![]() Harry Potter blood ties chapter eighteenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter eighteen Supplicy Etenda![]()
Supplicy Etenda Five miles away in a dark and dusty Muggle hotel. The air bellowed, stirring the snow all about. Two men sat around the rooms’ small table. The older of the two, whose hair was bushy snow, looked at the much younger man sitting across from him, much handsomer than the old man had been in life. Even with a slight limp Aulph Ritchter at age one hundred and eight years old moved about with grace and agility. Aulph was recruited by the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindlewald for his ingenious knack at potion making, his incredible aptitude for the Dark Arts and inventions thereof. Making Aulph his closest advisor and potentially the most dangerous wizard alive. “Sipping his coffee slowly he gazed at the man before him. His eyes were so full of evil and malice that made Aulph give a slight smile. “I heard what you did to that Professor. You took an unnecessary risk attacking him at that school. What if you were caught?" The old man asked. “Those worthless fools the call 'Professors', of magic. Are far below my strength and powers. They are second hand at best." he said drinking his own coffee. “It was still not worth the risk you took. Did you find anything out at least?" He asked. “It was the blood traitor Molly Weasley that killed my mother. They are a big family these Weasley's. Her youngest daughter is married to ' Harry Potter'. “He said saying Harry's with a sarcastic tone. “I’m so tired of hearing that name. My master would not have been sought out in prison if it wasn't for Voldemort wanting Potter's death so badly for him to seek out the Elder Wand.” Aulph said curling his lip. “When I have dealt with that old hag for killing my mother. I will deal with her family. I promise that I will rid this earth of any of Potter's." The younger man seethed. “Don’t underestimate Potter. He didn't defeat and kill Voldemort by being a slouch." The old man now finishing his coffee he sat back and folded his arms across his chest. Oh believe me. I have seen his son’s inaction only their father could have taught them. But I have a plan for Potter. He will slip when he does I will be right there. I have one more piece of the puzzle to obtain. Then I will I will eliminate those that stand in my way. Creating an army so strong the world will bow to my reign." The man now standing at the window. He parted the curtain with his finger looking down at the streets below. “What piece is that?" Aulph asked. “The Weasley home is very hard to find. It isn't in the register of families. Everywhere I go nobody seems to know. But I have a plan. I will know where Molly Weasley lives before morning through very close friend of their family." He said with a sneering grin. Page 120 “I have brought you more potions. I have more brewing at home. Don't forget them." Aulph said as he set a box of potion bottles on the table. Aulph got up from the table then went to his bed. Laying down he went fast asleep. “I won't forget old man. The dark wizard seethed. The sky’s curtain had turned a dark ebony as nightfall approached. Roaming the streets and dark alleys the man spotted his quarry walking down the far side of the street. Carrying packages obviously doing some last minute Christmas shopping. Crossing the street slowly as not to attract attention. “Merry Christmas Professor." the cloaked man greeted. “Oh! Merry Christmas. Fancy seeing you here. Doing some last minute shopping with your family?" Lee Jordan asked. “No...but then again you can say that." He man squinted his eyes. “What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find what you are looking for." Lee offered. “Oh I know you can help me." The dark wizard said drawing his wand so fast that he caught Lee off guard. A loud bang with a flash of light erupted. Lee fell to the ground unconscious, spilling presents all around. The man quickly walked over to Lee. Wrapped in arm around Lee's waist. With a loud crack he disappeared bringing Lee Jordan with him. “Alright you lot time bed. And no peeking at the presents." Ginny said ushering the kids to bed. Getting all their hugs a kisses for everyone to which Scorpius was encouraged to join in. Say goodnight they set out for their beds. “We better get some rest too mum. We have a very long day tomorrow.” Ginny said as she kissed her mum on the cheek. Molly sat on the couch for a while staring at the brightly lit tree. “Oh Fred. I wish you were here." She said as a tear rolled down her face. Getting up she turned off the lights then made her way to the bedroom. In the dark dusty room. Moon light was caught as its rays were visible due to the dust that floated in the room. The only light was that of a single candle lit on top of a mantle. Its scent minimally cut down the harsh smell of the stale air. Standing over Lee Jordan’s body the deeply hooded man touched his wand to Lee's chest. “RENNERVATE!" he said then backed away into the corner. Lee stirred moaning trying to shake off the haze from being stunned. Looking around he saw his wand laying on the table across the room. As if the shadows in the far corner had suddenly come alive a dark robed man stepped forward. Lee's eyes focused on the evil man before him. Page 121 “So it was you that attacked Blaise." Lee stated grunting as he tried to get free from the thick ropes that had him bound. “Very good professor. Just as I had a question for him I now have one for you." the man smiled. “I’m not telling you squat!" Lee yelled. “Go ahead and yell or scream. Nobody can hear you or come to your rescue." he chuckled. You will tell me what I want to know of that I can promise. And I always keep my promises." the dark wizard mocked. “I knew there was something strange about you. You mixed some of the potions I assigned too fast for your age." Lee growled. “Yes, I am quite advanced in many more things than just potion making." he laughed then grabbed a small chair reversed it sitting down with his arms resting over the top. “I am well above the age of your students. But let’s get down to the business at hand shall we. Where can I find the home of Molly Weasley?" he asked plainly. “GO TO HELL!" Lee shouted then spit at him. “Yes well I will, probably end up there eventually. But no time soon. “CRUCIO!" He yelled pointing his wand down at Lee. Screams echoed throughout the small room as Lee writhed in pain. Lifting his wand he looked down without any apparent emotion. “That hurts doesn't it? It was used on me while I learned these arts. Now answer my question." he glared down at Lee. “You might as well kill me. I'll never tell you!" Lee said through clenched teeth now breathing hard. “Very well. I have plenty of time." the dark wizard stood up. Another flash hit Lee in the chest. The screams began once more. Hour after hour the man waited longer each time before ending it. Lifting his wand Lee was now crying in severe pain. “Well?" The man asked. “Go...go..t.to hell." Lee spat out finding it hard to breathe. “I applaud your strength Professor. You are much stronger than that pathetic Zabini. I have a new spell I would like to introduce to you. I'm really quite proud of this achievement. You are the first human to experience it. You should fell honored. “RELASHIO!" he said without effort. The thick ropes disappeared. Lee was in too bad of shape to get up. Page 122 “Now let’s see how you hold up to 'MY' curse." he said giggling. "SUPPLICY ETENDRA!" an orange flash of light hit Lee's body stretching his arms and legs in different direction. Stressing all the major joints. Lee's screams became horrifying. The longer the curse held the louder his screams became easing his wand away. The curse stopped but not the cries of pain. “That’s a nice one isn't it? Do you have anything to tell me yet?" He evil wizard asked. “W..why are y...you doing this?" Lee cried. I guess I can take the time to tell you. You have earned a break. You see Molly Weasley took my life away from me. She forced me to grow up without ever knowing my mother. She has lived a full and complete life watching her children grow into adults. And now she watches her grandchildren grow. She will now watch those she loves die by my hand..or wand per say. When I am done I will hunt down the Potter's bringing death to both families." The man said with evil malice in his voice. “I will not fail or make the same mistakes where your Lord Voldemort failed in killing the famous Harry Potter or the Chosen One as everyone fancied in calling him. I know the story well." he paused for a second. “You will never defeat the Potters or the Weasley's. They're too strong." Lee said grinding his teeth through the pain. “You must be referring to the Order of Phoenix and the D.A. Dumbledore Army. That you all created in your fifth year." he mocked giggling. “Who d..did Molly hurt for you to do this?" Lee groaned. “Oh yes how rude of me. Molly Weasley killed Voldemort's most trusted follower. My mother....My dear old mom was none other than Bellatrix Lestrange." he said with hurt in his voice. Lee rolled over as he gave a feeble laugh. “You..you couldn't be her son.” Lee winced in pain. “Oh I assure you that I am the son of Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange.” I was born in prison you see. When my parents were arrested a year or so after Voldemort's first attempt at killing Harry Potter as a child." The dark wizard explained. “That was around thirty five years ago. You're only...." “Yes I have kept my age well." he said interrupting Lee. “But enough talk. Where is Molly Weasley's home!" he asked as the evilness inside him reappeared. Giggling Lee sat up. “By the blood of Merlin I'll never tell you." Lee went into a fit of laughter wincing in pain as he did. “Well if not by his blood. What about yours..." SUPPLICY ETENDRA!" he shouted. Orange Page 123 light blasted Lee again. Stretching his body out with so much force his joints dislocated. Lee let out an ear splitting howl. Here is a taste more spells I invented." “LIVRE PUNHOS!" the dark man belted out. A huge green troll size fist conjured in thin air hovering over Lee's body. Lee looked up in horror screaming in pain. “MORTE GOLPEIOUS!" he snarled. The huge green fist slammed down on top of Lee's out stretched body repeatedly. With every smashing death hit bones could be heard breaking. With every flick of the Dark wizards’ wand, the fist slammed down harder and harder. Lee's screams came to a sudden halt. With a furious slash of his wand. All the curses ended. Lee laid unconscious on the floor. His whole body swelling to unrecognizable state. Lee's breathing became more and more shallow by the minute. Dark blood began to pool under him. “TELL ME YOU FOOL!" the man screamed down at Lee who was minutes from death. “Aaahhhh!" he shouted throwing the chair across the room. Seeing that Lee was still alive from the slight rise and fall of his chest. He walked briskly over to him. Grabbed his wrist hard then disappeared. Appearing suddenly at the exact place he kidnapped Lee. He quickly touched his chest muttering an incantation he vanished becoming invisible. Very few people were still milling about at that hour. Yet he saw a man running towards them. “Goodbye...Professor. And Merry Christmas." he said laughing. “OBLIVIATE!" the dark wizard growled hitting Lee with the powerful memory charm. With a loud crack he disappeared back to the hotel room where the old man still was fast asleep. Walking to the window he parted the curtains looking outside. He could now hear the police and ambulance sirens in the distance. Closing the curtains he sat down at the table laughing demonically to himself. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 13, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing