![]() chapter elevenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter eleven GRYFFINDOR vs. RAVENCLAW![]()
GRYFFINDOR vs. RAVENCLAW The next morning the Gryffindor team was up early with anticipation of the Quidditch match. “Good luck today you two." Hewortt said tapping the brothers on the shoulder. “Thanks" they smiled. “Look Al. You know that those guys from yesterday all play for Ravenclaw. Shannon White is their seeker. The two stocky blokes are their Beaters. They might try and team up on you. Me and Link will do our best to protect you. But stay alert just in case huh?" James looked concerned. “Uncle George and Bill couldn't hit me. They don't stand a chance." Albus said smiling. “They weren't trying to hurt you.......These guys are!" James looked more worried. “I’ll pay attention to'em don't worry." Albus gave a weak smile then grabbed his thick cloak and team robe. The whole team set out for the Quidditch pitch. The Quidditch Arena was filling up fast as the students hurried to get the best seats. Professor Dumbledore was at the announcer’s podium talking to Stanley House a fourth year form Hufflepuff who was chosen to commentate the match. All the Professors and staff were in the V.I.P. section chatting away. Albus was in complete awe. This was his first real match. "Pretty awesome huh!" James said walking up. “Just pretend that we're at home playing the family.” James smiled as he patted his back. “Let’s go out there and show these trolls what 'TWO' Potters can do!" James giggled. Mounting his broom and flew over to the team. Albus looked around at the screaming crowd then followed his big brothers suit and joined the team. Flying up to where Madam Hooch sat suspended in midair. Seven blue robes and seven maroon robes met facing each other. “Captain’s shake hands.” she instructed. Jami and Shannon eased forward and shook hands. “Now I want a clean game. I will be watching for any funny business. Good luck to you both." she then backed up holding the quaffle. At the sound of her whistle she threw the red ball high into the air and quickly flew out of the way. Alright Ladies and Gentlemen! The first match of the year is on the way! Tina Sweat of Gryffindor has possession of the quaffle in pursuit of the goals guarded by Sterling Anhiser of Gryffindor. James Potter sends bludger at Sweat....ohh! Lester Pipps of Ravenclaw intercepts and sends it at Stefani Banks of Gryffindor. Jami Stuklick Gryffindor captain tries to steal the quaffle from Sweat......Sweat passes to Deborah Page 49 Mentis....she swoops in...SHE SCORES! 0-10 Ravenclaw." Stanley screamed in excitement. Sterling slapped thigh in frustration. “Come on! Get your head in the game!” yelled Jami as he flew by. “Here we go folks! Beasey Charles of Ravenclaw swoops in to take possession away from Albus Potter who almost caught the quaffle. Charles zig zagging left to right. Mentis in hot pursuit flying guard to Charles. Banks and Potter, Albus that is, trying to squeeze Charles... Stuklick flies in for the steal....oh but has to pull out to miss a bludger sent by Yusif Ambrose of Ravenclaw. Charles still in possession nearing the goals....Charles throws a pass to Mentis...Oh! Potter intercepts! And does a nose dive twists heading for Ravenclaws Keeper Amanda Love. “STOP HIM!" Shouted Shannon White. Both Ravenclaw Beaters sent both bludgers straight for Albus. James swooped in blocking one sending it back at Ambrose who dived to avoid it. Stefani rode tight guard just behind Albus. “Ooh! Banks is hit by a bludger slamming her into the wall.” Stanley bellowed. “You alright!" Lincoln shouted. “Yeah! Help protect Albus. Those meatheads are out for blood!" Stefani yelled back as she massaged her shoulder. Lincoln sped off to help James, who was doing a miraculous job of protecting Albus. “Potter still in possession....What is he doing!...He's turned around flying in the wrong direction!" Stanley yelled. "Let’s see how you like this!" Albus smirked. “What in Merlin’s crusty drawers is he doing?" Shouted Lincoln as he blocked a bludger. Be cool! This is his favorite move. He does this all the time to our Uncle Ron." James giggled. “Watch this Hewortt.” Rose started to giggle. Hewortt watch in confusion Albus turned sharply and raced at too speed. Laying completely flat on his broom. " Potter back in pursuit of the goals...thought there for a minute he had got confused....Ravenclaws Chasers in a hot chase trying to catch up to Potter. But their no match for the Nova 100. Potter closes in...Quaffle held tight under his left arm....Potter slither towards the goals. Amanda Love swaying slightly side to side eyeing Potters approach.....WHAT THE?!!" Stanley yelled in shock wonder Albus still speeding he got within twenty feet from the goals. Jerking hard on his broom Page 50 handle to the right. Causing him to do a complete circle. Coming back around he tapped Nova down and left now making him fly in a slanted semi-circle. Amanda was all over the place trying to figure out what Albus was doing. When Albus was on his peaked downward descent. He pulled right swooping in to the left goal. At the last possible second he did an “S" swerve making Amanda commit to the left goal. Before she knew what was happening. Albus stopped dead in the air and just lightly tapped the quaffle through the center goal. Then laughed and flew off. "POTTER SCORES! That was totally amazing!....Never saw that coming!" Stanley shouted. The entire stadium erupted in cheers. All, except the Ravenclaws, who booed. “I told you to be cool Link." James smiled. “Show off!" James added as he stuck out his tongue out at Albus as he flew by still giggling. "Ok folks it's 10-10. Banks in possession." Stanley began. This continued for hours. Several times both Seekers sought to catch the snitch but were unsuccessful. All throughout the castle Stanley could be heard shouting play by play. “BANKS SCORES!....CHARLES SCORES!... POTTER SCORES!.....POTTER SCORES AGAIN!...SWEAT SCORES!.....POTTER SCORES!" Stanley was becoming hoarse from all the shouting. “TIME OUT!" Jami shouted to Madam Hooch. Blowing her whistle the play stopped. “TIME OUT GRYFFINDOR!" she announced. They all flew in to where Jami sat suspended. “Jaque we can't go on for much longer. Everyone’s tired. Get your head in the game. It's never taken you this long to catch the snitch. We're leading 220-180. GET THAT SNITCH!” Jami voiced strongly. At the sound of the whistle they broke apart and resumed play. Within minutes Stanley was shouting again. “STUKLICK SCORES!" “No time to celebrate look!" Jami waived off his team who was on their way to celebrate. “Sweat in possession...Charles flying guard. Sweat picks up speed... OOH! Nice hit by Lincoln Meester of Gryffindor who sent a bludger hitting Charles knocking him to the left...Sweat closing in on Anhiser... Anhiser gets active...Sweat raises the quaffle in her right hand" Albus put on a burst of speed. “Sweat rears back getting ready to throw the quaffle....WOW! Potter intercepts!" Albus twisted in a sideways loop. Flying upside down for a few seconds just above Tina. When she raised the quaffle to score. Albus snatched it right out of her hand. By the time she was able to recover. Albus had right himself and was flying off to the other side. She swore she heard him giggling as he flew off. Albus laid down on his broom as flat as he could. Out of the corner of his eyes. He saw Page 51 Shannon racing after the snitch with Jaque right beside him. Urging his Nova 100 to go faster which was at its height of speed. Reaching the goals he hit the brakes hard. Throwing his body forward with the momentum. Holding on as tight as he could doing a front flip. Coming full circle Amanda misjudged move and swayed. Albus threw the quaffle as hard as he could. The quaffle soared through the hoop just as heard the stadium erupt in a tremendous roar of applause and cheers. Looking down he saw Shannon holding the golden snitch in his hand. Stanley shouted louder than ever. “POTTER SCORES!...SHANNON WHITE OF RAVENCLAW CAUGHT THE SNITCH! ..BUT GRYFFINDOR WINS! WITH A FINAL SCORE OF 240-230." Stanley shouted as he too stood up and cheered. Professor Nevelle Longbottom shot gold and maroon sparks high over the stadium. “I WANNA PROTEST! THE SCORE IS 230-230. I caught the snitch before Potter scored!" bellowed Shannon to Madam Hooch. “Mr. White, I watched very carefully as did the other score keepers. We watched as Mr. Potter was in motion of throwing the quaffle. As well as you and Mr. Webbs timely pursuit of the snitch. The quaffle was thrown by Mr. Potter passed the goal hoop a hair breadth faster than when you caught the snitch. All score keepers, as well as myself, agree. The score remains 240-230 to Gryffindor." Madam Hooch explained calmly. This is outrageous!" Shannon shouted then threw the snitch to the ground so hard it bounced off the ground and flew away hazily. “That is very unsportsman like!" she shouted angrily at Shannon as he stormed off to the Ravenclaw locker room. “Fancy flying mate!" Scorpius said walking up to Albus. Albus smiled then fist bumped him in greeting. “We’ll win the cup for sure this year!" Jami yelled out in excitement. “Jaque no complaints. But get your head in the next game. This match should have been won ages ago. You’re better than any of their seekers." Stefani encouraged him. “You’re right. I just got caught up with the aerial show" he said as he pointed to Albus." Jaque pointed to Albus's back. “If it hadn't been for you guys protecting me from those bludgers. I'd be with Madam Pomfrey right now." Albus said. “I told you I had you back Lil bro." James now put his arm around Albus. "Yeah but with flying like that no bludger could hit you." Hewortt said convincingly. Page 52 “He’s been doing that since he was a year old. My Aunt Ginny has photos of him flying around the house on a toy broom." Rose giggled. "Dad said it was easier to catch the snitch than catch me on a broom." Albus gloated. “That was the most exciting game I have ever watch! I wondered how you were going to play being that this was your first game." Nevelle smiled down at Albus. “I can't wait to see the look on Flints face when he has to hand over the Quidditch Cup!" Nevelle rambled on. The celebration continued through the day. Every time the Fat Lady opened up to the Gryffindor common room. The noise rang throughout the corridors. You would have thought that they HAD won the Quidditch Cup. That evening Sytherin hosted Hufflepuff. The match lasted for five hours. Slytherin won 180-160. The Hufflepuff seeker Cursty Stewart caught the snitch thinking they were ahead enough to win. Sunday rolled around bringing the first frost of the coming winter. The Group, ribbed each other about the matches nothing that was said was taken seriously. Two more students had joined The Group. A first year from Hufflepuff. Troy Hastings who was so round he looked like a beach ball with arms, legs, and a small head. The other new comer was the oldest of the group. Being a third year student from Slytherin named Amy Stypes. With her spiked honey colored hair, gray eyes and an extreme love for the brightest hot pink lip gloss she could find. Which made her the object of many debates. “Um..Scorpius can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Amy asked in a whisper. “Yeah sure.” He said surprised. Being that they have never spoken. Scorpius accepted Slytherin House. But Slytherin house hasn't accepted him. Excusing himself from the Group. He and Amy walked over to a secluded bench away from ear shot of the others. “Thank you. I know that we have never talked in the common room. It's not that I didn't want to. I really didn't know what to expect. Especially if you found out about me from your dad.” she said as she put her head down. “Found about what exactly? My dad hasn't ever mentioned you or really anybody." Scorpius looked confused. "When I heard your name I was scared to death that you would expose me to everyone on who my family is. Then I heard you say a few times how much you dislike what your family did. I began to relax." She said now looking into his eyes. “My family is no better. I hate that their blood runs through my veins. I've heard rant about what your family did in the past. I see you now the way that you are. You're the only one that could understand. I just can't hold it in anymore." she said with a worried look. Scorpius was getting impatient but kept calm. Page 53 “If people knew about my family. My first two years would have just been unbearable." she continued. “The first few weeks were pretty hard for me. Until Albus stuck up for me against those fifth years. And we became friends. He's the first friend I've ever had. And for the record. I "HATE" the dark arts and what my family did. But I love my dad. Who is your family anyway?" Scorpius asked. “My mum is Alexandra Dolohov....daughter to Antonin Dolohov." Amy spoke low in an embarrassed tone. Scorpius was in shocked awe. His father had told him stories of how evil the Death Eaters were. Three names burned nightmarish memories into him. Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, and Antonin Dolohov. “Wow! Um...I mean you just took me off guard" Scorpius said surprised. “Please don't say anything...you’re the only one that knows!" Amy now looked scared. With his face softening he put his hand on her shoulder. “I won't say anything. I promise. My dad told me a lot of stories. Really bad ones too. Most of them included your grandad. He was there the night my dad was supposed to kill Professor Dumbledore. He thought Dolohov was going to kill him if he didn't do what Voldemort commanded Scorpius now remained silent letting her continue. After a long pause he heard her let out a long sigh. “I never really new my mum. She sent me to a relative, her cousin actually. He claimed to be disgusted that she was the daughter of Antonin Dolohov. But truth be told. I think he secretly admired him." She looked disgusted. “He practiced a lot of the dark arts. Only then I didn't really know what the dark arts were." she paused. "Did he ever try and teach you the dark arts?" Scorpius asked. "Not as we know of the arts to be. He taught me deadly potions, how to curses that sort of thing. I really hated him for it. But was too scared to say anything. If he ever knew that I told someone he would go beyond mental. I don't even think the Headmistress knows." Amy said as she started to fidget with the hem of her robes. “I promise on our friendship that I won't say anything." Scorpius smiled. “Hey you two!” Su-Wa hollered out to them." It's almost time for dinner. We better head up to the Great hall." she announced as the both of them saw the Group heading that way. “Thank you for listening to me?" Amy smiled. “Anytime Amy." He gave a smile of his own. Page 54 Monday morning was slow. Everyone seemed to be sluggish from all the celebrating. Sitting down to breakfast. The House boy walked over." Good morning Mr. Dovelman. Madam Pomfrey sent word that she has received your new stock in medicine. That you can stop by anytime to pick it up." the seventh year boy informed Hewortt. "Thank you." he nodded his thanks. Rose tried to look away as though she wasn't paying attention. “It’s alright Rosey.” he said with a slight smile. “I’m sorry. I just hate the thought that the only reason you are alive is because of a potion. What if the ingredients become hard to find. Or for some reason your grandad is unable to make more. YOU COULD DIE HEWORTT! Just the thought of it spooks me." Rose said saddened. “Don’t worry yourself about it. I don't." he said nonchalantly." My grandfather said he will teach me when I get older." he said as he took a bite of his ham and cheese omelet. Wanting to drop the subject. Rose took the hint letting it drop. Snow, had begun to fall lightly. Making its first appearance of the coming winter. Tiny snow flurries fell lightly to the ground as if a pillow fight was taking place in the clouds above. “Winters about to set in. I really hate the winter." Scorpius said as he pulled out his wand hitting himself with the warmth charm Hewortt taught The Group. "Me neither! I'm gonna be using that "SOLTENOR CALOR" charm a lot this year." Albus shivered as he hit himself with the charm. Professor Blaise Zabini walked into the classroom looking depressed. “Good morning class.” he greeted. "Good morning Professor!" they all greeted back. “Sorry for my absence I had a death in my family. My grandmum is in a better place now. The Headmistress tells me that you 'all' behaved very well." he said as he looked at the two Potters. “I must say, that I am very impressed with your work on the Animangus. Today you will be learning how to transform invertebrate creatures into a vertebrae creatures. In the jars on your tables you will have seen the very unique and rare creature called the Flash Slug. You want to be careful....." “Ahhh!” Yelped Britny. “It will give off a tiny electric shock if you touch them. As Ms. Volar has just found out." He smiled looking at her massage her hand. "He's gone mental!” Albus said frowning. “Up on the board is the steps and incantation that you must follow. You will be transforming your Flash Slug into a crab. You will know if you have done this exercise Page 55 correctly. When you touch the crab...with the protective gloves.....and your crab doesn't flash. Remember to concentrate. You may begin." he instructed. Throughout the hour students were sounding off spell after spell. By the end nobody had fully completed the assignment. There were a few crabs but they still flashed when touched. “Alright class. I want a full roll parchment on why and where you went wrong, then read next chapter to be discussed tomorrow. Class dismissed." Professor Zabini turned and sat down. “A whole roll! I'm gonna half to write home and send for more parchment!" Albus said shaking his head. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing