Chapter one prelude

Chapter one prelude

A Chapter by kevin Montgomery

Magically inspiring intriguing

The sun began its rise over the horizon casting a pale pinkish-orange soft pastel hue across the sky. The warmth of the rays caressed the cool sea as lovers would embrace. Light from the rays began their ascent on the rock fortress like a structure, which sat in the middle of the oceans wide open space.
The warmth of the suns’ rays became disappointed as it could not penetrate the castle-like structure. Where cold and despair roamed. A hazy darkness set all upon the castle giving it an eerie unhappy feeling.
Screams from men and women alike could be heard throughout as their voices rang out, echoes through the halls. Above all others a single woman’s horrible screams were soul shattering to hear.
Walking along a corridor accompanied by a bright shining Bull Mastiff dog that glided along in obedience. The guard stopped and winced as a dark black, deeply hooded creature rose in protest to the ceiling. The rasping wheezing breath sent chills down the guards back.
"Man I really hate dementors!” Exclaimed the man as he walked past the prison cell.
One after the other glided up towards the ceiling only to descend back to their task at hand, to suck all the happiness from the person it guarded, bringing about nightmarish visions.
AZKABAN. The prison fortress for witches and wizards who have committed crimes against wizardom, thus having been trialed and sentenced by the Wizgambit High Court. The governing law over all magical folk. Dementors, tall black cloaked sightless skeletal creatures. Whom suck all the light and warmth out of the area, as it drains all happiness bringing nightmares to those who have committed crimes and draining all hope.
In extreme cases, where the prisoner is deemed to be too dangerous by committing heinous crimes, can be given the ultimate punishment. THE DEMENTORS KISS! Where the creature swoops down on the victim, lowers its hood and brings its face so close to the others mouth, as if in appearance, a kiss. Then they suck the persons’ soul out of their being. Leaving the person in a vegetable state forever. This punishment can only be authorized by the Minister of Magic, the governing head of all wizardum.
The prison guard turned down the corridor towards the woman’s awful screams. Closely followed by his Patronus. A magical charm cast by wizards and witches that takes on the form of an animal according to his or her inner passion. The Patronus is the only
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defense against a Dementor attack. The charm is cast from happy thoughts and brings about warmth the opposite of the foul creature which flees from it.
Coming to the end of the hall he tapped the large stone door with his wand. Unlocking it, he pushed it open which creaked and moaned loudly with the sounds of grinding metal. Walking through and shutting the huge door the rebounding sound was deafening. The sign above the door read..." MAXIMUM SECURITY ". The very place where the Death Eaters, ' Lord Voldemort's followers', were being housed.
Tom Marvolo Riddle, a half-blood wizard meaning his mother was a witch but his father was Muggle (non-magical) folk. Tom Riddle later changed his name to Lord Voldemort and became the most evil dark wizard in all of wizardum history. Wreaking havoc, mayhem, and murder in his rise to power. One of his Death Eaters over-heard a prophesy about his master and a boy born on the 31st of July. Who will have the power to vanquish the dark lord? Voldemort set out find this child. Upon learning of the boy’s whereabouts from a friend of the boy’s parents who betrayed them. Finding the home he entered and killed the boy’s father as he yelled for the mother to take their son and run. Voldemort then turned on the mother and killed her as she tried to shield her son casting a powerful protective charm through her loving sacrifice.
Lord Voldemort not hearing the whole prophecy in its entirety. Did not know that the child now had power he never knew of. He then turned on the boy and cast the "AVADA KEDAVRA" killing curse and was hit by his own rebounding spell then forced to flee and hide. Marking the child as his equal through the lightning shaped scar set upon his forehead by the Curse. And so the legend of Harry Potter began on that dreadful night.
After Lord Voldemort’s downfall, many of his Death Eaters sought out to find him. Believing him to still be alive. Torturing and murdering many of wizarding folk. Those that the ministry caught where sentenced to life in prison. Thus being sent to Azkaban prison.
The guard walked to the end of the corridor where the woman’s screams where the loudest. Raising his wand he tapped on the large metal door. A face materialized in the middle.
"Yes?" Asked the non-descript face.
"I am Claude Staburg, security escort to Dr. WESTMORE and staff. Requesting access". He asked as he waited patiently.
"One moment please". The face retracted then appeared moments later.
"Permission granted". The face retracted. Apparent heavy dead bolts were being slid back unlocking the door. He stepped through the door as it opened. Once closed he stood off to the left side of the stale aired room.
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The woman’s screams were over bearing. A Dementor floated in the far corner, held at bay by the huge St. Bernard dog, Patronus. Laying on the table in the middle of the room, a woman lay bound by her wrists and shackled at her ankles laid barren with her knees bent in the air.
An elderly woman sat on a stool in front of the woman’s bent legs. Wearing an overly large white bonnet with huge Red Cross on its front. Standing to the doctors either sides were the two nurses that accompanied them. The woman on the table was snow white and drenched in sweat. Raising up in a crunch letting out another volley of horrible screams the doctor urged her to push harder. The woman’s hair, which was darker than night, was mottled and dirty. Looked at Claude standing over the shoulder of one of the nurses with a painful expression on her face.
"Push harder! Bellatrix Lestrange lest we be here all night!" The doctor screamed.
"I'm gonna kill all of you!" Bellatrix screamed as she began to push harder.
"The only thing that will be killed is your happiness forever. MURDERER!" One of the nurses seethed through clenched teeth.
The next thing that Claude heard was the screams of a baby crying.
"It's a boy!" Bellowed Dr. Westmore.
"Let me see him!" Screamed Bellatrix jerking the chains violently.
After the baby was cleaned up and wrapped in a clean tiny robe the doctor walked over to Claude.
"Please take this baby to St. Mungo's to the pediatric ward. Then let the Head Healer know we will be along shortly.” Dr. Westmore instructed. Handing him the tiny bundle. He looked down into the child’s face, which was exposed. Bellatrix was laying on her back with pleading eyes and tears rolled down her face.
"Could she just have a look at her child?" Claude asked never taking his eyes off of Bellatrix's.
"NO! Now take the child and do what I instructed you to do!" the doctor said more sternly than ever.
Claude looked at Bellatrix with squinted eyes then turned, holding her son in just a way so that she could at least see his face. Looking over his shoulder slightly he could see her smile then left the chamber.
When the door closed behind him. He looked down into the child’s puffy eyes. He smiled at the tiny face before him. A sparkle lit up in his own eyes and set out down the corridor at brisk pace. Casting his Patronus, he picked up the pace to a slight jog. The child never cried until he had reached the doorway leading to the outside. Tapping the door, it opened. Hearing footfalls he looked behind him to see the two nurses trotting
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up the corridor with wands aloft shouting for him to stop. Sensing what he was about to do. Claude quickly rushed through the doorway slamming the door shut he raised his wand. "COLLOPORTUS!" He shouted sealing the door.
The cool salty ocean air assaulted his senses as he looked down upon the child. Stepping out onto the terrace landing he waved off his Patronus.
"Don't worry my little man. You are going to be very well taken care of ". Claude said as he held the boy close to his chest. Then with a loud crack he disappeared into the unknown.
The door was blasted outwardly. The two nurses and Dr. Westmore rushes onto the landing.
"Notify the ministry that the Lestrange child has been kidnapped." grunted the doctor as she looked out into the seemingly endless ocean before her.

© 2016 kevin Montgomery

My Review

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Cool premise!

You have good descriptors and dialogue. Not knowing anything beyond this prelude, you seem to have picked an interesting way to build on the story without stepping on any cannon-based toes. Bellatrix could have had that baby weeks before the breakout in Half-Blood Prince, and it really wouldn't have changed any of the events following, and yet, with this simple scene, everything is different now.

I'm excited to read more!

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 26, 2016


kevin Montgomery
kevin Montgomery

Brooklyn, CT

Hello my names Kevin I love books and writing them I recently wrote a new Harry potter book that is copyright in my name with respect of its original copyrights for jk Rawlings I basically just would .. more..
