![]() chapter fourteenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter fourteen THE BEGINING![]()
THE BEGINNING The cold morning air whirled through the castle. As the students arose from bed to begin another day of learning. Albus was standing in the middle of the common room explaining the night’s events. “Oh my god Al! Are you sure?" Rose exclaimed in shock. “Yes I'm sure! I didn't dream it Rosey!” Albus said irritated. “I’m sorry. I'm saying that you're lying Al. It's just horrifying that's all." Rose clarified. “Has a teacher ever been attack at Hogwarts before?” asked Hewortt. “No...Well, one was possessed by Voldemort. And one was impersonated by a Death Eater in my dad’s first and fourth year here. But there has never been an all-out attack before I don't think." James shrugged. “Alright Gryffindor’s. Per orders of the Headmistress. Everyone is to follow us to the Great Hall for breakfast. She has an important speech to announce. So everyone please hurry up grab your things and be back here in twenty minutes.” Stanley informed. “You think that they will shut down the school?” Janice asked. "I doubt it. They didn't shut it down during Voldemorts reign. But thing are going to be really strict around here for a while.” Rose said as she grabbed her book sack. Twenty minutes later in double lines. The students from all the Houses were walking to the Great Hall for breakfast, sitting down everyone looked up at the raised platform reserved for the teachers and staff. They all noticed the witch and two wizards standing like sentinels guarding the doorways. “Hey that’s Aunt Gabby over there!” James bellowed. “She must have passed all of her tests. She's a part of the Aurors Office that's Mr. Dawlish her boss." Rose said waiving at her. As did James and Albus. Gabrielle only nodded in their direction with a smile. Good morning students!" Headmistress Mcgonagal began with her magically amplified voice. “GOOD MORNING HEADMISTRESS!" Everyone greeted back. “I have some announcements to make and regret to be the informer of tragic news" Mcgonagal let out a huge sigh as she paused. “Late last night a horrific incident occurred to one of our own. Professor Blaise Zabini was horribly attacked while in his office. He currently in the care of St. Mungo's Hospital Page 71 for magical maladies and Injuries. He is in very serious condition. Everyone please calm down." Mcgonagal had expected the students to react. But the whole assembly erupted in a mild panic. When the Heads of House and their prefects had regain control and calmed the students down. She continued. “I know this is tragic news. But we need to keep our heads. With that being said. Until further notice all Hogsmeade visits are cancelled. All traffic will be monitored during school hours. If need be you will be escorted to and from class. The Minister of Magic has placed members of the Aurors office at our convenience. Should they instruct you to do anything or go or not to go? I want you to listen then them as if they were any of your Professors or staff members. Treat them with courtesy and respect at all times. They are here for your protection. There are to be no ventures out of your house common rooms of any kind. This includes the kitchens." She glanced at Albus with a raised eyebrow. "Go about your day as you would normally. Please do not worry you Professors with a bunch of questions. The Transfiguration Class is cancelled until further notice. During that assigned class you will convene in the main court yard. Everything is being done that can be done. Thank you for cooperation." Mcgonagal ended then sat down for a brief moment then rose up from her chair and left the Great Hall. The volume rose up once more as everyone began to talk. Albus and Scorpius locked eyes as many of the students began saying things about the Malfoy family. To which several bars of soap should have passed out to wash those filthy mouth out. Scorpius shook his head as if to say...not this again. He silently sat there drinking his pumpkin juice picking over his food. Being that their first class was cancelled. The Group sat around the main court yard huddled together. “I’m trying to figure out how a professor could be attacked late at night without anyone hearing?" Scorpius asked confused. “There are several charms that can be cast to make an area or room sound proof. Like MUFFLIATO, SILENCIO, SALVIO HEXIA, and a few more." Rose explained. “I thought that there were protections in place around Hogwarts that would prevent anyone or anything from entering without being noticed?" Janice asked. “There is! Am I the only one that has read Hogwarts A History?” Rose said frustrated. “No Rosey you're not the only one. We are just trying to understand that's all." James said trying not to hurt her feelings. “It’s just hard to think that dark wizard could enter the school, attack a professor. Then leave without being caught." Alex spoke out. Page 72 “Maybe it was student or another professor?" Su-Wa said. James caught the look on Scorpius's face and spoke up. “Speaking of it being another student. Everyone heard what was being said about Scorpius and his family. He's already been judged and found guilty by the whole lot. I will not stand by and let any harm come to him. We have to stick together as a group. If anyone here thinks ill of Scorpius then leave now." James spoke angrily. “I’m sorry Scorpius if sound or said that wrong. I didn't mean too..." Scorpius interrupted her. “Listen guys. All this is expected. If they didn't talk like that then I REALLY would be scared. Besides I've heard worse things than that." He spoke as he put an elbow on James shoulder. "Besides it wasn't a student anyway. When I was leaving Professor Mcgonagal’s office last night. A past Headmistress said she just came from St. Mungo's that Professor Zabini was in critical condition. That a very powerful memory charm was cast on him. None of the healers had ever seen a memory charm that magically powerful. All of us are here to learn HOW to do magic. What student here is that magically strong? No it was defiantly an adult.” Albus explained. "What were you doing in the Headmistress Office?” asked Alex. "Last night we were all doing homework. I snuck out to the kitchens to get some hot chocolate. The Fat Lady told them. To the Professors sent for me thinking that maybe I heard or at least saw who it was." Albus said with a shrug. "DID you see anyone?" Shea asked in surprise. "Naw. All I heard was a guy laughing. They're looking for a man." Albus answered as he bit off a piece of apple he grabbed from breakfast. "It might be a professor then or at least someone who knows the castle pretty good." James said as he sat down next to Hewortt. “James. Most of the professors here we know personally. Many of them, we grew up calling them auntie or uncle. They wouldn't attack Professor Zabini. Besides, every witch or wizard in this country has been educated at Hogwarts. Whoever this dark wizard is. He definitely went to Hogwarts." Rose spoke out. “Listen to us. We sound like WE are the investigators. And that WE are going to catch this man....WE'RE KIDS!” Shea Scola sounded skeptical. James narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. “My father was your age when he faced Voldemort for the second time in his life. When he possessed Quirell. He was my age when he and Rosey's parents went into the Chamber of Secrets fought against Voldemorts powers where my father killed, Slytherins Monster and rescued my mom. He was fourteen when he fought Voldemort face to face when he was hood winked into Page 73 the Triwizard Tournament by a Death Eater." James paused for a second but Albus spoke up. “At fifteen when the ministry tried to interfere at Hogwarts. My dad and Aunt Hermione formed the D.A. "DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY". Seven of which fought ten to fifteen Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries until the Order of Phoenix showed up to help. They were just "KIDS". Albus spoke forcefully. Scorpius stood up." I grew up just like many of you. I grew up listening to the stories my dad would tell. And trust me when I tell you. He never once left out what HE and family did. I waited for eleven years to come to Hogwarts. I wanted to be a part of the school that fought for everyone magical and muggle alike. Even against the odds. Against the most powerful Dark Wizard the wizarding community has ever known. I knew that I wouldn't be accepted and even hated. Just because of who my family is. I didn't care. I just wanted to be a part of the school that everyone fought for. I feel that as the children of those HEREOS....as students of Hogwarts." Scorpius then waved his hand in a circle. “We are obligated to help protect it. They stood united. So should we." Scorpius stood there looking at the group. “Scorpius is right. But we are not our parents. If we can help then we should. We just have to be careful and think things through." Rose added. “I too grew up hearing the stories the adventures. I never thought that I would be accepted as you all have accepted me. I grew up in a country where the Dark Wizard Gillert Grindelwald was at the height of his power. He was no better than your Voldemort. I will stand with you all and fight when necessary. They are all right about what it is we may or may not be able to do. But we should be willing to at least try. But we need to think about this too. Professor Zabini wouldn't be a teacher here in Transfiguration if he wasn't magically strong and knowledgably enough. He's no slouch. Whoever this Dark Wizard is. He's a lot stronger than the Professor is. I don't want to see any of get hurt." Hewortt spoke up to drive the point home. Everyone in turn nodded their heads in agreement. "Wow! Come you lot. We need to get to Herbology." Britny yelped as she stood up grabbing her book sack. Everyone followed suit. Headmistress Mcgonagal stood at her window looking down into the court yard. Watching the students leave to class. “You should really get some rest Minerva." Snape spoke up. “Yes I suppose I should." She said with a sigh as she walked away from the window. Sitting at her desk she swiveled around to face Severus Snape. “I just can't get it out of my mind how much those students or rather..The Group.. as they are now called by the teachers. How they remind me so much of Harry, Ron, and Page 74 Hermione how they formed the D.A. and actually fought Voldemort and his followers. They were faced with more than any children of their age should ever have to deal with. And yet, now their own children are being faced with possibly the same situation.” She said shaking her head. “Minerva what Potter and company did and went through was nothing short of extraordinary. The obstacles they overcame amazed and overwhelmed me. Which made me proud to be their Professor. Though I never showed it. If the “GROUP" as you say their children is now called. Is at the most, half, of what their parents are. This new Dark Lord has his work cut out for him." Professor Snape said encouraging. Mcgonagal looked up at him with a renewed respect. “This is just haunting me Severus. I can't get the Sorting Hats song out of my head. Especially the part about...... "....The troubled time will be like no other For the darkness will be very much hotter, We will surely need more than our hero Harry Potter...." This is the second time I have prayed that the Sorting Hat is wrong." she ended taking a glance at the old pointed black hat that sat on her mantle. “We will overcome this new Dark Lord. We always have." Snape said reassuringly. "Thanks to Merlin that we still have Albus here to help us from his knowledge at least. And you as well. Your personal knowledge dealing with this is priceless." Headmistress Mcgonagal let out a shaky sigh. Rising up from her chair she walked over to a large plush couch. Where she laid down and closed her eyes. “Yes let us just hope that, that will be enough." Snape said to himself. Leaning back against his painted chair. He too closed his eyes. Entering Herbology class. The students all looked at the Professor's tired and wary expression. Nevelle appeared that he hadn't slept for ages. “Everyone please take your seats." he instructed. “I know that many of you are concerned about what happened to Professor Zabini last night. Some of you may even be scared. The Ministry of Magic has placed some very powerful protection in and around Hogwarts. Whoever this Dark Wizard is he will be hard pressed to do anything like that again. So ease your minds and pray for Professor Zabini's speedy recovery. So....with that lets go over yesterday’s homework shall we. If you would please get out your Thousand and One Magical Herbs and Fungi. Turn to page 515." Nevelle instructed. The students did so quietly. The days began to run into each other. The whole castle went about their daily activities. Letters poured in from families giving reassuring support and guidance. Only a Page 75 few students were pulled out of school by over protective parents. Quidditch practices and games were still postponed till further notice. Which brought on boredom and uneasiness to its highest peak. Over all the students found other activities and complained very little. Thanksgiving came and went. It was a somber holiday. Though many of the students and staff sent get well cards and presents to Professor Zabini and his family. Blaise Zabini was by now fully healed from his injuries. But was permanently admitted to the same ward that Nevelles own parents resided in. Frank and Alice Longbottom who in being Aurors. Were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange using the Cruciatus Curse and lost their sanity because of it. The following days became weeks. Still no change in the security measures put in place. There were no attacks or disturbances anywhere. It seemed that the Dark wizard was satisfied with the lone attack and thus had moved on. Friday evening the Second of December at the evening meal. Professor Mcgonagal stood and cleared her voice so as to get everyone’s attention. When all were looking at her she smiled. “Excuse me students and colleagues. I truly thank you for your patience and cooperation. It seems that the horrible tragedy that happened months ago has been an isolated incident. To what brought this incident to bear we may never know. Though there will still be some security measures that will remain in place. I am lifting the cancellations of activities thus reinstating the Quidditch season." She paused due to the eruption of applause and cheers. Mcgonagal smiled as she raised her hand quieting down the Great Hall. “I am lifting the same for the weekend visits to Hogsmeade." applause erupted again bur died down. “I still want you all to be careful and not to do anything that would jeopardize yourself or anybody else. I believe that the current match is between Gryffindor House and Slytherin House. The match is set for after the noon meal tomorrow. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff will play the same time Sunday. Practices will be held from. 7:00-9:00 am for Slytherin House. Gryffindor's practice will be from 9:30-11:30 am. The same will apply to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff for Sunday. Please respect each other’s practice times. Thank you again for your patience and obedience." she smiled wide joining in on the applause. "Wow! I didn't expect that!" James shouted excitedly. "It's about time. I was running out of things to do." Albus smiled. “In the morning I want you all to meet me in the common room to talk you and run through some of the plays I've been working on. We can prefect them at practice. It shouldn't take up the full two hours of practice. I want you all good rested for the match." Jami said more excited more than anyone. “Let’s bring Gryffindor a Christmas present.” James fist bumped Albus. Albus walked Page 76 over to Scorpius for a few minutes the said their goodnights, setting out for their common rooms. On the way up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower James turned to Rose smiling sheepishly. “James?" she said with a raised eyebrow. “Uncle George sent these to me." James giggled as he took out his wand then tapped the tiny box in his hand. Waiting exactly three seconds he tossed it as high in the air as he could. Several witches and wizards including Albus Dumbledore and his father erupted in sparkling attire. Chasing a cowardly looking Voldemort kicking him hitting him with multiple spells. Everywhere the sparkling Voldemort went witches and wizards chased him. Laughter exploded throughout the inner section of the castle as they all watched the spectacle. Lee Jordan smiled at James shaking his head. Even Mcgonagal was smiling. Albus was in tears holding his stomach. “Laugh now....Cry later." said the silent evil voice lurking among them. After Albus showered and changed into his evening robes. He walked down to the common room. Seeing James and Rose he walked over leaning over the couch. “I need to talk to you two alone. It's a family matter. I could really use your views on something." The three walked over to a vacant couch by the fire. Sitting down the two looked at Albus suspiciously. Sitting patiently they listened to Albus explain what he wanted to do concerning Scorpius. When he finished they sat in silence as if in thought. “I can understand it but do you think that it is wise. Especially Dad and the history with the Malfoy's?" James questioned. “It’s not just Dad, its Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. The whole family really." Albus added. "My mum probably won't have any problem with it. It's my Dad. That's another story. You remember what he told me at Kings Cross? He still holds a grudge against the Malfoy's." Rose expounded. “It would take Uncle Harry to convince him otherwise." she added. “Here at schools one thing Al. We all know Scorpius and yes we are his friends. I'm just not sure that this is a good idea." James said concerned." Will you guys at least back me up on this?” Albus asked. “You know we will. Maybe if they say yes it just might start the healing between our families." Rose brightened up as she spoke. “When do you plan to ask Mum and Dad? Christmas is in a week and a half." James asked. “I don't know I might just send an Owl after the Quidditch match tomorrow." Albus shrugged “Well I'm off to bed guys. I'll see you at breakfast.” Rose said as she hugged her two cousins then left to her dormitory. Page 77 The next morning the Group used the SOLTENOR CALOR charm to keep warm as they sat in their usual spot in the court yard. Albus sat in silent thought wondering just how he was going to explain to his family. The son of an old enemy stay or a holiday reserved for family. The more he thought about it. The more hopeless it seemed. With a huge sigh he decided that maybe it was too early. Off in the near distance he saw Professor Mcgonagal step through the archway leading to the Great Hall. Apparently to get some fresh air. A broad grin spread across his face. Jumping up suddenly he jogged over to where she stood. Rose looked at James who shrugged. “Good morning Professor!" Albus greeted her. “Good morning to you Mr. Potter." he smiled down at him. “Could I talk to for a minute or two?” he asked. “Sure what do you have on your mind?" she inquired. Well...I was kinda hoping to talk to you more as Auntie Minny than Headmistress Mcgonagal. You see I need your advice." Albus pleaded. She looked down at the young man before her. Remembering how much he looked like his father. “Come up to my office. I get the feeling that I am going to have to sit down for this one." She smiled then led Albus inside. Entering her office the two walked over to her desk. She motioned for him to sit down in the chair directly in front of her desk. She rounded her desk then sat down folding her arms. “This is a most unusual request Al. But I will permit it this time. But you must understand that here with in these walls. I am your Headmistress not Aunt Minny. I cannot show favoritism just because I have been there from the day you, James and Lily have been born. You do understand?” She explained. "Yes ma’am." Albus said feeling a little uncomfortable. “Good. Now as I said I will allow it this time. So what is it that you need my advice on?" she smiled her Aunt Minny kind of smile. Albus launched confidently into his plans and what his worries were. When he finished he was met with the same long pause as when he told James and Rose. Many times he saw Dumbledore and Snape look at each other. Dumbledore now had his hands together with his fingers steepled in front of him. Looking at him with those piercing blue eyes. Mcgonagal leaned forward placing her arms on the desk. “Albus I do understand why you want young Mr. Malfoy to spend the Christmas holidays Page 78 with your family. I admire your dedication to your friendship. But Christmas is a time for families. Not only that I think it much too soon to flaunt and push your friendship in front of your two families. You know as well as I do about the history between your families. The results could be potentially disastrous. I would not want to see you and Mr. Malfoy at the same odds that Harry and Draco were faced with. I truly think that you are rushing things and should give it some more time. You knows maybe those feelings of hurt and pain CAN be healed. But now is just too soon.” Mcgonagal spoke with as much sympathy as she could. “Aunt M.....Professor. Scorpius isn't just my friend. I look to like him like a brother. Just like James. Both James and Rosey feel the same as you do. But they also agree that whether it's now or two years from now. Then is no better than now. Scorpius hates seeing his grandparents in that awful place. He hates the dark arts as much as the man whom I bare his first name. No disrespect Professor Snape.” Albus said apologetic "None taken my young man." Snape said smiling. “Aunt Minny this isn't about pushing my friendship with Scorpius on my family. It's about keeping a friend...a brother..of mine from having horrible nightmares. Regardless of who his family is. You said yourself that Scorpius is forced to pay and is hated for what his family did. He needs a break from all that. He may or may not be accepted like our group has accepted him. But if I don't at least try to ease his pain. How can I call myself his friend....or any of us for that matter?" Albus explained getting highly emotional. Dumbledore stared at the young man who does bare his first name with so much compassion and great reverence. He felt very proud to have witnessed the love that radiated from young Albus Potter. The other past Headmasters and Headmistresses were damping their eyes feeling the impact of his words. Mcgonagal feeling his words and emotions as well as how he used her own words to get his point across. With a huge sigh of defeat she leaned back in her chair. “Ok Albus. You have won me over. What is it that you wish for me to help you with? Do you want me to talk to your parents for you?” She asked. “Oh no Aunt.....I mean Professor. I should be the one to talk to my mum and dad. I just would like your permission to use your fireplace to do that. I promise to make it quick." Albus said trying to hide his excitement. But doing a poor job of it. She looked into the mirror on her desk at the reflection of Albus who was smiling brightly he nodded. Then to Snape who did the same. “Very well. When do you want to do this?" she asked. “After the Quidditch match if that is ok?" Albus beamed with excitement. “Alright but you must make your point as quickly as possible. I will send the Head Boy to Page 79 fetch you after the last meal he will bring you to my office. And not a word of this to anyone except of course you brother and cousin. Is that understood?" she said sternly. “Yes ma’am and thank you!" Albus agreed with a smile so big he beamed with joy. “You are very welcome Lil Al." She smiled using his nick-name. “I will be sending an Owl promptly alerting them to the time you will be calling upon them. I will do my very best to smooth the road for you." she spoke as Albus rose from his chair. Saying goodbye he skipped to the office door then left at a trot. “Young Mr. Malfoy is very fortunate to have that young an as his friend." Albus spoke up looking at Mcgonagal. "Yes..yes he is. I just hope that this doesn't turn into the proverbial leading of the lamb to the lions den." she said as he took out a piece of parchment and a quill. “I remember when his grandad did the very same thing with his parents concerning Sirius Black. I think that this will turn out the just as well." Dumbledore said positively. “Let us hope so." she said as she began to write Harry and Ginny Potter. “Minerva if I may make a suggestion?" Dumbledore said suddenly. Everyone in the room past and present looked at him with curious expressions. Albus came running into the court yard. Quickly he motioned for Scorpius over to where James and Rose stood. “You are not going to believe this!" Albus yelped then explained all that was said. They were just as surprised as he was. “I really hope that this doesn't cause any trouble for you. I would rather go and see my grandparents than to cause you all any problems between you and your families." Scorpius said as he looked worried. “Let’s just see what happens when I talk to my mum and dad. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow morning." Albus said as he fist bumped him. “Come on lil bro we need to get to practice." James said as he hugged Rose and bumped Scorpius on the shoulder with his fist. “Oh! Aunt Minny said to keep this between us ok?" Albus shouted back. Both Rose and Scorpius nodded. After lunch the anticipation of the Quidditch match was so high that caste became deserted. Down at the arena Professors, staff, and students filled it to ultimate capacity. Leaving many of the students to sit or stand around the arena floor. Madam Hooch was inspecting all the brooms while talking to Aberforth. “Alright team. We beat Slytherin and Ravenclaw we are a shoe in for the Quidditch Cup. If we lose and Ravenclaw beats Hufflepuff. Then Slytherinin. We will to play Hufflepuff in the playoffs. Slytherin has had the cup for too long. But no pressure." Jami said giving a short pep talk. Page 80 “Stop worrying. Let's just go up there run the plays we practiced, then go celebrate." Stefani spoke up. Both teams walked the center of the arena. Gryffindor in maroon robes. Slytherin in emerald green. Madam Hooch flew to the center of the assembled teams. “Now I want a clean match. No funny business I will be watching. Now captains shake hands." she instructed. Jami and Juleous Kristoff shook hands them stepped back. “Very good. Good luck to you both. Now up you go!" she said as he shot up in the air. Both teams followed suit looking like individual rockets. Commentary for the match was by Edna Stougg a fifth year girl from Ravenclaw. "Attention everyone! Greetings Professors, staff, and students alike. Welcome back to a long awaited re-start of this year’s Quidditch season. Gryffindor faces off against the current Quidditch Cup Champions Slytherin House. Madam Hooch appears to be ready. AND HERE WE GO!" Edna announced. Madam Hooch blew her whistle then tossed the red quaffle high into the air then flew downward quickly. Both bludgers and the tiny golden snitch were released at the sound of the whistle. “Stefani Banks, of Gryffindor is in possession of the quaffle. Stuklick and Potter...Albus that is. Are flying guard on her flanks. Ooh! That was close Bennett beater for Slytherin. Sent a bludger straight for Banks. But Potter....James that is...intercepts it then sends it racing back towards Penny Cannon....or was it Jenny. I don't know I always get them mixed up with them being twins and all. But Cannon won't be denied as she swoops in tangles and tussles for possession of the quaffle. Alder of Slytherin takes advantage of the situation and steals the quaffle. He's now in pursuit of the goals. Guarded by Gryffindor Keeper Sterling Anhiser. That was a bad pass from Banks to Potter....And the race changes....Alder nears the goals...his eyes on Anhiser who’s swaying back and forth anticipating Alder's moves...he shoots!....and SCORES! What a great shot by Alder! 0-10 to Slytherin." Edna shouted out above the cheering Slythrins section. "Here we go again folks....Stucklick in possession flying low...Banks and Potter flying just above him....ohhh! Stucklick is hit hard by a bludger and loses the Quaffle....nice hit by Chaunce of Slytherin....Slyth-erins Cannon is in possession of the quaffle...which ever one...now racing to the goals....the other Cannon catches the pass from her sister She swings wide around the arena walls....she closes in....she passes the quaffle back to her sister who has the better advantage....Potter and Banks race towards Cannon....Cannon puts on speed....she lines up...she shoots....SHE SCORES! Slytherin scores again!" Edna was hard to hear over the applause and cheers from the crowd. “It’s 0-20 to Slytherin." Edna added announcing the score. Page 81 "COME ON GUYS!" Jami yelled out in frustration. "Banks back in possession of the Quaffle. Stucklick and Potter racing beside her. Zig-Zagging now towards Slytherins Keeper...Oh nice flying by Banks she narrowly was hit by a bludger sent by Chaunce of Slytherin....the Cannon's and Alder in hot pursuit of Banks....Potter swoops in....she passes the quaffle to Potter who puts on a burst of speed...WOW! That Nova 100 is fast!....Potter lines up....he shoots...and SCORES!...POTTER SCORES!" The cheers were deafening." The score is now 10-20 to Slytherin....Alder now in possession.....wait folks what's this...Weeks of Slytherin dives to the grounds.....Webb hot on his trail...could they have seen the snitch!...YES! There it is flying wildly around the pitch....Webb puts on speed....he reaches out for the snitch....That's not nice!...Weeks of Slytherin bumps Webb hard knocking him out of the way...Webb clearly could have caught the snitch..." Edna shouted. The two Seekers flew off around the arena arguing. “Cannon in possession....she swerves left....then right...setting her sights on the goal hoops....Alder at her flank....OUCH! Cannon's hit by hard bludger sent by James Potter...she loses the quaffle...Alder flies down to retrieve it....POTTER SWOOPS IN FOR THE STEAL! He passes to Banks...Banks to Stucklick....Stucklick to Potter...their flying the figure eight offensive play folks....the Slytherin Chasers are doing all they can to intercept the quaffle...Potter and Meester are doing a superb job at keeping the bludgers off of their chasers. Albus Potter in position...he speeds up...Stucklick and Banks at his flanks....Meester deflects a bludger sent at Potter....James hits the deflected bludger back at Alder who swerves and loses his pursuit advantage....Potter advances...he angles up for the shot...HE DROPS THE QUAFFLE!...Banks is right there to catch it....she shoots....SHE SCORES! What a nice play by Gryffindor. It's 20-20 nil folks.” Edna shouted out. The cheers were so loud the whole arena vibrated. The match continued at a high pace. Both Seekers raced after the snitch but were unable to catch the tiny golden ball. After an hours’ time. Gryffindor team had run away with the match. The score as it stood was 280-70. The cheers from the Slytherin section were almost non-existent. Marcus Flint their Head of House could be seen jumping up and down every time Gryffindor scored. Nevelle could only laugh being Gryffindor's Head of House. Edna's voice slowly started to become hoarse from all the shouting. "This has been a very exciting game folks. If Gryffindor wins the match today. They will play for the Quidditch Cup after Valentine’s Day. Here we go Cannon now has possession....her sister riding right guard...Alder at left....Bennett smacks a hard hit sending a bludger straight for Banks....JAMES POTTER INTERCEPT! What a save by that James Potter.....wait a minute!....Weeks sees the snitch....Webb a half a broom length behind....those two can really fly...." Edna yelled. “GET THE SNITCH JAQUE!" Lincoln Meester shouted to his team mate. Page 82 Jaque laid down as flat as he could on his broom trying to push just a little faster. But was a second too late." WEEKS HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! ....Weeks of Slytherin has caught the snitch...but Gryffindor wins!...Gryffindor has enough points to remain ahead.. The ending score is 280-220. Again a big thanks to our Headmistress who has made all this possible. CONGRADULATIONS TO GRYFFINDOR!” Edna let out a huge sigh of relief grabbing her throat from all the yelling. Slytherins team hung their heads in defeat. But weren't bad sportsman about it. They all walked over to the Gryffindor team shaking hands. Gryffindors everywhere were celebrating. Now back on the ground they hugged excitedly. “PARTY! GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM!" Nevelle shouted letting loose. "Come get cleaned up." James said as he smacked Albus's shoulder playfully. Albus and James looked up to see Scorpius give them an applause then stick his tongue out at the two brothers playfully mocking their win. Both brothers laughed then walked to the locker room to put up their brooms. Then to the dormitory for a well-deserved shower. © 2016 kevin MontgomeryAuthor's Note
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing