![]() Chapter sixA Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Chapter six DARK UNDERSTAMEMT![]()
DARK UNDERSTATMENT Albus looked at the time and saw that only a few minutes remained until Potions class was over. He figured that if there was homework Rose would tell. So Albus set out for the Owlery instead of class. Reaching the Owlery he called down his own owl. “Hi Beuton. Miss me?" Albus greeted him with a treat. “I need you to take a letter home for me." he instructed. Reaching into his bag he took out a small piece of parchment, ink, and a quill. Then leaned on the writing podium and began to write. Dear Mum & Dad; Schools great! I'm in Gryffindor just like you. So's Rosey. I had a problem today. And it's really bothering me. Scorpius Malfoy...You know ..Draco's son? Well he was made fun of kinda bad on the train and pretty much everywhere he goes. All because of his families past. I felt really bad for him. Today he was being attacked by three fifth years. You know by the LEVICORPUS curse. Well I told them to leave him alone. Well the other two tried to attack me so I disarmed them. You know.. EXPELLIAMU. Then I used the Full Body Bind curse... You know... PETRIFICUS TOTALUS. Then this other guy Alex. He's in Hufflepuff. He's in the same year as James. Alex bound the other guy with INCARCEROUS. Then Professor Dumbledore...you know... the brother. Well I got into trouble with Auntie Minny. Am I supposed to hate Scorpius just because of who his family is? Because I just can't. I know I should. Especially after all the stories you told us growing up But, I can't. I'm the only friend that he has here. I'm really confused. I did get to talk to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape! That was really cool. I'll go now I have to get to Def. against the Dark Arts class. Hope to hear from you soon. LOVE, Albus. Albus then rolled up the letter put into Beuton's leg carrier and watched him fly off. Grabbing his things he hurried off to class. Walking up he saw the gang. “Where have you been? We heard what happened are you alright?" asked Rose. I'm ok I just couldn't stand there and let them bully Scorpius." Albus said as he walked to the classroom. Moving to take a seat he glanced at Scorpius who sat facing class. “James was furious when he found out. There's no telling what he might do to those fifth years." Rose said worried. I'll talk to him when we get back to the common room. I just hope that he doesn't do anything foolish until then. Auntie Minny was pretty upset. He'll get expelled." Albus said with raised eyebrows. “Good evening class." Professor Dumbledore greeted. “Good evening Professor!" the class greeted back. “Ok let’s get the roll attendance out the way." Aberfoth pulled out a roll of parchment then proceeded to call out the names. When he got to Albus' name he paused then continued. Hearing the all ' HERE's, he put the roster back on his desk. “Welcome to your first year of Defense against the Dark Arts class. In here you will learn curses, hexes, and their counter spells. I usually have my students wait until I'm finished with my talks before I answer any questions. There will be proper times for that not during my lectures or my instructions." he said as he saw a Slytherin boy slowly put his hand Page 23 down disappointed. He cocked an eyebrow at him. “Just this once I will allow it. What was your question Mr. Luenitus?" "Thank you sir. I was wondering about what the Sorting Hat said sir. It sounded like a warning about something bad is about to happen. Has You Know Who come back? Or is there another Dark Wizard out there?" Harris asked then sat back down. After a moment’s pause. Aberforth didn't expect that type of question and he was amazed by it “Don’t put too much store into what the Sorting Hat sang about. We teachers have discussed it thoroughly. There is no danger that any of us have foreseen or any signs." he gave a small pause. “To answer your next question. No, the dark wizard known as Lord Voldemort has not come back. Nor will he ever. He was killed nineteen years ago by Harry Potter as you well know. I was one of the people that was there and inspected his body as well as one that the ministry chose to be there when his body was cremated." Aberforth now walked among the class. “You will never have to worry about the Dark Lord ever again. But that doesn't mean that the dark arts died with him." Professor Dumbledore now walked to the front of his desk. With a sigh he continued. “Since we are on the subject. Let me explain some things to you. There were many dark wizards long before Lord Voldemort was even born. Although he was by far the worst ever. Still he wasn't the only one. Nor do I believe that he was the last. This is the purpose for this class. The world is not split into good and evil. Look how the Muggles live amongst each other with the crimes they commit against one another. Though some are far greater and worse. Look at the serial killers in their society. Are they any better or worse than Voldemort?" He now looked at the students faces. This class has been designed so that you can learn what the Dark Arts really are and how to defend yourselves and family and friends. As some of you have already shown the ability to do." he cast a glance at Albus and Scorpius who grinned. “So with that!" Aberforth jumped off of his desk. Pulling his wand at the chalk board. Four words appeared across it. DEMENTER's , BOGGARTS, PIXIES, AND GRYDELOWS. Who can tell me what the Dementer is?" he asked. Several hands went up into the air. “Yes Mr. Baya?" he pointed. “It’s a creature that guards the wizard prison Azkaban. It sucks all the happiness away from its victim." Bret answered. “Yes! Ten points to Ravenclaw. But further, the Dementer is the opposite of all things warm and good things. It sucks all the light from an area. The cold it brings with them it will chill you to your bones. Although the Muggles can't see them. They can still feel their presence. Dementers have been blamed by us for centuries to be the cause of why Muggles commit suicide. Who can tell me the ultimate act of a Dementer attack?" he asked. “Yes Ms. Weasley!" he smiled seeing the small golden red haired girl jump up and down raising her arm higher with each attempt. “It’s the Dementers Kiss. Where it lowers its' hood swooping down to its' victim. Bringing its' mouth so close to the victims as if to give a kiss. Then it sucks the soul out of the person. Leaving the person in a zombie like state.” Rose answered out of breath and sat down. “Yes! Excellent and ten points to Gryffindor. Who can tell me what is the only defense to a Dementer attack?" he asked, getting excited. “Yes Mr. Zyllins!" he pointed to the boy who had to stand on a chair to be seen. “It’s the EXPECTO PATRONUM charm that produces a patronus that takes on the form of the persons love Page 24 and passion." Craig said as he jumped off of the chair and sat down. “Yes! Very good. And ten points to Hufflepuff! The Patronus charm is everything that the Dementer is not. It is cast as Mr. Zyllins said is cast through love and passion and it flees from it. The stronger the Patronus the better. Now for a tricky one.” he now looked under eyed at the class. “Who can tell me how to cure a Dementer attack?" he asked. “Yes Mr. Malfoy!" “CHOCOLATE SIR!" he answered loudly. YES! And ten points to Slytherin! Chocolate when eaten, brings the person back to their senses. And why not, EVERYONE LOVES CHOCOLATE!" Professor Dumbledore said smiling. “Ok what's a Boggart?" he asked. “Yes Mr. Scola?" “It’s a shape shifter. It takes on the shape of what scares us most." Shea answered. “Excellent! Ten points to Slytherin. I'm beginning to think that you don't need this class. Boggarts like to hide in dark places. I've found them in places large and small. When you come across one, you think of the most funniest thing you can. And do WHAT!" he bellowed obviously having fun. “Yes Mr. Potter!" “You point your wand and yell “RIDDIKULUS!" Albus yelled out. “Yes! Ten points to Gryffindor! Ok what are Pixies?" he questioned. “Yes Ms. Volar!" he pointed. “Their bat like creatures that resemble Harpies. They like dusty places like old curtains. They fly out at you when disturbed. Their bite is poisonous." she said smiling. “Yes! And ten points to Ravenclaw. This a spray that neutralizes them. There is also an anti-venom for their bite. Ok for the last one. What is a Grydelow?" “Ms. Carver!" “It’s a water demon. Their grip is really strong. They pull you under the water to drown you.” She said. “Yes! And ten points to Slytherin. Aberforth smiled wide. “And now for extra credit. How do you escape the Grydelows' grip?" “Yes Thorton!" he pointed. “You break their fingers. There really brittle." she said. “Yes! And twenty points to Gryffindor! Aberforth exclaimed amused. “It looks like I'm going to have to step up my game. And find something a little harder and more challenging. You all did very well. Well above what I expected. And for that students. There is no homework!" Professor Dumbledore smiled at the applause. It's a bit early but you've earned it. I haven’t had this much fun in a very long time. Class dismissed!" he gigged to himself. Out in the corridor Rose bumped Albus. “Let’s go sit in the court yard until our next class." she urged. “I’ll catch up to you in a few. There's something I have to do." Albus said as he took off at a jog up the hallway. Jogging faster up and down the corridors he rounded a corner and spotted his quarry. “Scorpius!....Hey!....Scorpius!" Albus yelled out. Scorpius turned around reaching for his wand. Seeing that it was Albus he relaxed. “You have a minute? Albus asked as he ran up to him winded. “Um.. I guess so." Scorpius looked dumbfounded. “You alright?" Albus asked catching his breath. “I guess so. I knew I was going to have problems. My dad wanted to home school me. I wanted to come to Hogwarts. I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Maybe I should go home and be home schooled." Scorpius said as they started to walk. He could hear people whispering as they walked. Yeah I know what you mean.” Albus said with nod. “Scorpius gave a smug laugh.” You don't know anything about what I go through you aren't the most hated kid at school. You're whole family is worshipped by the magical world. Everywhere I go I can't even walk down the street in Diagon Alley without someone pulling their wand out Page 25 on me. The kids here would love nothing more than to curse, hex and see the Dementers set out on me!" Scorpius said with a little more anger than he intended. “I can understand why. Your family did a lot of things that people are still afraid of. Voldemort destroyed a lot of peoples live. You think it's easy being HARRY POTTERS son? The killer of the darkest wizard in history? Everywhere "I" go people come running up to me dotting all around me. Just because I look like him. I always hear ' You got tough shoes to follow m'boy'..Or.. I bet you’re the best trained fighter of your age" Albus said in a mocking tone. “I’m constantly reminded of the GREAT WAR! And what a hero my dad is. I'm sick of it!" Albus snapped. “Our parents were bitter enemies when they were here Albus. I thank you for helping earlier today. Really I do. Nobody else would have not even another Slytherin. Oh yeah! There are a few in Slytherin that think that what my family did was noble. BUT I DON'T! I'm actually really ashamed of what my family did. I HATE THE DARK ARTS!" Scorpius spoke, in an angry tone. Then turned to leave. “Scorpius, just because our dads fought each other the entire time they were here. Trust me I grew up hearing the stories. But that doesn't mean "We" have to be enemies. We're both in the same boat even if you don't see it. Albus said spoke out to Scorpius. Turning around to face Albus a good ways away. “I don't want to cause you anymore trouble Albus. Being my friend will do that. You're a good person, best I ever met! It's just not a good idea for us to be friends." he turned and walked away. “If you don't wanna be friends......FINE! Maybe I won't save you next time!" Albus yelled out as his voice echoed. Then stormed off to Charms class. Scorpius leaned against the wall watching Albus walk off. He hung his head as a silent tear ran down his face. Then he too left to Charms class. The rest of the day went pretty well. Throughout the classes Albus kept eyeing Scorpius. But whenever he would see Albus looking he turned quickly. After the last class the day, History of Magic. The Gryffindor House students were making their way to the common room when their Prefect Ms. Doyle came over. “Hewortt!" she stopped him. "Yes?" he waited. “Madam Pomfrey sent you word that your medicine has arrived. You can pick it up before you go to dinner." she informed him. “Thank you." Hewortt excused himself then went to the hospital wing. “I wonder why he has to take medicine." Albus said. “He said that when he was younger he got really sick. His grandad mixed a potion to heal him. But all it did was freeze it really. He has to take it so he doesn't get sick again. Rose said as they came to the Portrait of the Fat Lady. “You two seem to be getting really close. I mean rreeeeally close!" Albus said giggling. "ALBUS POTTER! It's nothing like that at all. He's really nice, and he knows his stuff too. He's more knowledgeable than anybody. We're friends that is all. Rose said in quick defense being embarrassed. “I’m jus saying that you seem pretty close is all." he said smiling. “Yeah I bet that's ALL you're saying. You can be a real git sometimes" Rose said as she punched Albus in the arm then gave the password. “I can't wait to tell James!" Albus giggled as he ran past her as she was in the motion to punch him again. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing