![]() Harry Potter blood ties chapter nineteenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter nineteen families United![]()
Families United Scorpius woke up the next morning sitting at the edge of the bed. Looking over to where Albus was snoring away. He got up walking to the bathroom to freshen up. Returning he squinted up at the clock and saw that it was 5:22 am. Still too early to wake Albus. He set out for the kitchen. Opening the door to the kitchen. He saw that Kreacher had placed something in the oven. “G’morning Mr. Kreacher may I come in please? Scorpius asked standing at the door. “Why yes young Master Malfoy. There is no need to ask Kreacher. Can Kreacher get young master anything?" he asked. “A glass of milk please." Scorpius smiled. Kreacher's little feet went pattering to the refrigerator. Then trotted back over to place the ice cold glass of milk before Scorpius. “Here you go young master.” Kreacher smiled his near toothless grin. “Thank you Mr. Kreacher." he said taking a long gulping swallow. “Young master is too kind. He calls me mister." Kreacher chuckled toddling back to the ovens. “Am I the only one awake Mr. Kreacher?" Scorpius asked. “There young master says it again calling Kreacher mister." Kreacher said as if Scorpius wasn't there. “No young master. Master Harry is in the main sitting room." Kreacher said never turning to talk. Scorpius got down from the table and left with milk in hand. Leaving Kreacher in the kitchen talking to himself. Walking slowly he looked from wall to wall at all the pictures. “They sure like taking pictures." he said to himself. Turning the corner he saw Harry bending down to finish arranging the presents. “G’morning Mr. Potter." Scorpius greeted causing him to jump at the sudden noise. “Good morning Scorpius." Harry giggled. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I really wasn’t sure if it was ok to move about. I was just kinda thirsty." Scorpius said as he held up the glass of milk he was holding. “Of course it's ok. This is your home too. As a matter of fact. You don't have to keep calling me Mr. Potter.” Harry made a funny face. Which brought a giggle from Scorpius. “Think of me more like an uncle. Ok?" Harry smiled warmly. “Ok..Uncle Harry." Scorpius giggled even more. Page 125 “I didn't expect anyone to get up this early. How'd you sleep?" Harry asked as he set the last present in place. "Alright I guess. Albus rolls around a lot and he snores. I think that I will on the floor tonight." Scorpius smirked. “He gets the snoring from his mum. Though I'll never admit to that." Harry grinned. "Oh and I got an Owl from your dad. He said he got in late last night that he will be here around eight or nine o'clock this morning." Harry informed. Harry then walked over to Scorpius the looked at the beautiful scene before him. He then saw the frightened look on Scorpius's face. "I know what you're thinking son. But don't worry we won't have a repeat of yesterday. Molly's pretty good at getting her point across. Besides, Ron doesn't want another row with Kreacher." Harry smirked. Harry hugged him too him. “Kreacher!" Harry called out. “Master called?" Kreacher came in wiping his hands on a towel. “Is everything ready? Harry asked. “Yes master, everything is done as master has instructed. Shall Kreacher wake the house now for master?" Kreacher said smiling. “Let us get this party started!" Harry then nodded to Kreacher. Kreacher smiled wide the cracked his knuckles. With a single snap of his finger. A magnified voice rebounded throughout the house. “HO!...HO!....HO! MEEERRY CHRISSSSTMAAAS!" It was repeated in an ongoing repetition. Harry drew his wand with a soft flick of his wrist. The ceiling began to sprinkle snowflake flurries downward. Only to disappear several feet from above. “WOW!" Scorpius said in awe. Harry gave another gentle flick and music from the Muggle world began to play. “Chestnuts...Roasting...on an open fire...." The magical voice of Johnny Mathis began to sing. In the distance both of them could hear the little pattering of tiny feet running in their direction. “IT’S CHRISTMAS!" Yelled Lily and Hugo as they ran into the room. Heading straight for the presents. “Oh no you don't." Harry said as he quickly swished his wand pulling the two nine year olds back to him as if reeled in by an invisible rope. “Let’s wait for the others huh?" Harry smiled. “Aww daddy!...Uncle Harry!" came their cries. Scorpius giggled at the scene. “Merry Christmas!" Was heard all around from voices as they entered the sitting room. Nobody was dressed. Everyone either were still in pajamas or wearing their house coats. “Merry Christmas cuz!" Albus greeted Scorpius. Page 126 “Yeah Merry Christmas cuz!" he returned the fist bump. Once all the hugs, fist bumps, and kissed had subsided. Everyone sat down waiting anxiously. “Nice touch Harry." Hermione gestured at the snow flurries above. Smiling he turned to Kreacher. “Kreacher would you do the honors please." Ginny spoke out. “With pleasure my Mistress." Kreacher turned towards the mountain of presents. Wiggling his fingers the presents soared into the air and began to float one by one to their owners. Lily jumped up and was now standing on the sofa mimicking Kreacher as she giggled. Everyone was now laughing at the scene. Whenever Lily Potter started giggling it became contagious. All around the room they were all holding their stomachs with tears of laughter. “I still can't get over that. Ginny used to do that all the time. She would follow Arthur everywhere pretending to do magic." Molly was doubled over in laughter as she spoke. “I did not!" Ginny said laughing. The entire Weasley family looked at her nodding their heads as if to say...oh yes you did. Before the last of the presents landed. The scene erupted. Wrapping paper was being torn apart. Ooh's and aah's could be heard. “I got the newest broom care maintenance kit!" Albus shouted. “Me too!" James bellowed. “Ten Thousand Herbs, Fungi, and Their Practical Uses! Tenth Edition!" Rose bellowed. Harry looked at Ginny and shook his head. “Only Hermione would get her kids books for Christmas." Ginny said smiling. Scorpius was in total awe at all the presents laid before him. With names from people in the room. George smiled looking at Scorpius's expression. It was he and Percy that went out late last night shopping picking up presents from the whole family. “Everything alright kiddo?" Bill asked sitting down next to him. Who hadn't opened a single present from the shock. “I..I didn't expect all of this." He said as he kept reading the names of all the people including a few from Ron. “Well dig in little man. You will come to realize that we have a very large family." Bill chuckled. Without further hesitation. Scorpius began to tear into all the presents except the ones from his dad which he laid to the side. The 'Quartet' as they had been named by George. James, Albus, Rose and Scorpius were talking ecstatically showing off their presents. When a knock sounded at the door. Page 127 “I’ll get it!" Dudley called out being closest to the door. “That might be Charlie. He said he would come if he could get away." Ginny told Harry. “Merry Christmas!" Dudley said as he opened the door. “Merry Christmas to you sir. I am Draco Malfoy. Mr. Potter invited me here today." Draco said as he extended his hand in greeting. “Well come on in Mr. Malfoy. Can I take your coat?" Dudley shook his hand in return. “Yes thank you sir” Draco smiled. “Ah, no need for the sir. I'm Dudley...Dudley Dursley. I'm Harry's Muggle cousin." he laughed still finding the word Muggle funny. “Pleased to meet you Mr. Dursley." Draco smiled. Walking into the room everyone grew quiet. The only sound was the music and Lily and Hugo's laughter. “DAD!" Scorpius yelled and ran to him. “Merry Christmas son." Draco said as he picked him up hugging him tightly trying not to notice the sudden silence. “Merry Christmas Draco." George said holding out his hand. Shaking his hand Draco smiled. “Merry Christmas to you Mr. Weasley." Draco greeted back. “Aw enough of the mister stuff. It's ok believe me. You have a really great kid here." George said ruffling Scorpius's softly. “Thank you. He is by far my greatest joy." Draco said with his hands now on his son's shoulders. Who was standing in front of him with a beaming smile. This broke the tension in the room. When all the greetings were over. The noise level picked up a touch. Harry walked in helping Kreacher carry bowls of egg-nog to the tables. Seeing Draco he smiled. “I didn't know you were here Draco!" Harry set the heavy bowl down then walked over to him. Shaking his hand the two then hugged. Seeing this, broke whatever tension was left in the room. “Thank you for inviting me and my son." Draco said now relaxed. “I’m glad you are here I have been waiting until you got here for to give the family their present from Ginny and me. But first things first. This young man has saved all your presents until you got here." Harry said warmly. Smiling proudly. He followed his son over to the still large pile of presents. Opening one by one. Everyone waited patiently. Reaching for his last of the presents. Which was a long rectangular box. Opening it Scorpius saw a thick expensive piece of parchment. Page 128 Looking up at his dad with a confused look. Draco smiled the nodded for him to proceed. Scorpius took out the thick piece of parchment unrolling it a large heavy gold key fell into his lap. Many around recognized the key for what it was and smiled proudly at Draco. Taking the key in his hand he began to read. GRINGOTT'S WHERE TREASURES ARE LAYED. Dear Mr. Scorpius Lucious Malfoy; This letter is to inform you that a vault account has been set up for you by Mr. Draco Malfoy in the amount of ONE HUNDRED GALLEONS, ONE HUNDRED SICKLES, ONE KNUTS. Enclosed you will find your Gold Access Authorization Key. We look forward to your first visit. Merry Christmas to you and your family. HONORABLY YOURS; Spagnook Head Goblin in Charge Everyone was awe struck. Scorpius looked at his dad then launched into his arms. “Thank you dad" Scorpius said hugging him tight. “Grandad never trusted me like I trust you. I know that you will spend it wisely it is yours to do with as you please. The only thing that you will not have to spend it on is your school supplies. That responsibility lays still lays with me. You have shown me more in your young age that I could ever show you in my old age." Draco smiled down at his son. With a casual swirl of his wand a large box appeared. Standing in front of the family whose faces shown of love and joy. Harry admired Draco for what he had just bestowed upon Scorpius. He remembered when he first visited Gringotts wizarding bank finding out that he too had account left for him by his parents. “Harry I bought these to celebrate the holidays." Draco said handing him a case of Rosmerta's Oak Meade. “Kreacher!" Ginny called out. “Mistress called?" Came the deep bull frog voice of Kreacher. "Please get everyone a flagon and help to fill them with the Meade. Except the children’s fill theirs with egg-nog." she instructed. Harry, Draco, and Kreacher went about passing the flagons to all filling them as they went. Ginny and Hermione fill the children’s with egg-nog. Once the task was finished. Draco stood behind his son. Page 129 “May I propose a toast?” Draco asked. “Of course." Harry urged. Clearing his throat he placed a hand on Scorpous's shoulder. “Through the years we have all been so many pains and tragedies. My family doesn't deserve the kindness that you all have bestowed towards me and my son. You have every right to hate the Malfoy family....." "Draco" Harry called out trying to stop him using a warm tone. “Please Harry I need to say this." Draco said with pleading eyes. Harry stepped back and nodded. “My son at the age of seven asked me why I don't I write to you all and ask for your forgiveness. But I couldn't. I did write several times but I only just threw it in the fire. I knew that I had no right to ask for anything. I would do anything to turn back the hands of time and make things right." Harry and Hermione smiled silently at each other remembering when Hermione was given a Time Turner her third year. In which they had used to rescue Sirius Black from being arrested. “I was a coward then and have been most of my life. My son has more strength and bravery in his little finger than I have ever possessed in life. “He has been made to suffer many times over for my sins. Sins I will pay for, for the rest of my life. I begged him to let me home school him. Because I knew that he would be subjected to for just being a Malfoy. But he was incisively persistent on being educated at Hogwarts where his father went to school. Saying I quote: “Father I know that our family has done some terribly wrong things. But how can we and the magical community begin to heal if we don't face it head I can take it dad. It started at Hogwarts for you. So I want it to start for me there too. No matter how many times I'm cursed, hexed, and even hated...." Draco began to choke up to suppress a sob. With tears welling in his eyes. He swallowed and continued. “I am still proud to be your son." Draco broke down starting to cry unable to control himself any longer. Scorpius leaned into his dad holding his hand. Draco felt an arm around his shoulder. Looking up he saw the warm comforting smile on George's face. Handing him a handkerchief Draco nodded his appreciation. Draco dried his eyes regaining his nerve. The whole room was sniffling and wiping tears from their own eyes. “Excuse me for that break down." he said as he looked at all the understanding smiles. “All of this was said from a now eleven year old. Who was ready to face the world no matter what the world threw at him. Despite his courage he was attacked and bullied only to be saved by the son of the very man I so cowardly hated in school. Who has become the most bravest and honorable man I have ever known." Draco said as he looked at Harry. “Through our children we have begun to heal. On behalf of my family. I thank you all from the depths of my very soul at being given the chance to “earn" your forgiveness. Page 130 With that being said. Merry Christmas to the Potter's, Weasley's, and Dursley families." Draco nodded to Dudley then raised his flagon taking a swallow. “CHEERS EVERYONE!” Arthur said as he took another swallow. Everyone did the same. Ron took a sip only when his father toasted the family. Which didn't go unnoticed but was left unsaid. “Like father....like son....you can't say it any better than that." George said as he pulled Draco into a friendly hug. Scorpius was beaming with pride as they all laughed at George's remark. Harry stepped to the middle of the room motioning for his wife to join him. Once she was at his side. He cleared his voice getting everyone’s attention." Now is a great time to give you all our presents." Harry smiled nodding at Ginny. “Alright Kreacher would you do the honors please." Ginny said warmly. “With pleasure my Mistress." Kreacher bowed then walked to the center. Everyone wore confused looks. “Would everyone please hold out your right hand palms up please." he instructed. All around the room arms were extended. With a broad grin. He raised his right hand and with a knobby left finger he touched the center of his right palm. Instantly tiny square boxes appeared in their palms. “Go ahead!...Open it!" Harry said excited Upon opening the tiny box there were gasps from all in the room. Inside was a single solid gold ring encrusted with rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds. The