The most sickening sound I have ever heard was the sound of my heart when it shattered.....a million pieces scattered across this earth and beyond.........and although I have tried to act like it does not matter.....I really do need the pieces back...each and every one.......yet how can I find all those fragments... they are scattered far and wide.....sometimes I think my journey started long ago....I mean really don't we all ready know what's right around the bend....we dream it......I use to stand at the window, still sound asleep, and when I would wake up, I would wonder what I did see...for I could never remember....I also wonder who were all these people who have been kind to me along the way....the truck stop owner who gave my kids food and put gas in my car without payment and added an extra God Bless........the homeless man who opened my eyes to the importance of humanity even when every one else didn't think he was human; all because he had no address..........or the many and different loves in my life, that doesn't seem to connect yet each brought a piece of myself back to the table.....and even now the people I have met through my writings...I am now understanding the stories are important, life long lessons....I reflect
I doubt people give it much thought when I suppose that most of the insanity I perceive in others is a result of not being able (or unfortunate or reckless enough) to undergo legitimate suffering.
The thing is, when you reach the point that this author is at, you can clearly see the beauty that has come out of various catastrophic life situations.
Now, if one drives themselves insane avoiding the discomfort that they "think" exists in places they do not go, thereby misunderstanding their existence, and that of others, one could assume they will know nothing of this Purity of mind what is 'sanity'.
Thank you for sharing Robin.
Inquiring minds, they want to Know.......
thoughtfully presented contemplation of how we love through our lives~ your composition is placed before us with such delicate care~ each piece takes on a life of its own~
A very important reflection......that we understand what is truly important.......your heart will return, through the love of those around you...........I enjoyed your emotional journey.