Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty one

Harry Potter blood ties chapter twenty one

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter twenty one Kreachers gift

Kreacher's Gift
Dudley yelped as the kitchen fire place erupted into bright green flames. One by one the three men spun to a stop. Coughing Harry looked irritated waiving his wand the flames returned to normal spreading heat once more around the room. "That is definitely not my favorite way to travel." Harry frowned as he siphoned away the soot from his cloak.
“It sure was nice for Ms. Delacour to inform the Minister of our findings.” Draco spoke up.
“Yeah but we are still at square one. If the ministry hasn't found him in all these years. I really don't see how we will." Arthur shrugged.
“Hey Big D!" Harry smiled at the shocked look on his face. Dudley Dursley may have accepted the magical world through Harry. But it still freaks him out.
“I will NEVER get used to that." Dudley scowled pointing at the fire place. Then got up and exited the kitchen.
“I will go and let everyone know that we are back." Arthur smiled walking after Dudley.
“It may take us all to figure out what to do next." Harry inclined to Draco.
Little feet pattered in his direction. “Welcome back Master Harry. Did Master have a nice trip?" Kreacher welcomed.
“Hello Kreacher. And yes it was definitely eventful. Where's Ginny?" he asked.
“Mistress is in the study. Shall I the Mistress for Master?" Kreacher offered.
“No, I'll go see her there. We need to figure out a way to....." Harry stopped in mid-sentence smiling down at Kreacher. Who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ll be back in minute! Make yourself at home." Harry turned and rushed out of the kitchen leaving the two looking dumb founded.
“Sounds like they're back! Come on you gits!" Rose yelped as she took off through the door. The boys jumped up and ran after Rose. Down in the sitting room. Molly, George, Ron and Hermione were all laughing at Lily and Hugo playing King and Queen. While Bill, Percy, and Dudley were their royal subjects. Draco was in tears watching George play the Royal Horse while Lily rode on his back. Harry and Ginny walked in smiling.
“I’m so glad that you’re all back." Molly waddled over to hug her son-n-law." You found out anything?" Hermione asked impatiently.
“We learned loads of stuff." Harry said as he plucked Lily from George's back who giggled.
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Draco began explaining everything to the family as he held his son. “So the big blonde git never got caught." Ron said with a sneer.
“Big Blonde?" Bill asked.
“He was in the muggle diner with Dolohov when the three of us left the Burrow after Kingsley warned us that the ministry had fallen." Ron explained.
“If it hadn't been for Harry being under his invisibility cloak and stunning Rowle causing Dolohov to hesitate. We wouldn't have made it." Hermione added. The four kids all looked at each other at the mention of the invisibility cloak. Which didn't go unnoticed by Harry.
“The problem is that we don't know how to find him. He hasn't managed to escape the ministry for twenty years by being careless. He might be dead." Molly interjected.
“So how do we find a man who doesn't want to be found?" Percy wondered. Harry looked at Hermione which had a mutual recognition. Ginny caught he look.
“You two have an idea?" she asked. Ron caught it and smiled as Kreacher walked into the room carrying a tray of butter beers.
“It’s a long shot. But we have found people before. Or rather a person." Hermione said smiling at Harry.
“We needed to find Mundugus Fletcher. Dung had stolen the Slytherin Locket. So I sent Kreacher to find him that when we found out that he had sold it to Doloris Umbridge not even aware that it was a Horcrux." Harry said taking a sip of butter beer.
“What a foul man he is master. Thief of my master's possessions. Would master like for Kreacher to find him again? Kreacher would be honored to dig out the skillet again." Kreacher smiled. Harry and Ron coughed as they both inhaled their drinks. Even Hermione laughed. She then told the story of when Kreacher brought 'Dung to Grimmauld Place. He was less then cooperative. Kreacher hit him over the head several times before Harry could stop him. But at least Mundungus Fletcher told Harry everything he wanted to know. Once everyone stopped laughing Harry continued.
“No not Mundungus. The person we need found has been missing for twenty years. He's a tall blonde man named Thorfinn Rowle. His hair is probably silver if not white by now. He should be around Sixty-five or seventy by now." Harry paused to look at Draco for confirmation. He shrugged then nodded.
“You wany Kreacher to find this man for Master?" Kreacher asked.
“Yes Kreacher, but I wany you to understand something first." Harry said he set Lily down. The knelt down to Kreacher's height to which Kreachers ears went wide at Harry's gesture.

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“Kreacher this man is beyond evil. He is one of Voldemorts..." he paused to let the squeals and gasps pass at hearing the name. “He is one of his original followers. He won't hesitate to hurt or even try to kill you." Harry said with a worried look.
“Kreacher will find this evil man for master and bring him here." Kreacher's ears were now laid back on his head as normal.
“He’s no Mundungus Fletcher Kreacher. I can't stress how dangerous this man is. He has killed and tortured just as many people as the Dark Lord if not more. He would just as soon kill you than to be taken alive." Draco spoke up.
“So if it looks too dangerous send me word and I will come with help. Then we can take him down together ok? I don't want to lose you like we did Dobby." Harry said worried almost thinking better of the idea.
“I will find this evil man for Master. Kreacher has many tricks up Kreacher's sleeve." Kreacher then bowed to Harry and Ginny then with a loud pop he was gone. Harry stood looking at the room full of people.
“If anyone can find Rowle..Kreacher can." he said with a sigh as he leaned against the fire place mantel.
“What about the other one?" Draco inquired. “I almost forgot about him." Harry nodded his head. “Forget about who honey?"
Ginny asked. “Aulph Ritchter." Arthur spoke up then recounted the conversation at Malfoy Manor with the two professor's.
“If he's that old he as to be dead by now." Bill said as he set his empty bottle of butter beer on the coffee table.
“I don't know. Albus thinks he may still be alive.” Arthur said as he glanced at the picture of Albus Dumbledore waiving from the group picture of the original Order of Phoenix.
“Harry I read that book The Secrets of the Darkest Arts. This guy is beyond evil." Hermione shivered remembering the book.
“You think that this is the guy attacking the Professors?" Percy asked.
“No but he might be behind the attacks possibly pulling the strings. Professor Dumbledore said that Ritchter was there the day he defeated Grindlewald. And has sought for his down fall ever since. He may be after the school that shows so much appraise for him." Harry shrugged.
Ron walked over and grabbed Hermione’s hand. “Harry can we speak to you and Ginny for a minute?" he asked as the four stood by the far wall. "We were wondering if you were going to send James and Albus back to school with what’s happening." Ron asked.
“We haven’t really had the time to discuss it yet." Ginny looked up to Harry.
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“Professor Dumbledore said that the Professors have round the clock security. Aberforth has place some powerful enchantments in and around the castle grounds. He and Severus said that it's the outside that has to worry. They believe that Hogwarts is safe. I really don't see why we shouldn't send the kids back." Harry said without alarm in his voice.
Ginny motioned for Draco to join them. Hermione squeezed Ron's hand as he rolled his eyes. Draco walked over slowly seeing the look on Ron's face. “Yes Mrs. Potter?" he inquired.
“Ginny, Draco ok?" She smiled. “We were wondering if you plan to send Scorpius back to school. Even with all that happening?" she asked.
"I have given it some thought. I was always told that Hogwarts is the safe place on Earth. I believe that our children will be safe. Besides if my memory serves me correctly. Wasn't it a bunch of kids that fought the forces of evil bringing peace to the community?" Draco smiled. His comment earned a smile from the others even Ron gave a small smirk. “All jokes aside I really do believe that Hogwarts is the safest place for our kids.
“Oh I almost forgot. Do you guys know a Hewortt Dovelman at school?" Ron questioned. “Yeah the boys wrote home about him. He's an exchange student. Why?” Harry asked.
“Well he wrote to Rosey but asked our permission to come back and ride with us to Kings’ Cross then onto the Hogwarts Express." Hermione said.
“I don't see a problem. What about you honey?" Harry asked. Ginny shrugged her shoulders.
“Tell you what. Why don't the kids come to the Manor? I'll see them safely to King's Cross and onto the train back." Draco offered.
“It’s settled then!" Harry patted Draco's shoulder, then gave Ron a stern look who was about to object.
“I’ll send him an Owl explaining how to use the Knight's Bus to Malfoy Manor." Hermione offered. Draco nodded, then went back to join his son.
The next morning Draco took the kids to the Manor for the five days left in the Holidays. George went home while Percy went on to open Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Molly and Arthur returned to the Burrow. Bill and Fleur took Vittore' and Teddy home with them. Ron and Hermione took Hugo with them to her parents’ house who wasn't able to make the drive for Christmas.
Harry and Ginny split the day to day chores. Dudley stayed for a while longer enjoying his time with Lily. After a few days had passed Harry was becoming more and more
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worried about Kreacher. Cursing himself for sending him. He almost called out for him to make sure he was safe. But thought better of it not wanting to place him in anymore danger than he already was. Ginny said danger be damned. If they don't hear from Kreacher in two weeks she was calling for him. Harry found out the hard way that it wasn't wise to argue with Ginny Potter when her mind was made up.
A long black limousine pulled into King's Cross train station. People walking by wondered who could be getting out of the expensive car. Much to their surprise three eleven year olds and two twelve year olds got out. Two adults got out as well standing in the midst of the children. Draco was who they all looked at. Wearing a long black leather trench coat, black leather gloves and highly polished black leather boots were in opposite contrast to his pale skin and white blonde hair. Pulling to a stop behind the limo was a black and navy blue Ford Expedition S.U.V. A muscular well-groomed man got out and walked to the back. Carrying several small trunks one by one to where the group stood.
"Thank you Chris." Draco smiled. The children placed all of their trunks on the trollies.
“You’re welcome Mr. Malfoy. You children have a good year and stay safe huh?" Chris patted Scorpius on the back.
“Yes sir Mr. Chiders.” Scorpius smiled back.
“Will that be all Mr. Malfoy?" Chris asked.
“Yeah I can take it from here. You can go home if you like." Draco said nodding. Chris nodded, then went back to the S.U.V. getting in he drove away.
“You can go back home as well Morgan. I will see myself back to Malfoy Manor." Draco instructed his driver.
“Very well sir." Morgan then did as told and drove off.
Turning to face the children he smiled. "Alright kids you got everything? Good lets be off shall we." Draco said then urged them forward to platform nine and three quarters. “Scorpius those two men that work for your dad their Muggles aren't they?" James asked.
“Yeah, Chris helps out from time to time. He's been with us for about eight years now. Morgan has been in our family for ages he became my dad’s driver when he got out of Azkaban." Scorpius answered.
“Do they know that you're wizards?" Albus asked as he pushed his trolley.
“Morgan does. My dad helped him out of a big jam so he started working for him. I don't think Chris knows though I think he suspects something. He really doesn't talk much. He was in the American Special Forces in the navy or something. I've seen him do
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things that I would need magic to do. But he never asks questions.” Scorpous stopped in front of the barrier as did the rest.
Draco looked around then let out a huge sigh. “There sure are a lot of Muggles around." Rose noticed. “Yeah there is. So let’s move fast. James and Scorpius you go first. Then Albus and Rose Hewortt you will go with me. On the count of three. One....Two.....THREE!" James and Scorpius took off at a dead run. Right before they were to crash into the solid barrier between platforms nine and ten they both vanished. Albus and Rose followed suit vanishing at the same point.
“Ok we're next. Just do what they did." Draco smiled then looked around at the scene. Then urged Hewortt forward. At dead run Hewortt heard the voices and noises of the adults the all at once he heard the exited chatter of the children as they passed through the barrier. Looking around Hewortt took in the scene. Steam billowed about from enormous crimson train to his right. Families everywhere were saying their goodbyes. Conductors all around began ushering the children aboard helping them with their trunks.
“Kids come here for a minute." when they gathered around Draco leaned forward. “Remember what I told you in the limo. Follow the Headmistresses instructions and orders. No exceptions. No hero stuff!" Draco spoke kindly but with a stern voice.
"We will dad promise." Scorpius grinned.
"Yeah we will Mr. Malfoy. No hero stuff.” Albus said with a similar smirk.
Draco raised an eyebrow as he looked down at Albus.
"Albus Potter are you forgetting I know whose family’s blood runs through your veins?" Draco gave a small smirk at him.
“No sir." Albus said shyly.
The Hogwarts Express whistle blew announcing it was about to leave. “Ok on you go. And you all keep up your good grades. I have something special planned for the summer. But only if you keep up your grades." Draco rubbed his son's shoulder.
"We will dad Rosey won't let us go until we've done our homework." Scorpius jabbed his thumb at her. She smiled.
“Keep up the good work Rosey." Draco giggled has he remembered how her mum was always top in her class.
Helping them board the train he waved goodbye. Watching the train disappear around the bend. Draco's look of worry returned to his face. “I swear on the Blood of Merlin that if this Dark Wizard harms one hair on my sons head or any of those children. Voldemort will look like child’s play as I hunt him down and kill him unmercifully." Draco
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spoke to himself. Reaching into his pocket he withdrew his wand. With a loud 'pop' he disappeared back to Malfoy Manor.
Settling into the compartments the four chatted about what they are going to do back at school. The door slid back a group of older kids stepped through. Albus took one look at them and knew there was about to be trouble. His hand drifted to his pocket wrapping his hand around his wand.
“Can we help you?" Rose snapped.
“You better watch your back Death Eater spawn. Everyone knows that it's one of your families low life scum doing these attacks, if it ain’t, you’re doing it!" The sixth year boy from Hufflepuff accused as he pointed a finger at Scorpius.
“Are you threatening me?" Scorpius's lip curled as he got up from the seat.
“Hey accidents do happen." One of the other kids spoke up reaching his pocket. James jumped up drawing his wand so fast it took everyone by surprise. Hewortt mimicked his movement.
“I swear by Marlins Beard. That is any of you attack him in any way you'll be lying next to Professor Zabini at St. Mungo's!" James growled holding his wand to the tip of the boy’s nose. The sixth year boy shook as he looked at the anger in James Potter's face. Hewortt had the same look his face as he held his wand at the chest of the boy next to James's captive.
“Get out of here....NOW!" Hewortt growled emphasizing the word..NOW!
The boys left without a word. James and Hewortt fist bumped each other then sat back down and relaxed.
"Well I guess it's started all over again. I'm going to get a lot of that for a while. Thank guys for sticking up for me." Scorpius smiled.
“Hey we all got your back cuz. We will just have to stick closer to each other more than usual that's all." James smirked.
“I wish that you were in our house or at least one of us in yours. So to watch your back." Hewortt said.
“I’ll be ok. My dad taught me a few things. Most of them are too scared of my.....family to try anything." he smiled then leaned back looking out the window.
Very little else was said during the trip. When the food trolley came they all gorged themselves on snacks. Before long the most of the Group was assembled in the small compartment. Other students passed by as they turned their noses up at the Group. Feeling the train slow down. They all retrieved their trunks waiting for the Hogwarts Express come to a complete stop. Twenty minutes later it did. One by one the five kids pointed their wands at their trunks.
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“LOCOMOTOR TRUNK!" each of their trunks floated behind them as they departed.
“Hey guys look whose back!" James yelled out. Looking they knew exactly who James was shouting about. Off in the distance stood the nine foot tall Rubeus Hagrid. They all ran towards him.
“A’right students follow me to the boots please." Hagrid instructed. Rose ran straight up to him. “Wotcher Hagrid!" she squealed.
“Oy! Lil Rosey...I mean Ms. Weasley. How's yer fir's year?" Hagrid smiled big.
“It been really great except for all the other stuff. I know you heard about Uncle Lee." She put her head down.
“Yeah, I was really saddened to 'ear bout that. He was sure a good man and a brilliant Professor." Hagrid moaned. “But don' worry yer self. The 'Eadmistress has some powerful protection aroun'." He added.
“Hi Hagrid!" James and Albus yelled up to him.
“Oy! Aren't you boys gettin' big.” He lightly tapped the boys which still made them lurch forward.
“Where have you been?" Rose asked him.
“I been on a bit of a business trip. Me brother Grawp and I been spendin' some time together." Hagrid smiled.
Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother came to live in the Forbidden Forest when Hagrid had found him abandoned in the Land of the Giants. Grawp was instrumental in fighting the other giants that Voldemort had convinced to join him for the last battle.
“Ok let’s get you kids on the boats before Professor Longbottom has me hide for you bein' late." Hagrid ushered them to the last boat. Arriving at the far bank facing Hogwarts. The students all shouted "LOCOMOTOR TRUNK!" Which rose into the air about two feet behind each student. One by one as the students passed a certain point their trunks disappear being magically sent to their House dormitories.
Entering the Great Hall they all went to the House tables and sat down. The ceiling was bewitched to show a clear starry night. The constellations blinked bright waiving as the moved in accordance to the solar system. Albus saw that the Headmistress and the other professors were huddled around speaking to each other. Sitting next to Nevelle were two new people a man and a woman. The man had the look of an Owl due to the enormously thick glasses he wore. Albus was grateful that although he too wore glasses like his father he was still thankful they weren't that thick. The other was what all the boys in the hall kept looking at. The woman was so beautiful and well-shaped they all sat there and stared at her.
Professor Mcgonagal slowly stood up clearing her voice as she called for everyone’s
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attention. Magically amplifying her voice she began. “Welcome back students and faculty alike. I do trust that you had a wonderful Christmas with your families. Before we dive into the wonderful feast prepared for us by the house elves. I have a few announcements to make." she paused as she took a deep breath.
“As many of you may know one of our professor's was viciously attacked during the holidays. Professor Lee Jordan our Potions Master died shortly after he was found by medical personnel. He was not only a trusted colleague and member of this schools staff. He was a friend to all. He will surely be missed. I would like for us all to take a moment of silence in remembrance of Professor Lee Jordan" Mcgonagal bowed her head as well as the congregation assembled. After several minutes she wiped her moist eyes then continued.
“Thank you. As you can see we have two new additions to our staff. It is my esteemed honor to introduce to you Professor Malcolm Dotisti who will be taking up the post as our new Potions Master." Applause rebounded throughout the hall. “And it is also my esteemed privilege and honor to introduce to you all our second addition. My longtime friend from our Egyptian community. Professor Janet Hornsby, who will be taking up the post as our new Transfiguration teacher." She was abruptly cut off from the eruption of applause and cheers with a few whistles to bare. Smiling Professor Hornsby stood up and waived. Getting everyone to calm down proved to be a task in itself. Nevelle stood raising his wand he brought it down with a quick flash. A loud boom sounded off which brought the hall to an eerie silence.
“Thank you Professor Longbottom." she smiled at him. Nevelle nodded then sat back down. “Our grounds keeper and Care of Magical Creatures Professor. Rubeus Hagrid has returned to us welcome back." Applause again sounded out. Bringing her hand up the Hall quieted down. “Now until further notice you will please not leave the castle grounds. Unless you are authorized to do so. Whereby you will be escorted to and from. These rules are cumbersome but necessary. They are also for your protection. Any attempt to break these rules will result in your immediate removal from this school whereby you will be sent home. Your O.W.L. tests will receive a failed grade for the semester." she paused looking sternly at the assembly.
“The Quidditch season will resume as scheduled. The Head of House will be responsible for the chaperoned duties. Next Saturday's match will be between Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw. The winner will play Slytherin on Valentine’s DAY weekend. The winner of the match will then play Gryffindor in the championship match to determine this year’s Quidditch Cup victors. Now currently Slythering and Hufflepuff are tied in House Points with 410pts. Gryffindor is in third place with 387pts. Ravenclaw is in fourth place with 217pts. Now without further ado. LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" Mcgonagal clapped as loud as she could.
Instantly as if on cue every variety of food and drinks appeared across the four House tables. Individual plates of food appeared in front the professor's and staff. “We got the
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Quidditch Cup Lil bro." James elbowed Albus in his side. Albus could only smile due to the amount of food in his mouth.
Hours had passed. Then Mcgonagal thanked the house elves for a great feast. Then sent everyone to their House common rooms and off to bed. James, Albus, and Rose ran over to Nevelle. “Where you at for Christmas Unc..I mean Professor. We missed you." Rose asked.
“I was here helping the Headmistress make the school safer so that you all could return. I'll make it up to you I promise." Nevelle smiled as he held out both of his pinkies. To which James and Albus wrapped their pinky's around one while Rose did the same around the other one.
“Now off to bed you three." Nevelle giggled to himself as he nodded to The Fat Lady who smiled the swung aside. Stepping through the portal hole they waived then said goodnight. The Fat Lady swung closed sealing the Gryffindor common room. Nevelle shook his head as he gave a small smirk then walked to his office.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