Hogwarts gem stones representing the four Houses. In the middle were four hands all holding a single wand its tip was ignited like fire which flickered as if real. Around the crown in tiny writing were the names....Potter's, Weasley's, Dursley's and Malfoy's. At the very top was a slightly bigger word...UNITED...at bottom.. WE STAND! Everyone was speechless as they put the ring on their finger of choice. Which automatically sized itself. “They will either grow or shrink to your ring size. Even as the kids grow it will grow." Harry explained. “Harry!...Ginny! This is just beautiful!" Hermione said in wondered awe. Compliments were heard from everyone. "Let take some pictures!" Arthur said waiving his wand. Several cameras appeared snapping photos. “Just a minute Mr. Weasley. I have one more present to give out." Harry announced. The cameras stopped their clicking and hovered in place. Harry then walked over to Kreacher whose eyes were getting larger as Harry approached. Page 131 Taking the same kind of tiny box out of his pocket. Harry knelt down on one knee in front of Kreacher. “Kreacher, you chose several years ago to serve my family of your own free will. You have become a part of this family as any other. So it is this families honor and privilege to present you with your own family ring." Harry said as he handed over the tiny box to Kreacher. Accepting the gift Kreachers mouth was wide open as his ears flared out in surprise. Opening the box he saw that it was exactly the same as everyone else’s. Putting on the ring he ran forward to Harry hugged him tightly." Oh! Master and Mistress is to kind to Kreacher. To give Kreacher his very own family ring!" Kreacher bellowed out crying. Then ran straight for Ginny hugging her. Ginny giggled as she returned the hug. Flashes from camera erupted once more. The house hold went about spreading cheers, playing pranks, And just all around family fun. Much later the whole house settled down to gather together for a family photo. The kids sat on the floor with Kreacher in the middle. With Rose, Lily, Albus on his right. Scorpius, James, Hugo on his left. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Draco, George, Bill and Fleur stood along the back of the couch. Everyone else fit in around the couch. Arthur and Molly sat in the middle of the couch embarrassing each other. Once the fleet of cameras snapped the family photo. The celebrations continued well into the late hours. Walking somberly down the brightly lit corridor with several of the hospital rooms could be seen. Giving the place the look of a labyrinth. The Head Healer in charge at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries walked to the crowd of wizards and witches gathered at his office door. The crowd parted to reveal the tall dark bald pallet of Kingsley Shacklebolt. Wearing Vidrine green robes lined with gold trim. Kingsley had a grave look on his face he extended his hand. “Thank you for coming so quickly Minister." welcomed the Healer. “I wish I was here for different reasons. How is he?" Kingsley asked. “Mr. Lee Jordan is in extremely critical condition. Minister if it wasn't for the wizard working at the Muggle hospital and recognizing the injuries he very well would not be alive now.” He said with a sigh. “What can you tell me? asked the Minister. “He was magically beaten and tortured. There is evidence that the Cruciatus curse was used on him. Several bones are broken or even crushed. Though there are no marks or evidence. His major joints have severe trauma from extreme dislocation. Like he was pulled apart in four different directions. All the while the Cruciatus curse was used and beaten at the same time. I have never seen or heard of such an injury caused through the use of magic. Whatever was used it is definitely new. I have been able to heal most of his injuries. But the severeness of trauma to his brain." the healer shrugged. “The next few days we should know more. He's definitely a strong one." The Healer assured. Page 132 “Did Mr. Jordan say who attacked him?" Dawlish asked. “He only keeps saying two words...child....and ..Betrix. He was hexed with a powerful memory charm." he informed. "Do you think that the same person who attacked Mr. Jordan is the very same as to Mr. Zabini's assault?" The Minister asked. “Yes Minister. I do believe that both of these men were attacked by the same person. I am 99% sure that the two memory charms are the same. This is a memory charm so powerful that either man is unlikely to ever recover. The Head Healer ended then walked away. The Minister of Magic turned to face his Head of the Aurors office. “Dawlish alert all of the other Aurors of the attack on Mr. Jordan. Send word to the Head Mistress of Hogwarts alerting her of the tragedy. When that is done you and Krause will escort me to the Potter's residence the Weasleys are there as well. It is to them that I must speak to.” Kingslenow ran hand over his sweating bald head. “Now Dawlish!” he snapped in anger seeing that he hadn't moved. All around looked. For they had never seen Kingsley Shacklebolt this angry. “EXPECTO PATRONUM!" he yelled. The silvery Lynx sat before him. “Message to Harry Potter." Kingsley spoke to the shining Lynx. Finished the Lynx bounded off through the wall and vanished. Later that evening when everyone was full to the brim with Christmas. The adults mingled and talked. While the kids played with their toys. Suddenly Dudley yelped in shock as a big bright silvery Lynx appeared through the wall. The patronus leapt over to where Harry stood then opened its mouth. The deep baritone voice of the Minister spoke out loudly. “Minister of Magic requesting an urgent visit with the Potter and Weasley family." the lynx sat as if waiting a reply. “Welcome Minister." Harry said abruptly looking at Ginny who shrugged. At the sound of the doorbell, Bill went and escorted the Minister and two Aurors into the room. “Welcome Minister to my home. Merry Christmas." Harry said as he shook his hand. “Merry Christmas to you all I wish that I was here to help spread the cheer. But unfortunately I must be the barer of tragic news." Kingsley sighed then looked towards the Weasley's. “Professor Lee Jordan was attacked and grievously injured last night. He was found by the Muggle police and brought to their hospital. A wizard doctor working there recognized the injuries as well as Mr. Jordan. He quickly alerted St. Mungo's then risked disappearing with Lee to the hospital. He was tortured badly. The Head Healer said that Page 133 he has never seen injuries like those suffered by Mr. Jordan. “Very advanced dark magic was used." He paused. “Was it the same one who attacked Blaise Zabini?" Harry asked. “They believe so yes. The same memory charm was used on both." He affirmed. “Is Lee going to be alright?" George asked fearing the answer. Kingsley looked down then up. “I’m sorry George. Lee passed away shortly before I left to come here. His family has been notified." Kingsley looked down in grief. “George fell into seat beside him and cried. All that gathered began to cry. Some although felling the pain of loss did their best to remain strong and comfort the others. “I am sorry Harry for to bring news on a day like this. I know you would want to know." Kingsley said disheartened. “Thank you for taking out the time to come." Harry said with a mild squeeze to the Minister's shoulder while looking at Arthur and Molly embarrass their son who was in a hysterical crying rage. “Kids why don't you all go on up to your rooms for a while." Ginny instructed trying to be one of the strong ones. The children got up at once without questions taking Lily and Hugo with them. “I must be going Harry. Stay alert someone with a very deep knowledge of the dark arts is out there prowling and attacking and torturing people." Kingsley said gravely. Harry nodded then escorted him and the two Aurors to the door. “Let me know if there is something I can do to help." Harry offered. “I see that you and Draco Malfoy have made amends?" Kingsley said with a skeptical look. “Yes we have Minister. And I trust him just as much as Professor Dumbledore trusted Professor Snape." Harry said in a kind but stern voice. Kingsley nodded. The three men looked outside to make sure the area was clear of any Muggles that might be in the area. With a nod the men disappeared. Closing the door Harry walked back into the main sitting room. Percy, Bill, and Ron were crowded around George who cried still. The women were holding Molly who broke down emotionally. She had always looked at Lee Jordan as a son. Draco stood off to the side. Then motion for Harry to follow him to the kitchen. When Harry entered the two men sat down. “Harry I need to ask you for a favor?" Draco requested. “Yeah sure." Harry said. Page 134 “Can Scorpius stay here for a few days with your family? I would also like for you and Mr. Weasley..Arthur I mean, to come with me to Azkaban tomorrow." Draco asked. “Yes on both. But why Azkaban?" Harry asked puzzled. “It’s something that I have been doing some guess work on. Ever since I learned of Blaise's attack at school. I have been searching to find out who might be behind it. I can explain everything in more detail at the Manor. To catch the evil...we need to visit the evil." Draco said as he curling his lip in disgust. “I’m following you with that. And you may be right." Harry said as he got up from the table. “But, before we go we will need to talk to an old friend first." Draco smiled as they both left back to the sitting room. “Ginny." Harry called softly. She broke away from Molly and Hermione. “This is awful Harry." She said as she walked into his embrace. “Yes it is." Harry let out a huge sigh then kissed the side of her cheek. “Listen, Scorpius is going to stay here for a few days. Me, Draco, and your father are going to check something out." Harry explained. “Excuse Mr. Weasley but may I speak to you for a moment?" Harry asked. Walking over to where Harry now stood by the tree next to Draco. “Would you come with me and Draco tomorrow? He has some things that he has been working at. Maybe we can get the Ministry pointed in the right direction." Harry asked. “Sure son, when do you want to leave?" Arthur asked. “First thing in the morning." Draco said raising his eye brow. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 13, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing