![]() Harry Potter chapter seventeenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter seventeen THE GRINCH ARRIVES![]()
THE GRINCH ARRIVES It was well into the afternoon when Harry noticed the time. “Oh my, it’s getting late. Time fly’s when you’re having fun. Ginny's probably a little worried." Harry said as he pulled out his wand. “Mind if I send a message from your home?" he asked. “By all means. My home is your home." Draco smiled. “EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry belted out. A big bright silvery stag burst from his wand tip. Cantered about then turned to face Harry. “Message to Ginny Potter. Sorry lost track of time. On my way home. All is well...." Harry stopped in mid-sentence as if thought. Then flicked his wand disbursing the Patronus. “Anything wrong Harry? Draco asked. “I just had a second thought. I could send for Kreacher my house elf. To bring the presents you want to bring for Scorpius. As well as a few for my kids to here. Kinda like tying two dragons with one rope." Harry said smiling. “Yeah sure go ahead." Draco nodded his head. “KREACHER!" Harry yelled as he looked up to the ceiling. A loud crack sounded in the room not even a second from Harry's call shocking both men at how fast he responded. “Master called?" Kreacher asked looking at Draco maliciously. “That was faster than usual." Harry smirked. “Mistress Ginny had Kreacher wait out in front of Malfoy Manor in case Master need Kreacher if Master was in trouble. Mistress Ginny is awfully worried about Master." Kreacher croaked out deeply. “I’m fine Kreacher. You remember Mr. Malfoy. Well he and his son Scorpius will be joining us for the Christmas holidays. He has some presents that he would like to bring for his son. I want you to take them and put them with the others. I will show you which ones I want you to bring here. Can you do that for me please Kreacher?" Harry instructed more than asked. “Yes Master Harry." Kreacher said never taking his eyes off of Draco for a second. “There over here Kreacher." Draco said as he went through the main foyer to the next room. Where a pile of presents lay beneath a glorious decorated Christmas tree. Picking out fifteen presents he laid them in the middle of the floor. Kreacher snapped his fingers the presents were instantly wrapped neatly in a snow white sheet. “Tell Ginny that I'm on my way home now." Harry said smiling at Kreacher. Kreacher Page 104 bowed to Harry then walked over to the bundle of presents. Still watching Draco closely. Placing his hand on the bundle he eyed Draco with a tiny audible ' humph', Kreacher disappeared with a loud crack. Draco let out a chuckle. “Protective isn't he" he said. “Yeah he is. But trust me he wasn't always like that. I had inherited him from Sirius. When everything was over I sat him down and had a long talk with him. I told him that he didn't have to serve me. That if there was anybody else that he wanted to serve he was released to do so. When he still swore his life services to my family. I told him if he stays that he will have to wear proper clothes, he will be paid for his work, and that he will have his own bedroom. He still serves my family loyally. You should see him around my daughter Lily!" Harry laughed. "So you freed him just like what you did with Dobby." Draco admired. “Yeah, just like Dobby." Harry said as the pain of his loss returned. The two men walked to the door as Harry put his winter cloak back on. “You know how to get to my house then?" Harry asked. “Yeah, I will be there once my visit is over. I'm actually curious at how my parents are going to react when I tell them about our new friendship. Draco said with a grin. "You sure that is wise mate? Harry asked with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh trust me. This is going to be the best visit ever!" Draco smiled wide. Returning the smile Harry said goodbye. Then walked to the middle of the porch then with a loud crack he disappeared. Draco closed the door then walked to his den where he sat down to write Scorpius and Mcgonagal. An hour after their History of Magic class. The Group roamed the halls talking. “I really hope our dads can settle things. When were they supposed to meet?" James asked Scorpius. “I don't know I haven’t heard from my dad yet. I half expected him to write by now." Scorpius shrugged. “We will probably here something tomorrow. The train leaves Wednesday morning." Albus said as he put his arm around Scorpius's shoulder. As the Group approached the middle of the assembly hall. They said their g'nights then parted ways heading to their own House Common rooms. Before Scorpius could take a few steps. A large black and gray Owl came swooping towards him then flew off as he dropped a letter at his feet. Picking up the letter he saw the Malfoy Monogramed wax seal. Looking up he saw that James, Albus and Rose were all standing next to him. “It’s from my dad. Scorpius said nervously. “Come-on mate! The suspense is killing us!" James said excitedly. Page 106 Scorpius opened the letter letting the wax seal fall to the floor. He read the letter silently to himself. Not being able to hold it in any longer. His face brightened into a wide smile. “He says that I can come to your house for Christmas! But that's not all. You lot are coming to the Manor before we come back to school!" Scorpius said almost jumping around in excitement. “WHAT!" The three siblings snapped as they looked from one to the other. “No kidding! Listen to this." He said as began to read out loud. Dear son; I know that you have anticipating this letter. I have been thinking about how or really what to say. I love you more than mere words could ever express. I was so caught up with keeping the evil things away and showing you the hurt that the dark arts can cause. I never considered how those things affected you. I hope in time you can forgive my insensitivity. Harry Potter is the bravest and most honorable man I have ever thought him to be. We have made full amends and are now friends. Speaking of friends. I cannot wait to meet your new friends that have made these events possible. Please tell them I said thank you. "Now to the purpose of this letter. I give you permission to spend Christmas with the Potter and Weasley families. Harry will pick you up at the same time he picks his children. Harry has also invited me to come to his home after my visit with your grandparents. Where we will stay for a couple of days. Then you and your friends will come to the Manor for the remainder of the holidays. I will be taking the four of you to King's Cross on the fourth of January. I have sent your presents to the Potters. I hope that you don't mind. Again son, I am truly sorry for being inconsiderate. I love you. I shall see you after the visit at the Potters. Be on your best behavior. And Merry Christmas to and your friends! P.S. Luca is also bringing the Headmistress a letter informing her of my blessing and permission......Love...DAD. “This is great!" Rose said as she hugged the boys. “Alright students, everyone to their House Common rooms. Dinner will be called shortly." The House Girl announced. “See ya tomorrow." Scorpius smiled widely with a final fist bump. He skipped of towards the Slytherin House common room. “Dad pulled it off." Albus said as they walked up to the Fat Lady. Page 107 “FLOBBER WORMS” James said announcing the week’s password. She swung her portrait to the side to allow them into the common room. “Yeah he did. I wish we could have been there." James said as he put his book sack on the floor. “It’s probably best that we weren't there. They had a lot to talk about besides Scorpius coming for Christmas. I'm just wondering how my Dad is going to act when he sees Draco Malfoy walk into your home." Rose said as she sat down on the couch. “And we 'WILL' be there for THAT!" Albus said with a grin. “You are probably right about that. Someone is going to have to keep the peace." Albus sighed as they all knew that Ron's temper can explode like Uncle George's Dragon Candles. When everyone had returned from the evening meal. The Gryffindor group sat quietly studying. Hewortt was the only on that seemed restless. He would get up several times and pace around the room. To only come back to sit. Then repeat the action several more times before going off to bed. Albus laid awake in bed looking up at the ceiling silently praying that he hadn't made a mistake. Thursday morning the cold wind assaulted the students and staff as they stood out front of the Grand Doors. Awaiting their turn to board a carriage enroute to the Hogwarts Express. Headmistress Mcgonagal stood outside wearing sparkling red, green, and white robes. “Alright students and staff members the carriages will be leaving for the Hogwarts Express. So don't dilly-daddle. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I will see you all on the fourth of January." she waived then went back inside the castle. “Where’s Hewortt?" Albus asked looking around. “He left by Floo Network last night. Uncle Nevelle came and got him around eleven o'clock." James said as he lifted his bags into the carriage. When all the carriages were full they headed out for the train. The Hogwarts Express came to a slow halt. Steam billowed all about platform nine and three quarters. Exiting the train James saw Harry and Ron waiving them over. “Come on you lot! I see dad and Uncle Ron!" James yelled for them to hurry. James and Albus ran up to their dad. While Rose went to her dad. Scorpius ambled along silently. After all the hugs were ended. Ron smiled brightly. “MERRY CHRISTMAS KIDS!" he yelled cheerfully. Then the hugs exchanged. Page 108 Harry put his hand on Scorpius's shoulder and smiled. “Merry Christmas Scorpius." “Merry Christmas Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley." he greeted. “Yeah..um...merry Christmas." Ron said quickly. Harry shock his head with a smirk. “Don’t mind Ron, he's just old and grumpy." Harry said leaning into Scorpius. “It’s ok Mr. Potter. I understand, even Hogwarts wasn't built in one day." he said with a smile. “No it sure wasn't." Harry giggled. “Alright kids let’s get through the barrier and home before we have some really upset mummy's on our hand." Harry then made a funny face that made them all laugh. Two by two the family ran through the barrier. Walking over to the cars. Rose and Ron got in their car, while the Potters got into theirs. Albus saw the look on Scorpius's face. “What’s up mate? You look scared to bits." Albus asked. “I really don't like Muggle transportation." Scorpius said with loathing. “There’s nothing to it. My dad’s a really great driver." Albus giggled. James rode in the front while Albus and Scorpius jumped in the back. Pulling out of King's Cross Harry noticed Scorpius seemingly nervous expression. “I take it you don't like cars very much?" Harry looked at him through the rear view mirror. “No sir. My dad loves it." he said trying to smile. Pulling into the driveway there was a soft sigh of relief from the back seat. Entering the Potter's home Scorpius was awe struck. The main hall was decorated with numerous blinking lights. Looking up he saw that the ceiling was enchanted to reveal a clear starry night. With a Santa Clause riding in a bright red sleigh filled with presents. Pulled by flying reindeer. The lead reindeer's nose glowed amazingly bright red. “Wow! That's awesome!" Scorpius chanted. “Yeah my mums pretty good with that stuff." Albus smiled. Walking into the main sitting room more blinking lights and decorations of every size and shape adorned the walls. In the far corner stood an enormous tree. With so many decorations it was hard to focus on any one area. Two Turtle Doves flew in circles around a bright shining star at the very top. Pictures lined the walls everywhere. The Potter and Weasley families all waived from their frames. Scorpius waived back out of instinct but caught himself. “Well it's about time you got here!" Ginny said smiling wide with Hermione close behind her. “MUM!" all the kids yelled as they ran to their perspective parent. Page 109 “Kreacher is making you all some Eggnog shakes. So go and put your stuff away then hurry up back to the kitchen." Hermione instructed. “Mummy who's that?” Pointed a chubby little kid. With golden red hair and the Weasley mass of freckles spread across his face. “Oh my, forgive us our manners. You must be young Scorpius? Welcome to our home and Merry Christmas to you." Hermione shook his hand kindly. “Merry Christmas Mrs. Potter. It's really nice to meet you." Scorpius smiled. “Oh no. I'm Hermione Weasley Rosey's mum. This little butter ball is Rose's younger brother Hugo" She introduced. “Hugo this is your sister and cousin's friend from school." She said urging him forward. Hugo just smiled then waived. “My apologies ma’am. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley and Hugo." he said feeling embarrassed. “Oh don't be silly. You don't have to apologize." Hermione giggled. “I’m the Mrs. Potter. Welcome to our home Scorpius." Ginny grinned then bent to give him a hug. “It is nice to meet you Mrs. Potter. Thank you for allowing me to spend Christmas with you and your family." He thanked her. “And this little princess is Lily. James and Albus's little sister." Ginny tried to pull Lily out from behind her but was unable. It was like trying to pull solid stone pillar from behind. Lily just have a shy waive in his direction. “Hello Lily." he waived back. “Let’s go mate. You're in my room." Albus said as he followed the brothers. “He seems nice enough." Ginny said turning to Hermione. “He certainly polite. Draco seems to have raised him right." Hermione agreed. “How long till lunch? I could eat a Dragon Omelet!" Ron said rubbing his stomach. “Lunch! You just ate an hour ago." Hermione yelped. “Yeah, well it seems like ages ago." Ron said as he sat down hard on the couch. “My mum and dad should be here soon. Teddy and Vittore' will be here tomorrow. Charlie said that he doubts that he will be here. He said that the dragons in Egypt are acting really strange. Bill and Fluer are at her parents. They will be here the night of Christmas. George is closing his shop early he and Persy should already be on their way." Ginny said as she made a few last minute touch ups. “I’m not rightly sure when my parents will be here. They said they wanted to do some last minute shopping." Hermione spoke as she helped Kreacher set the snacks around the room. “Stop eating the snacks Ron! Wait until everyone gets here." Ginny said with a scowl. Page 110 “Bah Humbug!" Ron snapped then left the room. “Thank you Mistress Hermione." Kreacher thanked her then bowed. “You’re welcome Kreacher." She smiled. Kreacher ran off back to the kitchen. Walking into Harry's den Ron leaned against the door. “Is Draco really coming here mate?" Ron asked disgusted. “Yeah he is mate. He is our guest. Please try and get along with him." Harry said as he put some papers away in a filing cabinet. “It’s bad enough to have his son here. But to invite a Death Eater into your home. Come on mate! Have you gone completely mental!" Ron's voice raised a notch. “EX-DEATH EATER RON!" Harry raised his voice. “I have forgiven him and we are friends. So drop it! Ron don't make any sense or get into any rows with him. Our children and his son are just as much of friends as we were at their age. Don't let your emotions ruin this Christmas. Believe me it's bigger than all of that. Allot bigger than old grudges." Harry said sternly. “I won't make scene. But I don't have to be in the same room with him!" Ron snarled. “Problem solved then. Stay in your room." Harry shrugged then walked up to Ron with serious eyes. “I forgave him mate. You all agreed to this. He deserves a second chance. This is MY house he is just as much a guest here as you are." Harry seethed as he walked out of the den storming past Hermione. “What’s wrong Harry?" She asked concerned. “Your husband is being a stupid git!" Harry called out over his shoulder. Hermione rounded the corner with a less than pleased look on her face. “Oh no! Don't you start too!" Ron snapped with a frown. “Ronald Weasley, if you get into any rows with Draco and make a scene thus ruining Christmas. You will become your own best friend on the couch!" she said through squinted eyes. Then left the room leaving him standing alone. Albus opened the door and entered. “This is my room." He ushered Scorpius through. The walls were already decorated with Gryffindor's House colors. A large banner hung on the wall behind the four poster bed. Like the rest of the house pictures adorned the walls. Some of them he knew to be Muggle photos because they didn't move. As well as the book shelf to the right of the room. Which had Muggle toys of all sorts from Star Wars, G.I. JOE's, and every Transformer Hasbro toy company made. “You can put your stuff in the bottom drawer." Albus showed him as he put his stuff Page 111 away as well. “Come you have got taste Kreachers shakes." Albus said as he tapped Scorpius on the shoulder. “You have a really nice house Al." Scorpius mentioned as they left the bedroom. “Yeah this was the Black family house. Our God Uncle Sirius left it to my dad. I got his old room. James's is around the corner Lily's is next to his. My mum and dad said it took many years to change it into what you see now. The Black family were dark wizards. There were a lot of powerful dark enchantments placed on our home.....wait a minute!" Albus stopped suddenly. “Sirius is your grandparent’s first cousin that makes your dad his second cousin and you his third cousin. Which means we're fourth cousins through Sirius! He was my dad’s God Father!" Albus said getting excited. “Hey what's up cuz!" Scorpius giggled high fiveing Albus. “Nothing to it cuz!" Albus returned the gesture. Both of them laughed as they walked to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen everyone was slurping first of Kreachers Eggnog. The two walked in giggling as they jumped up in a chair each. “Where have you two been?" Rose asked with a smirk. “Just showing Scorpius around. Ain’t that right cuz." Albus said as he took his first sip of his shake that Kreacher had placed in front of him and one for Scorpius. “That’s right cuz." Scorpius said they both started giggling again. “What has the two of your smiling about Lil man?" Harry grinned. “I was just telling him about the history of our house when I realized that we're cousins...well fourth cousins actually but cousins all the same." Albus said smiling taking another sip of shake. The room grew quiet. The only noise was Ginny coughing out the shake she just inhaled. “How is that Albus?" Ginny asked wiping her mouth. “Sirius is his grandparent’s first cousin, his dad and Scorpius are his second and third cousins. Which makes us fourth cousins through Sirius Right?" Albus asked confidently looking at his dad. Scorpius kept slurping his shake silently wishing that this wasn't happening. Most people in the room expected an emotional outburst. But when Harry let out in bursting laughter. It eased the tension. Everyone except Ron laughed or giggled. “I guess if you really look at it....you are right. Draco would be my second cousin, making all of you kids fourth cousins once removed or something like that. Because Sirius isn't blood related. Sirius had told once that all pure blood families are related in some way or another. Like the Potters from my dad’s side, Weasley’s, Black's, Malfoy's and so on." Harry said smiling. Page 112 “Alright cuz!" James belted out fist bumping Scorpius. “WELL I'M NOT RELATED!" Ron shouted slamming his shake down on the kitchen counter. Then started for the kitchen door. “And further more! YOU CAN LET THAT MURDERING SLIME DEATH EATER AND HIS SPAWN FOOL YOU! BUT THEY ARE NOT FOOLING ME!" Ron shouted then pushed the door open forcefully slamming it behind him. Everyone was in total shock at Ron's outburst. Seeing all the angry looks on everyone’s face. Especially the look on Albus's. He set his shake on the table without make a sound. Scorpius slid out of the chair and calmly walked over to here Harry was standing still in utter shock. Looking up to Harry through watery eyes. “Mr. Potter I'm really sorry for being a problem for you and your family. I really do appreciate all that you have done. I hope from the bottom of my heart that I haven’t ruined your Christmas. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for me or my dad to come here. Maybe my dad hasn't left yet. With your permission sir. Could Kreacher please just take me home?" Scorpius broke down in tears crying hiding his face within his tiny hands. Both mothers were trying their best to hold back their tears. Rose was crying silently as tears rolled down her face. James and Albus wore furious expressions. “What’s going on Rosey? Why is Uncle Ron so mad?" Lily asked. “Not now Lily. Drink your shake ok." Rose said as kind as she could. Harry bent down and put his hands gently on his shoulders. “Scorpius, I am so truly sorry for what you just heard. I am at a loss for words. You and your dad are more than welcome to stay here in my home and spend Christmas with me and my family. Don't let Ron upset you. He still has a lot of anger inside him. It will probably take him longer to forgive. He and your father have a very deep history. You see um....you see it was your aunt Bellatrix that killed him and my wife’s brother during the Battle." Scorpius glanced at Ginny who was crying harder at the memory. He put his head down in shame feeling even worse than before. “It is just going to take him a lot longer to forgive. We all want you and your father to be here with us. You AND your father are just as much a part of this family as any other. But I won't force you to stay. If it is your wish to go home. I will take you myself. If your father has already left. I will stay with you and send him a Patronus message to come home. But please always know that you and your dad are always welcome in my home." Harry ended. “I just want to go home to my dad!" Scorpius again burst into emotional tears. Harry pulled him close hugging him as he would his own children. Hermione and Ginny stormed out of the kitchen abruptly. Albus and James went to Scorpius and hugged him. Entering the main sitting room fuming with fury. They saw Ron standing stiffly against the window sill looking out the window. Page 113 “RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" Ginny yelled with pure venom in her voice. “You get back into that kitchen and apologize to that boy! ....RIGHT NOW!" She yelled temper flaring. “You have that young man in tears. He just apologized to us for YOUR attitude. He asked Harry to take him home. You are ruining this supposedly happy holiday! Now go back into that kitchen and apologize .....NOW!" Hermione said with a threatening voice. “He wants to leave...good riddance!" Ron said gruffly. Harry walked into the room the look on his face made both women take a step backwards. “You are totally out of line Ron. You have been my best mate for nearly all my life. And before all of this came about I probably would have agreed with you. Don't you think that if Draco Malfoy hadn't convinced me....me! That I would let him or his son anywhere near our families! That young man in there is in tears right now because of you. He thinks that this is his fault. You have ruined probably the happiest time of his life. Ruined the only friendship he has ever had! Ruined the one chance for this family to finally move forward from a past that has had us incomplete! You are way out of line!" Harry said hotly. Ron rounded on Harry. “His Aunt killed my brother....OUR BROTHER GINNY! Merlins pants Harry! His dad set up Dumbledore to be killed!" Ron said just as angry. “I am not going to go through that with you again. But where is any of that, that young man’s fault! You’re taking it ALL out on him" Harry pointed towards the kitchen. “You’re wrong Ron. I may forgive you in time. But it won't be very soon. And as much as I hate to say this. I'm going to have to tell you to leave my home. I expect you to be gone by the time I get back from taking Scorpius home." Harry turned and left the room without another word. “You’re my brother Ron. But I have never been more embarrassed or ashamed in my life." Ginny said starting to cry again. “Fred was your brother too! How could you...." Ginny cut him off stepping forward. “How dare you!" She growled. “I cry almost every day. Every time I look at George I can't help but cry wishing Freddie was here. Don't you dare accuse or patronize me! If I can give Draco Malfoy the benefit of the doubt just as everyone else has. Then by the blood of Merlin so can you!" Ginny said as she grabbed a napkin to dry her eyes. “I am taking the children to my parents’ house. You are not welcome there. I will see you after I send Rose back to school." She said then both women left the room. Upstairs in Albus's room Scorpius went about re-packing his trunk. “I’m really sorry about my Uncle mate. Please stay. We'll work it out." James said leaning against the wall. Page 114 “Yeah, don't go Scorpius. Just ignore my dad. Believe me, my mum is a force to be reckoned with when she's mad. And believe you me...SHE'S MAD." Rose said as she sat on the bed. “Listen guys I don't fault you and thanks for your concern. Believe me I will explain everything to my dad. I'll keep the friendship alive between our families. Maybe in time your dad will ease up, or maybe not. What my family did with all the horrors they caused. I don't blame your dad or anyone of how they feel. This is a time for happiness between families. That's why I'm going home. Because of the history between our families maybe we moved too fast. I know that you guys tried to help me with my nightmares of having to go visit my grandparents. It might have ruined your Christmas. I didn't want that nor does my dad. If your dad acted like that with just me here. Imagine how he's going to act when my dad gets here." Scorpius ended fasting his trunk closed. Nobody could argue with that. Everyone was gathered in the main hallway. Scorpius walked up with his trunk floating behind him. “I’m ready Mr. Potter. I am sorry that I ruined your families Christmas. I wish things could have been different." Scorpius said in a demure tone. “None of this is your fault Scorpius. And James and Albus will still be coming to the Manor if your dad will still allow it. I meant what I said. You AND Draco are always welcome in my home. I really hope that you believe that." Harry asked. “Yes sir" Scorpius said giving a feeble smile. “ROSEY! Go get your brother and grab your things. We're leaving!" Ron called from down the hall. “DON’T SPEAK TO ME!" Rose snapped then stormed off. James and Albus said their goodbyes the glared at Ron as they went upstairs. Harry viewed the seen through squinted eyes. Then abruptly took his traveling cloak off and hung it on the coat rack. “No! I'm not letting this happen like this!" He said then turned to Scorpius. “This is a time for family gathering. And you're family. Go on upstairs and unpack. Tell the boys I want everyone in the sitting room. Scorpius didn't argue and set off up the stairs. “Ginny!" Harry called out. “I’m right here Harry." She said as she entered the hallway. Harry walked up into her embrace and kissed her. “This is Christmas a time for happiness. I'm not going to let anything or anybody spoil it. You see how happy our children are with Scorpius. I know exactly how he feels. For eleven years I never had a good Christmas or good anything for that matter. Remember how happy we were at their age? I went from having nobody to having friends and a real family that at the time Page 115 wasn't even my own flesh and blood. Just like we are to Scorpius. Maybe after everyone gets a chance to speak to Draco themselves. They will see what I saw. He's not the same Ginny. You know that he really had to of convinced me in order to trust him with "our" kids." Harry said tenderly. “You’re right Harry. You saw fit to forgive him. Then so will I....." “And me too!" Hermione said appearing out of nowhere. “Rosey you and your brother go unpack." She said as the boys came down stairs with beaming bright smiles. A knock sounded at the door. Harry walked over then opened the door. “MERRY CHRISTMAS! George and Percy yelled cheerfully. “Uncle George!" The kids screamed then ran to him. “Hey! Who am I, the next door neighbor?" Percy smiled. “Hey Uncle Percy!" The kids giggled then left George to hug him. Standing back allowing the kid’s access to Percy. George saw the looks on everyone’s faces. “What’s going on? What'd we miss?" George asked as his smile faded. “Ron’s being bull headed as a troll! ......He's an insensitive Git!" both mothers bellowed. “Maybe you better tell me. I've seen when these two get mad." George said playfully. “Mad at who?" Arthur said as he walked up the steps with Molly close in tow. “GRANDMA!...GRANDAD!" the kids yelled as they ran into their arms. “What’s going on Harry?" Bill and Fluer asked as they too say the looks on Ginny and Hermione’s faces. “Let’s all go into the kitchen and I will explain everything. Kreacher can make us all a drink. Merlin knows I can sure use one." Harry said as he shut the door only to be stopped dead. “What up cousin? Merry Christmas!" Spoke the enormously muscular man. Dudley Dursley weighing at 270 pounds. Built with a bodybuilders physique reached and shook Harry's hand. Then began the long trend of hugs and shakes from everyone. “Merry Christmas Big D." Harry smiled then shut the door. After the war. Hestia Jones brought Harry to see his relatives to whom were hidden and protected from Voldemort as Harry left Number Four Privet Drive forever. After explaining thing to them of what happened. Vernon and Pertunia Dursley still act and treat him the same way. Dudley on the other hand has accepted Harry as family. They have grown quite close through the years. Come on in you can keep the kids busy while I talk to everyone about something in our neck of the woods." Harry said with a smirk. “I don't want to know." Dudley held up his hands. “Hey look who's here!" Dudley announced. Page 116 “Uncle Dudley!" The kids shouted running over to him. He quickly picked Rose and Lily laughing. “How’s my two favorite girls." they laughed as he hugged and tickled them. “Kids you stay here with Uncle Dudley while the grownups talk." Ginny said as she kissed him on the cheek who blushed. There was a crash followed by a loud bang from the kitchen. Everyone rushed to the kitchen. Hermione was the first through the door. “Kreacher! What are you doing! Hermione gasped at the scene. Kreacher was soaking wet pointing his finger at Ron with a menacing scowl on his face. Ron was pinned to the wall three feet in the air unable move or speak. “Kreacher what is going on?" Harry said as he pushed passed everyone. “Kreacher is sorry Master. Master Weasley was speaking very badly about Master and Mistress most harshly. When Kreacher told Master Weasley he will not speak of his Masters in such way. Master Weasley threw a flagon of butter beer hitting Kreacher. So Kreacher detained Master Weasley." Kreacher ended with a growl at Ron. All eyes were on Ron. The worst look was from his mother Molly Weasley. Ron was mouthing unheard curses at the crowd. “This is what I was about to talk to you all about. Kreacher let Ron go. Take him to the guest bedroom confine him to the room I will let you know when you can let him out." Harry said trying hard not to smile. Ginny had to turn around unable to stop smiling. “Kreacher will punish himself for attacking Master Weasley." Kreacher said as he lowered Ron to the floor. “No you won't just take him to the guest bedroom please." Harry instructed as he eyed Ron. Who was still mouthing curses still held by Kreacher's spell. Kreacher bowed then ran over to Ron grabbing his wrist hard. With a tiny 'pop' he disappeared to the guest bedroom. Everyone sat down at the table. Ginny and Hermione set drinks in front of everyone. Harry explained everything to them. When he had finished he sat down next to Ginny. George was the first to speak. “You sure that Draco has changed Harry?" he asked in a skeptical voice. “There is no doubt in my mind. When he gets here tomorrow evening. You all will see for yourselves. I am only asking that you give him that chance." Harry said pleading. “Neither he nor his son can be blamed for Lucius or Bellatrix's actions. Draco is really....if we look at this clearly...he was just as much a victim as any other." Bill spoke out. Page 117 “You are quite right son. Draco followed his father as any son would do. As head of the Weasley side of this family. We will honor your views and trust your judgement where the Malfoy's are concerned." Arthur proclaimed. “And I second that." Molly agreed. Everyone in the room nodded their agreement except George. “George what do you say?" Ginny asked. “Bellatrix killed Fred and tried very hard to kill Ginny and Hermione I will always hate her for that. Sirius was her blood but I don't hate him. I even grew to love and respect him. With that even though what we went through at school dealing with Draco. I won't hold any grudges against him and certainly not his son. If I can forgive Snape for blowing off my ear. I can easily forgive Draco for being a stupid git." George said smiling which brought a chuckle of laughter to the room. “I’m going to set my son straight." Molly said as she got up from her chair. “I’m coming too Molly." Arthur followed her out of the kitchen. “So where ez' little Scorpius?" Fleur asked. “They should all be in the main sitting room." Harry smiled. Entering the adults started laughing. All of the children were playing Conquer Mount Dudley. Dudley was laughing hysterically playing with them. “After everything you have told me about you and Dudley growing up. It's still hard to imagine after seeing things like this." Ginny smiled leaning into Harry. “Like I just explained....everybody can change." Harry said kissing her cheek. “Kids settle down for a minute." Harry raised his voice so to be heard. Waiting for them to calm down. Harry walked over. “Scorpius would you come here for a minute." Scorpius walked over more shyly than ever. “Family, I want to introduce to you our new friend, who has displayed more courage than I ever could. It is my honor to present to you all...Mr. Scorpius Malfoy." Harry said with a warm squeeze to his shoulders. " This is my wife and Ron’s brothers George and Percy Weasley, " both winked ", Bill and Fleur Weasley and daughter Vittore' "all waived", my god son Teddy Lupin," who shook his hand. And last but not least, my cousin Dudley Dursley," who waived. Harry ended then walked back to Ginny and his children that were standing by her. “It’s an honor to meet you all." Scorpius said smiling. “Excuse me Master. Master and Mistress Weasley request that Master Weasley be allowed to leave his room." Kreacher asked. “You can let him out Kreacher." Harry smirked. Moments later Arthur, Molly and Ron came into the room. “You must be young Mr. Malfoy. I'm Arthur Weasley all the red heads father and grandad." he said as he walked over and shook his hand. Then patted Rose and Lily on the head. “This is my beautiful Page 118 wife Molly" he introduce" I'm the grandmum of this lot." She smiled then went over to Scorpius giving him a tender hug. Who was shocked and spooked. “You are welcome to be a part of this family. Now my son Ronald has something he wishes to say...don't you Ronald Weasley?" She said with a raised eyebrow at Ron. “Yeah...um...I'm sorry Scorpius. I really didn't mean to lash out at you. Nothing that happened is your fault. I'll bury the hatchet and move on so...I'm sorry kid." Ron apologized trying to smile. “It’s ok Mr. Weasley really. I don't blame you for the way you feel. Or how many of you feel." Scorpius said as he turned to face everyone. “I do understand more than you know. All that led to the Great War with all that happened. I can only imagine the pain and loss that everyone has suffered. Some of which was caused by my family. My father told me everything even what he did. For that on behalf of the Malfoy family I'm sorry. Maybe someday we all can begin to heal. I knew that going to Hogwarts wasn't going to be easy. But, healing has to start somewhere. Then help came to me when I was attacked and bullied. That help came from the last person I would ever expect....Harry Potter’s son...Albus. Thank you Al." Albus smiled and nodded. “My dad used to talk to me about you. He never said anything bad, hateful, or disrespectful about anyone but himself. He told me about the time you saved his life Mr. Potter. I've seen my dad write rolls of parchment to you Mr. Potter and the Weasley family. Letters that made him cry for hours. But then he would throw them into the fire and watch them burn until they were gone. I will never forget what he told me when I asked him why he writes letters just to burn them up. He said “Cause the people I write to have no reason to forgive me.” Those are the only times I have ever seen my dad cry. I will never betray or hurt anyone in this room. Thank you for giving me and my dad a second chance. James, Al, And Rosey aren't just my friends, they’re the closest that I have to brothers and a sister. I won't abuse that. Thank you all for allowing us to share your Christmas with you. You are the best Christmas present that we could have ever been given." Scorpius ended and stood there with a slight smile. “OH MY!" Molly said as tears ran down many of the faces in the room. She went to Scorpius and hugged him tightly. As did many of the women in the room. “Can’t say it any better than that ol'boy" George smiled patting Scorpius on the back. And so...Christmas resumed as planned. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 13, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing