A WanderSoul!
A Poem by Jadey
A lust to wander, explore & adventure! 
“I had a dream when I was 20 that someday I would fly
high with eagles in the sky, swim deep with whales in the sea, climb up high to
a highest mountain peak & explore the unexplored places in the most
secluded face of the earth, now is the time for my baby step!”
© 2013 Jadey
Author's Note
Inspired by some quotes I read.. :D
Yes...yes...yes...one has not fully lived if they have not seen at least some of this world.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Agree! thanks for dropn` by :)
JadeyManila, Philippines
I love to travel and explore new things. I live life to the fullest.. :D more..