chapter three

chapter three

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Chapter three THE SORTING HATS SURPRISE!!!!!!!.....

Chapter Three
When the train came to a complete stop the whistle blew announcing to everyone that it was safe to exit the train. Students all around were a mass clutter of busy bodies.
"Arigh' ye firs' years over here now!" Bellowed out the voice of Hagrid. Being half human and half giant he towered over the children. His hair still long and bushy with a full face of beard and mustache only gray and silvering throughout the mass of tangled hair with age.
Only his nose and bright brown eyes were visible. Known only as Hagrid, or Professor Hagrid to the students. He is Hogwarts grounds keeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor. He sees nothing wrong with caring for the most dangerous magical creatures in wizardum. He once wanted to keep an aggressive Hungarian Horntail Dragon as a pet. His only true pet was an overly large Bull Mastiff Hound that had passed away a few years back. He never owned another pet and lives alone in a huge hut just beyond the castle grounds.
"Come on you lot! We're gonna miss the boats!" James yelled to Albus and Rose. Hewortt walked closely behind them.
"High Mr. Hagrid!" came the high pitched squeal.
"'ello there ms?" Hagrid greeted her
"My names Janice Thorton. My mum is Katie Bell and she talks about you all the time!" came her rapidly excited reply.
"Oy Yes! Ms. Ka'ie Bell is a fine witch and gif'ed ya migh' say." Hagrid said as he patted her on the shoulder. Which sent Janice lurching forward.
Hagrid then led the first years to the boats.
Riding in the boats Hewortt looked all around viewing the forest. "What is his forest?" Hewortt asked.
"It's called the forbidden forest. There are a lot of magical creatures in there. We're not allowed to go in there without Professor Hagrid." Answered a black haired Asian girl.
I'm Su-Wa Chan by the way. I'm in Hufflepuff House this is my second year at Hogwarts." she said introducing herself.
"Sounds like a place to stay away from. Oh! I didn't mean Hufflepoff." Hewortt said quickly seeing the look on Su-Wa's face.
"It's Hufflepuff." she said correcting him

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"Sorry, I really meant the Forbidden Forest looks like a place I don't want to go alone. I'm Hewortt by the way." Hewortt introduced himself.
Nice to meet you Hewortt. This is Alex Manard also from Hufflepuff. I see that you have already meet James Potter." she said sarcastically.
Hewortt and James exchanged smirks. "You seem older than eleven. Your letters must have come late.” Alex said. "I'm twelve and a half. I did a year and a piece at Durmstrang School of Magical Arts. Hewortt had to explain everything but in a shorter version after hearing the collective gasps from the others at the mention of Durmstrang. "I'm an exchange student. He wanted me to come early and start the year on time." He ended as the castle came into view. The first year students were in awe at first sight of Hogwarts. The huge mid-evil castle sat on hill side of plush green rolling hills. Surrounded by trees and a vast forest so dense the naked eye could only see a few yards into it. Passing under the huge suspension bridge all eyes were taking in the pure beauty of it all. The castle was built by the four of the greatest wizards of their time. Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Godric Gryffindor. The four decided to build the magical school in order to teach their skills and knowledge of magic to the community no matter their birth. If magical blood resided in their blood. The letters were sent out beckoning for them to come and learn at their school. All of the students new and old stood on the docks beside their trunks as a tall man thinning brown hair peppered with silver and gray. "Greetings students! I'm Professor Longbottom your Herbology Professor as well as Head of Gryffindor House. Please leave your trunks they will be sent up to your dormitories accordingly. "Nevelle instructed as he smiled. First years please follow Professor Hagrid into the castes Great hall. I will take over from there. Everyone else please take a seat at your House tables in an orderly fashion." Nevelle said as he motioned for Hagrid to proceed. In double lines the students set out for the caste." What house are you in?" Hewortt asked Rose. "I'm not in any house right now. We all have to be sorted into a house. But I want to be in Gryffindor my whole family has been in Gryffindor House. Rose said smiling. "I hope that I'm in her house." Hewortt said to himself. The other older students made their way to their house tables. Albus was in awe at the sight before him. The historic Great Hall was beyond massive. To his immediate right were two tables as long as he could see and the same was to his left in identical form. Straight ahead was the horizontal staff table where he viewed the Headmistress and any of the staff members assembling. "Alrigh' now 'ave a seat in those seats please and wait quietly now. Yer 'eadmistress is abou' ter speak." Hagrid said, as he ushered the first years to their seats. Sitting down Albus looked up at the ceiling which was bewitched to show a bright starry night with vibrant colorful fire-works display. The more he watched the more nervous he became. "Ahem". Sounded the magically amplified voice." Welcome students new and old to yet another year of magical education here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here you will learn of the many blessings of being a witch or wizard and to learn what it is to be a part of the wizarding community. This magical school has a very rich history to which you are
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now a part of. Listen and learn from your Professors and members of our staff. Now without further ado. LET THE SORTING BEGIN!" Applause arose to near deafening volume. Nevelle walked to the front of the staff table and placed a three legged chair in the middle. Reaching up he was handed an overly large hat. To which he placed on the chair. Suddenly a tear appeared at the brim as if it was a mouth. At that moment the tear opened and the hat began to sing out. "Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge me on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me. I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat! I can top them all, for I have sent many through these halls. There's nothing hidden in your head the Sorting Hat can't see. So try me on and I'll tell you here you ought to be. Our Four Founders of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. In them you surely find yourself from within. In times past we have been separated and had many different views. For on this path you will all surely loose. Stand united throughout all the lands, for help will come from untrusted hands. The troubled times ahead will be like no other for the darkness will be much hotter. We will surely need more than our hero Harry Potter! So come together with magic at its mightiest, because I'm not joking, NO not in the slightest. I've told you, I've warned you to beware! For this truth I truly, truly share! The Sorting Hat fell silent as the disappeared. A hushed silence sounded throughout the hall. The staff table sat in mouth dropping awe as if in shock. "That sounded like a warning.” Albus said to Rose. "Yeah it did. In Hogwart History book the last time it gave a warning Voldemort came back to power." she explained shakily. "Alrigh'”
“Firs' years come along now in here and have a seat. When Professor Longbottom calls out yer name. Quickly come out and sit on the stool. Place the hat on yer 'ead and wait fer to be sorted." Hagrid said as he ushered them to a room just off of the hall. Nevelle unrolled a long piece of parchment then cleared his voice. "Ahem. Baya, Brett!" Nevelle yelled out. A sandy haired boy slowly walked out and sat down then placed the hat over his head which sank down to his shoulders... "RAVENCLAW!" the hat shouted. Brett took he hat off then huffed over to the table second from left who was cheering him over to them. "Carver, Betsy!"...."SLYTHERIN!" the petite dark red haired girl set out for the table on the far left. "Dovelman, Hewortt!" Hewortt walked confidently to the stool and sat down gently placing the hat over his head. "Oh my! This is different but very familiar. Your courage and strength and a great mind to boot. And very advanced talent......hmm... This is very difficult to read. Slytherin perhaps" the Sorting Hat paused. "I would rather like to be in Gryffindor please." Hewortt said quickly. "Slytherin will surly help you to greatness, it's certainly there in your head that I have no doubt. Well then if you are sure...."GRYFFINDOR!" the hat shouted. Hewortt set out for the table second from the right who cheered him over. “Luenitus, Harris!"...."SLYTHERIN!" ...."Malfoy, Scorpius!"… "SLYTHERIN!" Scorpius walked over to the table trying hard not to pay any attention to the mumbling nor the squinting eyes that followed him. "Potter, Albus!" .. "GRYFFINDOR!" Albus quickly set out for the table. Once sitting down feeling all the hands patting him on the back as way of a welcome. A boy in front of him leaned forward. "Is he one of the Death Eater Malfoys?" the boy inquired. "Yeah so what?
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What's his family have to do with him?" Albus said frowning. "You should know Potter. His whole family were You Know Who's followers" another boy interjected. "His dad and yours were mortal enemies!" said the auburn haired boy. "I am Harry Potter’s son, and I look like him, but I'm NOT him. So why should his dad? Ok! Yeah our dads were enemies when they were here. That's no secret. My dad told me that his father turned good in the end. I'm not going to hold HIM"...Albus then pointed at Scorpius. "Responsible for his family’s’ actions. We weren't even thought of yet. I'd appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut about things you don't even know about!" Albus said as his temper rose. Just then the boy reached into his pocket for his wand. In a flash of movement James was at the boys’ side jabbing his wand in the boys’ ribs. "I wouldn't if I were you!" James seethed in the boys’ ear. The boy thought better of it and relaxed taking his hand out of his pocket. James moved around and sat down next to his little brother. Albus squinted his eyes at the boy then turning he smiled at James feeling proud at his brothers’ protectiveness. "What was that about?" James asked. "It was nothing." Albus said wanting to drop the subject. "Don't ever try and attack my lil brother again Conner! I won't be there to protect you from him next time!" James said as he glared at Conner who was a fifth year student. "Schola, Shea!"...SLYTHERIN!"..."Thorton, Janice"..."GRYFFINDOR!"… " Weasley, Rose!" ..." GRYFFINDOR!"....." Zyllins, Craig!"...." HUFFLEPUFF!" The last student to be sorted walked over to the cheering Hufflepuff table. The sorting ceremony had ended. Neville walked over and removed the chair, then walked over to stand next the Gryffindor table. "That was spectacular!" Mcgonagal spoke out loudly. "Now before we dive into a wonderful feast. I have a few announcements to make. As always the Forbidden Forest is off limits. Please refrain from any mischief in the corridors, as our caretaker Mr. Filch keeps reminding me. He has emphasized his views on the matter. So I would truly appreciate it that you would act accordingly and give Mr. Filch a break. I could sure use one." she smiled at Argus Filch. This year we have a great honor in receiving our first ever exchange student from another of our Great magical schools. From our German friends of Durmstrang School of Magical Arts. We welcome Mr. Hewortt Dovelman who has been sorted into Gryffindor House. So welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Mr. Dovelman!"
Applause sounded throughout as Hewortt stood then waived to the assembly. "Oh dear! Please excuse me for my lapse in etiquette. My name is Professor Minerva Mcgonagal. I am your Head Mistress. You may address me as Head Mistress or Professor. Every House has its own Head of House. They are as follows. Professor Longbottom for Gryffindor, Professor Flitwick for Hufflepuff, Professor Boot for Ravenclaw and Professor Flint for Slytherin. Any questions should be directed to your prospective Head of House. The Quidditch season is once again upon us. Please send your letters of intent to Madam Hooch the Quidditch superintendent. I hope that you learn and leave here better witches and wizards than when you entered. Every House has its own crystal sphere we as it is filled with the Houses colorful gem stones. For good behavior and
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deeds you will award your House points where as misbehavior and wrong doings House points will be taken. At the end of the year those points will be counted and winner will be awarded the in House Cup. So with that let the feast begin!" she sat down as applause rose to a deafening volume. The tables all around were instantly filled with all food imaginable. From roast beef, spaghetti, hamburger, Cornish hens. To side dishes of multiple varieties and of course sweets to satisfy." Wow! Wis wood is gweat!" Hewortt said as he stuffed his mouth food. "The food is prepared by the Hogwarts house elves. My uncles used to sneak down to the kitchens at night for extra food." Rose said referring the schools most famous pranksters Fred and George Weasley.
After more than an hour of gorging themselves. Professor Mcgonagal stood magnifying her voice magically." That was a most admirable feast prepared for us by our in house elves. Please follow your House Prefects to your dormitories. We will see you in the morning at breakfast. Prefects would you please do so now." she said as she rose up and bid good night. "Alright first years follow me." said the prefect. Hewortt stood up and followed Rose. "They don't do anything like this at Durmstrang. We just come in, sit down, listen to the Headmasters boring speech, eat, and then off to bed. That is a really great effect." he said pointing to the ceiling. "It's enchanted to show whatever the Head Mistress wants. The current scene was a mass of stars as all the constellations shone brightly to show themselves. Albus looked all around seeing the multiple stair cases moving in several directions. Looking down he saw the Slytherin House descend one of them. Trailing behind them was Scorpius Malfoy. Albus's eyes roamed for a moment watching the other students point and give Scorpius scowls on their faces. Looking back at him their eyes met. Albus raised his hand and waived with a genuine smile. Shocked at the gesture, he took several seconds before he gave a feeble wave back then disappeared down the huge entrance.
"Stay close first years you wouldn't want to get lost." hollered a white blond haired fifth year. "My name is Stanly Hogelswan and this lovely lady is Ms. Alice Doyle. We are your house prefects. You will receive your class schedules at breakfast from Professor Longbottom." He said as he stopped in front of an overly huge painting. The woman who was painted waived at all the first years. They all stared in awe for she was by far the biggest woman they had ever seen. "I would like to introduce to you all, your guardian of Gryffindor House. Students meet The Fat Lady. Snickers could be heard but were cut off short by the looks on Stan and Alice's faces. "And word to the wise! It is always a good policy to be nice to The Fat Lady. She can make you sleep in the hall on this stone floor all night." Stan said with stern voice. "Every week there is a new password. Without the correct one she will absolutely not let you in. Myself or Ms. Doyle will give the new password every Sunday night. This week is Tingle Tart." Stan said as he turned to face the Fat Lady. "Yes it is." she said as she swung open wide to reveal the entrance to the House common room. Albus and Rose smiled and waved to her as they entered. "Up now to bed. I know that you all are still excited. But up to bed. Boys follow me, girls follow Ms. Doyle." Entering the dormitory. The boys saw that their
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trunks had all been put next to a bed each. Finding the right bed area, they put on their pajamas and climbed into bed. Many of them were snoring within minutes. The only one in the room still lying awake was Albus. Whose thoughts were on Scorpius Malfoy. "I know that I should hate him but I just don't. I know that I'm Harry Potters son, and at times it has been really hard. I can only imagine how hard it has been for him to be the son in a family of Death Eaters." Albus thought as he prayed. With a big sigh he pulled the covers over his head and fell into a deep sleep.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
