chapter sixteen MALFOY MANOR

chapter sixteen MALFOY MANOR

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter sixteen MALFOY MANOR this chapter is very exciting

Snow was billowing all around London lightly covering the ground and buildings. The suns warmth hidden away behind the cloud gave the scene an eerie look. NUMBER TWELVE GRIMMAULD. The home the Potters which still held all the basic magical protection in place. Hermione and Molly Weasley spent weeks on end modifying the memories of the neighbors. So as not to cause a sudden stir once the charms and hexes set in place by the Black's family, who were the original owners, all were ended.
Inside the comfortably warm home. The Potters house elf Kreacher was in the kitchen whistling a happy tune. Harry had inherited Kreacher along with the home from his God-Father, Sirius Black. Reluctant as Kreacher was to be passed on to serve Harry as his new master. He now serves the Potters most happily. Kreacher was instrumental in the cleaning and remodeling of the now Potters residence. Removing anything that would even suggest the dark arts had ever been a part of the home. Which the Black family was were known for. Being the one to cast the permanent sticking charm to the back of the painted portrait of his once upon a time Mistress, Sirius's mother with her pure blood mania, he removed her and hung her up in his room. Harry gave Kreacher Regulas Black's room for he knew that Kreacher had a fondness for Regulas who was Sirius's younger brother. It was believed that Regulas was killed on Voldemort's orders when he tried to leave the Dark Lords employ as a Death Eater. In Regulas's last act of good. He had found out about his secret in his attempt at becoming immortal. With the use of the deepest darkest arts in making Horcruxes. Where by with the act of murder he could tear a piece of his soul and encase it inside a powerful magical item. In this case the Horcrux that Regulas found was the very same Salazaar Slytherin's golden locket a family heirloom that was passed down through the ages to Voldemort's mother Merope. Who sold the neckless to Mr. Borgin of Borgin and Burkes Dark Arts store? Regulas found the Golden Locket and stole it leaving a note inside a fake alerting the Dark Lord that his supposed secret wasn't a secret anymore. Later Harry found out the truth that Regulas was drowned by the Inferi, dead bodies enchanted by a dark wizard, that Voldemort had guarding the necklace.
Kreacher still wears what he calls...Master Regulas's Locket around his neck to this very day. Kreacher can be heard arguing with Mrs. Black about where his loyalties lay with the Potter's as his new masters.
“Good morning Kreacher!" came the high pitched voice of Lily Potter. The youngest of the children she took on the image of her mother. With bright shining red hair and the traditional Weasley mass constellation of freckles across her face.
“Good morning to you my beautiful Princess Lily." Kreacher greeted her in his deep bullfrog voice as he bowed to her. Lily was all giggles at Kreachers display.

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“Is mummy or daddy up yet?” She asked.
“Not yet master a mistress arrived late last night. I know not to awaken them. Kreacher said as he stood in front of Lily who was at least two heads taller than he is.
“Can I have some eggs bacon and some orange juice please?" She asked squeakily as she jumped up in a chair at the table.
“Yes my Princess Lily." Kreacher turned and snapped his fingers a frying pan appeared. Within just a short while the kitchen was filled with the aroma of bacon and eggs.
“Kreacher?” Lily called out excited.
“Yes my Princess Lily?" Kreacher responded.
" Would you sing " OOH GOO BALUE ". She asked laughing
“My pleasure Princess Lily.” Kreacher smiled his near toothless grin. Then bowed to her as he began to sing knowing that it was her favorite song.
“OOH...OOH....GOO...BA..LUE..HOW I LOVE YOU MY SWEET BA-LUE" Kreacher sang out as he continued to make Lily's breakfast. Lily was standing in the chair twisting and dancing as Kreacher sang.
“Till the sun comes up and your hair shines...." “I’ll twirl you around and make you mine!" Harry sang along grabbing Lily from behind causing her to yelp then burst out into hysterical high pitched giggles in Harry's arms.
“Good morning Master Harry. Shall I make you some bacon and eggs as well sir?” Kreacher asked.
“No thank you Kreacher. I'll just have some coffee please." he answered as he set Lily back down into the chair kissing the top of her head. Within minutes Kreacher trotted over handing over a steaming hot cup of coffee. "Thank you Kreacher." Harry said as he took a sip.
An old black and gray Owl began pecking on the sitting room window. “Kreacher will get the mail sir." He said as he turned and wiped his hands on a towel. “It’s ok Kreacher I'll get it" Harry said and turned to leave. "As Master wishes." Kreacher then went back to preparing Lily's breakfast.
Harry went to the window then un-locked it. Raising it up, he was hit by the frigid cold air. Getting the mail. The Owl flew off into the sky.
He closed the window then quickly walked over to the fireplace to warm up. Looking down at the letter he gazed at the wax seal on the envelope. A crafty monogram “M" imprinted in the middle. Breaking the seal he saw that it was addressed to him.

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Harry tore open the envelope open and saw that it was a letter from Draco Malfoy. His heart jumped into his throat. Nervously he began to read.
Dear Harry;
I write this letter with all respect to you and your family.
Professor Snape visited me late last night with news that
You wish to meet with me concerning our children.
For many years now I have wanted this opportunity to
speak to you. But I was too ashamed and feared your response.
As I too am aware of our children’s friendship. I too
encourage my son to speak to me about anything. It is only
right that we talk which is long overdue. I can either come
to your home. Or if you wish you are very much welcome in
Please reply soon at your desired convenience.
Draco Malfoy.

Harry re-read the letter twice before laying it on the fireplace mantle. “Morning my husband." Ginny walked up and placed her arms around him from behind.
“I didn't want to wake you." he said as he turned around and kissed her.
“I woke up to the smell of food. Lily's going to be three hundred pounds before she gets to Hogwarts. I still don't know where she puts all that food as little as she is." Ginny smiled.
"Here read this." He handed her the letter then sat down on the couch.
When Ginny was finished she placed the letter on the coffee table.
“Wow that was fast. He sounds sincere enough." She said raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah he does I'm actually kind of nervous though. We haven't spoken since me, Ron, and Hermione saved him in the Room of Requirement. When we went after the Horcrux. Draco and his parents were arrested by the Auror's office after Voldemort's body was removed to one of the classrooms." Harry said as he flashed back to the scene.
“MUMMY!" Lily squealed as she ran into her mother’s arms. “Well aren't you all bushy tailed." she said as she smothered her with kisses.
Harry sat smiling at the scene relieved for the interruption.
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“Good morning Mistress. Can Kreacher get you anything?" He asked.
“Yes a cup of lemon tea please. Ginny said as she set Lily down on the floor. As soon as she did Lily was off to the races chasing behind
Kreacher. Which made the two parents laugh.
Kreacher came back moments later trotting over to Ginny handing her the cup of tea. Then handed Harry a new cup of coffee. “Thanks" They both said. “Oh, Kreacher please get Lily ready for to go to Diagon Alley I want to leave just before noon." Ginny instructed.
"Yes Mistress. Come along my Princess Lily." Kreacher said as he took Lily by the hand and back to the kitchen to finish her breakfast.
"Going shopping?" Harry asked taking a sip of coffee.
“Just pick up a few things and visit Gringotts. You need anything?" she asked.
“No I'm going to the Three Broomsticks and pick up a bottle of Rosemerta's oak meade. Then go on to Malfoy Manor. Which reminds me I need to respond to Draco's letter." Harry said as he stood up.
He kissed Ginny passionately then turned to get a piece of parchment" Do that again. And I'll send Kreacher with Lily. Draco can wait!" She said through mischievous eyes. Then walked away flirting.
Harry chuckled then walked over to the drawing table. Took out a small piece of parchment and a quill with a bottle of ink. Sitting down he began to write.
Dear Draco;
Thank you for responding. I too wasn't sure if you
would accept to meet with me. If it is ok with you. I
would like to call upon you today at eleven o'clock this
Hope to see you soon.
With Best Regards;

After he read over the letter he sealed it the rolled it up placing it inside a small cylinder. “KREACHER!" Harry called out. “Master called?" Kreacher responded promptly.
“Yeah, would you give this to Hobby and send it to the Malfoy Manor please." He instructed as he handed over the cylinder.
“Yes Master Harry." Kreacher took the cylinder surprised to hear the Malfoy name.
"Kreacher do you still know how to get to Malfoy Manor?" Harry asked.

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“Yes Master Harry. Kreacher still knows the way." Kreacher spoke with apparent loathing in his voice.
“Good I will need you to take me to Malfoy Manor at eleven o'clock. I have an errand to run. I will be back shortly." Harry said as he put away the quill and bottle of ink.
“I will take Master where Master wishes. But can Kreacher ask Master a question?" he asked troubled.
“Yeah sure.” Harry allowed.
“Is Master suicidal or sick in the brain? For to go to the Malfoy's by himself!" Kreacher asked worried.
Harry had to laugh. It's not like that Kreacher. I'll be alright. Just be ready to take me when I get back." Harry smiled then left to the stairs to his bedroom. "Humph!" Kreacher grunted the went about his assigned
Later that morning a loud crack sounded as Kreacher appeared with Harry in tow. Standing in front of a huge stone wall with algae and moss covering its expanse. The wall was at least fifteen feet high and as long as the eye could see.
“This is it Kreacher?” Harry asked.
"Yes Master Harry.” Kreacher responded.
Vines began to grow out of the moss and form before them.
“WATCH OUT MASTER!” Kreacher yelped moving so fast in front of Harry he jumped pulling his wand. Looking down he saw Kreacher crouched with his fingers bent like claws ready for an attack. Harry had to admire his protectiveness.
"It's alright Kreacher relax." Harry said putting his wand away. Then stepped around him. When he got within feet of the vines. The vines moved again to form a non-descript face.
“Yes? May I help you? Sounded the reverberating voice.
“Harry Potter to see Draco Malfoy." Harry spoke loudly.
A minute had passed to which Harry began to think that Draco had changed his mind. When Harry was about to leave, all at once the vines contracted revealing an immense archway. “Mr. Malfoy says welcome. Please proceed Mr. Potter." The reverberated voice announced.
“Is Master sure that he doesn't want Kreacher to accompany him? Kreacher asked.
“It’s ok Kreacher. I'll be fine." Harry said he walked forward.

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“But the Malfoy brat might have a trap set for Master....." "ENOUGH KREACHER!" Harry said sternly interrupting him. “Go on home and wait for Ginny and Lily to return." Harry spoke as calmly as he could. “Yes Master Harry." Kreacher said he watched Harry walk through the archway. With a crack he disappeared.
The large walkway was mesmerizing to see. To his right was a five foot brick wall covered with intricate filigree patterns. To his left were several tall Japanese Yew shrubs that were covered in powdery snow. All around were beautifully arrayed Christmas decorations. The walk turned slightly to the right where Harry could now see the front of the Manor.
The Manor itself stood three stories high with an extensive court yard. In the center was a large winged Pegasus that stood up on its haunches as if to take flight with wings spread out wide to either side. Tiny Cherubs lined the fountain no doubt that water sprouted from their mouths in warmer weather. Walking up the main steps Harry couldn't help looking at all the colorful decorations. Rose bushes were everywhere all cut low for the winter.
“It’s a lot warmer inside." Spoke a familiar voice. Looking upward he saw Draco standing just outside the front door. Still ghostly white in complexion wearing a thick black turtle neck sweat shirt. Dark brown pressed slacks over black polished work boots. Not much had changed that he could see other than the bad receding hair line.
Hello Harry. Welcome to my home." Draco said as he waived him inside extending his hand in courtesy. “Thank you." Harry said accepting the gesture. Upon contact both men stared into each other’s eyes. The gesture was awkward and foreign to them. Releasing their hands Draco smiled and followed Harry inside.
“Can I take your cloak?" Draco offered. “Oh..yeah thank you." Harry said as he took of his winter traveling cloak. Hanging it on the wall Draco urged Harry down the hall. Walking down the big hallway to the formal sitting room. Flashes of memories began to flood his mind. The last time he was there was a most painful of experiences. He, Ron, and Hermione were brought there by Voldemorts snatchers. Groups of dark wizards and witches set out to seek anyone who’s blood status was not that of pure blood decent and any of those dared to speak the Dark Lords name.
Hermione’s screams were still an echo from when Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured her to find out if the Sword of Gryffindor found in their possession was the real one or a perfect copy. Then the pain and horror of seeing Bellatrix throw her silver knife at them as Dobby, the house elf he helped set free from the Malfoy's employ, die in his arms with the knife protruding from his tiny chest.
“I see that your memories of this place aren't any better than mine." Draco said shyly.
"No those were definitely were not the best of times....for either of us." Harry smiled.

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“Please come sit by the fire it is warmer." Draco said as he motioned to the two chairs already in place.
“ I brought some Oak Meade." Harry said holding out the bottle. Draco walked over to the curio cabinet grabbing two flagons he walked back. Harry had uncorked the bottle and poured two healthy amounts for the both of them. Replacing the cork he set the bottle down on the small table between the chairs.
“To a meeting long past due." Harry held his flagon out to Draco.
“To healing and friendship Harry." Draco dedicated also as the two lightly touched flagons. Both men looked at each other as they took a sip. Draco then motioned for Harry to sit.
“If I may begin Harry?" Draco looked with needed understanding. To which Harry nodded. “Like I said in my letter. I have wanted to speak with you for many years. But, never did. I knew that I had no right to ask you for anything. I know that I deserve the way you feel about me and my family. The hateful feud that was spawned between us from the start of our first year at Hogwarts all the way through to the end. Was wrong and ill founded. From my families being followers as Death Eaters to me being a spoiled rich brat that only sought for his father’s approval. I was not only wrong but was very disrespectful to you and everyone else. I'm truly sorry for that Harry. I wish that I could go back and change everything.
"I lay awake at night scared of every creak or noise I hear. I still have nightmares to this day about the Dark Lord. He is still haunting me. I can still see him sitting at our formal table with that hideous snake Nagini moving about at will. I did two years in Azkaban for the sins that I committed. I haven't been the same since." Draco paused looking down in shame.
“I didn't know that you were sent to Azkaban. Kingsley only told me that your parents were sentenced to twenty-five years. All the rest got Life." Harry spoke up surprised at the news.
“I was sentenced mainly for my role in the Headmaster's death. I just wish that I would have seen things for what they were much sooner. I was made to watch that b*****d torture my family behind the mishap at the ministry when the prophesy was lost. I knew then that he would eventually kill me and my parents. It was Professor Snape that saved me when he had ordered me to be the one to kill Professor Dumbledore." Draco looked more saddened. “I wanted to go with the Headmaster and seek refuge under his protection. But I knew that the Dark Lord would have killed my parents if I did. I was forced to do things Harry....EVIL THINGS!" Draco ended abruptly has he broke down in tears.

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Harry found it hard to swallow the Meade. Setting the flagon down on the table he leaned forward.
“Draco we all make mistakes. Some just more than others, but.." Harry quickly held up his hand to Draco who was about to interrupt him.
“Please let me finish. The horrors that we both went through. And yes, I mean horrors. For seven long years I had to share Voldemort's mind." He continued despite Draco's yelp at hearing the Dark Lords name. “I had to live out his evil doings like I had a front row seat. I saw in his mind when he made you torture Rowle using the Cruciatus Curse. As well as some of the other Death Eaters. Telling you to curse them or feel his wrath." Harry paused looking into Draco's eyes who sat there in shocked awe.
“He..he told us that he had possessed you. That he was feeding you what he wanted you to see." Draco said still shocked.
“He did realize the connection that we shared. Although he never understood why. He realized it when I saw the attack on Mr. Weasley, Ron's dad, by Nagini. That's why we went to the Department of Mysteries that night. He acted out him torturing Sirius knowing that I would come to rescue him. It was all a ploy to get me to take the prophesy off of the shelf. You see nobody can handle a prophesy that doesn't belong to them. He did try to possess me that night when he and Professor Dumbledore fought. But he experienced so much pain when he did. That from that point on he used Occlumency against me. You see. He couldn't even do that. I still could see into his mind." Harry gave a slight pause then continued.
“I know you know or at least heard about the Horcruxes he made so that he became immortal. In tearing his soul apart by the murders he committed. In doing that he encased that piece of his soul inside a powerfully magical item." He paused to take a sip of Meade.
“That really is some good Meade." Harry smiled. Draco smiled as he listened closely. “Anyway, he made a total of seven. The first was the diary that your father planted on Ginny our second year when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. Your father never knew that it was a Horcrux. Voldemort never told anyone of his secrets. The only one to figure it out was Regulas Black. Sirius's younger brother. Who was killed by the Inferi that he had protecting Slytherin's golden locket. The second was his grandads ring. Which was passed down to Salazar Slytherin from Cadmus Peverell. The co-creator of the Hallows." I'll explain later. Harry giggled at the confused look on Draco's face.
“The third was Slytherin's golden locket. The very same locket that his mum sold to Mr. Borgin before it was Borgin and Burkes. The locket Regulas was killed behind. The fourth was Helga Hufflepuff's cup, the fifth was Rowena Ravenclaw's Tiara, the Lost Diadem, that you, Crabbe, and Goyle were told to guard in the Room of Requirement. The sixth
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was his snake Nagini. And the seventh" Harry paused seeing the shock in Draco's face. “YOU! Draco exclaimed.
“Yes me. You see when Peter Pettigrew or rather Wormtail sold out my parents to Voldemort. Voldemort set out to kill me because he knew that a prophesy was made about him and a boy that would be born the thirty-first of July. Voldemort only heard half of the prophesy made by our Professor Trelawney. She was hired by Professor Dumbledore solely for her protection. So that Voldemort couldn't torture her for to hearing the prophesy in its entirety...." “That’s why he wanted the prophesy so bad. He wanted to hear the whole thing!" Draco interrupted. “Correct, like I said he knew that a boy was to be born at the end of July. Which left two possibilities. Me or Nevelle Longbottom." Harry paused to take a sip.
“Nevelle?" Draco cocked his head to the side confused.
“Yeah the prophesy said that the child will born from the parents that have escaped Voldemort three times. Both of our parents had down that. He made me the boy of the prophesy. I became ' The Chosen One' Harry said emphasizing the name. “Because HE chose me. That the boy would have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. Because he has powers that the Dark Lord doesn't know about. What he didn't know was that attacking me would be his down fall. That neither can live while the other survives. As the prophesy also stated.”
“So when he set out to kill me knowing that I was a threat to him. He ended up marking me as his equal also a part of the prophesy." Harry paused.
“Marking you as his equal?" Draco asked. In the same instance his eyes went for the lightning shaped scar still visible on Harry's forehead.
"Yes Draco, this scar is that mark. When my mum died to protect me. She cast a powerful spell over me through her love and in her blood. When he cast the Avada Kedavra curse at me it tore the last remaining piece his soul two. One part remained with him reducing him to less than a ghost. The other part latched on to the only living thing in the! I became the seventh Horcrux he never intended to make. That is why I could speak Parsel tongue, and see into his mind and he into mine. Voldemort would never have tried to kill me had he known."
Harry said he finished the last of his Oak Meade then set the flagon down on the table.
“So that's why you didn't die in the Forbidden Forest that night. My mum told me later on about that night. That she had never seen anybody hit with the killing curse and survive. That she saw the Dark Lord cast it and hit you in the chest. She knew your story as we all did." Draco said softly.
“Well there is a yes and no part to what happened that night. Professor Dumbledore figured it out in the end. He knew that I would have to allow Voldemort to hit me with the killing curse again. I meant to die that night. I wanted it to end. I knew that as long
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as I was alive carrying a piece of his soul inside me. He couldn't be killed. Only two Horcruxes remained. Me and Nagini. Ron, Hermione, and Nevelle already knew to kill Nagini at all cost. You see, I had to go to my death willingly. Or so I thought. Believe me when I tell you that I was more shocked than your mum when I realized that he hadn't killed me. I did what my mum did for me." Harry said smiling.
“I’m still not following you Harry." Draco cocked his head to the side.
“Ok, when Voldemort cast the killing curse at me for the second time. He 'COULDN'T' kill me." Harry said emphasizing the word. “He only killed his own part of his soul inside me. When Cedric Diggory died just after the Portkey took us to where Wormtail and the frail creature that Voldemort has become. He used his father’s ashes, flesh from a sevent, Wormtail's hand, and the blood of an So that he could regain his body. By taking my blood he took my mums sacrifice into himself. Making it impossible for him to harm me. I went willingly to what I thought was my death. When he cast that curse he couldn't hurt anybody that I was willing to die for. Which was the entire Magical and Muggle communities. None of the spells he cast were binding. My mums sacrifice lived on in both of us. Mine just strengthened it. His mistake." Harry shrugged then smiled. “That’s why I had to be the one to kill him because of the sacrifice that joined us." Harry added.
“He’s really dead then? There is no way he can come back?" Draco asked earnestly.
“He is dead Draco. I was there when the Ministry cremated him. I set the fire and waited until he was nothing but ash. There is no way that Tom Riddle could come back from that. If it were possible Professor Dumbledore would still be Headmaster at Hogwarts." Harry said as he sat back. Draco let out such a loud sigh of relief. Harry had smile.
“You just took an incredible emotion burden off of my shoulders. Can you ever forgive me for all the sins I committed towards you? Is there redemption for the horrors and sins that me and my family have committed?" Draco sat forward with tears in his eyes.
Harry leaned forward with a compassionate look on his face. “Yes Draco there is forgiveness and redemption for you....and your family. At least from me and my family. I owe you and your mum a great deal of gratitude." Harry said as he got up and poured each of them another measure of Oak Meade.
“How is that?" Draco snorted.
“Because Draco, when the snatchers brought us here after we were caught. Bellatrix wanted you to identify us. But you didn't. Your mum saved my life that night. She could have told him I was alive and he might have succeeded the third go around. All your mum was concerned about was that you were alive and safe inside the castle. She stood up and lied knowing that the only way she and your father would be able to see to your safety. Was to enter into the castle as the conquering army.
“Draco I sit here before you in YOUR home. I hold no grudges or hatred towards you or
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your family. I forgave you a long time ago. You have a great son whom I have a great deal of respect for. Our children and niece Rose, Ron and Hermione’s daughter have all became best friends. This meeting was made possible because they all stood up to us in Scorpius's defense. And wouldn't back down. Especially my youngest son Albus.
“Which brings me to talk to you about something. For the reason by which they came to me and my family. To ask you for your permission Harry took a quick sip of Meade.
“Permission? Whatever it is you got it." Draco said fully relaxed for the first time.
“Hold on to that thought for a minute. Let me explain first. Your son confided in my son Albus. He spoke about having to go to Azkaban to visit your parents. That he doesn't want to go. So my two sons and niece asked me and Ginny if Scorpius could come to our home for Christmas with my family or at least until you return from your visit." Harry ended to let his words soak in.
“We always go and visit for Christmas. I bring him so to show him as a reminder of what the dark arts leads to. Harry, I'm divorcing Pansy because she tried to secretly teach Scorpius the dark arts. As soon as he ran to me about it. I kicked her out of my house. I HATE THE DARK ARTS!" Draco said with all malice in his voice. He stood up and walked over to the fireplace and placed a log on top. Then stood their starring at flickering flames. Turning to face Harry tears were streaming down his face. “I’ve tried everything possible to get this atrocity off my left arm."
Draco said he showed Harry. There it was the branded skin of the Dark Mark. Which Voldemort placed upon all of his followers employed as Death Eaters. Harry thought of it more to find any who betrayed him.
The mark was now pale red instead of black.
“I’ve burned it, blackened it out with ink, I had the skin removed and replaced. I have tried everything possible. No matter what I try...IT....
WON'T....COME....OFF!" Draco said angrily punching his left forearm. Harry leaped forward grabbing Draco's wrist stopping him form hurting himself. Then with a gentle hand on his shoulder Harry spoke up.
“When something has been cursed by the dark arts there is nothing we can do. Don't you think that I have tried to get this scar removed?" Harry said with compassion trying to calm Draco down.
“You see how much trauma we both have to endure? We both want to get rid of the REMINDER that we have to see and are now identified by them. Think of how of how much trauma your son must endure every time you take him to Azkaban. He has horrible nightmares for weeks. We both know the effects of what the Dementor's can cause. Imagine how those effects can be for a little boy. I am only asking you as your friend Draco. Whatever your decision it won't change that." Harry asked in a soft tone.
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Draco turned and stared into the fire once more. “I never even considered the thought that I was putting my son through horrors and nightmares. I thought that in bringing him with me would help him or at least scare him away from the dark arts. I never considered....." Draco spoke softly trailing off in speech. Harry sat there in patient silence.
Draco turned back to Harry. “Ok, you have my permission. Scorpius can stay with you and your family for the holidays. I will send for him a day after the visit. I will send his presents to your home tomorrow." Draco sighed then gave a feeble smile.
“Really I think that I have a better idea." Harry smiled. Draco saw that look on his face many times while at school only now he was about find out what it meant. “When you come back from your visit. Why don't you come to my home. Open a few presents have some cheers. Stay for a few days. Then my sons and niece can come back here with you and Scorpius for last week of the holidays. When you see just how strong our children’s friendship is. You will agree that we are ALL family not just friends." Harry stood up smiling. “I really like the sound of that Harry. But I don't know about me coming to your home with all of your family. I mean my son is one thing, I on the other hand is a whole other thing. I wouldn't want to be the party stopper." Draco said in a worried tone.
“Don’t worry about that. They all feel way that I do. You just come when you are back from your visit." Harry reassured.
Draco walked over to where Harry stood. “Harry Potter you are the greatest and most honorable man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I thank you for your understanding and forgiveness of which I am not worthy. I will never take that for granted." Draco extended his hand. Their hand shake was firmer and friendlier than the first only this time it ended with a hug of friendship. Looking at then hug from his portrait. Severus Snape smiled and as silent as he came. He left.
“I will send a letter to Scorpius and the Headmistress later today. You want one more for the road?" Draco asked holding up the quarter full bottle of Oak Meade.
“Sure, Ginny and Lily went shopping. I doubt they are back by now. Besides why don't you show me Malfoy Manor from a new point of view." Harry said as he held out his flagon for Draco to refill.
“From both of our views my friend." Draco smiled then filled both flagons with healthier amounts than before. “Oh and I will see to it that the kids get to Kings Cross on time if you want?" Draco asked.
“That’s fine." Harry nodded.
“Come on I'll show you around." Draco ushered Harry forward. Walking through the dining room and past the long table. Draco could no longer see Voldemort at its head. That is one ghost that will never haunt him again. Smiling he gave Harry Potter the V.I.P. tour.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
