![]() Keeping His Story EternalA Poem by Holy Gma![]() A story of the meaning of all of the trappings of Christmas which some see as nothing but commerlizatiin of Christmas![]()
Out in the snow we see trees that are freezing
While inside there's a tree warmly shining. On top shines a star which honors the past Of an old star used for devining. That star was placed in the sky by God To direct ancient shepard's behavior. He used it to guide them to Bethlaham to find the newborn savior. The tree itself speaks of our saviors cross Which we've sometimes heard called a tree Reminding us how he gave his sinless life for you and I to be free. We adorn the tree with beauty and light And we lift it to ultimate glory Reminiscent of how God used the pain of the cross To begin His epic love story Throughout the room we have glowing candles, dimly lighting the room they adorn. They represent the only light to be found, in the barn when Jesus was born. Under the tree lie colorful presents, festively wrapped, and tied with bright string. They help us remember the gifts that were given to honor the newborn King. So next time you hear naysayers complain, "Christmas has become too commercial". Remind them of how we use these ancient traditions In keeping His story eternal. ©Linda Troxell 12-26-16 © 2017 Holy Gma |