![]() Chapter four ...A Chapter by kevin Montgomery![]() Past of past chapter four![]()
PAST OF THE PAST The bright morning sun had just peaked over the trees. Bathing the top of the Hogwarts towers with its warmth. Albus woke up and sat up in bed. With a big yawning stretch he reached for glasses. Like his father, he too, had bad eye sight. With a sigh he stood up and grabbed a house coat then went about his morning refresher duties. Dressed now in his house colored robes of maroon he set out for the Great Hall for breakfast. Entering he saw that the house tables were already filled with food. Many of the students had arisen early and were nibbling on their food. Albus sat down then spooned scrambled eggs, three piece bacon, and four pancakes with mulberry syrup along with tall glass of juice. “What’s the matter Hewortt?" Rose asked giggling. “It’s the food. Everything is so.o.o.o. Good!" Hewortt smiled. “Good morning everyone!" Neville greeted. “Good morning Professor!" everyone greeted back. Handing James his schedule he motioned for Nevelle to bend down closer. “Mum and Aunt Hermione send their love." he said in a whisper. “Thanks Jimmy. Tell them the same when you write back ok?" Neville said also whispering adding a smile. “Here you go Mr. Dovelman. If you have any trouble finding your classes just stop any prefect or staff member and they will point you in the right direction. Neville instructed warmly. “I’ll make sure he finds his way Unc...I mean Professor Longbottom." Rose said as she caught herself from calling Neville 'Uncle', which is what she and the Potter children have grown up calling him. “That would be nice Ms. Weasley." he smiled at her expression at being called Ms. He has always called her Lil Rosey. “Thank you! I'm sure I will be fine." Hewortt said as he drank down the last of his pumpkin juice. Hewortt opened the small piece of parchment and read the schedule carefully. FIRST PERIOD: TRANSFIGURATION SECOND PERIOD: HERBOLOGY THIRD PERIOD: LUNCH FOURTH PERIOD: POTIONS FIFTH PERIOD: DEF. AGAINST THE DARK ARTS SIXTH PERIOD: CHARMS SEVENTH PERIOD: MUGGLE STUDIES EIGHTH PERIOD: HISTORY OF MAGIC Finishing he leaned close to Rose and showed her his schedule. “MUGGLE STUDIES?" he asked confused. “A lot of witches and wizards have never been around Muggles let alone a Muggle city. So we learn about them so that we can co-exist with them." Rose explained. “So do they learn about us?" he questioned. “No, my mum is Muggle born. Page 15 She said that the Muggle population would be too afraid of us. But it’s always good to learn about them. My uncle Harry was raised by Muggles from his mum’s side of the family. He didn't even know he was a wizard until he turned eleven and got the letters from Hogwarts. I believe that if the Muggle world new how the magical community had fought Lord Voldemort and his followers. Things would be different. But maybe it's for the best." she ended with a sigh. “Come on guys we're gonna be late." Albus said as he got up from the table. Walking into Transfiguration class. Everyone took their seats and looked at the professor. "Thank you for taking your seats. My name is Professor Zabini. Welcome to your first year of Transfiguration". Blaise Zabini who was in Harry's year only his house was in Slytherin. Standing at six foot five muscular build with dark burnt umber hair and thick mustache his looks were intimidating especially with his deep baritone voice. He walked around the class room calling out the roll attendance. Once finished he turned and stood before the class. “In this class you will learn the art of Transfiguration. Which is the most important forms of magic you will learn. Can anyone please tell the class why?" Zabini asked. Seeing several hands go into the air he pointed his wand. “Yes Ms.?" he urged. “Thorton sir, Janice Thorton." she said a high pitched voice. “Well?" he said. “It’s important so that when you need something you can transform it into what you need." she ended smiling. “Well yes and no. This form of magic is the most complex and dangerous. But ten points to Gryffindor for the answer. Now if I catch anyone in here messing around you will be very sorry that I did." Zabini said with a scowl. Walking to the front of his desk he stopped. “Observe if you will." Zabini said as he gave a flick of his wand at the flower pot at the edge of his desk. The pot transformed into a bright yellow canary which chirped cheerfully. Taking out some bird seed he fed the bird. Stepping away from his desk as if to put some distance away. With quick aggressive snap of his wand. The canary instantly became a large poisonous hooded snake which rose to four feet in height hissing loudly. The students on the front row slid their desks backwards involuntarily. Before the snake could move he waived his wand and the snake became a flower pot again. “So you see that in all practical reasons you are correct Ms. Thorton." Professor Zabini smiled. “Mr. Malfoy would please pass out the tea leaves to the class please.” Zabini instructed. Scorpius stood up then attended to his task. “Everyone else would you please pay attention to the board. Listed are the steps and the wand movements. If done correctly you will transfigure your tea leaf into a button. “Zabini instructed. All around the class students shied away from Scorpius as if he was the poisonous snake. He ignored them and continued. Albus was the only one that thanked him as he received his leaf. To which Scorpius nodded then walked on. Nothing escaped Zabini's attention as he narrowed his eyes. Standing up to begin the task tiny paper spitballs came zooming at the students hitting them from all angles. “PEEVES!" Zabini yelled out loud. Peeves the resident poltergeist was bobbing upside down in the corner with a 'what did I do?' look on his face. “GET....OUT...OF ....MY....CLASSROOM!" Professor Zabini pointed to the door yelling. “Little ickle students..wavy wandy....make them wet and slimy!" Peeves laughed then floated through the wall. “That students is Page 16 our resident poltergeist Peeves. You would do well to steer well clear from him he can cause you a lot of trouble and mischief. “Zabini screeched as hundreds of spot balls came soaring through the air in all directions. Students ducked under desks including Zabini. “P..E..E..V..E..S!" Zabini screamed. “Hewortt stood up suddenly.” Sir if I may?" he said pointing his wand at Peeves who just smiled and stuck his tongue out at him. “I don't think that's......" but before Zabini could say anything further. Hewortt yelled. “LANGCIRCTUS TOTALUS!" A flash of purple light shot out and hit Peeves in the chest. Peeves screeched then put his hands over his mouth and around his throat. Hs tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth make it impossible to speak. Then found himself fully encased in a sparkling bubble. He tried to break the bubble. But the more he tried the more he bounced and bobbed off the ceiling and walls looking horror struck. Everyone was in hysterical laughter when they heard a tiny pop as the bubble broke. Peeves spun like a top the zoomed out of the class like a bullet. “That was very impressive Mr. Dovelman. I don't think that I have heard of that spell nor have I ever seen Peeves so scared." Zabini said. Hewortt was smiling at the others patted him on the back. “However gratifying as that was. Please refrain from casting any spells not a part of this class without my expressed permission. “Zabini said sternly.” Yes sir." Hewortt said as he took his seat still smiling. “Wow! That was a really neat spell did you learn that at Durmstrang?" Albus asked. Now, my grandfather used to hit me with it when I would try and run when I wouldn't take my medicine." Hewortt explained. At the end of the class nobody had transformed their teas leaves into buttons. But Zabini did award Betsy Carver ten points for being the only, one to at least turn her leaf into a button with four clear holes in the center. "Alright class I want you to read chapters two and three of your text books. Explain the theory of this spell and what you did wrong. To be turned in tomorrow at least a half a roll of parchment. Class dismissed!" Mr. Malfoy would stay behind for a minute please." Zabini requested. “Yes sir." He replied. Albus grabbed his book sack and smiled at Scorpius as he walked passed. Scorpius gave a small smile then went on to the professor’s desk. “The Malfoy family has a lot of nerve sending any family member to Hogwarts." seethed Britny Volar from Ravenclaw. “Give a rest Volar. He has as much of a right to be here as you do.” Rose said. “Yeah well, I'd die of shame if any of my family were You Know Who's followers. You don't see any of the other Death Eaters children here do you? Britny said as she stormed off. “Don’t let her get to you Rosey. Scorpius seems to be pretty strong. He probably knew what to expect his first year." Albus said as they walked to Herbology class. “Alright everyone calm down please. Each of you stand by a box. I'm Professor Longbottom. Welcome to your first year here at Hogwarts. In here you will learn Herbology. Now allow me to take this time to call roll attendance." Nevelle said with a smile. “When I call your name answer 'HERE!’ loudly. Then tap roster with your wand." Nevelle instructed. Pulling out his wand he jabbed the front. “ACCIO ROSTER!" A roll of parchment soared off his desk and into his awaiting hand. Mumbling a spell he tapped the parchment. It soared into the air as of waiting patiently. “Ok, let see. BAYA!"...."Here!" Bret spoke out. The roster zoomed over to him. Tapping it his wand. The students waited eagerly for something to happen. Page 17 But nothing did all it did was soar back to the center of the room. All around they followed suit." Carver!"... "Here!".... "Dovelman!"... “Here!".... "Luenitus!"..... "Here!".... "Malfoy!".... "Here sir!" Scorpius announced as he walked into the class. Look shocked when the roster zoomed towards him. “Sorry Professor that I'm late. Professor Zabini held me back after class." Scorpius explained. “It’s alright Mr. Malfoy Professor Zabini sent me word that you would be late. Just tap the roster with your wand then stand in front of a box." Nevelle smiled. Doing as told he now stood in front of a box. Again there were collective whispers as eyes remained on him. Nevelle cleared his throat as to get their attention. “Potter!" ..."Here!"...." Scola!" ..." Thorton!" ...." Here!" ..." Weasley!" ...."HERE!” Rose shouted loudest. Nevelle held back a giggle remembering when Hermione used do the same thing. " Zyllins!" ...Here!" sounded the unusually small boy. “Ok, now ho can tell me what Herbology is?". Nevelle asked. Several hands went into the air. Rose hand almost stood her chair to be seen. Nevelle had to choke back a laugh seeing her. “Ok, Ms. Weasley". He pointed. Rose screwed up her face at mention of being called Ms. She has always been Lil Rosey to him. “It’s a course study in which teaches about the magical herbs, plants and their uses. While understanding the magical properties of them as well as the more dangerous varieties and their defenses while using those properties in potion making." Rose said rapidly never taking a breath. It was now taking all the strength inside of him to keep from laughing. “Yes Ms. Weasley thank you. I couldn't have explained it better myself. Ten points to Gryffindor." Nevelle said as he regained his composure. In your first year you will learn the basic herbs, fungi, and the lesser of the dangerous plants. Most everything you learn in here you will use in Potions class with Professor Jordan. Now if you will. Please raise the boxes off of the table and place it on the floor." Nevelle instructed. There were ohh's and ahh's being heard around the classroom" Be careful students! Don't get your faces too close. Their beauty is overwhelming I know. But it's deceiving. Nevelle announced quickly. Janice Thorton wasn't listening. She bent down to smell the flower fragrance. Without warning the flower sprayed a fine mist in her face. She let out a soft moan then collapsed. Professor Longbottom quickly ran over to check her vital signs. With sigh he pointed his wand to her chest. “RENNERVATE!" Slowly Janice came to then sat up. “Are you alright Ms. Thorton?" Asked the Professor. “Yeah just confused." she said as she got to her feet. “I want you to go to Madam Pomfrey just to make sure." Nevelle said as he stood there with a less than pleased look on his face. “I’m ok Professor really." Janice said reassuringly. "That wasn't a request Ms. Thorton. Take this note and let Madam Pomfrey have a look at you." Professor Longbottom said sternly. “Yes sir." Janice looked, embarrassed then gathered her things and left the classroom. “It is extremely important for you all to pay very close attention and follow my instructions carefully. It would ruin my day if I had to explain to the Headmistress that you were severely injured or even killed. Because you chose not to listen! Nevelle ended with an angry expression on his face. “Now can anyone tell me what plant this is and what it is used for?" he said returning to the lesson. “Yes Mr. Scola?" Nevelle pointed. “It’s called the Orchid Odesei. Its spray is a nerve agent that will render a person into unconscious. It is used for most Page 18 anesthetics during operations." Shea explained and sat down. “Yes very good. Ten points to Slytherin. Now the only way to extract the nerve agent, as you saw earlier, is to get it to spray. So, you will see a plastic sheet inside a bowl. Hold the small knob on the back. Then place the shield close to the Orchid causing it to spray its mist on to the card. Repeat the process until it builds up. Take the rubber spatula and scrape, the juices into the bowl. When the Orchid is spent it will withdraw the flower until it builds back up its supply. Which takes eight months to do. More times than not it will wither and die." Nevelle said with a shrug. “Remember not to get the liquid on your skin. Or you will follow Ms. Thorton and will spend your first detention with me. Begin." He ended then walked around overseeing the class. With fifteen minutes to spare. Professor Longbottom walked to the middle of the class then cleared his throat. “Ahem! Now times almost up. Scrape what juices you have then place the sheet onto the piece of parchment next to you. If your Orchid in not withdrawn. Then place the box over the top. For those that have. Place your pot on the shelves to your right. When you are done you may leave. Oh! And read the first two chapters in your What Is Herbology texts to be discussed tomorrow." Professor Longbottom added. During the lunch period it was all over the school what Hewortt did to Peeves. But Hewortt shunned off the people wanting to know the spell. “You don't like a lot of attention do you?" James asked. “No not really. I wasn't trying to show off. I just wanted to get back to the lesson. They just want to torture Peeves. Which is wrong he just wants to have fun that's all. Hewortt said as he bit off a piece of carrot cake. “He’s sure given me some great ideas." James said smiling. “All the teachers hate him. I think he's hilarious. But after what you did to him I don't think that he will bother any class that you are in." James giggled. Just then they saw Peeves in the far corner throwing ink pellets at the Slytherin table. When he noticed the two boys looking at him. He got a look of fear on his face and put up his hands in an act of surrender. Then zoomed out of sight. “See what I mean." James got up and left laughing. © 2016 kevin Montgomery |
Added on April 13, 2016 Last Updated on April 26, 2016 Author![]() kevin MontgomeryBrooklyn, CTAboutHello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..Writing