![]() chapter sevenA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter seven ACCEPTABLE DIFFRENCES![]()
ACCEPTABLE DIFFERENCES .....That evening at dinner while they all ate. Several owls came flying into the Great Hall dropping letters and parcels off to their recipients. A snow white owl swooped in on the Gryffindor table. The two Potter boys recognized the family owl. Hobby flew over to James and dropped a letter in his lap. Then flew to Albus dropping his in the plate of mashed potatoes in front of him. "Nice one Hobby!" Albus said irritated. Looking down at the letter he saw that it was from home. Recognizing his father’s tiny handwriting he leaned back and tore open the letter reading it. ....Dear Son; I just had got your letter a minute behind Professor Mcgonagal's informing us of what happened at school. I'm proud that you stuck up for a friend. Especially one that is being bullied. Your mum is pretty upset about who was who you were sticking up for. She's just worried about you that's all. Don't break anymore rules! We have enough trouble of James! Now to answer your question. You know the history that this family has with the Malfoys. We may not be the enemies that we once were. But we won't be invited to any family barbeques either. You know that I have told you that it was Draco mum that saved me that night I faced Voldemort. She lied to him. Something that she knew he would kill her for. Her only concern was that Draco was safe and alive. I will always be grateful for that. I'm not telling you to stay away from young Scorpius. I stand on what I have always said. That I will not pick your friends. But please use good judgment. Be careful and let things take their course. We love you and we are looking forward to Christmas. I'm also glad that you got to meet the two men you were named after. You can tell me about it at Christmas. Again be careful! If you have any problems ask Neville, or write home. .....Love Dad. ..P.S. Your mum is also writing to James too. All of you look out for each other!" Albus folded the letter and stuffed it in his book sack. Then he looked at James who had a ' WE ' need to talk look on his face. Albus nodded then went back to his cheese burger and french fries. Thinking over what he just read. He heaved a big sigh left the table and headed for Gryffindor Tower. But not without a glance at Scorpius who put his head down depressed. Sitting around the common room. Many of the others were playing wizard chess where the pieces actually moved across the board, or exploding snaps, which Albus never could understand the rules. Or they were lounging reading. Albus was reading his History of Magic book doing homework. When James strolled up and sat down. “What’s up Lil bro.? He asked. "Nothin just finishing my homework." Albus said as he continued to write. “Mum’s pretty upset you know. She wants you to stay away from Malfoy." James said evenly. “Yeah dad said pretty much the same thing but probably nicer than the way mum said it." Albus smirked. “But, James. Look how we grew up and how we were treated everywhere we went. Just because of who our dad is. I know it's not the same thing don't look at me like that." Albus said at the weird look on his brother’s face. “But Scorpius is no more responsible for his family’s actions than are for ours. We're doted on like we were there and fought Voldemort. Scorpius is harassed and bullied like he was there!" Albus spoke disgusted. “I Page 27 just don't trust him Al. His entire family are Dark Wizards. They tortured and killed people! Draco's the one that let the Death Eaters into the castle to kill the man you were named after! James said getting angry. “Who’s to say Draco hasn't taught him the dark arts? Like father like son. Think about mum and dad. Think about what would have happened if dad trusted, and felt about Draco like you feel about Scorpius! Everyone in ear shot started to notice the two arguing. “I’ll tell you what would have happened. VOLDEMORT!! Would have won and be ruling the world right now! Everyone in our family would be dead! We would never have been born. I don't trust him you shouldn't either!" James shouted loudly now standing. “Well I'm not you! And Dumbledore and Snape the very two people I was named after, as you always remind me. Think that Scorpius and I should be friends!" Albus yelled back. "Dumbled?....Snape. How do you know what they think? You're telling tales!" James accused. “NO I'M NOT! I talked, to both of them today in Auntie Minnys' office." Albus said as, he referred to the family nick name for Mcgonagal. Albus now slammed his book closed stood up and squared off at James. “But let me tell you something. You do not pick my friends! Noboody does! But for your information he doesn't even want to be friends! HAPPY NOW!" Albus snatched his book bag then stormed off. “What’s going on?" Rose asked. As she was told by a few off the girls that they were arguing. "Nothing!" James snapped then sat down in the chair. Rose just stood there with one eyebrow raised. “What!" James spat. “You know what!" She stood there now with both hands on her hips. "Mum and dad don't want him to be friendly with Malfoy. But he won't listen! I'm not going to stand by and let my Lil brother get hurt behind the son of Death Eaters!" James temper began to rise again. “Scorpius might not be like that James." Rose now, spoke softly trying hard to calm James down. “Their whole family are dark wizards wake up!" he said scowling. “The Black family were all dark wizards too James. But Sirius wasn't. His own brother became a Death Eater. Sirius hated the dark arts. He was also grandads’ best friend and god father to uncle Harry. Just because..." “Alright!....Alright! You've made your point." James said as he interrupted her before she picked up steam. “I just don't want Al to get hurt Rosey. Uncle Neville and Auntie Minney just about threatened me to be expelled if I mess with those fifth years." James had calmed down but now he leaned in close to Rose. “But if Malfoy get my little brother hurt over them being friends. I'll be home schooled for the rest of my life. And Malfoy'll be the first one I get!" James said with malice in his voice. James got up and walked away. Rose sat back hard against the couch and sighed deeply. Looking over she saw that Hewortt was sitting nearby by the fire place. His sparking blue eyes were upon her. “They’ll work it out. They always do. Those two cousins of mine may fight and argue. But you will hard pressed to find any brothers closer than those two. I'm just glad that they didn't start dueling." she said with relief in her voice. “Why’s Page 28 that? They couldn't know that much too really hurt each other." Hewortt smirked. “Oh believe me! You don't know Albus. He can get really aggressive when attacked. TRUST ME!" she said looking at him under eyed. “Yeah but didn't he say that the Malfoy guy doesn't want to be friends?" Hewortt asked. “Yeah but when Albus sets his mind on something there is no turning him. And he is obviously set on being friend with Scorpius Malfoy. I’m going to go to bed. See you in the morning. She said then started out for girl’s dormitory. “G’night Rose." Hewortt said flashing white teeth. “My friends call me Rosey." she said turning slightly. “Ok, then Rosey. G'night." the two smiled then she went through the door and disappeared. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing