chapter eight

chapter eight

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter eight QUIDDICH WOES!!!

“The next morning Professor Longbottom passed out sheets of parchment to a few selective students.” Good morning Gryffindor's!" he greeted. " If I just gave you a sheet make sure that you get a parent or guardian to sign it or you won't be able to participate in this year’s Quidditch season." he explained then went to the staffs table and sat down. “Hurry up and get it signed Al we could sure use you." James said as if last night never happened.
“I don't know where I'll play but I'll send it to dad at lunch." he said as he put the paper in his book bag. “You don't know where you'll play! You can tell this lot anything but you know I know where you can play." James said sarcastically. “He can play James?" asked the Gryffindor team captain. “I mean, I know the history of your family in playing Quidditch. But?..." Jami Stuklick shrugged. “During the summer months we play Potters against Weasleys, then we switch up. Al has caught the snitch against my dad more times than not. When playing chaser he has moves on a broom that I'm still trying to figure out how he does it." James harrumphed. “Uncle Harry always says that he hates when Al is on the other team. He's never won." Rose smiled. “And our uncle George says....." “Alright I get the point! I've booked the field for Saturday. So get those slips signed." Jami said as he left the table. “Come on you lot we're about to be late class." Janice said as she grabbed her book sack. At the beginning of Transfiguration class. Professor Zabini had them read a chapter of their text books. Albus kept looking at Scorpius then look away as he read. "Alright class you should be finished with the fourth chapter on transforming invertebrate creatures into solid objects. So if you will put away your Practical Transfiguration books. Then read the steps and incantation. I want you to pair up again, only with some you have not been with before. Then take turns transforming the slug into a working quill. Remember the firm swish and flick wand movement. Raise your hand when you have completed your task. You may begin." the professor ended and walked around the room. All around the room chairs scooted as others began to pair up. Looking around he saw that the only person who didn't have a partner. Was Scorpius. With a sigh Albus walked over to his desk. “Mind if we pair up?" Albus asked. “Yeah I guess so." he answered without looking up. They both took turns going back and forth for better than twenty minutes. By the end they were both laughing. The slug would sprout plumes of feathers and its head would grow to a point. Within thirty minutes time. Scorpius had managed to change the slug into a beautiful quill. Raising his hand up high he motioned for the Professor. Looking amazed he walked over. I did it Professor!" Scorpius said smiling. Looking down he saw a very fine quill, its point was glistening from the light shining through the window. With a wave of his wand a bottle of ink appeared. Pulling out a piece of parchment he then took the quill dipped it in the ink then wrote something. “Excellent Mr. Malfoy. First in class to finish. Twenty points to Slytherin." Professor Zabini waived his wand and the quill transformed back
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into a slug. “How about you Mr. Potter?" he said smugly. Albus looked down at the slug sliming its way across the table. Then swished and flicked his wand forcefully saying the incantation. The slug quivered then turned into the same fine looking quill. Professor Zabini looked down in wonder. Then repeating the process as before. “Very good Mr. Potter. Fifteen points to Gryffindor for second place. Zabini said now looking down at Scorpius with a slight smile. “You’re dismissed read chapters five and six giving a summery at least a half a roll. Due tomorrow." Professor Zabini turned and continued to walk among the class. “Why the long faces? You want to leave, complete the task. You think this is hard. Chapter five and six explains the theory on transforming solid objects into vertebrate and invertebrate creatures. Which I just said is due tomorrow." Professor Zabini smiled as if pleased. Walking down the hallway together the two boys were still giggling. “That was really fun!" Albus said. “Yeah it was fun." Scorpius smiled. “So hey..Friends?" Albus extended his hand. Scorpius' smile faded as he looked down then up again. “Albus I do want to be friends. Really I do. I've never had any friends. I just don't want you to have the problems that comes with being my friend." Scorpius said saddened. “Look... Let’s stop worrying about what others think. That's their problem! Whatever happens...happens! We will go through it together. That's what friends do." Albus said with an earnest look on his face. “Friends then?" Scorpius extended his hand with a smile. “Friends!" Albus proclaimed as the two shook hands. The two new friends laughed as they continued down the corridor happily. The rest of the day was the same. They paired up when instructed and had fun whether they completed the assignment or not. Albus and Scorpius becoming friends quickly became the hot commodity of gossip. Students and Professors alike watched the two boys laughing and carrying on. James could be spotted with a frown on his face. Which turned to worry watching them from a distance. That evening at dinner. Multiple owls came soaring into the hall. When Albus saw the snow white family owl he hurried up and covered his food. Hobby flew down landing gently placing the letter on the table neatly. Then gave a hoot as if in mocking laughter. Then flew off. Albus smirked then reached for the letter. Seeing that it was from his dad. He opened it and read. Dear son; I'm glad that you decided to play for the House team. Don't get to cocky. You're good. Maybe even too good, better than me! Smile. I hope that you understood my letter. Good luck and stay safe. Give our love to everyone. I will send you a broom tomorrow.....Love Dad. Albus smiled took the permission slip put it in his bag then tore up the letter. Getting up from the table he waived to Scorpius then set out for Gryffindor Tower. The next few days were the same. When you saw one you saw the other. When lunch period came the two would hurry up and devour their food so they could go back to hanging out. Murmuring and gossip sky rocketed. James sat in the shadows in turmoil. Many times he wanted to intervene and put a stop to all this. But didn't want a potential duel between him and his brother. Although Albus is a year younger than him. He has never won in a duel. James gritted his teeth and headed for his next class in Charms. Saturday rolled around. The sun was shining from the east. Casting its warm glow through the cool autumn breeze. Albus woke with a start jumping
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up grabbing his glasses. He got dressed and set out to his morning chores. Refreshed he headed for the common room exit. “Hey Albus!” Jami came walking up. “Morning what’s going on?" Albus greeted. “Practice is at eight o'clock. So be there by then ok?" Jami informed. "I'll be there." Albus said then walked out through the portrait hole waiving good morning to the Fat Lady. “He so sweet. Just like his father." she said as she swung closed.
Walking into the main courtyard. Albus saw people all around doing miscellaneous things. Searching for Scorpius he spotted him at the far side cleaning his wand. With a slight smile he walked up. “G’morning mate." Albus said as he walked up. G'morning. Thought you were gonna sleep the day away. Scorpius said jokingly. “I almost did. I stayed up late cleaning and last minute maintenance on my broom. I got Quidditch practice at eight. I just wanted come, and tell you I'll see you at lunch."
Albus said as he pulled his robe closer around him. The morning chill made him shiver. “Yeah I got practice this evening. But I doubt that I will try out though." Scorpius shrugged. “Why not?" Albus asked. “The only positon I can play is seeker. Do you think that the Slytherin Beaters Bennett or Chaunce will protect me from the bludgers? Scorpius smirked. “You have a point." Albus said saddened. “But hey! I'll see you at lunch." Scorpius smiled. “Alright see you at lunch mate." They fist bumped then he set out for the Quidditch pitch. Unknown to either of them. They were being watch through cold evil eyes. “Just a little longer. My plans are almost together. They won't know what hit them."
Chuckled the menacing man as he walked off. “Alright you lot. Try out line up." Jami said as the regular team stood by and watched. “Who here has never played Quidditch before? He asked. When nobody responded he continued. “That’s good I don't have to teach you the game. The regular team will be your opponent. As you know there are only seven positions available. So with eight of you here. One of you will have to sit out. I will rotate you in to see where you can fit in. Who here can play Keeper?" Jami asked as he looked at the group holding their brooms. Only one hand went up." Ok you stand over there." he said to the dark haired boy whose broom was three inches taller than he was.
“Ok let’s have the beaters." he looked around. Nobody volunteered. “Ok the chasers?" he asked. Albus and Janice raised their hands. “Ok you stand over there." he instructed. “Now for the seeker?" he said knowing the outcome. As thought all the rest raised their hands in excitement. “Now as you know. There is only one seeker so this is how I'm going to do things." Jami walked to the end of the line. “You two will play the beaters." the two boys looked disappointed but walked over to the others. “You join Albus and Janice as the third chaser." he said to the girl whose glasses as thick as the broom he carried. “Now you two will switch up at my call." He pointed the first boy to join the others. His robes were way too big for him. Obviously they were passed down from a family member a previous Gryffindor. Jami stroked his hand through his hair as he
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walked over to his team mates. Stopping beside Stefani Banks a fourth year co-captain and fellow chaser. “So what do you think?" he asked her with a sigh. “Those two look strong enough to play beaters. We already know that Albus can play. Janice's mum played chaser with the Potters dad so she ought to be able to play. The small kid you chose to play keeper." she shrugged. “As for the others, we will just have to see how good they can fly." she ended giving her input.
“Alright everyone mount your brooms and up you go." Everyone did as commanded. Shooting into the air like individual rockets they met in the middle. “Madam Hooch will blow her whistle to start. We will get the Quaffle first. The bludgers and snitch will be released at the sound of her whistle. The first to score three goals wins! Then I will switch you around to see where you fit in best." Jami then waived to Madam Hooch who blew her whistle and released the bludgers and the snitch. James Potter and Lincoln Meester shot out to intercept the bludgers. The two try outs mimicked their movements. Jami flew guard just behind Stefani who had the possession of the quaffle. Her auburn hair pulled into a pony tail whipped about her neck as she flew towards the opposite goals guarded by the short keeper. The third chaser Michael Stovall flew guard just below to the other side of Jami. “Be sleek Mike! Albus is riding the same broom as James!" Jami hollered over the rush of wind. The Nova 100 is the latest and fastest racing broom on the market. Its sleek design made of ash wood. The only broom ever designed in its unique aerodynamic design. It out strips the famed Firebolt preferred broom to their father, by 4.3 seconds. The team’s seeker Jaque Webb whom many say rivals Harry Potter in that position flew around eyeing for the tiny baseball sized golden snitch. Knowing that if caught the game is won. The team’s keeper Sterling Anhiser circled the goals watching. “Stay with a chaser each! Watch out for the pass!" Albus yelled to the others. Janice nodded while the other try out looked as if she couldn't hear Albus. So he mimicked hand signals to let her know what he said. Nodding she set out. Turning to fly after Stefani he gave a yelp as a bludger narrowly missed his head. "Just a wakeup call Lil bro!" James said laughing. Albus snarled as he took pursuit of Stefani Banks who still had the quaffle. Hey you two those bats are for a reason! Block and hit those bludgers back at the other team!" Albus screamed. Jaque shot to the ground in pursuit of the snitch but missed it. The try out seeker was flying too wildly. “He’ll need to practice a lot if he wants to play seeker."
Albus said to himself. In that instant he saw Janice forcing Stefani to pass the quaffle Mike. He put on a burst of speed lying flat on his broom he got there to intercept the ball. Turning hard he raced towards Sterling who swayed from side to side protesting he goals eyeing Albus's approach. Hearing a grunt just below him. He looked and saw that Lincoln had just sent a bludger at him. Hitting the breaks diving in a cork screw. The bludger soared well above him out of range. “What the..!" Lincoln exclaimed. “I told you he was good." James said flying by. Albus shot up like a rocket back on heading to the goals. He caught sight of Stefani and Jami closing in him to try and squeeze him to give up the quaffle. Albus smiled then held on tighter to his broom. “NO!..DON'T!" James
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shouted. It was too late. Just as the two team chasers moved in aggressively. Albus threw the quaffle straight up into the air. Did a quick dive then pulled around spinning then caught the quaffle on its downward descent. Then shot back in line to the goals. Both chasers watched Albus toss the ball upwards not paying attention they collided with a teeth shattering crunch. Albus caught sight of the wreck then giggled. Approaching the goals Anhiser eyed Albus. Albus saw Anhiser swaying back and forth. Grinning Albus put on a burst of speed. Fainting to the right making Anhiser commit to the left side so as to protect two of the goals. With a slight jerk of his hand. The Nova 100 stood up its bristles did a three spin puree to his left. Causing Anhiser to readjust, committing to the right. Jerking to his right Albus swooped in and threw the quaffle into the completely unguarded goal. With a fist in the air. Albus flew to his try- out teammates to celebrate. Leaving a dumb founded Anhiser behind. By the try-out fourth goal, to the regular team two goals they flew in Albus's direction shaking their heads. Madam Hooch was putting the bludgers into their secure cases. The snitch completely forgotten about fluttered around harmlessly. “Wow! What kind of flying was that! ....." “I never seen anyone fly that!" ....Came all the rapid fire questions. Madam Hooch flew up to the players. “Mr. POTTER!” She said to Albus. “I have refereeing Quidditch for...well let’s just say for a very long time. And I have never seen anyone perform and fly the way you just demonstrated! You fly better than I have ever had the privilege of seeing. And that's saying something since I though your father was the best I've ever seen!" She said stunned. "Madam Hooch do we have enough time to run another one?" Jami asked in a pleading tone. She looked at her watch and frowned. Her eyes caught a sudden glimmer of gold zipping around in the distance. She smiled wide." Well someone does need to catch the snitch." she said seeing the excited smiles. She flew down to the ground. Then put her hand on the release lever for the bludgers. Blowing her whistle she released the bludgers into play. The second year try out Branndon Pitts caught the quaffle and headed for the goals. Janice raced alongside Pitts as a guard dog. Albus swerved left and right avoiding the bludgers taking the heat off of Pitts. “Go for it!" Albus yelled. At that instant a bludger hit Albus squarely in the middle of his back. Causing him to yell out in pain as he slumped forward over his broom spinning out of control. Regaining his balance he rolled his shoulders to work out the pain. He looked at James smirking sheepishly. Rage entered Albus's eyes. A loud whistle sounded out. “James Potter! What in Merlin’s pants do you think that you are doing? This is try outs NOT a full fledge match! FOUL!" she cried, being upset. Even his own teammates looked him under eyed. “Madam Hooch I only hit the bludger. It's not my fault the other beaters didn't block the bludger." James said trying to look innocent. “You know full well they are inexperienced players. You deliberately hit that bludger with power. You sized up the angle and hit it with your accuracy. PENALTY!" she said then motioned to the try outs. But Madam Hooch this is just a practice not a ga...." Jami cut off his sentence at the look she gave him. “Are you alright Mr. Potter?" she asked seeing him rub his shoulder. “Yeah we play rougher than that at home." he said with a fake smile. He flew off to his try out teammates. “You should take the shot Albus. You fly better any of us."
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said a squeaky voiced girl. “James really tried to hurt you Albus." Janice said worried. “Yeah he did." Albus said more to himself than her. The two brothers snarled at each other as Albus flew over and took the quaffle. Turning he headed out for he goals to where Anhiser sat on his broom waiting for redemption. Looking at Anhiser he knew that he wouldn't be fool the teams keeper the second time with a faint. Albus the smiled and narrowed his eyes and tucked the quaffle tighter to his body. At a slow decent he pulled up with a burst of speed climbing straight at Anhiser. When he could see the whites of Anhisers eyes. He shot to the right then hard left bringing himself into a complete three hundred degree circle speeding up even more. Flying in front of the middle goal. Anhiser became eager with the anticipation of Albus's shot. At the last possible second. Albus hit the brakes hard pushing down hard. The momentum sent him into a fast forward flip. Rotating back up right. Albus threw the quaffle through the middle hoop with so much force the quaffle bounced off of the far end of the arena. Anhiser could only duck out of the way. Albus through his hands into the air in triumph. The try outs cheered as they flew over to him. “I don't know where or how you learned those skills. I've never seen anything like it. You're on the team. You too Janice and Branndon."
Jami spoke still surprised. “I’m sure glad that hour on our team. We for sure got the Quidditch Cup this year!" Stefani cheered as she soared away. At the bottom of the arena everyone noticed Jaque Webb zoom about around pitch chasing he golden snitch. Catching it he raised his hand in victory. “Well I certainly enjoyed myself. I haven’t had this much since when your grandad and Sirius Black played for the House team. With that, all things must come to an end. Practice is over I see the Hufflepuff team waiting patiently. Good luck this season. I know I'm looking forward to it." Madam Hooch smiled at the team as she set out to begin the next practice. Albus saw James flying to the ground then come to a skidding halt then enter the locker room. By the time the rest of the team got there James had left. Albus heaved a sigh taking off his Quidditch robes. Placing his broom inside his locker. He set out for the castle to tell Scorpius what happened. That evening in the Gryffindor common room the practice was all they wanted to talk about. Albus became an instant celebrity. Which was not his style. He felt he got enough just for being Harry Potters son. Albus searched for James everywhere. To no avail he seemed to have disappeared. “Where’s James Rosey?" Albus asked. “I don't know. I saw him earlier he looked mad about something. I know how he gets so I just left him alone." Rose said as he read her Arithmacy and Runes text book. “He’s upset about try outs this morning. I don't know why! He’s seen me play." Albus now seemed disturbed. “It’s because you are taking his glory. He has always been the center attention on the Quidditch field." said a fourth year girl who got up and left. “I don't think that's it Al. It's deeper than that." Rose said in a worried tone. Albus let out a big sigh hugged Rose. And went on up to bed.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
