Chapter ten

Chapter ten

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery


The sun broke through the clouds warming the breeze that blew the orange and yellowing leaves laying haphazardly across the castle grounds.
“It’s cool this morning" Rose spoke as she shivered pulling her robe closer around her.
"SOLTENOR CALOR!" Hewortt calmly uttered as pointed his wand at Rose. Instantly she relaxed and smiled.
"Wow! What did you do? My clothes feel like they just came out of laundry" Rose felt her body.
“It gets pretty cold in Germany. That's an old family spell. It will keep you warm as the sun’s rays for thirty minutes." Hewortt explained.
"Could you teach me?" Rose asked.
“Sure it's SOL-TENOR-CAL-OR. You give a mild swish of your wand thinking warmth." Hewortt taught her breaking down the charm.
"Go ahead and hit me." he said opening his arms wide. Revealing those sparkling white teeth smiling wide.
"SOLTENOR CALOR!" Rose said pointing her wand at Hewortt. The soft yellow light hit Hewortt in the chest. Upon contact he yelled out." Ahhh!" then fell the ground and lay there as if unconscious.
"Oh my!" she yelped. Dropping her book sack she rushed to him. “I..I'm...S..sorry! I m..must've..said it w..wrong!" she said in a panic. When she touched him he was warm as if laying in the sun. Hewortt started laughing then rolled over looking at her.
“Oh!..You!" she said slapping his arm. Hewort sat up holding in stomach with a smirk on his face.
“That wasn't funny!" she was now unable to hold back a smirk of her own.
"My grandfather used to do that to me all the time. It's nice to do it to someone else." he said now standing next to her.
Walking up to the group standing out front of the Transfiguration classroom still smiling. All around, there were squinting eyes. Followed by smirks and raised eyebrows from her two cousins. When the doors opened. Rose rolled her eyes at them and entered. They all stopped short when they saw Headmistress Mcgonagal standing at the front of the class.
"Take your seats please students." she instructed. “Professor Zabini was called away
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urgently on family business. He will return tomorrow. So, seeing as this was my classroom for a great deal of time. I will take over for today. I see that you all have covered your most common forms of transfiguration." she said as she raised an eyebrow. Then suddenly shrunk down in size. A brownish orange Tabby cat was now walking stiffly through the class. Markings around its eyes were a perfect blend of color and shape of Professor Mcgonagal’s eye glasses. The Tabby cat jumped up on the teacher’s desk. Sitting much more stiffly than that of an average cat. With the same look on its feline face as the Headmistress's. The Tabby cat then transformed back to Professor Mcgonagal. She sat on the desk and listened to all the ' ohh's and ahh's "Can anyone tell the class what form of transfiguration I just performed?" She asked.
“Yes Ms. Weasley." she pointed.
“You’re an Animangus! A form of magic through transforming yourself into an animal at will." she said shocked. Realizing that the Tabby cat, that she and her family used to play with as kids, was hers all the time.
“Yes. Ten points to Gryffindor. For those that may still be confused. Animagi transformation is a very complex and difficult form of magic. Not every witch or wizard can accomplish this feat. It takes years of intensive study to get it right. It can be dangerous and go terribly wrong if not performed correctly." she explained as she stood to her full height.
"Yes Mr. Baya?" she urged.
“Professor. Can you chose the animal that you want to become? Or is there only the one form?" he asked.
“I believe you are asking if I can change into any animal besides a Tabby cat. Am I correct?" she paused for the answer. When he nodded she continued.
“That is a very good question. No I cannot. Although it would be nice. But what you are referring to is shape shifter. They are most commonly called Metamorphmangi. Which is where a witch or wizard can change their appearance or form at will.
“Once a witch or wizard accomplishes the feat of becoming an Animangus. The animal they transform into is the only one he or she can achieve. One of the strict requirements of becoming an Animangus is that all persons must register with the Ministry of Magic as to what animal form the person becomes. Making a record of the markings, colors, height, etc. That way the person can't abuse this form of magic in any wrong doing. Although there have been several un-registered Animangi through the years." she gave a quick glance at the Potter boys who smiled.
“Those that are caught in any wrong doing are subject to serious penalties." She said as she was unable not to smile at James and Albus. Who were making gestures of antler
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horns and a dog. Referring to their grandad and god uncle James Potter and Sirius Black. Who were both unregistered Animangi.
When the two friends began their years at Hogwarts. They befriended a young man named Remus Lupin. He had a serious problem. He was a Werewolf. Seeing the agonizing transformation of their friend and wanting to help him and be there when he w most dangerous. James, Sirius and new comer Peter Pettigrew. They began to study the complex Animangus magic in order to join Lupin on those full moon nights so to make the horrible times more pleasant. In their sixth year the three friends accomplished this extraordinary branch of magic. James became Prongs a ten point Buck, Sirius became Padfoot a large black Labrador, Peter became Wormtail a scrawny gray rat. Lupin became Mooney from his affliction. The nick-names stuck throughout their lives. Wormtail many years later betrayed James and Lily Potter to Lord Voldemort who was Secret Keeper. Killing the Potters. To which Sirius was blamed and imprisoned in Azkaban.
Professor Mcgonagal walked among the students answering more questions.
“Yes Ms. Carver?" she urged.
“Are there certain animals that a person can chose from?“ she asked.
“That is a very good question. Ten points to Slytherin for your insight. Unlike the Patronus charm which can change with the individual’s passion. Passion is the main source to a person’s transformation.
“Most Animangi when they achieve it. Usually become an animal form of their most inner passion and love. Like mine, I became a Tabby Cat because I have an affinity for cats. My favorite was a Tabby I had as a little girl. If you can imagine me as a little girl." She smiled as the class laughed.
“Now if you will. Please take out your books and read chapter eighteen on animal transformation in quite. Write a half a roll of parchment summarizing the chapter. To be turned in to Professor Zabini tomorrow.” she instructed watching the students begin to read in silence. Memories flooded her mind from the times that she too once sat in this very classroom. Wild eyed learning this particular coarse study.
Looking at Rose couldn't help but smile for she taught pretty much all of her family. Roaming to James and Albus. Her mind flashed to that of James Sr. Sirius and Lily Evans. All three were very gifted and magically strong. She cringed at the horrific and tragic deaths of James and Lily Potter. How their son Harry had to be protected. Now here she sat as Headmistress of Harry's children and sister Lily, just two years away. She let out a great sigh. Then reached for a book and began to read.
An hour later she put the book down, then cleared, her throat. “Ahem. Alright class... If you are finished you may turn it in. Or turn it in tomorrow. Thank you all class is
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dismissed." she smiled. To her surprise the entire class walked forward turning in the work assignment. Most with a full roll of parchment instead of the half roll required.
"I wish she still taught. That was the best class ever." Harris said as they walked. “Were you guys just as surprised as I was about the fact that the Tabby Cat we used to play with was Auntie Minny?” Rose asked her cousins.
“Yeah actually. She sure used to make me laugh especially when she would chase that string all the house." Albus giggled.
“James!...Albus!" Jami hollered trotting over to them.
“What’s up?" Albus asked.
“The schedule just came out. We play Ravenclaw tomorrow evening!" Jami spoke excitedly. “Oh! And Albus you're the starting chaser. Mike offered to step down and be a reserve chaser. So have your game face on tomorrow!" Jami said walking away whistling.
“Well Lil bro. Let’s go get that House Quidditch Cup!" James said with a sneer.
“That cup is already in Uncle Nevelle's office. The other Heads of House just don't know it yet!" Albus smiling sheepishly.
“What are you shacking your head for Rosey?" Scorpius asked.
“I’ve seen when these two team up against others. This match is going to be epic!" she said with a smirk.
"You gonna come watch huh mate?" Albus said as he slipped out of James's playful head lock.
“Oh yeah! I wouldn't miss it for the world. I want to see what everyone talking about." Scorpius said as he too joined in on the horse play.
“We’ll come see you play." Albus said.
“No you won't. I decided not to play." he said nonchalantly.
“Why? I thought you decided to play?" Albus looked confused.
“Let’s just say that I want a chance to win. Cause from what I'm hearing, nobody stands a chance." he smiled then pushed Albus playfully. Everyone knew that there was more to it than that. But let it drop.
“I’m glad that this is our last day on detention. Filtch finds everything dirty." James scowled as they walked to Herbology.
“I didn't think Hogwarts had that many classrooms." Albus said.
“Ok class settle down now. Today we are going work with something pretty dangerous.
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So everyone pay very close attention to everything I tell you." Professor Longbottom began as the class drew closer. In front of him was an eight inch deep plastic tray. With small herbs growing out of the soil. An empty set of trays at least three feet deep sat next to it. With a tub full of potting soil.
“Can anyone tell me what I have in front of me?" Nevelle asked as he leaned on the table with both hands. Nobody responded. With a smile he continued. Here before me are Mandrakes. They are easily identified by these tiny pink and orange tipped leaves. These here are in their infancy. They need to be transplanted so that they can grow into maturity. Now, can anyone tell the class what the Mandrake is." he asked.
“Yes Ms. Weasley?" he pointed.
“They’re childlike creatures that resemble gnomes. In their infancy their cry will put you to sleep instantly for hours. When mature the cry of the Mandrake can kill you." she explained then sat down.
“Correct! Ten points to Gryffindor. Is there anything else that we should know about the Mandrake?" Nevelle asked. After several minutes a hand went in the air.
“Yes Mr. Dovelman?" he nodded to him.
“Once the Mandrake is mature. It can be cut up and stewed for a time. The stew can cure most poisons and complex curses or injuries." Hewortt sat down,
“Yes! And ten points to Gryffindor. The Mandrake was the key to restoring a person that was petrified. Which was the case in my second year. When the Basilik snake or as it was called ' Slytherins Monster' was loose in the school." he paused as he saw the looks on their faces. Not wanting to explain further he continued.
“Now everyone grab a pair of earmuffs from that box. This is important. We only use hand signals. When I tell you put the earmuffs on. You will then all give me a thumbs up indicating that they are secure to your head. You will know that they are secure because you won't hear anything. Once I see the thumbs up. Watch me carefully, I will go slowly. Wait until I give the thumbs up you can take them off. Does everyone understand?" Professor Longbottom said in a serious tone. When everyone nodded. He gave the ok to out the earmuffs on. Seeing all the thumbs up he grabbed the tray in front of him.
Holding the tray down with one hand. He grabbed the base of the roots with his other hand then gave a hard yank. The students were not ready for what he was now holding in his hand. Two of them passed out. Remembering when he too had done the same thing. He shook his head. Where the roots should have been. Was an infant gnome like creature screaming and putting up a good fight. Nevelle pulled the empty tray closer to him then placed the Mandrake inside. Taking a scoop he began to bury it. Once the head was fully underneath he added one more scoop then patted down the top soil. Now finished he gave the thumbs up and took his earmuffs off. Everyone followed suit.
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“Ugly little things aren't they?" he smiled. The two students had awakened standing with a look of embarrassment.
“Now everyone has six Mandrakes to transplant. You will have until the end of class to finish your task. Don't try to rush take your time. When you are finished raise your hand and I will come and inspect your work. If you have any questions or need help..." “Raise your hand!" the students bellowed finishing his sentence.
“You have over thirty minutes to finish. I pray that you have all listened. I really do not want to have to explain to Professor Jordan why you were not in Potions class. Ok, earmuffs on. Seeing the thumbs up again he motioned for everyone to start.
As usual Albus and Scoroius we at the same table. When Albus grabbed and yanked the Mandrake out of his planter. It squirmed thrashing about kicking the bigger planter to the floor. It was putting up far greater of a fight then Nevelle's had. Just trying to pick up the fallen tray proved to a work out. He saw that everyone was having the same problems. Professor Longbottom had made it look too easy.
Thirty minutes time had lapsed. Albus was finally finished and exhausted. Scorpius had finished before he did and helped with the last two. Both raised their hands getting the Professors attention. Once he inspected them both he nodded his approval he went back to the others. Seeing that time was running out. He and Scorpius went about the class to help finish up. Once all the Mandrakes were planted. Nevelle got everyone’s attention them gave the thumbs up.
“Albright that was fun wasn't it!" he had to laugh at the raised eyebrows he saw. “You all did well let see, to Mr. Zyllins twenty points to Hufflepuff for finishing first. To Ms. Weasley fifteen points to Gryffindor for second. And to Mr. Malfoy tens points to Slytherin for finishing third. And another ten points to Slytherin for Mr. Malfoy for helping the others finish. I want three quarters of a roll of parchment on the mixing properties of the Mandrake and their uses. Study chapter nineteen in your Herbs and Magical creatures book Year One. Due Monday. Class dismissed." he smiled as he heard all the “Ah mans!" He then began to place all the trays in a secured cabinet.
During lunch break the group sat in the court yard mostly studying. Others were playfully picking at each other on different topics. Four sixth years from Ravenclaw walked up into the midst of the group.
“You know guys. You would think that the Weasles and Potturds would know better than to have someone whose family is a bunch of murdering cowards around them. Especially given their history." Shannon White the Ravenclaw team Seeker as well as the captain laughed while he jabbed a thumb at Scorpius. Scorpius had look of rage.
“You’re gonna look real funny trying to fly tomorrow with that thumb stuck in unknown places....White!" James said as he stood up drawing his wand so fast nobody saw him
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move. The whole group looked at the four sixth years with utter loathing. Even their fellow Ravenclaws looked appalled.
“James No!" Scorpius said jumping up. “They know that if you attack them you won't be able to play in the match tomorrow. Besides what he said about my family is true. And besides that...I DON'T PLAY QUIDDITCH..." TARANTELLEGRA!" Scorpius shouted as he spun around drawing his wand casting the hex. Shannon legs went into a frenzied type of dance that sent him crashing to the ground. The other three Ravenclaws drew their wands to avenge their team mate. The entire group stood in unison drawing their wands on the three. Seeing that they were outnumbered they quickly put their wands away.
“FINITE INCANTATUM!" Bellowed the deep voice of Professor Dumbledore. Shannon's legs became still but he remained on the ground looking at Scorpius venomously.
“Mr. Malfoy! What in Merlin’s Beard do you think you are doing attack this student?" Aberforth said with a scowl.
“They were harassing me about my family. I just had enough of it." he explained calmly.
“Just because Mr. White was harassing you doesn't give you the right to curse or hex him. You should have notified a teacher or the House Boy or Girl. Thirty points from Slytherin and one week’s detention. You will report to me every evening at five o'clock starting today." he instructed. “Yes Sir Professor Dumbledore." Scorpius acknowledged.
“As for the four of you. Get going along before you're hit with so many curses and hexes that you spend the rest of your school year at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries." Aberfoth said as he emphasized the word injuries.
When they were out of sight. The whole Group bellowed in laughter. “I hate detention. But that was definitely worth it." Scorpius said laughing. The Group settled down and finished lunch.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
