![]() chapter thirteenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter thirteen DARKNESS ASSENDS![]()
DARKNESS ASSENDS Professor Zabini sat huddled over his desk planning the next day’s lesson. When a knock sounded at his office door. Picking up his wand he pointed it at the door wondering who could possibly be calling on him at this hour. The door swung open to his bewilderment nobody was there. Shrugging it off he flicked his wand closing the door thinking it to be Peeves playing games. Continuing his planning there was a sudden flash of light and Zabini was blasted out his chair. Laying on the ground stiff as a board unable to yell out. “MUFFLIATO!" spoke the unknown voice. Zabini saw his wand float up into the air then hover a few feet away. Looking around only able to move his eyes he saw a person material in a shimmer of color before him. Holding the professor's wand loosely in his hand. Zabini looked into the face as surprise and horror engulfed him. He knew the face before him it was full of hatred and evil causing his own body to shake with fear. “PROTEGO TOTALUM!" the man seethed. “I wouldn't want to be disturbed professor.... CRUCIO!". He bellowed with venom. Zabini groaned as his body was assaulted with immense pain. Unable to cry out from the Full Body Bind curse that still trapped him. Lifting his wand the dark wizard glared down at Zabini as the curse ended. “Now my dear Professor. I'm going to ask you one question and one question only. You will answer me I promise you." the man snarled. Zabini felt the curse lift from his body. But stayed where he laid. “Now who was it that killed Bellatrix Lestrange?" he asked with a snarl. Zabini remained silent shaking all over. “CRUCIO!" the man yelled. Zabini began to scream out writhing and twisting in pain. Coming to a halt he laid there crying. “Answer me." the man sang. “You’ll get tired of this before I do. Now again. WHO...KILLED....BELLATRIX!" he asked slowly. Still Zabini looked on in horror and pain. “W..Why...are..y..you ..d.doing this?" Zabini stuttered. “That’s not the answer...CRUCIO!" Again the agonizing pain slammed into his body. Screaming out at the top of his lungs hoping through some miracle that someone would hear his cries and come to his rescue. Over and over the evil man tortured the Professor making each time last longer than the first. Ending the man walked over and sat down in a chair he grabbed from in front Zabini's desk. With his hands in his lap he looked down at the sniveling man at his feet. Zabini was by now crying out for him to stop. Page 62 “Tell me what I want to know. And I will leave you be." The man spoke matter of factly. “V..Voldemort.." he blurted out now crying hysterically. With a deep sigh the dark wizard shook his head in disgust. “Voldemort didn't kill Bellatrix. She was his most loyal servant. Oh yes my dear professor I know the history. Yes, she disappointed the Dark Lord when it concerned that pathetic Harry Potter. Especially when she and her family let him escape their clutches. From what I found out she was punished just like the others. But he didn't kill her. They were both killed in this very schools Great Hall just down the corridor. Now tell me WHO killed Bellatrix!" the man growled becoming irritated. “I....I.. Don..." His voice became ear splitting as he screamed. Zabini twisted and flopped all over the office. Knocking over several items and a desk in the corner. By the time the curse was lifted. Blood began to ooze down his face from all the thrashing about. Crying excessively, the evil man sneered at the rapidly swelling and bleeding man at his feet. “Come on professor. Tell me who cast the curse that killed Bellatrix or the next curse I use will be that very same Avada Kedavra curse. Then I will find others to torture. Either way I WILL find out what I want to know! Now one last chance. WHO KILLED BELLATRIX LESTEANGE!" he screamed. Zabini rolled over crying into the fetal position as he cried out in horror. “So that's how it's going to be. You would rather prefer the death and torture of your family and friends huh? SO..BE..IT!" The dark wizard stood up forcefully sliding the chair away from him. Then looked down at the crying man at his feet. Raising his wand to Zabini. The professor's eyes bulged to extreme capacity as he watched the cold venomous eyes glare down at him. “AVADA KEDA...” ...." MOLLY!" Zabini screamed out stopping the man from completing the killing curse. “What was that!" the dark man now sounded excited. “M.MOLLY...MOLLY WEASLEY!" Zabini held himself as tight as he could while he shook violently. “THE BLOOD TRAITORS WEASLEY!" the man said in more than a statement than a question. Zabini curled and rolled around nodding his head. Laughing hysterically he began to rejoice dancing around the room. "This is better than I had thought!...CRUCIO!" he yelled out still laughing. Zabini’s screams became soul shattering. The evil wizard twirled and danced all around shouting. "CRUCIO!..CRUCIO!...CRUCIO!" Each time the curse was blasted into Zabini with more Page 63 and more force. Lifting his wand Professor Zabini still screamed as blood streamed down his face, ears, and nose. “Thank you Professor. You been most helpful." he laughed mockingly. Walking towards the door. He stopped then walked back to the screaming man. He knelt down to Zabini's side then moved his own face closer. Zabini looked up in horror yet praying for death to come quickly. “To answer your question professor. I wanted to know who killed Bellatrix Lestrange because.....SHE's...MY...M..O..T..H..E..R!" he growled putting emphasis on the word mother. Zabini's eyes widened in shock as the realization struck his horrified soul. "The people responsible will suffer a far worse fate than you." the man seethed now standing. Pointing his wand down at the tortured man’s face. “OBLIVIATE!" The dark wizard snarled as his eyes flashed with hellish fire. Zabini's eyes smoked over and blurred and unfocused as his memories of the night’s events as well as his own history were erased. Touching his wand to his chest muttering a spell. He shimmered then became completely invisible. "AHOLOMORA!" he spoke as the office door opened. Walking into the outside corridor he stopped then began to giggle to himself. With a flick of his wand. “FINITE!" he said as he left the classroom door wide open. His giggle quickly turned into hysterical laughter as he left. “Hinky Plunks". Albus said balancing eight mugs of hot chocolate on a platter. The Fat Lady swung open irritated at being woke up. "About time!" Rose said impatiently. “We thought you got lost or something." Janice added. "Naw, I got caught up in conversation. The kitchen elves were asking me about Kreacher our house elf." Albus explained as he passed out the each mug. “Wow! You have a house elf!" Janice asked surprised. “Yeah, he's temperamental at times and really protective. My dad inherited him and our house after our great god uncle Sirius Black died." Albus said as he sipped his hot cocoa. "My mum has always wanted a house elf." Janice said as he curled her feet as she laid back into the plush couch. “They are nice to have around. But he can be a real pain in the backside Albus giggled as he looked at Rose. Page 64 The study group went back to doing homework. One by one they began to say their goodnights then head off to bed. "Rosey, what's a bee-zoar?" Albus asked puzzled. “It’s a stone taken from the stomach of a goat. It will cure most poisons or at least slow down the really bad ones. Both you and Jimmy cease to amaze me. Both of you would know these things if you would just read your ' MOST COMMON POISONS and THEIR ANIDOTES' book." Rose shook her head as she closed her notebook. Albus hurried to copy down the last of his Potions homework. Yawning deeply he got up and placed his now empty mug on the plater next to the others. “See you at breakfast Rosey. And WE did read that book." Albus said sticking his tongue out mockingly. Rose giggled as she gathered her books then went up to her dormitory to bed. Meanwhile, Professor Terry Boot strolled through the corridors as he made his last round for the night. Reminiscing about his own years as a student. Walking to the end of the hall he noticed that the door to the Transfiguration classroom was wide open. “That’s strange." he said to himself approaching the door. At first glance the room appeared to be empty. “Blaise!" Terry called out for Professor Zabini. When there was no answer he stepped into the room. Walking towards the front he looked up to where Zabini's office sat. Seeing the door ajar he called out again. “Blaise are you up there!" he yelled. He was met with absolute silence. Becoming alarmed he ascended the staircase leading to the office door. It has always been mandatory for all Professors and staff members to always secure and lock up before they leave their areas. Easing the door open a tad bit more he announced his presence once more. “Blaise are you in here?" Terry called out. Sensing something was definitely wrong. He pulled out his wand and walked into the office. Terry stopped abruptly. “What the..!" he looked around and saw that the office was partially wrecked. Chairs in the far left corner were strewn haphazardly in different directions. Terry edged closer then yelped at the scene before him. He spotted Zabini in the corner dumbfounded laying in what appeared to be blood. "BLAISE!" Terry shouted running over to his friend and colleague. As soon Terry touched him. Zabini let out a blood curdling scream in pain. He snapped back his hands as if it was he who had caused the pain. Page 65 "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Terry shouted. Erupting from his wand a silvery bright glowing Bobcat bounced around then turned towards him. “MESSAGE TO THE HEADMISTRISS AND MADAM POMFREY! BLAISE ZABINI HAS BEEN ATTACKED! NEEDS IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION! COME QUICKLY TO HIS OFFICE! End. Now go!" Terry turned back to Zabini kneeling at his side. His anger boiled as he was filled with urgent worry. “Who did this Blaise?" he asked softly. But all Zabini could do was curl up into a ball crying intensively. "Help is coming just hold on!" Terry said through clenched teeth. Within minutes he heard people running through the classroom below. “HURRY UP! I NEED HELP IN HERE!” Terry screamed. Within seconds Mcgonagal came rushing into the office she once occupied as its Professor. Still wearing her night robes she came to halt with a gasp of horror. Which quickly turned to a look of blazing fire. Madam Pomfrey followed closely behind her. Along with Nevelle, Lee Jordan, Aberforth, and Marcus Flint. All had their wands out as if to do battle. “Merlin’s Beard! What happened?" Mcgonagal spoke worried. Madam Pomfry quickly went to Zabini's side beginning to utter incantations in a language that nobody but Aberforth could understand. “I don't know I found Blaise like this. I was on my final round for the night. When I saw the classroom door open. I called out but no reply so I came up here." Terry spoke so fast that it was hard to make out anything legible. “Oh my!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed with a harsh intake of breath. “What is it Poppy?" Mcgonagal asked. “He’s been tortured Minerva. The Cruciatus Curse. He's in extremely bad shape. I detected several broken bones and ruptured veins throughout his body. I've stopped the bleeding and have blocked the pain best I can. There is also evidence of a very powerful memory charm. Professor Zabini needs to be taken to St. Mungo's immediately." she said in an urgently worried tone. “The Cruciatus Curse! But how?" Nevelle seethed. As it was that very curse that now has his own parents left in insanity at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. "That's what I want to know." Mcgonagal shook her head. Touching her wand to her chest and muttering a spell. " Professor Dily's Alert St. Mungo's hospital that Professor Blaise Zabini has been attacked by use of the Cruciatus Curse and is being transported by way of Floo Network!" She instructed quickly. Though she seemed to talk to the ceiling. Everyone new that the Past Headmistress and Former Head Healer was rushing off to alert the current Head Healer in charge. Page 66 Turning she pointed her wand at the office fireplace. “INCENDIO!" she belted out. The fireplace erupted in bright blazing fire. Walking briskly over to the mantle she took a pinch of fine green powder then threw it into the fire. Instantly the flames of yellows and reds turned instantly into fluorescent green and blueish flames. "Nevelle you and Lee take Blaise to St. Mungo's." she instructed. "Of course” Nevelle said as the two men reached down and as gentle as they could they lifted Zabini and walked to the fireplace. “Give him to me Lee. I got him. It will make it easier that way.” Nevelle said as he readjusted Zabini's body so that he alone could carry him. "Are you sure?" Lee hesitated. "POSITIVE! You need to stay here and search the castle for who is responsible.” Nevelle then stepped backward into the fire. “ST. MUNGO'S HOSPITAL." Nevelle spun like a top then disappeared. “AQUAMENTI!" Lee Jordan said as water sprayed from his wands tip extinguishing the flames. “Marcus you stay here while I alert the ministry. Terry come with me. Aberforth wake the others and the House Boy and Girl. Search the castle grounds alert me immediately should you find anything no matter how trivial." she instructed then hurriedly left the office with Terry Boot in close tow. "Yes Headmistress!" Aberforth said as he cast several Patronus's sending them to alert the others. He too set out to search the school. Terry had to almost jog to keep up with the Headmistress's long strides. Reaching the stone gargoyle she yelled. “ACCID POPS!" the gargoyle leapt aside to reveal the hidden moving stair case. Instead of riding the stair case up to the top. She took two and three steps at a time. Arriving at the entrance to here office. Flicking her wand the door opened forcefully. “Albus alert the ministry that Professor Blaise Zabini has been attacked by the use of the Cruciatus Curse. He has been taken to St. Mungo's." she instructed. "The Ministry has been alerted Minerva. Kingsley and his delegation should already be on their way as we speak," Dumbledore informed. “Thank you Albus. The Cruciatus Curse! Oh how I wish that there was some sort of spell that could detect the use of that infernal curse." Mcgonagal said angrily. "Yes, I tried for many years to come up with such a spell. Many of the other followers would have been caught much sooner. Perhaps even the Dark Lord himself." Severus Snape interjected. Page 67 “MERLINS PANTS!" She bellowed as she smacked her hands down hard on top her desk. “Headmistress Professor Dumbledore....I mean Aberforth....anyway. He sends word that all is clear. Whoever it was is long gone. He also informs that he intends to speak with the Centaur Herd to see if they might have seen or heard anyone coming or leaving by way of the Forbidden Forest. Professor Hagrid is with him." Professor Dippet informed. "Thank you Armondo." she said as he turned and leaned against her desk placing both her hands on her desk and exhaled deeply. "Can I get you something to drink Headmistress?" Terry offered. “No...No I'm fine thank you. I just can't understand how someone could enter this school, attack a Professor, and then escape without a trace. Not even Voldemort could do that!" She said raising her voice. “Pardon me Minerva." Dumbledore spoke up. “Yes Albus?" she urged as she tried to calm down. “The Minister and members from the Aurors office have disappeared just beyond the grounds. Aberforth is escorting them." he said as he sat back into the chair he was painted in. Mcgonagal got up and walked to her window. Just in time to see Aberforth walking briskly across the courtyard. Followed by Kingsley Shackebolt the Minister of Magic. Whom was issuing orders to the Aurors. “It might be wise to put in place the same protection that I placed whenever I left the school on my little excursions." Albus suggested looking serene as always. “Yes I remember. Nobody could enter or leave without your expressed permission." She then pulled out her wand then looked up to Dumbledore or the incantation. “Oh yes..yes. It is ...' TERMINUS NAEXUDOS-ENTRUS'." Dumbledore instructed. As soon as Mcgonagal repeated the protection charm. The boundary around the castle gave a flashing second of a shimmer then disappeared. No sooner had she finished a knock sounded at the door. “Come in please." she announced. The first person through the door was the tall muscular form of Kingsley Shacklebolt. His dark chocolate colored skin seemed glisten in the ambient lighting of Mcgonagal’s office. Wearing his traditional African colored robes and signature gold loop earing he walked over to the Headmistress. Kingsley Shacklebolt became the temporary Minister of Magic in the after math of the Battle for Hogwarts. An election was held shortly afterward with a unanimous vote. He has become the longest tenure Minister of Magic in history. Mcgonagal strode forward to meet him. Embracing in professional courtesy. He then Page 68 acknowledged all the past Headmasters and Headmistresses. Especially his longtime friend Albus Dumbledore. Kingsley spoke with his commanding baritone voice. “I came as soon as I could magically appear. I've brought members of the Auror's office. You remember Mr. Dawlish our Head of the Aurors office?" he asked. “Yes of course. It is so good of you to come. This is Professor Terry Boot our Muggle Studies teacher. It was he that found Professor Zabini in his office." She explained. “Nice to see you again I wish it was under different circumstances. Please tell me how you found Professor Zabini?" Kingsley asked. After a long moment of telling what happened. The Minister grew angry. A sight that everyone knew was not a good thing to witness. “Mr. Dawlish go to the classroom and see what you can find. This attacker must have left some kind of evidence behind." he instructed. “Yes Minister." Dawlish acknowledged then turned to go heading for the office door. “If I'm excused Headmistress. I'd like to go with Mr. Dawlish." Terry asked. “Do you have anything further for Professor Boot Minister?" Mcgonagal asked. “No. You can go Professor. Thank you for your help." Kingsley said in a warm tone. Mcgonagal nodded to him. The two men left without another word. "Have you found out anything else Aberforth?" she asked him. "No Headmistress. The Centaur Herd said they had neither heard nor saw anyone or anything enter or leave through the Forbidden Forest. But will keep you informed should there be anything unfold." Aberforth explained as he took a quick glance at his older brother. Who smiled at him. “Have you spoken to the House Ghosts and the other portraits in the castle as well as Peeves?" The Minister asked Aberforth. “Yes sir Minister. I believe that is being done as we speak." he answered. “Would you please go out and see what has been found if anything?" Mcgonagal asked. “Yes Headmistress." Aberforth turned to leave. Upon opening the door he was met with the most beautiful woman he had seen. Her shining silvery hair gave off a sparkle. “Oh pardon me ma’am." Aberforth spoke as he took a step backwards. " 'et iz ok Profezzer. I am here to ze' the Minizer." the young woman spoke smiling softly. Aberforth was staring into her eyes as if in a trance. He snapped out of it the sound of Kingsley's voice. Page 69 "Come in please Mz. Delacour." He beckoned. Walking through the door Aberforth couldn't take his eyes off of her sheer beauty. “Headmistress I would like to introduce to you all our newest member of our Aurors office. Mz. Gabrielle Delacour. Fleur Delacour-Weasley's sister." Minister Shacklebolt introduced. “Yes I do remember Mz. Delacour. It is very nice to see you again." Mcgonagal smiled as she shook her hand. "Et iz nice to ze you again as well.” she greeted the waved to Dumbledore who in turn gave her a sparkling smile. Turning to the Minister she bowed. “Minizer, will I waz speaking to ze other portaze none have zeen anything accept the very large lady in the highest tower. She zaid zat the only one she zaw waz little Albus Potter." Gabrielle explained. Then she took a step back at all the gasps and shocked looks from everyone’s faces. There was a stunned silence throughout. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing