![]() chapter nineA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter nine MT BROTHERS KEEPER![]()
MY BROTHERS KEEPER The next day Albus tried several times to talk to James. Every time James would avoided him. Even setting tripping jinxed to keep him from following him. After the last time. Albus snarled “FINE BE THAT WAY!" he screamed out. During transfiguration the students all received notes announcing that the two professors of Potions and Muggle studies will be combined. Both classes will take the first and second year students for the day. Professor Terry Boot of Muggle Studies wanted to have both Potter brothers because of their having Muggle relatives. Which was important for that days teaching. The first year and second year students all sat around the class room. They listened to Professor Jordan as he gave two different instructions. The first year students were to make an engorging potion, while the second year students we to make the decreasing potion. The two brothers looked at each other with loathing. “You two need to put a stop to this little row between you. It's just silly." Rose said. “Stay out of it Rosey." James said as he turned his back on her. Now in pairs following the instructions. Albus and Scorpius we adding ingredients talking low to themselves. Scorpius looked up in time to see James walking up behind Albus. “Your brother's coming over." he said in a whisper. Albus turned around just in time to see James right behind him. “So how are you and the Lil Death Eater doing?" James seethed. “Knock it off! And leave us alone....Jimmy!" Albus's lip curled as he used his mums’ nickname for James. “You little git! James said angrily. Albus waived him off then turned around. “Don’t turn your back on me!” IMPEDIMENTA!" Albus was blown forward into Scorpius who tried to catch himself from the force of Albus slamming into him. A cauldron full of potion was flung onto Jesup Knockner a second year from Ravenclaw. From his waist up he grew to an enormous size. “That’s all you got! LEVICORPUS!" ......EXPULSO!" Albus shouted. James was instantly hoisted into the air with the table blasting him into the wall. James fell to the ground slumping against the wall. James jumped up. “INCENDIO!" “PROTEGO!" Rose cast the shielding charm on Albus as James tried to set Albus's robes on fire. “ENOUGH!" Professor Jordan quickly flicked and slashed his wand. The boys wands were jerked out of their hands all the while being bound head to feet with thick ropes. The door burst open in ran Terry Boot and Flitwick both had wands drawn. "What the?" Terry exclaimed looking at the nearly destroyed classroom. The students ran to an opposite wall. The look in Lee Jordan’s face was horrifying. “MOBILICORPUS!" he bellowed. The brothers were hoisted up right in a standing position with their feet inches off of the ground. Pointing his wand he led the boys out of the classroom. “Please give this antidote to Mr. Knockner. I'm taking these two to the Headmistress.” His lip curled as he looked at the two boys then left. Both professors looked on open mouthed as they watched to screaming grossly enlarged boy. Giving him the potion he shrunk back to normal. “Alright class is dismissed." Terry bellowed. “Want to tidy up a bit?" Flitwick winced as Page 36 he looked at the destroyed classroom. Professor Jordan marched behind the two boys still bound by the ropes. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Those curses and hexes are for hurting someone. I've seen you boys get into many rows. But never like this! You two better settle this TODAY!" Lee said as he emphasized the word TODAY. Approaching the hidden passageway. The stone gargoyle looked at the boys in wonder. “Acid pops!" Professor Jordan gave the password. The chamber opened to reveal the moving staircase. Stepping aboard, they rode it to the top. Knocking on the door he waited for permission to enter. “Come in please!" came the voice of the Headmistress. Entering her smile faded quickly to that of a scowl. Floating towards her the Potter brothers still wore angry expressions on their faces despite their position. “I’m really sorry to bother you Headmistress. These two attacked each other in my class. I had no choice but to take their wands and bind them. Lee said as he waived to the portraits. "RELASHIO!" she said through clenched teeth. Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape wore unhappy expressions as the other portraits looked on in wonderment" Students attacking one another in class! Why in my day..." “Thank you Armando that will be all." she said interrupting him." EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!” she snapped. “He’s a stupid git! That can't see that Malfoy is trouble. Mum and Dad forbid him to be friends but he's gonna do what he likes and cause trouble for me!" James said still angry. Then her eyes burned through Albus. “This has nothing to do with Scorpius. He's mad that he's not the center of attention on the Quidditch team anymore. He really tried to hurt me Saturday! Albus said glaring at James. “They all make fun of us! Everywhere I go I get ribbed all day about him and his little Death Eater spawn! James voice began to quiver. “Mr. Potter do not use those foul and offensive words in my presence ever again!" she said with a glare. Apologizing he continued turning to look at Little Albus. “Do you even realize what I have to go through every day? You don't even care. As long as you have your friend." James was now crying as he broke down. Albus hadn't seen James cry like that since they were much younger. He was at a total loss for words. With tears starting to well up in his own eyes he shook his head. “James, Scorpius is a really good person. He hates, I mean he really hates the dark arts. His parents have split up because his mum tried to teach him and his dad went mental. If you would just give him a chance. He's no more a Death Eater or a Dark Wizard than Sirius was. The Black family were Dark Wizards. And Sirius was our family. He was dad’s godfather. James I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you. You’re my brother, my best friend, and I love you! But, Scorpius is my friend." Albus was crying harder as he spoke. Mcgonagal was at the verge of tears herself. Dabbing her eyes she rounded her desk. “Both of you sit down." she said softly. “Thank you Mr. Jordan I believe I have it from here. Would you be so kind and notify Aberforth and Flint that these two will not be attending class today." she asked. “Of course Headmistress." he waived to Professor Dumbledore who waived back then he left. “I see what is going on here." she began as she sat down in front of the boys. She waived her wand and two cloths appeared. She gave each boy one a piece. Both boys blew their noses loudly. “James you are being verbally assaulted and harassed because your own brother has become friends with a boy. Whose family is hated because of the choices they made. Page 37 Making young Mr. Malfoy the most hated student here at school. A boy who can't walk down into Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade without being verbally assaulted by words I never knew existed. Spit upon, objects thrown at him and even cursed and hexed. All because of his families choices. Choices he was neither a part of nor responsible for. His father Draco begged me to deny young Mr. Malfoy from coming to this school. Not because he hates this school he once attended. But because he feared that his son would be punished for the sins that he too once committed. You both know that Draco Malfoy is still being accused of being the person responsible for bringing about the death of the very man you were named after." she paused as she pointed at lil Albus. “The two boys looked at the older Albus who had a serene look on his face.” But help will always be given to those who seek it here at Hogwarts." she said proudly. “I spoke to young Mr. Malfoy before he came here. He knew that he wouldn't have any friends. That he would be subject to hatred, spited, all the most hurtful negative things. But he was very persistent on coming to Hogwarts. Put yourself his shoes for a moment. What you have been going through doesn't even register on the scale to what he has been ridiculed and pressured behind. And to come to Hogwarts and to have a friend for the first time in his life. Least of all by the son of the very man who was an enemy to his father here at this school. But nonetheless a real friend which I'm sure is the very high light of his otherwise miserable life." she said looking right into James' eyes. “Now you Albus Potter. You should be more mindful of your brothers feelings As well as your family. The decisions you make are bound to reflect on them. You only have one brother and a young sister at home. Cherish them always. I was there when Fred Weasley was killed. I watched how the whole family wept. But it was George that wept the worse. It's ok to have friends. I commend you for being young Scorpius' friend. I hear that the two of you are inseparable. Much like hour grandad and Sirius were. But they put family first. They too had their problems trust me!" she paused rolling her eyes. She now stood up to a break neck height. Both brothers hung their heads in shame. She took a quick glance to older Albus and Severus who were smiling admiringly. Looking back she cocked and eyebrow. Which had become a trade mark for her while a Professor. “You two will have detention each for weeks. Report to Mr. Filch every evening at five o'clock where you will clean up the class rooms. I am also taking fifty points from each of you. But don't think that your punishment ends there. I will be writing to your parents as well. This your second time here in my office for dueling Albus Potter. You are on probation. The next time you will be sent home for the rest of the year. When you return you will repeat your first year. Do I make myself clear?" she said now sternly. “Yes ma’am." the boys acknowledged "Now go and apologize to Professor Jordan for your absurd behavior." she said now in her Headmistress voice. The two brothers stood up to leave. Before they walked a few feet. James put his arm around Albus's shoulder he turned and hugged James tightly. At the sight of the boys all of the past Headmasters and Headmistresses were smiling some were dabbing their eyes. Dumbledore and Snape were smiling broadly. The boys broke apart then exited the office. “Well done Minerva, well done indeed." Dumbledore congratulated Mcgonagal. “I just hope that they take Page 38 heed to what I said Albus. I knew that young Scorpius would eventually find a friend. I for one never thought that it would be Harry's children. Not with the history." she heaved a sigh. “You got through to them. You may have cemented a friendship of the likes we have never seen. And possibly started the healing between the Potters and the Malfoys." Snape said as he sat back into silence. After the boys apologized to Professor Jordan. They set out for Def. against the Dark Arts class. Walking down the corridor taking they saw the group of students gathered. Scorpius walked up behind Rose holding Albus's book sack. “Um...excuse Rose." he said humbly. When she turned around fire ignited in her eyes. Which made Scorpius take a step back. “What do you want? Don't you think that you've caused enough trouble in our family! ....Now you get away...” James ran up and pushed through the crowd. Trying to cut Rose off before she picked up steam. “Hold on Rosey!" James said as him and Albus entered the center of the crowd. Scorpius was taken back by Rose's anger. “You got it all wrong. We all do. And I'm the first to admit it." James began as he turned to face Scorpius. “Scorpius I'm a stupid git who’s a little to protective of his lil brother. I'm really sorry for saying those things to you. I mean it. Nobody has ever thought about how you must have grown up or gave you the chance. You have had to deal with things that you aren't responsible for. I of all people should have known that Albus has you as a friend. You must be alright. I really hope that you can forgive me. If not well I deserve that. But know that I am sorry. I was wrong, WE ALL ARE WRONG." James said as he looked at the crowd, who were glued to the scene. Scorpius was at a loss for words. James looked at Scorpius and extended hand. “I’d watch out for that hand shake. It can come with a surprise." Hewortt smiled at Scorpius. Rose and Albus burst into laughter. Even James had to giggle. James showed his open hand keeping it extended." Friends? James asked with a genuine smile. Scorpius was in complete awe. He looked from James to Albus who had a smile ear to ear. Looking back to James he shook his hand. “Friends then." Scorpius smiled. The entire group patted him on the shoulder while others shook his hand. James, Albus, and Rose hugged as a tall shadow of a man waded into the crowd. “Now if this little gathering is finished. Do you think that we could get some class gathering done and learn something?" Professor Dumbledore said in more than a statement than a question. Albus and Scorpius fist bumped then followed the class inside. James, Su-Wa, and Alex took off at a run to get to their class to only be called back. “Mr. Potter! You Ms. Chan and Mr. Manard are to remain with the first years as instructed by the Headmistress." He said as the three walked back with confused looks. Scorpius Malfoy was happier than he ever dreamed possible. He finally not only had just one friend but a whole group of friends. “Everything just might go as planned. The fools!" silently spoke, the evil lurking from within. Many days passed since the students gathering and bonding with Scorpius. The Professors dubbed them as “The Group". The group was never far from each other. Only at night were they separated. All of the Houses we present within the group. The Professors past and present spoke about that. The only group that existed of that Page 39 magnitude was the D.A. Or rather “Dumbledore’s Army". The D.A. was formed by then Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. For the purpose of learning offensive and defensive spells taught by Harry in his fifth year. The D.A. were instrumental in the fight against Lord Voldemort. This group was just a bunch of friends who do homework, study, and play together. During their lunch breaks the Group would hurry up and grab something to eat. Then go out into the main court yard and eat as a family. This went on for weeks on end. “I’m truly glad that everything worked out fine for Albus and Scorpius. None of those children have been in trouble of any kind since the Potter brother’s mishap." Mcgonagal said as she watched the group from her window. “As I said you handled that situation very well. Better than I would have." said the older Albus. Mcgonagal looked at him with uncertainty. “I truly mean that. You kept this school together and running whether I was here or on one of my quests. Towards the end I was so caught up with stopping Tom Riddle to the point that is all I cared about. You have long been ready for to be the Headmistress of this school." Dumbledore said appraising her. “Thank you Albus. I'm just worried Albus. The last time the Sorting Hat gave a warning like that Voldemort nearly took over." she paused due to all the squeals from the others at the mention of the Dark Lords name. Voldemorts name still invokes fear even after all these years. “Yes, yes he nearly did. But because we stood united. We were able to stop him. We will again overcome whatever dangers may be coming." Albus spoke reassuringly. “Surely they couldn't be any worse." She gave a heavy sigh then moved away from the window. “Would everyone please excuse me while I talk to Albus and Severus for a moment?" She asked in warm tone. One by one they all left their paintings. She turned to face the two men she looked to most for advice. "Both of you have more knowledge in wizardry dealing with the dark arts then I have ever known. I truly don't feel I am amply qualified to take on the tasks that you have bared. I still have fears and even nightmares many nights of what could have happened should we all had failed to stop him. “She spoke obviously scared.” We are at your disposal. And you are more than qualified to take on these tasks. You attacked me when you thought me to still be in the Dark Lords employ, remember that I fled that night?" Severus smiled. She too smiled. “All we can do is set in motion minimal plans until we know who or what we are up against." Albus encouraged her. “We had a big jump on Voldemort. Albus knew that the Dark Lord would rise again and that he would not stop until he had killed Harry. So we prepared for that. Not knowing is always the worst. We will all handle whatever needs to be done." Snape added then fell silent. “When I spoke to the Potters and Weasleys about all this they too expressed their worries. They all wanted to come here as Professors. I told them that there really was no need." She smiled. “I wouldn't have expected anything less of them. They all took on a grown up fight at such a young age. Their children are very much the same. We will just have to school them and teach the Page 40 students to the best of our abilities." Albus said. “I asked Harry and Ginny not to enact any further punishment on the boys to let it blow over." she informed. “And by doing that you may have bonded a family more firmly together. You just gave young Scorpius a real chance at some happiness he didn't think possible. Anytime love can manifest through tragedy and is the most powerful spell any of us could do magically? Let’s just see how things play out with this possible threat and as they say... Deal with it." Albus said with a shrug. “You may all return. And thank you for your patience." she said as she returned to the window just in time to see The Group head off to class. She then returned to her desk and sat down. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing