the hollowed out tree. He inspected the stone more closely. Rolling it around, he saw
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markings that appeared to be gold inlay. Rubbing the residue of sap and dirt away from the symbol. He saw a distinct triangle with a circle inside it. A crack went down the center with chips of gold signifying that a line was once represented there. Rolling in around in his hand he caught sight of a cloudy mist in front of him. Narrowing his eyes at the apparent phenomenon he gripped his wand tightly.
Out from its depths a formless woman began to appear like his eyes were out of focus. The more he focused, the clearer she became. Clearly amazed, at the specter in front of him, he stared as if hypnotized.
The woman stood tall with a flowing black robe billowing out as if caught in a slight breeze. Her face seemed sunken making her cheeks more prominent. Her long wavy hair frayed out into an unkempt bushel. With heavily lidded eyes she looked at the man before her.
"Who are you and why have you summoned me!" She snapped in a vicious tone.
"S.summon you? I don't even know who you are lady." The Dark Wizard said defensively.
"Why do you whisper...SPEAK UP!" She yelled. "I demand to know who you are!" She screamed.
"SHH! Damn you woman! They will hear you! They mean to capture me. Now...lower..your.. VOICE!" He growled.
"Nobody can see or hear me you fool as long as you are....you don't even know what you're holding do you?" she said through squinted eyes. The man looked at the stone the back at her.
"Look, I don't know what this is and I sure as Merlin's shoes don't know you." he said as he peered out into the open forest. Seeing the Centaur Herd and around thirty or more brooms. He figured the Ministry had joined the search. Walking to the clearing the woman let out a vicious growl.
"MCGONAGAL! Oh how I would love to see that woman scream and squirm under my wand!" She react instinctively thrusting, slashing, and jabbing her wand. She then screamed in frustration forgetting for an instant that she was dead.
The man shook his head at the display she showed. "Listen I don't know who you are. But what is this stone?" He asked her looking down at the stone. "You are holding The Resurrection Stone. Many centuries ago a powerful man named Cadmus Peverell created it. That stone when turned over in your hand has the power to bring a loved one or a person your heart desires to see once again that has died." She explained more calmly.
"A loved one? I don't love anybody! You've gone mental. Maybe you were mental when you were alive." The Dark Wizard sniped.
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"MENTAL! You little toad." She screamed out.
"Yeah, yeah. Listen I don't have time for this I have people to kill and to bring entire communities to their knees. You can't be all that bad seeing that you hate that infernal Headmistress. So goodbye." the wizard then raised his arm to through the stone. "No wait I'm Bel..latr.r..i.xx Le.eS..." Her voice was cut off suddenly as soon as the stone left his hand.
"B.Belltix." He frowned then his eyes lit up realizing the name. "BELLATRIX!....Bellatrix Lestrange!" The Dark Wizard shuffled out into the open not even the least bit worried about noise. He quickly scurried about searching frantically for where he threw the stone. "ACCIO STONE!" he beckoned. Nothing happened he surged with frustration. Then his eyes saw it glistening in the leaves. Diving to his knees he picked up the stone cradling it in his hand affectionately. To some seeing the motion it would appear that the stone was levitating in midair. Closing his hand the stone disappeared.
Turning around he saw how out in the open and exposed he was. Slowly he crept back to the tree trunk. Sitting down he rubbed, rolled, and buffed the stone trying desperately to make the stone work again. Before he could finish his ritual she appeared. Bellatrix Lestrange the mother he has never known stood there glaring at him. The Dark Wizard looked open mouthed in awe taking in her features methodically.
"Why are you looking at me like that? I thought that you were done with me?" She kept the same glare.
"m.m.mom?" He said starting stutter.
"mum? What nonsense is this?" She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"You're my mother. You ARE Bellatrix Lestrange, wife to Rodolphus Lestrange, aren't you?" He stood up in the hollowed trunk.
"Yes but..." she stopped then closed her eyes. When she opened them her face softened. Walking closer she stooped down examining his face. "Your features are blurred to me while you are in this disillusioned state.
Backing up into the trunk. He touched his wand to his chest, revealing himself to her. Her eyes lit up in surprise. "Rodolphus?" she said softly reaching for him but her hand only passed through his cheek. "The old man told me you were alive. How I wanted to see you. Everything happened so fast. I wasn't even able to tell your father. You have his eyes." she said as she kneeled down in front him.
"I have wanted to see you my whole life. I have been torturing those responsible for your death. I want the one that dealt the killing blow to you." he said with a snarl.
"Yes. That blood traitor Molly Weasley. I played with her and it cost me my life.” she curled her lip at the thought.
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"Yes once I find her she will meet a terrible end. I promise you she will suffer more than any who cross my path." he growled.
"I see that you are truly a Lestrange. You are who they look for?" she asked.
Hearing her brought him back to the danger he was in and touched his wand to his chest disappearing once more. “Yes they search for me. I tortured two of their professors killing one. I was interrupted by
Longbottom while torturing Molly Weasley's granddaughter." he shrugged.
"Longbottom! His parents the Aurors are who I was sent to Azkaban for torturing them into insanity. Me, your father, his twin brother Rabastan and Barty Crouch Junior. It was when you were born. “she said proudly.
Hearing the swoosh of nearby brooms, he craned his neck around the tree trunk. "Listen mom, they are closing in their search. It's too dangerous to talk right now. I'll summon you soon." He said as he dropped the stone into his inside pocket.
"No wait!" She yelped but as soon as he released the stone she vanished. With a renewed urgency he crept out of the spiders den swiftly and slow.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
