![]() Harry Potter chapter twentyA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter twenty AZKABAN !!!!!![]()
AZKABAN! The next morning Harry walked through the house slowly taking in the atmosphere. Tension and fear were thick throughout the home. During the night he had roamed the house from top to bottom. Checking on the children and house guests out of caution and restlessness. Not meaning to eavesdrop but hearing worried conversations. One in particular was between Molly and Arthur Weasley. Molly was still crying over the news of Lee Jordan's death. In between sobs she spoke out. “Arthur we just can't go through another time like we did with "You Know Who". We barely survived! Even after all these years people are still trying to recover and heal." She ended beginning to sob again. “My dear Molly wobbles." Arthur cooed as he used her pet name for secret times. “Me, Harry, and Draco are going to take a trip and talk to some people. Maybe we can get a lead and help the Minister." He said then looked in shock as Molly sat up with a crazed look. “NO WAY! You are NOT going out THERE and deal with this...this animal! You are not the young man you were in the Order of Phoenix...." “Molly, I'm not going to war or to duel. Harry and Draco asked me to come along. I think that I know why angle they are searching. I won't be gone long......" Harry walked away with the memory of the conversation etched in his mind. Pushing open the kitchen doors. Harry saw Ron and Dudley quietly talking. While Arthur and Draco sat at the head of the table talking as well. “Morning." He greeted. All four greeted him back the Harry smiled as he heard the pattering of little feet approach. “Good morning Master Harry! Here is your coffee sir. Can Kreacher make Master any breakfast?" Kreacher smiled handing Harry the cup. “No thank you Kreacher." Harry smiled as he saw the family ring glisten on Kreachers knobby finger. “I do need you to do something for me. Me, Mr. Malfoy, and Mr. Weasley are going to be gone for a little while. I know you heard about the attack on Lee Jordan by a dark wizard. Stay alert and protect this family at all costs." Harry instructed in a serious tone. “No harm will come to this family! On Kreacher’s life Kreacher swears it!" Kreacher vowed through squinted eyes. “Dudley I know that you don't know much about our world. So for safety sake....." Dudley put his big hand up interrupting Harry but not in a rude way. Page 136 “I understand Harry. You don't think that it's that Voldemort bloke do you? I mean he's not come back has he?" Dudley asked being nervous. “No Big D. He is dead but this might be the work of one or more of his followers. That's what we are going to check out today." Harry said as he sipped his coffee. “I’m coming with you right?" Ron spoke up. “Not this time mate...sorry. I...we would feel better if you were here to support Bill and Percy. George is still pretty upset about Lee. He needs his brothers here." Harry said with a pleading voice for him to understand. Ron got up abruptly with a deep scowl on his face. “You’ll take Draco but not me." Ron left as he glared at Draco. “He will come around Draco. Please don't hold his actions against him." Arthur sympathized. “He probably doesn't hate me as much as he should Mr. Weasley. I know that maybe in time we might be able to be at peace. I don't or won't hold anything against him or anybody no matter what the future may hold." Draco said in a warm tone. “I sent an Owl to the Minister about my request. We should hear back from him while at the Manor. We really should be going." Draco said as he walked to the door. “Kreacher the kids are not to leave the house for any reason. The backyard is ok. But nowhere else unless they are with an adult." Harry instructed. “Yes Master Harry. Please be safe Master, Master Weasley, and Master Malfoy." Kreacher said as he bowed to all even to Draco who bowed back to Kreacher. Following Draco to the main hallway. The three men put their winter traveling cloaks on. Ginny walked over to Harry to help adjust his collar. Not that any help was needed. “Please be careful.” she said worried. “We will." He said as he kissed her cheek. Opening the door they stepped out into the frigid cold air. One by one they disappeared to Malfoy Manor. “They just left guys." James said looking out the window. Albus, Rose and Scorpius sat on the bed looking at James. Who sat on the window sill. “I wish there was something we could do to help." Albus spoke up first. " My dad told last night that they are going to talk to grandad to see if he can remember if any of the Death Eaters escaped from being arrested by the Auror's." Scorpous said. “My mum and aunt Ginny were talking this morning. Their scared! And that's hard to do. They both hope that this isn't a start of another Dark Age or uprising." Rose bounced a quill nervously on her knee. “Uncle George is really upset. All he keeps saying is first Fred...now Lee. Nanna said that Page 137 they are going to take him and Uncle Ron to see Uncle Lee's parents later today." James said as he twirled his wand. “I just can't figure out why someone is attacking the Professors!" Rose exclaimed. "There has to be a connection somewhere. Uncle Bill thinks that they were tortured for information. But Aunt Hermione and Uncle Percy think this dark wizard is attracting them because it was the Professors that first held of Voldemort in the beginning of the Battle." James added. “But wait a minute. That can't be right. We grew up hearing the stories. Uncle Lee was with both Uncles Fred and George. The Battle had already begun. Professor Zabini was in Slytherin. The only Slytherin that stayed was that big over weight Professor..." “You mean Professor Slughorn." Rose said remembering his name. “Yeah Slughorn. I never even heard that Zabini was even in the castle. So that can't be it." Albus said trying to examine things. “Maybe if we could find out what they had in common...." Scorpius trailed of as if in thought of something. “What is it mate?" James asked. “I just thought about something. Both of them were hit with a strong memory charm. Stronger than the Confundus hex. Whoever it is doesn't want to be recognized. Cause he leaves them out to be found. So that could mean..." “They, whoever it is, is somebody they know, or maybe all of know!" Rose blurted out finishing Scorpius's sentence “Now the question is who is hiding in our faces?" James shrugged. “That’s a good question." Albus rolled his eyes wide. Three men appeared one after another in front of Malfoy Manor. Draco walked forward waiving his wand. The wall shifted to reveal the huge archway. “Welcome to my home." Draco smiled as he led them to the front door. With another casual waive of his wand the door opened. Walking into the main foyer they all hung their thick cloaks on the rack. “Please make yourself at home." Draco invited. The memories flooded both men’s minds as they walked forward. Arthur was sent many times to the Manor on raids to find dark arts artifacts. Seeing the expression on Arthurs face he smiled. “You know Mr. Weasley that when you raided the Manor for dark artifacts, you almost found a treasure trove. If only you had moved that large trunk where a hidden trap door laid." Draco smirked. Page 138 “I remember that trunk!" he said in excitement. “It was in the basement. Where is this “treasure trove” now, that you mention it?" Arthur said with a raised eyebrow. With a slight giggle Draco looked amused. “I turned it all over to the Ministry about three weeks after I was released from Azkaban." Draco smile faded as he remembered how roughly the Auror's had treated him that day. “Can I get you anything to drink?" Draco offered. Both men declined. “Then follow me please." Draco said as he led the way to his den. Harry and Arthur look around in surprise. The den itself was huge enough to have entertained a hundred plus guests. Books lined the walls floor to ceiling. In the left side corner was an elaborate computer set up. A lazy fire flickered inside an expensive black and gray marble fire place. Above his desk was a life size painting in oil of the Malfoy family. Lucius, Draco's father sat in an elaborate silver and emerald green velvet thirteenth century throne chair. Narcissa, Draco's mother stood behind his right shoulder. Draco at his current age of thirty-seven stood at his father’s left shoulder. His hand rested on Scorpius's left shoulder. While Scorpius held his grandads left hand. “I had a Muggle artist paint it for me. I had him add Scorpius at the start of the school year." Draco informed them. Turning he walked to the far wall where a silver framed painting hung far up on the wall. The back drop was painted in the Slytherin house colors. And eighteenth century silver throne with emerald green and black velvet cushions. No person sat within the painting. Clearing his throat Draco spoke out loudly. “I DRACO MALFOY, SON OF LUCIUS AND NARCISSA FATHER TO SCORPIUS. REQUEST A MEETING WITH PREVIOUS HEADMASTER PROFESSOR SEVERUS TOBIAS SNAPE. CURRENTLY RESIDING AT HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY." Draco bellowed out. Seeing the look on Arthur's face he explained. “I had sought the permission from the Headmistress and Minister Shacklebolt. It was Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore that had pleaded my case to the Wizgambit High Court to be lenient on me. I too was facing twenty-five to life in Azkaban. I was sentenced to two years for my role in making the way for the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts the night...." Draco trailed of silently as he hung his head. Both men put their hand on his shoulders giving him an understanding look. Knowing he was referring to the night Albus Dumbledore was killed. The three men turned to face the vacant painting as they heard foot falls approach. Moments later a pale hook nosed man with long shiny black hair appeared in the frame and sat down. “You want to see me Draco? Oh! And how nice. Hello Harry and Arthur. “Snape said with a genuine smile.” Hello Professor....Severus." Harry then Arthur greeted back. “I need your knowledge sir. I know you must have been informed of the attack on Professor Lee Jordan." Draco paused. Page 139 “Yes the Headmistress was informed late last night. Such a tragedy Mr. Jordan was such a good man and Professor. The Headmistress is in quite a state. Albus is furious." Snape informed. “That you know of did any of the followers escape capture?" Draco asked. “None that I am aware of. Many had scattered when the Dark Lord was killed. Many were arrested later. Some were killed during their arrest." Snape said then looked at Harry. “Can you think of any of the Death Eaters that are powerful enough to walk into Hogwarts, attack a professor, and then vanish without a trace? I'm asking because whoever it is doing this had to of been educated at Hogwarts." Harry asked. “Minerva, Albus, and I have been speaking about that very same thing. But to no avail." Snape shrugged. “Severus, could you ask Albus if he knows of any witch or wizard outside of "You Know Who's" followers that would want to attack Hogwart's Professor's?" Arthur asked rubbing his jaw. “I shall see. If you will excuse me for a moment." Snape said then left his painting. “You think that maybe it is someone not connected to Voldemort?” Harry asked rolling his eyes at the two men’s squeals at hearing the name. " Harry, " You Know Who" wasn't the only dark wizard around. He was just the most active. Grindelwald had many supporters too. But it was his sympathizers that continued to spread evil and discord. The person responsible for these attacks may be a supporter or sympathizer of He Who Must Not Named. And he wants revenge for whatever the reason. Draco can tell you that many of the Death Eaters and supporters were just as evil as their master." Arthur explained. Draco nodded his head with raised eyebrows. The three turned once more to the vacant painting when they heard the foot falls. Severus Snape returned only this time he had a guest. Standing behind him was Albus Dumbledore. Wearing midnight blue robes with gold stars. Those ever present sparkling blue eyes sat behind his half-moon glasses resting upon his crooked nose. Dumbledore smiled at the two men gazing up at them. “Hello gentlemen!" he greeted. They greet him in return. “Severus explained your questions they are most interesting. You have a theory Arthur?" Dumbledore asked. “When I was a kid. I heard the stories about Gellert's supporters and how much trouble they were after you had defeated him. But it was his sympathizers that created the most havoc and resistance. I'm thinking that whoever is behind the attacks. Are not only “You Know Who's " sympathizers but are so deep in the dark arts that he or they feel to act against the school that destroyed and ultimately killed him. After all it was the Page 140 Professors’ quick action of magic and knowledge that held him at bay. We all just helped." Arthur said looking at the two past Headmasters. “You may be onto something. The Dark Lord was amazed at how well the protective charms held. It also infuriated him because no matter how strong his magical powers. He still couldn't break through. He truly thought that it was going to be an easy cake walk as they say. Being that Albus was dead." Snape said. “And you are quite right about those that sympathized with Gellert. They carried out most grievous acts of evil. One does come to memory. A man by the name of Aulph Ritchter. Aulph worshipped Gellert. He was there the day I dueled and Gellert and defeated him. Aulph wanted to take up arms against me but Gellert told him he was no match for me and would be killed. And so I would have as regrettable as it would have been. “It took me many years and the Ministries full might to finally put an end to his sympathizers reign. Because nobody knew who they were. I received information that years after Gellert was sentenced to Life in Numengrad Prison. That Aulph still sought my destruction and no doubt my death. I lost track of him in your fifth year when I became busy with the ministries interference at Hogwarts as well as bringing an end to Lord Voldemort’s reign." He looked at Harry and Draco. “Is this Ritchter bloke still alive? Maybe we can track him down." Harry asked. “I doubt that he is alive Harry. He was at least twenty years my senior. He would be well into his early hundreds by now." Albus said frankly. “Do you think that possibly he could be behind this new threat?" Draco spoke out for the first time since Albus's appearance. “I am not entirely sure Draco. As I said I had lost track of him. Whenever he did surface I had the some of the Auror's go after him. To no avail he was never caught. Nobody would tell of his dwellings. The last report I received he was in Germany somewhere near Copenhagen. Let me emphasize extreme caution gentlemen. Aulph is just as skilled magically as any other you have ever heard about. You could even say that he was the best of the worst. He became a powerfully skilled charm and potion maker. Which was why Gellert recruited him. It was he that authored the book “Secrets of the Darkest Arts". Albus ended as he looked at Harry, whose mouth dropped. “Yes Harry, I see that you remember." Albus smiled. The other wizards alive and dead all looked at Harry confused. “That’s the book that Voldemort had read where he learned about how to make the Horcruxes as well as how we found out how to destroy them." Harry explained. “Very good Harry." Dumbledore nodded. Page 141 “When the children are safely back at Hogwarts. We can set out to find this Ritchter bloke if he's still live." Draco said as he leaned on a book shelf. “Well that has not been decided yet Draco." Snape said. “The children won't be returning Severus?" Arthur said with a skeptical look. “The Headmistress is undecided. Many of the parents have sent Owls speaking of their fears of another uprising by the Dark Lord." Snape answered. “HE’S DEAD! Everyone knows that!" Harry said irritated. “Yes well, everyone in this room Harry. Perhaps many others as well know that to be true. Everyone abroad thought Voldemort dead when he first tried to kill you when you were a baby. The magical world celebrated with an intensive jubilee. We all saw the fear in those same people when he returned to power. Many still believe that he will rise again." Dumbledore spoke softly. Suddenly an Owl swooped out of the fire place startling everyone. It flew straight for Draco dropping a letter then flew back up the chimney. Draco reached down picking up the letter. Seeing it was from the Minister himself. He showed it to the men then broke the seal and read it out loud. Dear Mr. Malfoy; I agree with your request and have granted you, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley full access and cooperation. The Dementors will be restricted from those specific cells. The prisoners that you have requested to see are now being placed in secure holding cells reserved for these types of visits. Ms. Gabrielle Delacour with the Auror's office is currently making those preparations. She will await your arrivals. The Floo Network has been connected for your convenience. Please accordingly keep me informed. Kingsley Shacklebolt MINISTER OF MAGIC Draco ended and folded the letter placing it in his pocket. “Professor Dumbledore would you and Professor Snape please explain to Professor Mcgonagal what we are doing and our theories. To please strongly consider to keep Hogwarts open. Right now the safest place is Hogwarts." Harry requested. “Of course Harry. And Arthur you might want to use the Order's means of communication as well. We must assume that whoever this dark wizard is he will try by any means to intercept all means of communication." Albus suggested. “You think we should recall and alert the Order of Phoenix Albus?" Arthur asked. Page 142 “Several of the Orders members have already been alerted. As well as the members of the D.A." Albus smiled at Harry. “That was the biggest reason for Kingsley's visit last night. Minerva and the other Professors have round clock security as we speak. Aberforth is placing every protection spell he can in and around the castle grounds. He is quite gifted in that field. Albus explained. “Well fellas, maybe we shouldn't keep Ms. Delacour waiting. Thank you Professors for your help and taking out the time to come to my home. We shall also keep you informed." Draco said with a respectful bow. “Our pleasure call upon us anytime. And as our long lost friend would say.." CONSTANT VIGILENCE!" Albus said raising his hand as he quoted the wisdom of Alaster 'Mad Eye' Moody. When both men left the painting Harry turned to Arthur. “What other means of communication?" he asked. “When Albus created the Order of Phoenix, he invented a spell that when cast you could communicate without fear of being intercepted or detected. When you say the incantation then the Order members name. That person will appear at you wand tip. You can speak as you wish." Arthur explained. “But for now we need to get going. I will teach it to you all when we get back." Arthur added. “Here is your cloaks. I sent Ms. Delacour a Patronus message informing her of our departure. “INCENDIO!" Draco spoke out pointing his wand at fire place. Causing the small fire blaze even bigger. Taking a pinch of fine green powder he threw it into the fire. Instantly the fire burst into fluorescent bright green flames. “See you on the other side." Draco smiled the yelled. “AZKABAN PRISON!" Draco spun like a top disappearing. “Harry I have to say this. The secrets of the Order of Phoenix are powerful. Secrets we don't share with outsiders." he said with a wave of his hand around the room. “I understand your concern. Just as Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus Snape. I trust Draco Malfoy." Harry then held up the family ring on his finger. Then threw the powder into the fire place. With a look on his face as if to say...conversation over. He stepped into the flames. "AZKABAN PRISON!" Harry spun the vanished. Arthur let out a huge sigh then followed suit. “What’s that noise?" Dudley asked. “It sounds like a wood pecker." he added as he looked all around. Kreacher trotted into the room. “Mistress there is an Owl with a mail delivery. Shall Kreacher let the Owl Post in?" he asked. Ginny realizing that Kreacher placed his own brand of protection about the house no doubt that Harry told him too. “Yes Kreacher thank you." Ginny smirked. Kreacher returned moments later with a confused look on his face. Page 143 “What’s wrong Kreacher?" Ginny asked. “My apologies Mistress Ginny. This letter is addressed to Ms. Rose Weasley and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Kreacher is not knowing who to give the letter to." Kreacher said confused. “I’ll take it Kreacher." Hermione said as she reached for the letter. Kreacher promptly handed her the letter then trotted off back to his duties. After reading the letter. Hermione beckoned for Rose. Moments later Rose walked into the sitting room. “You called mum?" she asked. “This letter just arrived by Owl. Do you know a Hewortt Dovelmen?" Her mum asked. “Yeah he's the foreign exchange student that I wrote you about. Why?" Rose looked confused. “He wrote to you. But he is asked our permission to accompany us to King's Cross." she said. “I forgot mum. He had said that he wanted to come back early. He a lot of trouble the first time at Platform nine and three quarters. I told him that I would ask you when we get ready to go back to school. With everything that has been going on. I really had forgot." Rose explained. “Well considering all that has been going on. I will let your father decide." Hermione looked at Ron. “Let’s see what Harry, grandad, and Draco find out and what they have to say then we will decide in that. Where is he coming from?" Ron asked. “He went to his grandads for Christmas in Germany." Rose said dryly still upset with her dad’s outburst at Scorpius. “Like I said we'll wait until they get back." Ron said still upset about being left behind but trying hard to hide it. “Ok mum..dad." Rose said as she left the room. Rose entered Albus's room she saw that Scorpius and James were playing wizards chess. With Albus looking on waiting to play the winner which has been Scorpius for the last twelve games. James's queen was just smashed to the board and dragged off. “Guess what guys? Rose spoke up. “TROLL SPIT! That’s game." James said disgusted. Scorpius giggled as Albus took James spot. “What’s up Rosey?" James asked. Page 144 “Hewortt sent an Owl asking my parents if he could come here and ride with us to King's Cross and back to school." Rose explained. “That’d be great." James said watching the game. “I wouldn't do that if I were you Al. It'll be check mate." Rose warned him. “Hey! Who's playing this?" Albus said as he moved his knight. Scorpius moved his bishop across the board smashing the knight. “Check mate....mate." Scorpius laughed. “Come on Rosey you play him. We can't beat him." Albus got up from the chair. “Yeah I'm the undisputed king." Scorpius smiled. “Yeah well you haven't played me yet." Rose smirked as she sat down. After the first five minutes into the game. Scorpius took longer to move trying to figure out Rose's strategy. Scorpius then moved his castle across the far right side of the board. Causing Rose to sacrifice her castle in order to save her queen. “You fell for the Weasley Bluff." Rose said as she moved her queen diagonally across the board in line with his queen. “Check mate...MATE!" Rosey burst out into hysterical giggles. As Scorpius looked at the board. Then laughed. “So when is Hewortt coming?" Albus asked. “Dad said that he will make the final decision when your dad's and grandad get back." Rose said as she and Scorpius started another game. “Things are going to be tight around here for a while. We will just have to be patient. I wish we knew what they were doing." Albus said as he looked out the window at the snow billowing outside. The prisons fire burst into green flames for the third time revealing spinning Arthur Weasley. Coming to a stop he stepped out the brushed himself off. “Good morning gentlemen" Gabrielle greeted. “Et iz good to ze you again Mr. Potter." She added. “Wothcher Gabby! You are looking as beautiful as ever." Harry smiled. “You are too kind." She blushed which is hard to get a Veela to do. “So how do you like the Auror's office?" Harry asked. “Et iz a very good job but buzy at timez." she said with a shrug. “So what made you join?" Harry kept up the conversation. “Becauze of you" She looked at him as he should have known. Page 145 “Me?" Harry looked shocked. “Yez you. When you fought ze Voldzemort and ze dark wizardz with him. You inspired me to fight the dark forzez too. You are a hero throughout the whole magical world." Gabrielle smiled bright. Harry looked at Draco and Arthur who smiled. “I’m no hero Gaby. We all played our parts and prevailed over great obstacles. So as long as everyone plays their part and does what has to be done, we WILL conquer this new threat. We just have to find out who this new threat is first" Harry said as the all walked down the corridor. “That is why we are here. To help get the wheels rolling." Arthur spoke up for the first time. “Vell then who ez et you want to zee first?" she asked. All three faced Draco for direction. “Mulciber." Draco gritted his teeth bitterly at the name. “Right theez way." Gabrielle turned and led them down several twists and turns. Walking up to the large metal door. The air became more stale and cold. Approaching the door they could see the huge sign that read MAXIMUM SECURITY. “I am sorry but et iz Miniztry polizy that no one but an Auror or the Minizter can carry a wand past theez point." She said embarrassed having to take Thee Harry Potter's wand. “It’s alright Mz. Delacour we understand.” Draco smiled. As the three men handed over their wands. Turning she tapped the door with her wand. A non-descript face appeared. “Yes?" The face spoke in a reverberating bass tone. “Gabrielle Delacour of the Auror's office is here to escort Mizzer Harry Potter, Mizzer Arthur Weasley, and Mizzer Draco Malfoy to zee three maximum security prisoners." She announced. The face fell into a blank expression then withdrew back into the door. Huge dead bolt could be heard sliding back unlocking the door. At the moment the door opened. Musty foul air assaulted the group. All four quickly covered their mouths and nose. She then urged them forward. Walking up to the first door she stopped. “Knock on ze door when you are done." She instructed then tapped the door with her wand. The men nodded then watched as the door slid open left to right. Stepping inside they cringed at the sight before them. In the corner of the room squatted a medium height man whose hair was no longer black but snow white. The heavily lidded eyes peered out from behind bushy snow white eyebrows. Recognizing the three visitors he began to snarl and growl. Now revealing skin wrinkled almost too inhuman wear. His beard seemed to coil in his lap like a dormant snake. Jumping to his knees he thrashed out towards Harry. Although Mulciber's hands and ankles were bound by thick heavy chains. Harry still took a step backwards. Page 146 “You’re a dead man Potter! The Dark Lord will see to it when he returns power!" Mulciber snarled. “Well you are in for a long wait. I personally lit the fire then watched as his body turned to ash." Harry said with slight tinge of humor. “And look at this..the coward’s son being all friendly with the enemy of us all." He said in mock humor. “Did any of the Death Eaters escape arrest?" Arthur spoke out. Mulciber jumped to his feet lunging at him. The three men stepped back amazed that he could move that fast. “DON’T SPEAK TO ME YOU BLOOD TRAITOR FILTH! If any had escaped you all would be DEAD! Starting with him!" Mulciber emphasized his hatred for Harry. “Come on he's not going to tell us anything." Arthur said as he knocked on the door. The door slid open the three stepped back into the hall. “YOU’RE DEAD HARRY POTTER! YOU HEAR ME YOU'RE...." his screams were cut off as the door slide shut. “You would have thought that the Dementors would have softened him up after all these years." Harry smiled. “I believe you are right son. None of them are going to tell us anything. Let's go home and try to find out a way to find Aulph Ritchter." Arthur sighed. “Maybe one of them will." Draco spoke up but didn't look at them. “Who would that be mate?" Harry asked. “My father." Draco said in a low tone. Draco took a deep breath then gave a feeble smile to Harry then to Gabrielle. “Would you please show us to Lucius Malfoy's cell please." he requested. “You don't have to do this Draco. We can find another way." Harry said concerned. “It’s ok Harry. If anyone knows who escaped it's my father. I only went to Mulciber first because I figures that his hatred for you and disgust for me he would spill on who escaped capture. The other one was Nott. He was one of the Death Eaters that begged the Dark Lord to hunt you down and bring you to him." Draco explained. Walking only a few doors down she tapped on the door. Again the door slide left to right. Walking in Harry saw Lucius sitting in the corner holding himself. His once long white blond hair was now snow white with age and bald except for the sides of his head. His hair and beard also white reached down to his waist in a tangled mess. Harry's heart crushed inside his chest. Knowing how much this must hurt Draco to see his father in this condition. Lucius turned his head slightly at the sound of the door closing. Seeing Draco standing there he brightened up with smile revealing broken and rotting teeth. His smile faded just as fast when he noticed the other two visitors. Page 147 Draco stepped closer. “Hello dad. I brought some visitors. Please hear us out. We have something we need to ask of you." Draco said softly. Lucius rolled eyes then looked back at his son. “You can bring THEM but not my grandson!" Lucius seethed emphasizing the word 'them'. “Dad I explained to you why I didn't bring Scorpius. We are here because we need help. We need your help dad." Draco said as he kneeled by his father’s side. “Hello Lucius." Arthur spoke warmly. Lucius harrumphed in his direction." Mr. Malfoy we need your help...." Lucius jerked his chains angrily towards Harry. “I don't know how or what spell you cast on my son and grandson. When I get out it will be hell to pay!" Lucius growled. “DAD!" Draco snapped causing his father to cringe away. Harry felt worse. He thought to leave knowing that he wasn't bettering the situation with him in the cell. “Lucius please." Arthur said kindly. “Dad I told you and mum on my last visit that me and Harry have made amends and are now friends. Someone is torturing the Professors at Hogwarts. One of them has been killed. Did any of the Death Eaters manage to escape arrest?" Draco asked sternly. “Draco my son. Nothing in this miserable life brings me more joy than to see you alive and raising our grandson. You saw what the Dark Lord did to Karikoff for turning on the others. What he made you do to him. I don't dare do the same. He would kill us all!" Lucius began to shake in fear. “He’s dead Mr. Malfoy. He can't hurt anyone ever again I can promise you that." Harry spoke up. “This Dark Wizard doing all of this. How do you know it is not the Dark Lord doing it?" Lucius asked as he looked deep into Harry's eyes. “I set the fire that cremated him. He was cold ash before I left. He's dead trust me on that." Harry spoke a little harsher than he intended. “TRUST YOU?.....Trust you Harry Potter! We have been enemies since the Dark Lord tried to kill you when you were just an infant. And trust you, you say....get out of here." Lucius started to laugh. “Dad please. We are friends now and we have united our families." Draco said as he knelt down in front of his father. Showing him the 'UNITED WE STAND' family ring. Lucius's eyes bulged at the sight. Then looking to Harry and Arthur who in turn showed him their rings. Lucius appeared as if to fold up inside himself. “Dad we need to know if any of the followers managed to escape arrest. Think about Page 148 your grandson. MY SON. This Dark Wizard has already shown that he likes to torture his victims. How are you going to feel if he snatches Scorpius then torture him to death? And you refused to help because you were too scared and cowardly!" Draco eyed his father who jumped at being called a coward. “Dad we need to know!" Draco now urged his father. After a long pause of silence. Draco growled. “DAD!" he shouted. Causing Arthur and Harry to jump. “Rowle...Thorfinn Rowle." Lucius said whimpering. “That big blode bloke!" Harry sounded surprised. Lucius nodded his head. “How do you know Lucius?" Arthur asked. “He..he was hurt pretty bad in the battle but able to move. When Cissy and I were holding Draco thankful he was alright and unhurt. I saw him run from the castle when the Dark Lord fell. The others were brought in talking about that Rowle had escaped and disappeared. Rodolphus came in saying that Rabastan was killed trying to protect him that Rowle had killed two Auror's then disappeared. We all expected for him to break us out. But he never came. He's either dead, or hiding somewhere." Lucius ended looking at Arthur. There was a moment’s pause. Then Harry sat down next to the wall. “How strong magically is he Mr. Malfoy?" Harry asked. "He is strong enough. The Dark Lord always sent him and Dolohov to do the tasks he felt none of the others were capable of." Lucius was now speaking more openly and relaxed. " Ok but is he strong enough to break through the protection boundaries, enter Hogwarts, torture a Professor, cast a memory charm so strong that the Healers at St. Mungo's have never seen, then leave the undetected without a trace?" Harry asked him. “Harry Potter, not even the Dark Lord himself could do that. You saw how long it was all of us to finally enter the castle. Let me explain something to you. Rowle was one of the first to receive the Dark Brand. Lucius flexed his left forearm as did Draco unconsciously. “He is one of the Alphas. Which is what we called the first Death Eaters. Rowle, Avery, Yaxley, Dolohov, and the Lestranges where all at Hogwarts with the Dark Lord even before he changed his name. “Thorfinn Rowle is a follower. Strong? Yes and extremely deadly. If it is Rowle then someone else is pulling his strings commanding him to do so." Lucius ended as he leaned against the wall. “If you were him where would you hide?" Draco asked. Lucius harrumphed then looked to Harry. Page 149 “Anywhere far away from HIM and the magical community." Lucius giggled to himself. Harry had to smirk at his sheer cheek answer. “Thank you Mr. Malfoy for your help." Harry spoke as kindly as he could. “Do not patronize me Harry Potter! You may have my son fooled into believing that you are his friend. You are just using him to get information out of me. The Dementors may take my happiness away from me in this tormenting place. But they will never take my common sense." He now glared at Harry. “Your wrong dad." Draco spoke up shaking his head as he stood up. "Harry came to me at the Manor, forgave me and all that I had done. With that we became friends he opened up made me and Scorpius apart of his family. I was already working on finding this new Dark Lord not to join him. But to destroy him! I brought him and Mr. Weasley with me not the other way around. I love you dad. Please tell mum the same." Draco turned and knocked on the door without another word. Harry felt proud of Draco for standing up for him. Yet sorrowful at the same time. Harry looked at Lucius who had an amazed yet proud look on his face. "Goodbye Mr. Malfoy. Bye Lucius." both men then walked into the hall after Draco. Harry walked next to Draco. Gabrielle and Arthur followed. Gabrielle looked at Arthur Weasley in wonder at the sight before her. Harry had his arm around Draco comforting him as they exited the Maximum Security area. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 13, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing