![]() Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty twoA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter twenty two professor Janet![]()
Professor Janet The next morning was colder than usual. Intense snow flurries fell all throughout the previous night covering the hill side with white powder. Huge icicles hung from the castle and surrounding trees. Every fire place in the castle raged with fires. Students and staff members sat in the great hall dressed warmly but still shivered at times from the cold. The Group however walked to the court yard seemingly unfazed by the cold morning. Unknowingly to all the others they had used the SOLTENOR CALOR spell to keep warm. The morning was eerily silent until a loud bell rang out. Causing most of the students to yelp. “Oh I forgot to tell you lot that the Headmistress reactivated the class bell. To announce the start of the next class." explained Stanley the Gryffindor House prefect. Everyone got up from their seats heading to their first class of the day. “Well let’s see how this new Professor is." James said as he grabbed his book sack. “You’re just eager to go because she's pretty." Betsy giggled as she elbowed him in the ribs playfully. The door to the Transfiguration class was wide open. Waiting patiently was Professor Hornsby who sitting on the edge of her desk she wore a blank expression. “Everyone please take your seats." she said in a sing song voice. All the boys smiled as if to give her extra attention. “Ok, I am very honored to be here as your new Transfiguration teacher. I only wish that I was here under different circumstances. My name is Professor Janet Hornsby. I am not too particular to the professor title. But my dear friend and Headmistress explained to me that it is title of respect and knowledge. So be it. But instead of using my surname of Hornsby. Please call me Professor Janet. Let me tell you a few things about myself before we begin the day’s lesson. As you can tell from my speech that I am not from Egypt. My father is Egyptian educated across seas and many other places. My mother is Veela educated at Breaubaton school of Magical Education in France." She paused to flash a bright smile. Getting off the edge of her desk she stood in front the class. “I can be the nicest most understanding witch you will ever want to meet." Janet touched her knee and transfigured herself into a large fluffy pink and white rabbit. She began to hop all around the classroom patting the students on the head as she passed out caulderon cakes. Stopping in front of the class she began to twirl like an experienced ballerina. The whole class was laughing. She stopped dead in mid twirl. Gasps of horror replaced the laughter quickly. Janet's eyes flickered with fire. Page 161 “Or I can be the worst witch you will ever have dared to meet." With a single flick of her wand she growled demonically. Then transformed into the most hideous green skinned witch she could become. Hairy moles sprouted all over her face. Blackish blue flames erupted all around her. With a snarl she revealed blackened teeth then levitated herself a few feet off of the classroom floor. In a flash she pointed her wand at the students. Many slid their chairs backwards in fright. She then shrugged flicking her wand returning to normal. Calmly she sat once more on the edge of her desk smiling. “So which ever witch you wish for is the witch you get. No playing around in here." She spoke firmly. “Transfiguration is extremely complex and dangerous. If you are hit with a transfiguration spell. You only have a split second to counter it! I have spent the past few weeks reading over Professor Zabini's notes and evaluations. He speaks very highly of this class. He wrote that you all are very skilled and well above your first year of magical education. I also looked down the roster and see that there are some families names that are very famous even in Egypt. Some more than others." she paused eyeing James, Albus, and Rose ending with Scorpius. “I show no favoritism and take no prisoners. So with that let’s get to some learning." she jumped off of her desk. “The Headmistress has authorized me to teach you the art of Animal Transfiguration. Which is my specialty and retain my sound mind and speech. This is very hard to do. Most people that have gone through this type of transfiguration often go through a mental shock and tend to be stuck in that state for days, years and even the rest of their lives. I stayed a Kangaroo Rat for weeks after being attacked and my wand was stolen. The Headmistress who was on vacation in Austria found me foraging for food. She changed me back." Janet smiled. "This lessons strictly voluntary. By doing so you agree to the possibility of being transfigured. For those of you that want to volunteer. Please point your wand at the parchment on the wall and say 'SIGNORUS!' loudly. Only a few of the students volunteered. Less than half the class which for some reason did not faze Professor Janet. "This lesson will neither be for you or against you as far as a grade is concerned. Ms. would you go first please and speak up clearly." Janet smiled pointing to Su-Wa. Su-Wa stepped forward and shouted 'SIGNORUS!' a bright stream of light shot from her wand hitting the parchment magically writing her name at the top. Going around the room to the other students who followed suit. James, Janice, Alex, Shea, Harris, Rose, Scorpius, Hewortt, and Albus were the only ones who volunteered from the Group. "Ok good. Now would everyone else please come up to the front of class please? Those of you who signed your names remain where you are." Janet waived her wand the desks disappeared replaced by a long carpet. “Ok Ms. Chan would you please stand at the other end facing me." Janet smiled urging her to take her position. "The spell is that of Page 162 an ordinary field rabbit. The counter spell or charm as you say here. Is FINITE INCANTATUM. This is a spell that must be said with strong authority. If you are fast enough and magically strong within your blood you can simply say..FINITE! To which you should be able to stop the transfiguring spell in its tracks. Any questions?" Janet looked around the class. "Yes Ms.?" Janet pointed. "Weasley Professor. Rose Weasley. Would the protection charm PROTEGO work as well." she asked. “Yes and no. Yes because if you are fortunate to hear the transfiguring spell being cast. You can of course protect and shield yourself and others from being hit. And no, because if the spell is in non-verbal form PROTEGO won't do you any good. You have only seconds to stop the transfiguring spell. You won't have time to protect yourself or anyone else. You have to stop the spell even before it has a chance to take effect. FINITE INCANTATUM or FINITE are the only spells that will do that. For the spell will have already hit your body. The unique sensation that you feel will be the only warning you will get. Does this answer your question Ms. Weasley?" Professor Janet inquired. Rose nodded her head. "Are there any more questions?" Janet looked to everyone. Seeing no hand raised she turned to face Su-Wa. "Ok Ms. Chan. The charm is "TRANSIUM HAIRTOS" try and cast the spell at me as fast as you can. I will bloke the spell. Remember that the stronger and more forceful the better the spell. So hit me with your best shot." Janet said smiling holding her wand lazily in her hands. A silent flash of blue light shot from the tip of Su-Wa's wand hitting Professor Janet squarely in the chest. "FINITE!" Janet yelled out as her ears sprouted long gray and white rabbit ears. Hair had also begun to sprout all over her body. The process stopped just as suddenly as it began. Janet bellowed in laughter as she held the corner of her desk. "You know how to cast non-verbal spells! How old are you Ms. Chan?" Janet giggled. “Twelve Professor. This is my second year." Su-Wa answered. "This is extraordinary at your age. I was seventeen before I learned. Now we will reverse rolls....ready?" Janet faced her once more. "Hit me with your best shot Professor." Su-Wa smiled using Janet’s pun. Giggles sounded out from the others. With a quick flick of her wand she sent the spell at Su-Wa. "FINITE INCANTATUM!" she yelled. Her ears barely grew before the spell was stopped. Janet laughed again at Su-Wa's sheer skill. "That was great! Tell the class the sensation that you felt when hit with Page 163 the spell." Janet instructed. "I felt an instant buzzing like numbness all over and my vision blurred." she explained. "Great! That is how it feels every time you are hit with any form of a transfiguring curse of hex. Remember it, it will be the only warning you will have to save your life." Professor Janet spoke now in a more serious tone. “Ok let's see who is next." she said as she looked up to the parchment. “Mr. James Potter you are next. Please take your position." Janet smiled. James walked to his position and faced her. "Remember the spell Mr. Potter?" she asked. "Yes Professor." James acknowledged. "Ok then Mr. Potter. Hit me with your best shot." Janet smiled. James sneered a grin then pulled his wand out with blinding speed. Professor Janet caught in the motion was hit squarely in the chest by the spell. She was halfway into the transfiguration before she yelled "FINITE!" stopping the charm returning to her natural state. She sat on the stone floor staring up at James. Curling her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around them. She let out a howling fit of laughter. Calming down to a giggle she rose to her feet. "Another non-verbal spell. Simply amazing. You drew your wand so fast I was caught in the action. You have succeeded to hit me and get the spell to act on me further than any witch or wizard three times your age and skill." Janet smiled shaking her head. "Ok let’s see who's next?" she said as he gazed at the list. "Ms. Janice Thorton would you take your potion please." Janet urged her forward. Janice walked over and stood at the far end facing the Professor. "I'm almost afraid to say it. But hit me with your best shot." Professor Janet grinned. Janice flexed her wand hand then sent the charm at the Professor. Janet blocked the spell with ease. "That was good. But you need to be more aggressive. The more aggressive the faster the spell. Now let's switch." Professor Janet sent the spell silently instantly turning Janice into a fluffy gray and white rabbit. Janice squealed beginning to hop around the room. With a quick flick of the wand Janet turned Janice back into her normal state. "Do you know where you went wrong Ms. Thorton?" Janet asked. "I hesitated and got confused when the spell hit me." Janice said embarrassed. "You can not hesitate not even for a second. Students, I cannot urge you enough at how dangerous this form of magic is. There are far worse transfiguration spells then that of a fluffy rabbit. Ms. Thorton let's try again." Professor Janet sent the spell once more. Page 164 Janice stopped the spell mid-way into the transformation. “Much better Ms. Thorton. You may join the others." Janet smiled warmly. One after another took their turns. Many succeeded where others had failed. Rose and Hewortt were the only ones to stop the charm in its tracks. To Professor Janet’s wonderment Hewortt was the only one to simply use the single word form "FINITE". Many of the other students decided to participate in the lesson. By the end of class most of the students could moderately stop the transfiguration charm. Replacing the desks in order. Professor Janet rounded her desk the leaned against the front. "You all did very well today. Better than I had expected. This class certainly lived up to what Professor Zabini's evaluations. The Headmistress told me that many of you are gifted beyond you years. I would never have guessed at how gifted you really are. So with that I award all of you with ten points each. Remember students the sensation when being hit with a transfiguration curse, hex, or charm. It will be the only warning you will get to save your life. Class dismissed." Janet stood then walked around her desk and sat down watching the House Girl escort them to their next class. Walking down the corridor to Herbology class they all joked and playfully harassed each other about being turned into a rabbit. "I like her she's a good teacher." Betsy said as they walked. "She's ok." Albus shrugged. "You're just saying that because you failed your first time." Bret Baya joked. Albus giggled along with everyone. Entering the Herbology classroom they all saw Professor Longbottom finish setting out items on all the tables. Every student in Hogwarts knew that Nevelle was a hands on type of teacher. The students placed their books sacks against the wall then took their places at the tables. "Good morning class. In front of you as you can see are some tiny plants budding with colorful flowers. Can anyone tell the class what type of plant it is?" Nevelle pointed to Rose who was practically jumping up and down raising her hand high. "It's the Devil's Snare. It produces a colorful flower that spends a sweet fragrance. When someone or something gets too close the vines entrap its victim then suffocates by use of constriction. The more you struggle the tighter its grip." Rose ended and sat down. "Correct and ten points to Gryffidor. Now, the Devil's snare you see before you are young but they are still reasonably strong and can cause dangerous injuries to smaller limbs like fingers and tiny hands." Nevelle paused seeing the students place their hands behind their backs. With a smirk he continued. Page 165 "This plant should be shown respect at all times. Everyone gather around and watch as I demonstrate how to prune these deadly plants." Nevelle instructed as he reached down and grabbed a pair of shears. Reaching down he quickly grabbed the base of the plant and squeezed H..A..R..D! The tiny vines began to encase his left hand quickly only to go slack. He then began to cut off the tiny flower allowing it to fall to the table. Working with his practiced hands Nevelle explained further. "When the Devil's Snare is in its adolescent stage. Gripping the base paralyses it so that pruning can be achieved safely. If left unattended it can spread and grow to an enormous size covering great distances. By pruning it you can contain it to certain areas." Once finished he looked over the deadly plant making sure that all the flowers were pruned off. He then let go quickly. The tiny plant went into a tiny frenzy like a child tantrum. Smiling he lifted the wooden base it sat on then placed it inside the secure cabinet. "Remember to grab those bases tightly then let go quickly. Those tiny vines can leave a nasty whelp. You may begin." Nevelle said as he watched the class pick up their shears and grab the base of the plants. Seeing many of the plants go slack he moved about the classroom inspecting each student. Moving to help Shea Scola with his plant he heard a yelp from across the room. "Oy! Professor!" Yelped Betsy Carver. Seeing her struggle to get her hand free of the vines that entrapped her fingers. Seeing them turning bluish purple he quickly ran over to her. Grabbing the plant hard it released her fingers. She rubbed her hand vigorously massaging them back to its rightful color. Releasing the plant quickly he then inspected her hand. Seeing no permanent damage. He urged her to continue. With a slight snarl Betsy grabbed the base of the deadly plant with great squeezing pressure seemingly to suffocation. The plant did as it was supposed to do she continued her pruning. After forty five minutes time. Nevelle saw that all the plants were whipping around in its tantrum. "Class is almost over when the bell rings please place your shears in the box by the door. Also read chapter sixty two on the Devil's Snare and its two cousins. I want at least fifteen lines of parchment giving a summery to be handed in tomorrow." The bell rang out announcing the end of class. Leaving, the Group all went to lunch then found a warm quite corner to start the homework assigned by Professor Nevelle. Hearing the bell they all gathered together then walked with the Head Boy to their Potions class and new Professor. Harry and Ginny were laughing about Lily's affection with Dudley who dotes on her every minute. Suddenly they both heard a loud crash and glass breaking. Lily screamed out at the top of her tiny lungs. Ginny was through the door before Harry could turn around and react. Lily was still screaming when Ginny ran into the sitting room. Dudley held on to Lily protecting her he too was scared out of his wits. In the middle of the Page 166 room. Kreacher was doing his best to hold onto the huge gray and silver haired old man. He was punching Kreacher from head to toe trying to get loose of Kreacher firm grip. Thorfinn Rowle was about to win the battle when Ginny screamed 'STUPEFY!' The stunning spell blasted Rowle across the room where he crashed against the wall, unconscious. Harry ran into the room in time to see Lily break free of Dudley's hold with any apparent effort. Though he was using all of his immense strength to hold her close to him. She ran into her mother’s grasp crying. Seeing Rowle on the ground he pointed his wand snarling. "INCARCEROUS!" Thick ropes flew out binding him head to ankles tightly. Ginny eyed Harry then took Lily out of the room. Harry saw movement by the end table. Kreacher was trying to stand up. "M. master Kr...Kreacher has f..found the b…bad m...man." Kreacher then collapsed to the floor again bleeding. "KREACHER!" Harry yelled running over to Kreacher's side. Quickly he checked his vitals then moved Kreacher to the couch. Harry began to look down in horror at a close member of his family. Whose tiny body was so beaten, bruised, and swollen he appeared disfigured. Kreacher's head was twice its normal size with both eyes swollen shut. Blood oozed down his mouth, nose, and multiple cuts and scrapes her suffered. Harry began to cry for fear Kreacher was dying. "GINNY!" he yelled out crying. She ran back into the room wand stiffly in her hand. Seeing Harry in tears. She rushed over to him then she saw Kreacher. "Merlins Beard!" she gasped. "I'm no good at healing wounds...." Harry said shaking. Ginny quickly bent over Kreacher muttering incantations tracing his bleeding wounds healing them as they closed stopping the bleeding. "Get me the Dittny from the medicine chest." Ginny instructed never stopping her healing. Harry ran off to his task Rowle was starting to stir awake. "STUPEFY!" he growled stunning the Death Eater never looking at him. Harry returned in minutes handing the Dittny to Ginny. He saw that Dudley was opened mouthed due to all the magical excitement. "Watch him DUD. If he stirs again knock him out." Harry seethed. That brought Dudley back to his senses he narrowed his eyes at the old man on the floor. Ginny poured a healthy amount of Dittny down Kreacher's throat. He gave a tiny cough gave a feeble smile then lapsed back into unconsciousness. Once she had rubbed the Dittny all over his body she corked the bottle then stood up. Harry waived his wand a blanket appeared covering Kreacher. "He had several broken bones I mended those. The bleeding is stopped too. The Dittny Page 167 will heal anything that I couldn't internally as well as bring the swelling down. He will be alright and he is going to need lots of rest. That b*****d nearly killed him Harry." Ginny began to whimper as Harry held her. "I'll never forgive myself if....." Harry couldn't finish the sentence. "He's gonna be alright though sore for a while. But he'll be ok." she said softly. Harry sat down on the coffee table he leaned forward and pulled the thick blanket closer around Kreacher's body. "I told him to call for help....NOT TO TAKE ON THIS SLIME ALONE!" Harry vented. "I'll go and alert the Ministry." Ginny said as she turned. "No wait! I want a word with him before they get here send for Draco first." Harry got up from the table and walked over to Rowle. Ginny nodded then left the room. Harry bent down to check the ropes binding Rowle making sure that they were secure. "Uh Harry." Dudley spoke up. Harry looked over and saw that he was holding a wand between his two fingers as if it were a snake. "That must be his wand." Harry took it placing it in his waist band. "Draco will be here in a minute Harry." Ginny said as she walked back into the room. Sure enough the doorbell rang out. Dudley got up coming back escorting Draco. "That's him Harry...Thorfinn Rowle." He confirmed saying his name as if he wanted to spit something awful out of his mouth. "Kreacher found him but at a terrible price. He was beaten up pretty bad. Kreacher still gave him one hell of a good fight by all the damage I see on Rowle. Ginny healed him at best it will still be several days before we know what exactly happened." Harry walked over to check on Kreacher. Just then Rowle began to stir awake Dudley jumped up in a flash and hit Rowle squarely on the jaw. Draco jumped back in shock. Hearing the loud bone crunching sound both Potters looked on in shock. Rowle howled in pain as he spit out several teeth. Draco looked to Rowle smiling. "Hey Dudley looks like you broke his jaw." Draco said beginning to giggle. Dudley smiled wide at his handy work. Harry bent down in front of Rowle holding his wand inches from his nose. Rowle's eyes focused on the wand then went to the face he has hated for nearly his whole life. "Remember me do you....Death Eater!" Harry seethed. "I want you to be able to talk....'EPISKEY!" Harry used the bone healing spell he learned from Nymphadora Tonks his sixth year after Draco had broken his nose. Page 168 Rowle worked his jaw back and forth then looked from Harry to Draco then back to Harry. "I don't know how you found me sending a house elf to capture me. The fools at the Ministry couldn't find me but you did.....and for what ...to kill me!" Rowle mocked him. "GO AHEAD POTTER!....DO IT!....YOU AINT GOT THE NERVE!" Rowle shouted. "Don't tempt me. If Kreacher dies.....you WILL follow him. He's not just our house elf he is a part of this family." Harry snarled. "I don't know how you have managed to escape capture I really don't care. We have some questions for you before the Ministry gets here." Ginny said getting angry. "But first." Harry waived his wand. "MUFFLIATO!" he spoke using the sound proofing spell. "Going to torture me Potter? This will be a laugh ain’t got the heart...BOY! Rowle laughed. "Oh he's got the heart....I definitely do...CRUCIO!" Draco snarled at the man, that tortured his father, after the prophesy was lost at the ministry. Rowle screamed out in pain as his body was hit with the curse. Harry looked into Draco's eyes and saw pure fiery hatred. Lifting his wand the curse ended. He looked at Harry and shrugged. "First question. Why are you attacking Hogwarts professors?" Harry asked. "A..Attack....Pr..professors. I.I haven’t attacked...anyone." Rowle answered trying to regain his breath. "You're a liar and bad one. Ok just for giggles who did attack the professors? Who are you following these days?" Harry asked. "I don't know!" Rowle yelled. Harry nodded to Draco. "CRUCIO!" Rowle screamed in pain twisting within the ropes that bound him. Lifting his wand Rowle was now crying begging for them to stop. "We have all day Death Eater! Tell us who this new Dark Wizard is!" Ginny spat. "How in Beedle Bards should I know? I've been living in Muggletum since the death of the Dark Lord." Rowle spoke hoarsely. "Someone or a group of someone are attacking and torturing the professors. One has died he was a friend. Now tell us who is doing these attacks!" Harry screamed now nose to nose with Rowle. "I...Don't...Know!" Rowle screamed back. Page 169 "A new Dark Wizard is at large and yet you don't know who it is? I know you Thorfinn Rowle. You're beyond evil remember that I was their while you laughed at the innocent people you tortured and murdered. I'm going to ask you one more time or you will meet the same fate as Voldemort!" Draco narrowed his eyes at Rowles yelp at hearing the Dark Lords name. "I really don't know! When the Dark Lord fell to the ground dead by his hands. I got up and ran as fast as I could, then disappeared just as fast several times over until I got tired. I met up with the Lestranges Rodolphus was murderous behind loosing Bella. The Aurors found us there was a great fight. Two of the Aurors were killed one by my hands. Rabastan sacrificed himself to save me and Rodolphus. I escaped. I later learned that Rodolphus was captured. I nurtured my wounds change my appearance and learned to live as the Muggles do. Yesterday was the first time that I had used magic in twenty years. I always kept my wand on me in case the Ministry found me. But I have fully and completely denounced the old ways." Rowle spoke now more freely. "Please let me go. Keep my wand I don't care. I like living as a Muggle. I truly have denounced the Dark Arts. I have proven that by not killing your elf. Which I could have done easily. I only wanted to escape his grasp. Please Harry!....Let me go!" Rowle pleaded with him using Harry's first name. "You are forgetting about all the tortures and murders that you committed? There are people out there that have nightmares to this day because of you. You think that because your master is dead that all is forgiven? Well think again." Harry stood up looking down at Rowle in disgust. Ginny notify the Ministry so they can get this slime out of our home." he said as he backed away then went pass Draco to the couch checking on Kreacher. "I've never killed anyone before. But I'm real tempted too. Good for you that I truly have left the old ways." Draco let out a sigh and sat down on the arm of a chair close by him. Rowle went limp in utter defeat. Ginny walked back into the room a few moments later. She walked over to Harry who was wiping Kreachers forehead. "The ministry is on their way they will arrive by Floo Network." She announced. "I better go and greet them. You and Draco watch him close. Dudley thank you for helping with that piece of garbage. Would you go and check in Lily for us. I'm sure she needs her Uncle Duds." Harry smiled. Dudley smiled as well then left the room. Harry walked into the kitchen just in time for the first of the Ministry officials to arrive. Bursting from the emerald green flames was the Minister himself. Kingsley Shacklebolt stood as impressive as ever wearing his traditional African colors and gold loop earring. The rest of the Aurors and officials burst from the fire and out into the kitchen. Dawlish, Gabrielle, a gray haired wizard, obviously with the Aurors office. Another woman burst from the emerald fire simply and casually stepping up just behind Minister Shacklebolt. Page 170 "Welcome Minister and guests to my home." Harry greeted with a weak smile. Kingsley stepped forward his gold loop earring glistened in the fires light. "Hello Harry and thank you for notifying me. I am really interested in hearing how in Merlins Beard did you find Thorfinn Rowle and to find him alive." Kingsley spoke as he shook Harry's hand. "Yes and to find him where as the entire Auror's office had failed to track him down after he killed two of my men during the Lestrange arrest.” Dawlish looked surprised. "Yes he even escaped every magical detection that I had in place." Kingsley added. Harry went into a hurried explanation of the events to the group assembled. "That is really something Mr. Potter. Where is Thorfinn Rowle now?" asked the elderly witch standing behind the Minister. "He's bound tightly in my main sitting room. Follow me please." Harry turned to escort them. "Excuse my rudeness Harry. This is Madam Theila Hopkirk Head of Magic Law Enforcement and Head Witch of the Wizgambit High Court. You might remember her niece Mafilda Hopkirk?" Kingsley introduced. "Yes I do remember Madam Hopkirk. She tried to have me arrested in my second and fifth year." Harry spoke never turning around. Entering the sitting room. Draco and Ginny were talking quietly. Both stood up when Harry walked in with the guests in tow. "Greeting Minister and welcome to our home." Ginny got up and gave him a warm hug. "Hello Mrs. Potter it is a pleasure as always." He hugged her back. "That's him Minister...that man is definitely Thorfinn Rowle." Dawlish verified. Rowle just rolled his eyes letting out an audible sigh. "Oh my! Mr. Malfoy I hardly recognized you. How are you?" Madam Hopkirk greeted. She was the one that opposed the Wizgambit High Court and who wanted Draco to get the same sentence of Twenty-five years in Azkaban, the same as his parents. She took the testimonies of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape seriously. "I am fine and it is good to see you as well Madam Hopkirk." Draco smiled. "I must say that I am surprised to see you here. I take it that the two of you have made amends?" she asked with a raised eye brow. "More than that Madam we are now family." Draco smirked. "I came to help Harry see to it that Rowle cooperated in his arrest." Page 171 Draco smirked. “So Harry you believe that whoever it is doing these attacks is possibly a Voldermort supporter?" Kingsley asked shaking his head at the squeals at hearing the name. "Professor Dumbledore thinks that whoever it is has a deep knowledge of Hogwarts as well as a strong hatred for the schools professors. So we believe that if it's not a supporter than at least a sympathizer." Harry explained. "I can certainly understand your theory. But why now after all these years." Kingsley said in more of a statement than a question. Kingsley Shacklebolt turned to the gray haired Auror. "Mr. Simmons Notify the Daily Prophet that known Death Eater follower of the Dark Wizard Tom Marvolo Riddle known as Lord Voldemort. Has been captured and arrested and is currently placed in Azkaban Prison awaiting trial. Keep the Potter and Malfoy names out of it. Give the credit to the Auror's office." He then turned to the two men he just mentioned. "I'm doing that Harry to keep whoever this is off guard. They may start to target your families if they knew you were searching for them. And given your history. Any dark witch or wizard would start to get real nervous if they knew you were on their trail." Kingsley said with a worried look. Harry admired the Minister's concern and smiled because of it. "We will be ok Minister. We are older and more experienced now. You just devote everything to finding whoever it is that is doing this. We are all help." Harry held up his hand stopping Kingsley from interrupting. “Sorry Minister, the wizarding world did everything possible to protect me for seventeen years. It's time I protect them if I can." Harry said earnestly. "And after what me and my family have done. I owe it to wizardum to help in any way I can." Draco spoke up as he leaned on the book case with both hands in his pockets. The group of people couldn't help but to admire the two men before them. Especially given their history. "Ok, but please don't do anything rash or crazy. Call on me if you find anything out or if you need anything." Kingsley then turned to Madam Hopkirk. "Ok Madam Hopkirk let us get on with this and relieve this family’s home of this current disease." Kingsley glared at Thorfinn Rowle as he spoke. "Uh.hem. I Thelia Hopkirk Head of the Magical Law Enforcement and Head Witch in charge of the Wizgambit High Court..." Thelia began as a large piece of parchment and a quill floated in midair copying every word. "Thorfinn Rowle, you are hereby under arrest for the multiple murders and heinous tortures of the civilians of Wizardum and Muggletum alike. During you years of service being a known follower known as a Death Eater to one Tom Marvolo Riddle. The Dark Wizard known as Lord Voldemort. Anything you say can and most assuredly will be held against you. You are hereby under the authority of the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Page 172 Shacklebolt, to be immediately be transported to Azkaban Prison where you will await trial for these said crimes. This done before the Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mr. Dawlish, Mz. Delacour, Mr. Simmons and authorized by me Madam Thelia Hopkirk." She then nodded to the parchment and all mentioned names touched their wands to the parchment magically signing their names as witnesses. "MOBLICORPUS!" Dawlish spat as he pointed his wand at Rowle. Now hoisted into the air like a human puppet Rowle began to squirm and struggle against the ropes that bound him. "YOU'RE DEAD POTTER! YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS DEAD! EVERYONE WILL KNOW YOU'RE A TRAITOR MALFOY!" Rowle screamed. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Kingsley snarled. Rowles threats were suddenly silenced as his whole body became ridged as a board. "He will get Life in prison just like all the rest." The Minister said as he followed the others to the kitchen. "Um Minister. I would like to speak to you about something when you have the time. Oh, and here is Rowle's wand." Harry said as he handed over the wand. "We can speak now if you wish." Shacklebolt said as he placed the wand inside his robe. "Actually I was hoping to talk to you as one friend to another. You know, outside of you being Minister of Magic." Harry said shyly. "Kingsley smiled then nodded his head as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Give me, let's say one hour’s time and with your permission I will take a Portkey to your kitchen. We can talk over some dinner tea if Ginny doesn't mind." He asked. "That would be fine Minister. See you in one hour." Harry said as he stood by and watched the group take a pinch of fine green powder. Dawlish threw his into the bright yellow and orange fire which burst into fluorescent green flames. He and Mr. Simmons both grabbed Rowle's arms then stepped into the fire. "AZKABAN PRISON!" They both yelled and disappeared. Saying goodbye the rest of the group left back to the Ministry. The kitchen fell into silence as the flames returned to normal. Ginny looked at Harry quizzingly at hearing his request to Shacklebolt. Harry winked at he the kissed her and walked back into the main sitting room. Entering he saw Draco standing in front of the fire place staring into the flames. "You alright mate?" Harry asked. "Huh? Yeah just old memories that's all. Memories that just won't go away. Maybe they never will." Draco sighed then walked to a nearby chair sitting down he crossed his legs. Page 173 Harry went to check on Kreacher who was sound asleep. Pouring himself some Oak Meade he offered some to Draco. He held up his hand declining the offer. "I have a big day tomorrow." Draco shrugged. "Well we are no closer than before. Kingsley said that Rowle will get Life like all the rest." Harry said as he took a sip of Meade. "Yeah but I may have come across a few possible leads on Aulph Ritchter.” Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Really! What kind of leads?" Harry inquired. "I went through some old family books and found a few of my dad’s old diaries. It seems that when the Dark Lord fell the first time when he..." Draco paused ashamed to have mentioned that particular time to when Harry's parents were killed. "Go ahead Draco. It still hurts but I can handle it a lot better now." Harry said in an understanding tone. “It seems that my dad had done a lot of research on Grindlewald. His first entry was around the time that everyone was being arrested and imprisoned. He apparently wanted to rise up and become the next Dark Lord. He was trying to find Grindlewald old chums. He didn't write down any names. But he did mention a man who was closest to Grindlewald. That he was famous for his dark potions and dark spells. He also said that it was this blokes books that my family had learned most of the dark arts from. There is an address but no name. It seems to fit what Professor Dumbledore said about Ritchter. So I'm going to check out the address and see if I can't track him down." Draco got up from the chair the chair reaching for his long black leather trench coat. "You want me to come along? Harry asked getting up. "Naw, I'll call you if I find out anything. Besides you're too famous I wouldn't find anything out." Draco giggled slightly. "I'm going to act as if nothing has changed. Hopefully just the Malfoy name will help out for a change." Draco shook his hand then pulled out his wand. "You be careful let me know if you need help." Harry offered. "I will my friend." Draco smiled then turned on the spot with a loud 'pop' he disappeared back to Malfoy Manor. Harry went into the study to find Ginny slowly rocking Lily who whimpered for Kreacher. "Is she ok?" Harry bent down and kissed Lily's forehead. Ginny nodded silently. "I'm going to move Kreacher to his bed." Harry said the kissed her on the check. Page 174 "I'll do it. I need to Hermoine and Ron and tell them what happened." she said as she handed Lily over to him. Walking into the sitting room she saw that Kreacher was sleeping peacefully. All of the swelling had vanished only minor bruising was still evidence of the struggle with Rowle. "LOCOMOTOR KREACHER!" She said softly. Kreacher levitated into to the air still covered by the thick blanket. Guiding him up the stairs and into his room she laid him in bed pulling his thick covers over him. Bending down she kissed his forehead. Kreacher stirred opening his eyes to a slit giving a weak smile then drifted back to sleep. A silent tear rolled down Ginny's cheeks as she quietly left his bedroom shutting the door behind her. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 13, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing