chapter fifteen

chapter fifteen

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter fifteen FRIEND OR FOE????

That evening as they all made their way to the Great hall for the evening meal. They were all still semi celebrating. Sitting down at the Gryffindor House table. They Group waived at each other then settled in to eat. “Mr. Potter." the House Boy called to him. Albus looked up to see the seventh year boy coming towards him.
"When you are finished eating. The Headmistress has instructed me to bring you to the office. And you two as well." he said as he motioned towards James and Rose.
“US?" they both looked surprised.
“Yes. She instructed me to bring all three of you. So when you are finished. Get my attention and I will escort you." He said as he promptly turned and strolled away.
“I thought that ' YOU ' were just going tonight Al?" Asked James.
“That’s what I thought too. Now I'm spooked." he said ad he took a bite of pizza then he tossed it down.
“I’m not hungry anymore." Albus said then got up. James and Rose followed him to where the House Boy and Girl sat. Announcing that they ready. The House Boy got up excused himself. Then lead the three to Mcgonagal's office.
Approaching the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance the House Boy spoke loudly. "KITTEN CUTIES!" the statue leapt aside to reveal the moving stair case. The four began their ascent. Reaching the top they walked up to the huge door. He knocked. "Come in please." came the Headmistresses call to enter.
Walking through the door the three family members saw that the office was crowded. They stopped in their tracks in shocked awe. Standing in the middle was Harry and Ginny Potter and Ron and Hermione Weasley. Whom were all smiling seeing their children.
“Both Mr. Potter's and Ms. Weasley are here and instructed Headmistress” The House Boy announced.
“Thank you Mr. Simmons. I shall see to their return to their common rooms." Mcgonagal smiled. Mr. Simmons waived to the others then promptly left.
“MUM!...DAD!" The three children bellowed as they ran into their parents embrace.
“I didn't expect this!" Albus said as he looked up at Harry.
"Yeah well, Professor Mcgonagal invited us here. She that you kids have something very important to talk to us about. Oh! And that was a great match today! You boys play well together." Harry said congratulating them.
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“You saw the match!" James looked excited.
“Yeah we arrived a bit early. So the Headmistress brought us with her."
Ginny smiled. “And she tells us that all of you have been doing really good in school." Hermione appraised them.
“Ok with the exception of Albus and Severus. Would you all please excuse us while this family talks about matters?" Mcgonagal asked politely. One by one the portraits of the deceased all left their frames after waving goodbye.
“I will excuse myself as well. Take all the time you will need. Would you come and inform me when you are finished. I will be in the staff lounge.” Mcgonagal turned to leave squeezing Harry's shoulder softly.
“There really isn't any need for you to go. You said that this was about important ' Family ', issues. You are just as much a part of this family as any. Please stay." Harry asked warmly.
“Yeah please stay!" young Albus said in a pleading voice. “Besides, the approval has to come from you too." James spoke up for the first time.
All four parents eyed their children suspiciously.
"Yeah Professor, please stay I have a feeling were about to be ganged up on. We might need a referee." Ron said as he heard Dumbledore chuckle.
She nodded then walked back. "Oh My! Where are my manners?" She spoke then pulled out her wand gave a lazy flick. Eight chairs appeared in a circle before them. When all had sat down. Harry leaned forward.
“Ok you got us all here. So what is it you need to talk to us about Albus?" Harry asked in a subtle tone.
“Well we all have a friend that we are trying to help out. He's had to grow up and suffer pain and humiliation for things he's not responsible for. He has to visit his relatives every Christmas in a horrible place. He has nightmares for weeks because of it. His parents are separated. So when his dad goes he has to go with him. I was wondering...." “WE! Are wondering." Rose interjected.
“Well..ya. We are wondering if he could spend Christmas with us?" Albus said falling silent.
“And who is this friend?" Ginny asked with a raised eyebrow. Already guessing who this friend is.
“Scorpius Malfoy" Albus said softly.
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"Ron please!" Hermione said patting his knee.
“Son, I understand that young Scorpius is all of your friend. I told you that we are not happy about it. Your mum and I definitely were not happy when we received the letter that you two attacked each other behind Scorpius. But we stand by what we have always taught you. That we won't pick your friends. All three of these Professor’s whom we all have a great deal of respect for. Have told us how close you all are with Scorpius Malfoy. You ' KNOW ' the history between our families. I really don't think that this is a really good idea kids." Harry spoke trying not sound too harsh.
“YOU DON'T THINK!...I KNOW IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA! AND I ' CAN ' PICK YOUR FRIENDS YOUNG LADY! If I would have known..." “RONALD WEASLEY! You calm down this instant!" Mcgonagal interrupted him sternly. Ron calmed down knowing it is never a good idea to argue or disobey Minerva Mcgonagal. Rose sat silently in with tears streaming down her face.
“Mum...Dad...we're not trying to push our friendship with Scorpius in front of you. Really we're not. This about trying to help a boy who has been tormented and ridiculed just because of his family’s sins. Then having to go every Christmas to visit his grandparents in Azkaban and suffer with nightmares for weeks." Albus said heartily.
“Dad you said yourself that when you were at the Dursley's. You were punished, hated, and miserable just because of your magical blood. That if it wasn't for the Weasley family coming to get you every summer. That your life would have been unbearable. He's never had a family to help make this time year bearable. We're not asking you for to let him move in. We're only asking for a couple of days." James spoke earnestly.
“Those were different times and circumstances James." Ginny spoke up.
“How different is it mum? Didn't you tell us that Uncles Ron, George, and Fred stole grandads flying car to get dad out of the Dursley's. Because dad was being held pretty much a prisoner and was really miserable?" Albus asked.
“Yes we did. But what has that got to do with allowing a Malfoy into our homes?" Ron said with a scowl.
“It has everything to do with it Uncle Ron. You Uncles Fred and George went and did what you had too because of your friendship with dad. You went to help him get away from being in a bad place. All because of your friendship and loyalty to each other. You didn't want to see dad spend any more time at the Dursley's than he had to. Any more than we want to see Scorpius have to go to Azkaban for a visit and live with the horrors and nightmares that come with it. I know you can still feel the effects of what the Dementors can do dad." Albus paused briefly looking at his family.
“Can you imagine how those effects can be on a kid who can't even walk into Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade without being spit at curses and hexes shot at him. All because of
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the paths his family chose!” Albus added getting emotional. Mcgonagal raised her eyebrow at hearing Albus use her words again.
“The Malfoys are Dark Wizards Albus. I'm not sure that I want any of them in our home.” Ginny said with the same scowl on her face as her brothers. James let out a sigh.
“Scorpius hates the dark arts mum. He's no more a dark wizard than Sirius Black was. His entire family were dark wizards. His own brother was a Death Eater. We live in the very house where the dark arts were taught even worshipped. Scorpius's mum and Dad are getting a divorce because his dad caught his mum trying to teach him when he was younger." Albus spoke boldly.
“Albus I fully understand all that you are saying. But..." “Pardon me for interrupting Harry." Mcgonagal asked.
“Go ahead Professor." Harry urged.
“When Draco Malfoy came to my office. I saw a man so broken down and trodden that at several times he had to stop due to his weeping. He got on his knees and begged Albus Dumbledore, the very man you named your son after. He begged for his forgiveness for the role he played that brought about Albus's death. Mr. Malfoy begged ME on his hands and knees not to allow his son to come to Hogwarts. Not because he hated this school or its staff. He did not want his son to be continually harassed and ridiculed because of him and his family’s sins. He viciously denounced the Dark Arts. We had a long...I mean a very long discussion about the two of you. None of which I will discuss. I do believe that ALL people can change should they truly chose too Harry." Mcgonagal spoke in her teaching voice.
“Harry." Dumbledore spoke up for the first time. Everyone turned around to look at him. With those piercing blue eyes behind half-moon spectacles.
“Do you remember why it was that I told you was the reason to you defeating Voldemort?" He asked rolling his eyes at Ron's squeaks at hearing that name.
“Yes you said that it was my ability to love. Are you saying that I should love the Malfoy's Professor?" Harry asked with a small scowl.
“Maybe not love Harry. But forgive. You cannot have one without the other. It's because of love that forgiveness is born. Hatred is what Voldemort and many of his kind have so much of. That they became blinded by the picture before them as a whole. Where do you think we would all be had I not forgave Severus for all his misgivings or mine for that matter? Pardon my pun Severus." Dumbledore spoke looking at everyone.
“No pun taken Albus. You are of course quite right." Snape acknowledged Harry let out a sigh so loud that you would have though an air hose sprung a leak. All four parents seemed to break down at once.

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“Where do you stand on this honey?" Harry asked Ginny.
“I’m with you on whatever your decision. It's just that I feel how can we teach our children to forgive people and give them a chance. If we can't put forth the effort to forgive. I think it's worth a try." Ginny said as she put her hands in Harry's.
“What about you two?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione.
"You know us mate. We're with you it's not going to be easy. And I'm not going say I like either." Ron shrugged as he moved closer to his wife.
“Maybe it's time we learn from our children. It was because of our own love and friendship that kept us together through those times." Hermione.
Harry looked at the kids then nodded. All three almost jumped out of their seats for joy.
“Now hold on before you go to celebrating. Just because we have agreed to this. Draco has to approve of it too." Harry said as he faced Mcgonagal.
“Professor you have done far more that could have ever been expected. I would like to ask you for one more favor. Do you think that I could speak to young Scorpius for about five minutes?" Harry asked.
“It is really against school policy to allow another parent to speak to a student with the expressed permission from that student’s parent or guardian." She took a quick glance at Dumbledore who have an encouraging nod. "But because I know you mean well. I will permit you the five minutes. In my presence of course. Severus you be so kind to please have Marcus bring Mr. Malfoy to the History of Magic classroom?" she requested.
“It would be my honor Headmistress." Snape smiled then left his painted frame.
“Harry I should think that we should meet them on the way." she said as she turned to leave.
“I’ll be right back." He said as he kissed his family.
Harry couldn't help but allow the memories to flood his mind as he and Mcgonagal walked. "I have almost forgotten just how beautiful Hogwarts is." Harry spoke breaking the silence.
"Yes it is quite beautiful." She smiled.
“Do you miss being a full time teacher?" he asked.
"Sometimes." she nodded. “I really enjoy being Headmistress. The responsibilities are greater. The benefits are better of that I can tell you." she gave off a slight chuckle. Harry giggled as well.
“You have some really great children Harry. You have definitely raised them right. Albus
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has surely been living up to the standards of the two of which you named him after." She said smiling.
Yeah sometimes I tend to forget that he is just a kid. He can make you believe he's a grown-up. And I'm proud of him for standing up for what he believes in. One thing I've learned about Albus Severus Potter. Is that if HE is ready to fight and duel a person to get his point across. You've already battle." Harry chuckled.
“Yes he is definitely his father’s son." they both laughed about that.
Hearing the approaching footsteps they both turned to meet them at the door. When Scorpius walked through the door he stopped as if frozen. There standing next to Mcgonagal was Harry Potter...THE HARRY POTTER!" Scorpius screamed in his mind.
“Evening Mr. Malfoy. That will be all Marcus thank you. I will see to Mr. Malfoy back to his common room." She thanked. “Yes Headmistress." he said then turned to leave. “Oh and Marcus. This is to be kept silent and not discussed." She advised sternly. “Of course Headmistress." Marcus Flint looked at Harry curling his lip as he left.
“I remember when Professor Snape used to look at me like that." he smiled.
Mcgonagal stepped forward and ushered Scorpius towards Harry. “Mr. Malfoy, I would like to introduce to you Mr. Harry Potter." She said softly.
“Hello sir. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter." Scorpius greeted as they shook hands.
“It is good to meet you too Scorpius." Harry smirked warmly.
“Mr. Potter has asked to speak with you concerning a matter that I am sure you are aware of. If it is your wish not to talk to Mr. Potter I will honor your decision." She said in a warm tone but sternly.
"It's ok Headmistress." he looked up at her and smiled.
“Very well. I will be over here when you are done." she backed away but held up her hand to Harry and soundlessly mouthed "five minutes".
"My two sons and niece have asked my family for permission for you to spend a couple of days with my family for Christmas. But before I decide on that. I asked the Headmistress to speak to you. You sure you don't mind if we chat for bit?" Harry asked.
“I don't mind sir. Really." Scorpius said as his nervousness calmed down.
Harry then motioned for them to each take a seat. Once seated Harry let out a short sigh. “I am not sure exactly where to begin. Your father and I had many differences through our years here at Hogwarts. Differences that caused us to be what you would call as being enemies. But that was then and this is now. The safety and well-being of my family comes first. I value my children’s views. I have always taught them to come to me and my wife no matter what. I have always tried to be their friend not just their
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parent. We talk about everything. The one thing that I have instilled in them is the value of friendship. And for my sons and niece to fight on behalf of a friend, even if that friends family were at odds with mine. I have no choice but to listen and take many things into consideration. I don't have any hatred for Draco. At one time I did, I won't deny that.
“I don't know if you know or not. But when me, Ron, and Hermione were caught by the snatchers and brought to Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix and Your grandad asked Draco to identify us. He didn't. He was actually trying to help us. Your grandmum could have told Voldemort that I was alive when I went to face him in the forest. And cast the killing curse on me for the second time. But she didn't, all she wanted to do was see to your fathers safety. She told him I was dead. So you see that I owe your family that much gratitude. I sit here before you to tell you that I hold no negative feelings against your family. I forgave Draco a long time ago.
If you do wish to spend Christmas in my home with my family. For what may be the reason. You are welcome in my home. You see, I know exactly what it's like to go from friendless to having a whole group of friends.
“But here is the catch. I will have to speak to Draco myself. Face to face. I will send him an Owl to ask his permission to come to Malfoy Manor where we can talk. He will have the final say on this. Ok?" Harry said as he warmly touched Scorpius's shoulder.
“Mr. Potter sir. I really hate what my family did. I guess in a lot of ways I still find it hard to forgive their past. My dad told me just about everything he did and what my family has done not just to the magical world but to the muggles too. But we are still family. My dad forbids any talk about the dark arts. My parents are separating now because of it. I believe that you will find a very different Draco Malfoy when you meet.
I have never seen the man he was then. But I love the man he is now. You really are the man he told me you are.
“I promise that I will always be a friend to your family. Al came to my rescue when he could have just walked away or even helped them. I don't just want to be his friend sir. I owe him my friendship." Scorpius spoke now standing boldly in front of Harry who gained an incredible amount of respect for the young man before him.
“When or even if Draco and I talk. I am sure he will write to you to tell you of his answer." Harry now leaned over placing a soft hand on his shoulder. “If things go right. I will pick the four of you up at King's Cross. Even if your father's should say no. I want you to know that my home is always open to you. If should feel the need to talk send an Owl." Harry said now extending his hand.
“Thank you sir." Scorpius smiled wide as he shook his hand.

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“Ok Mr. Malfoy I will escort you back to your House common rooms and will be back shortly Harry. She ushered Scorpius towards the door.
“I still know the way Professor. I'll meet you back in your office if that's ok?" Harry asked. With a nod she and Scorpius left the classroom.
When Harry returned to the Headmistresses office he explained all that had transpired.
“You are admirable as ever Harry." Dumbledore smiled. Mcgonagal had just walked into her office when Snape spoke up.
“Harry if I may be of some assistance? Snape offered.
“Sure Professor." Harry encouraged.
“Thank you. Now Draco has a painting of me within his main sitting room. I have...on occasions spoken to him. If you will permit me. I can call upon him and make things go smoother between you while you talk. I will of course refrain from mentioning the reasons for your requested visit. I do believe that I can at least get him to accept this meeting." Snape explained.
“Yes thank you. That would be very nice." Harry thanked him.
"Of what time should I tell him you wish for to meet?" Snape asked.
“Sometime before Wednesday. The Hogwarts Express leaves Thursday. I could pick up his son at the same time when I pick up my family. But whenever is convenient for him.” Harry spoke as he took a sip of water.
“Would you excuse me Minerva?" Snape asked.
“Of course....take your time." She said with a warm smile.
"Thank you” Albus hugged his parents. James joined in.
“Now don't get your hopes up to high. Draco could say no. And if that is what he decides we will honor his wishes." Harry intoned to his boys.
“If we can convince you 'AND' Uncle Ron. Mr. Malfoy doesn't stand a chance when 'YOU' talk to 'HIM'." Albus giggled as did everyone else.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
