Chapter 36 – Scared Yet?

Chapter 36 – Scared Yet?

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Coming Back to Reality

Chapter 36 �" Scared Yet?

Standing in front of us were two gigantic black iron gates with, moulded into the bars in neat Edwardian writing was Potter Manor. I swallowed.

“Is this James' house?” I asked

“Childhood home” he corrected, “Mr and Mrs Potter left it to James in their Will, but James didn't want it because he couldn't stand being in his childhood home without his parents, instead he left it to Harry, as Harry is the heir of the Potter bloodline, technically speaking, Harry can't have this house until he is of legal age, but since the Ministry owed me a few favours, they let me have it, I wanted it to be a surprise for you, Harry and the twins, this is the only item that Harry will receive from James, aside from the invisibility cloak, which he won't get until he goes to Hogwarts” he explained, remembering the books. I skipped up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck,

“It's beautiful honey” I said giving him a soft kiss and a quick hug, then I let go and slipped my hand through his, then began to tug him towards the gates, Sirius chuckled, and followed me in as he opened the gates.

The house was beyond impressive. It was magnificent. It had 5 floors; a huge Entrance Hall, 50 bedrooms, 35 on-suite bathrooms, plus 5 single bathrooms, a dance hall, a large kitchen, dining hall. A very big garden, fitting a Quidditch pitch and loads of spare space. We walked into the kitchen and Sirius poured us both a glass of firewhiskey.

“What do you think babes?” he asked, I downed the drink in one go, ignoring the burning sensation running down the back of my throat, an evil glint appearing in my eye, he obviously caught it as he drank his in one go,

“I'll show you what I think, Padfoot” Sirius swallowed in anticipation, he knew I only used his nickname in that tone of voice and evil glint in my eye when I wanted him for one purpose and one purpose only.

“Lead the way” he smirked, and let me pull him up the grand staircase, to the first floor, I opened the first door I came too and grinned to find it a bedroom, with a king-size bed,

“Perfect” I smirked, kicking the door shut and pushing Sirius onto the bed, straddling him,

“This is going to be one hell of a wedding night, who needs a honeymoon?” he grinned; I chuckled and captured his lips with mine, in a desparate needy kiss.


“Bloody hell” Sirius breathed, I giggled, and kissed his chest,

“Isn't it just” I smiled; we were sprawled under the covers, me lying on my husband’s chest. Just then we heard a voice

“Sirius! Sirius where are you mate?” it was Remus

“Where'd you think, you prat!” he shouted back, I slapped his chest

“Stop it Sirius” I said, and got up pulling the sheet with me, I slipped my knickers and dress on and walked out, meeting Remus as the bottom of the stairs, I skipped over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug, “Hiya Remmy, ignore him, I've just given him mind blowing sex which he still can't get his head round” I grinned, he cringed

“Too much info Fiona” he said, I smiled innocently

“So what's wrong?” I asked, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the large living area.

“I know it's your wedding night and all, but Dumbledore needs to speak with me and Sirius about something, I don't know what, but he said it’s urgent” Remus said, I sighed

“Typical” I rolled my eyes with a small smile

“Sorry Fe” he apologised

“Stop apologising Rem, not your fault” I said, Sirius came in wearing his trousers and shirt, and shoes

“Hey Moony” he greeted, patting his best friend on the shoulder,

“Hey Pads”

“So what's up?”

“Dumbledore wants to see us about something, he said it’s urgent so I presume it’s important” Remus explained, Sirius looked at me, as if asking me if he could go, I laughed

“Sirius I'm your wife, not your mother” I told him, he beamed

“Still need to get used to the whole Sirius-husband thing” Remus commented, I laughed as Sirius gave a mock pout, I pulled him down to me and kissed him softly,

“Get going, if you're apparating you can drop me off in Cardiff, I'll go around John's, we'll get pissed” I smirked, Remus laughed, and Sirius gave me a sad look, I stuck my tongue out at him childishly, suddenly Sirius was kissed me hard, and I couldn't help kissing him back. When we pulled away for air, he smirked,

“So tempting that tongue was” I was dazed, I shook my head and slapped his arm playfully, hooking my hands through both of the men, they turned on the spot, and the next thing I knew we were standing inside my flat, “Will you go from here, we'll floo to Hogwarts?” Sirius asked, I nodded, he kissed me softly, “Speak to you later” he said, I nodded smiling, then reached up and kissed Remus on the cheek, giving him a tight hug

“Bring him back in one piece” I whispered into his ear, he laughed and hugged me back

“I'll try my best, I can't make any promises though” he said as we pulled away

“I wasn't expecting you to” I grinned, he laughed and him and Sirius walked to the fireplace, Sirius gave me a grin and a wave before grabbing a handful of floo powder, calling Hogwarts, Dumbledore's office, green flames flew up and Sirius disappeared Remus gave me a smile and did the same. I sighed and realising I had no shoes on I slipped some of my sandals on before heading out the flat.

I was nearing John's flat, passing his car, which was just parked a short distance away, when I heard a growl from behind me, I froze and suddenly I was thrown against the wall, with such force I screamed at the top of my voice, before it was cut off as my mouth was covered by someone's hand, I squirmed under his grasp

“Keep trying to get free and you will die” a hoarse male voice said menacingly, I stopped immediately, tears threatening to fall. His breath stunk, it smelt like blood, then it hit me, Fenrir Greyback, I could feel my heart racing, “Now what's a pretty young girl like yourself walking alone in the dark streets in the night?” he purred, I fought the urge to vomit, “You're an easy catch, and I'm gonna make you mine tonight” he growled, my body began to shake violently as I felt his free hand travelling up my dress, he ripped my knickers off, in one swift movement, NO, NO NO! My mind screamed, I felt him pull his trousers down, and suddenly a searing pain shot between my legs, I screamed behind his hand, as he instantly started to pull out, then push back in, breaking my walls, I could feel blood dripping down my legs, as tears poured down my face, suddenly he grunted as he released himself in me, then the next thing I knew, he was knocked away from me as he fell to the ground, I noticed a brick lying a few feet away from him, he began to get up again, but another brick flew at him, hitting him in the side of the head, knocking him out. I looked around frantically and noticed a figure come towards me; I curled up into a ball

“Go away!” I yelled

“Fiona?” It was John, I didn't say anything, just stayed where I was, trying to come to terms with what just happened, I was still in pain, John knelt down in front of me, he touched my arm and I flinched away from him, “Fiona darling it's me, John, I'm not gonna hurt you baby, look at me please sweetie,” he lifted my chin up slowly, so I was looking into his penetrating blue eyes, eyes I knew only my best friend had, suddenly I burst into tears

“It hurts so much” I cried, he pulled me into his arms and carried me into his flat, he took me straight into the bathroom,

“Do you want a shower honey?” I nodded my head vigorously, “Do you want me to help you?” he asked, I nodded my head again, he gave me a soft smile and turned the shower on, he gently put me on the floor, “I'm going to get some clothes for you and a towel, stay here, ok?” he said,

“Don't go” I pleaded,

“I'm not going out honey, I'm just going into the room next door, get some warm clothes for you and a towel, I won't leave you” he said, I nodded, and curled myself in a ball again, rocking back and forth as tears continued to roll down my cheeks, I felt so dirty, so unbelievably dirty. A few minutes later John returned, he sat down in front of me, “Now sweetie, I've just called Ceri, ok? She's coming over now, and no, David's not coming, he's staying with the kids, before you ask. I haven't told her what happened, I just told her to bring her medical kit” he explained, he pulled me to his chest again, as I sobbed, “Come on let's get you in, I'm going to be wearing my boxers ok?” he checked, I knew John wouldn't, being gay and all, but he was my best friend as well, I nodded, he quickly stripped down to his underwear, and then carefully pulled the dress of me, I wasn't bothered about John seeing me naked, at all,

“Throw it away” I whispered, he nodded and through it in the waste basket, before taking all the clips out my hair, and then picking me up and getting into the shower, I closed my eyes as the water hit me. John carefully put me on my feet, holding me around my waist, while he got the shampoo and conditioner,

“Will you let me wash your hair darling” he asked, I turned around and closed my eyes as he massaged the gel into my hair. When he rinsed my hair, he handed me the soap and I slowly washed myself, tears beginning to fall again, as the horrible events played over in my mind. I dropped the soap and sank to my knees as sobs escaped, John turned the shower off and grabbed a towel off the rack, wrapping it around me, he wrapped one around his waist, then picked me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest, he carried me into his bedroom and got me dressed in a shirt and pair of boxers of his, before getting changed himself in a pair of shorts and white vest top. He sat down next to me where he had dropped me on the bed, he gathered me to him and I clung onto him desperately

“Why me John?” I cried, he kissed my head “Why him, why Greyback?” this startled John, he looked at me

“You know him?” he asked

“Not personally....... he's a werewolf, and a death eater, he was the one that bit Remus when he was a child” I explained, I felt him tense, suddenly there was a loud knock at the door

“Fiona, John, its Ceri… and Jess, let us in!” me and John looked at each other, confusion on our faces

“Come in!” John called back, next thing I knew Ceri sprinted into me and was hugging me tightly, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back, keeping my emotions under control, we pulled away

“I can't believe this happened to you” she said “Of all days”

“Where are the kids?” I asked softly

“Gareth and David are looking after them” she said, I nodded, I swallowed hard, and looked at Jess, finally noticing her attire, she had several cuts on her arms and face, her clothes were ripped, she wasn't wearing her glasses,

“I'm afraid to ask what's happened to you” I said, she took a shuddering breath,

“Fiona, it was Kirsty, she has been working with Lucius Malfoy, they are the ones that planned the attack on you” she said, I was floored, John caught me before I fell, I gave him a small smile in thanks, “I was not part of this at all, I heard Kirsty and Lucius talking, an hour ago, I've been under the imperious, and they caught me listening in, Lucius caught me, and tortured me, before I had a chance to get away, I came looking for you, but I was too late, I ran into Ceri, and I explained to her, and she led me here” she explained,

“Oh, god Jess” I gasped, I saw her fighting for breath I walked up to her quickly “How badly are you hurt?” I asked

“Couple of crucio's, and a stinging hex I think” she said,

“We need to get you to Madam Promfrey,” I stood up and ran over to John's fireplace, locating some floo powder hiding, I picked a handful up and stepped into the fireplace and threw the powder at my feet “Hogwarts infirmary!” I shouted, green flames engulfed me and suddenly I was thrown out, landing ungracefully on the floor, I stood up and sighed relief when I realized I was standing in the hospital wing

“Oh!” a female’s voice exclaimed from behind me, I spun around to face the mediwitch

“Madam Promfrey! My names Fiona Black, married to Sirius Black” I introduced

“The new Muggle Studies teacher?” she asked, I nodded, and she smiled “What can I do for you?”

“My friend, she’s been tortured by Lucius Malfoy, can you come and see to her?” the witch nodded

“Let me go get my stuff” I nodded and waited while she hurried back into her office, returning a few moments later “Lead the way” she said I nodded and stepped into the fireplace, the medi-witch following me. I shouted the destination, and stumbled back into John’s flat, whereas Madam Promfrey landed gracefully on her feet, I muttered a curse under my breath, I was still sore and it hurt like hell, I felt tear welling up again, and I tried desperately to hold them in, I choked and stumbled into the kitchen, searching the cupboards for some sort of alcohol, I really needed a firewhiskey but anything else would do, I smiled in relief when I found a bottle of vodka at the back of the cupboard, without bothering to get a glass I opened the bottle and drank deeply, John walked in to see what I was doing and quickly snatched the bottle off me

“What are you doing” I asked

“Well I'm certainly not letting you get pissed through, alcohol doesn’t help Fiona” he warned

“I don’t possibly care at this moment in time John” I replied “Now please give it back” he shook his head “Fine!” I said and pushed past him, I walked straight outside the front door and with a deep breath I walked towards the still unconscious form of Greyback; I cast a stunning charm and levitated him into John’s flat, heading straight for the fireplace

“Where are you going?” Ceri asked as John walked in

“Sorting out this b*****d once and for all” I answered and threw him into the fireplace, I threw some powder in shouting “Dumbledore’s office” the body disappeared in the green flames, and I soon followed, I managed to stay standing up as I landed in Dumbledore’s office, I saw Sirius and Remus sitting in front of the headmaster’s desk, the headmaster himself sitting on the other side, they were staring at me with worry,

“Fiona what on earth are you doing here?” Sirius asked, without answering I stumbled over to him, he quickly caught me and held me tightly; I let the tears fall freely.

“I'm so dirty” I mumbled into his chest “So, so dirty” I cried, Sirius looked at me

“Stop talking like that Fiona, what on earth has happened?” my husband asked yet again, I pointed at Greyback,

“He ambushed me on my way over to John’s” I said, Sirius instantly got angry

“Please don’t say he did what I think he did” he asked, I nodded, Remus emitted a growl from his chest

“Take him away please” I muttered, Dumbledore stood

“I’ll take him to the Ministry” he said, I nodded in thanks “I'm sorry for what you’ve been through Fiona” he said, I nodded again then with a swish of his wand him and Greyback disappeared. After that there was silence. Suddenly I spoke

“I need to get away” I said, Sirius looked at me

“Where are you planning on going?” he asked, I thought for a moment

“Forks, Washington”

“Why there?” Remus asked, I grinned

“Because there is a small group of vampires and I would like to get to know them” I joked

“Well you’re definitely not going then” Sirius said

“Sirius, for one, you can’t stop me, and two, I was joking about the vampires” I said, he sighed

“I know, I'm sorry, I'm just so damn angry” he explained, I kissed him softly, he kissed me back

“How long will you be gone for?” Remus asked

“I don’t know, maybe 6 months, maybe a year, but I’ll write every day I promise” I said, Sirius pulled me to him, kissing me deeply, I kissed him back cupping his face with my hands. Finally pulling away I leaned my head against his “You know I love you” I whispered

“Yes and I love you too” he replied,

“Nothing can change that” I added, slipping off his lap, “Oh and by the way, Kirsty is working with Lucius Malfoy, they have been controlling Jess with the imperio curse, she’s currently at John’s place, Madam Promfrey’s there,” I explained, I kissed Sirius on the lips, then Remus on the cheek, before stepping into the fireplace. I flooed to my flat, and quickly got changed, then packed a couple of bags, shrinking them and putting them in my pocket, I got my passport out and my purse, slipped them in my pocket as well then flooed to Ceri’s flat, I once again managed to stay up right, and immediately spotted Harry, Keira and James curled up asleep on the sofa, I smiled and walked into the kitchen, where, with no surprise I found Gareth and David sat at the table with glasses of alcohol in their hands. They jumped up when they saw me, putting their drinks on the table, Gareth pulled me to him hugging me tightly, I hugged him back before pulling away, hugging David next. “Listen guys, I'm going to America for a while, I really need some time away” I explained

“Are you going to tell us what happened?” Gareth asked

“I'm sorry but I can’t, Ceri will I'm sure, or Sirius” I told them they nodded “Now I'm gonna say goodbye to my children” I said, walking into the living room, where my 3 sleeping kids lay, I sat on the edge of the sofa and kissed them on the forehead, they stirred, and opened their eyes, suddenly realising who I was, they all hugged me tightly, I hugged them back they all pulled back “Now kids, I'm going away for a while, on my own” I said “Something life changing happened to me earlier, and I need some time to get my head around it, you understand that don’t you?” I explained

“We understand mum” James said, I smiled and hugged them all again,

“I knew you would, now will you make me a promise to look after you dad, you know how he gets” I smiled, they laughed

“Yes mum” the twins chorused, I smiled,

“Now go say goodbye to Uncle Gareth and David, I’ll drop you off at John’s, your dad should be there” they nodded and ran into the kitchen, leaving me with Harry “You ok with this Harry?” I asked, he shook his head, I narrowed my eyes “Why not Harry?”

“It wouldn’t feel like a family if you’re not here, you’re the only mother I’ve known” he said, I blinked back the tears,

“Oh darling, I didn’t think” I realised, I pulled him to me, “Do you want to come with me?” I asked, he looked up at me

“What about Keira and James?” he asked

“Keira and James have got each other and Sirius, whereas you will be on your own, you and I can spend some time together” I said, he smiled “So, up for it?”

“Definitely” he grinned; I smiled and stood up, holding my hand out to him he took it, and I pulled him over to the door, just as the twins, and two actors walked out

“Ready to go kids?” I asked, they nodded, Gareth walked over and hugged me again,

“Keep safe will you” he whispered, I felt him kiss my head, I pulled away and kissed him on the cheek,

“I will, as long as you do as well” I smiled

“Always safe I am” he grinned, I hugged David

“Look after my best friend will you” I told him

“I will, are you going to say goodbye to your god-daughter?” he asked, I smiled, and letting go of Harry’s hand I walked into Olivia’s room where she was fast asleep, I kissed her on the forehead

“See you when I get back” I whispered before walking out. I led the kids over to the fireplace, I grabbed Harry’s hand, and with my other hand I threw a handful of powder at our feet “I’ll be back for you two” I said, before shouting my destination.

While I went back for the twins I had told Harry to pack some items. When I had got back, Sirius was just walking into the living room, I walked over to him and kissed him,

“I'm taking Harry with me, is that all right?” I asked

“Yeah he needs some time away, you both do” he smiled, I hugged him tightly,

“I'm going to miss you so much Sirius, and when I get back we are going on that honeymoon” I said

“I’ll miss you too” he replied, Harry walked out pulling a suitcase along with him, he let go of his suitcase and walked over to us, Sirius picked him and hugged him “You be good, sport, and I’ll see you when you get back”

“Yes dad” Harry smiled hugging him back, Sirius put Harry down on the floor, where Harry went to hug the twins. I looked at Sirius, and wrapped my arms around him

“I’ll be back before you know it” I whispered, he pulled away slightly.

“I know, but it won’t stop me from missing you every single day” he told me before kissing me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper, my hands ran through his silky hair, as his explored my back, we broke away for breath, our foreheads leaning against each others. We finally pulled away, I sighed deeply, I walked over to the twins and hugged them both tightly

“Be good for your dad, and we’ll see you soon” I said, they nodded I looked at Sirius “I’ll write to you when we get settled” I said, Sirius smiled and nodded, I shrunk Harry’s suitcase and quickly rooted through one of the drawers in the dresser, finally pulling out Harry’s passport, I slipped it into my pocket and grabbed Harry’s hand, we heard a horn beep from outside “That’s the taxi” I said, I gave Sirius one last kiss and the twins a kiss on the forehead, “See you all soon” before I pulled Harry out of the flat, we got into the taxi. “Airport please”

An hour later

It was early morning when we got to the airport, I paid the driver with thanks and we walked into the airport.
I bought two tickets and we made our way to the gateway, where the passengers were just boarding the plane which would fly to Port Angeles, America. When we found our seats Harry instantly curled up on his, I smiled softly at him, he must be really tired, I pulled him onto my lap and he curled into me with my arms wrapped protectively around his small frame, my chin rested on his head. As I closed my eyes I felt someone approach, I opened my eyes again to be met by a pair of striking topaz eyes. A very handsome man was smiling down at me, his complexion was pale, his blonde hair pushed back neatly. I knew easily that he was a vampire. Ironic or what?

“Can I help you, sir?” I asked politely

“I believe you can, it seems one of my sons have stolen my seat and now I have nowhere to sit, would you mind if I take this one, if it’s not taken” he asked, equally politely, I smiled

“That’s fine, it belongs to this one” I motioned to sleeping Harry “But I'm sure he’ll be asleep all through the flight” I nodded, he took the seat and did his seatbelt up. I finally let out a small laugh still trying to get my head around the irony.

“May I ask what you are laughing about?” the man asked, I looked at him, forgetting briefly for a moment that vampires had enhanced hearing

“Before I came here, my husband asked why I chose Fork’s Washington, and I joked and said there was a group of vampires that I would like to get to know, little did I know I would meet one when I'm not even in Forks” the man stared at me, his mouth gaping, I used my finger to shut it “You can catch flies like that you know”

“God this is a lot to take in” he muttered

“And we still don’t know each other’s names” I pointed out, he smiled

“My names Carlisle Cullen, you can call me Carlisle” he said, I gave his hand a firm shake

“Nice to meet you Carlisle, my names Fiona Black, but you can call me Fiona, and this little one is Harry Potter-Black, but I'm sure he’ll let you call him Harry” Carlisle chuckled

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do you know” he said

“Yes, I suppose I do” I agreed, I placed a kiss on Harry’s head and stroked his messy black hair, he stirred slightly, cuddling closer, but not waking up, I tightened my grip on the boy I would consider as my son. Deep in thought, I didn’t hear Carlisle speaking,

“.....Fiona?” I looked up

“Sorry, I was miles away” I smiled, he smiled back, showing his perfect teeth “Did you ask something?”

“Yes, I wondering if you had a place to stay?” he asked

“No, I was thinking that by the time we get to Forks, the shops will be open then I could go buy a house” I said,

“There’s some logic to that but by the time we land the times will have moved, Washington is roughly about 5 hours behind the UK” he explained, I blinked

“I didn’t even think about the time differences” I admitted

“A spontaneous thought then, coming to America?” he asked with a smile

“Yeah, you could call it that” I agreed, I noticed Harry shivering slightly, carefully I slipped my jacket off and put it over Harry. I turned back to Carlisle, who was smiling at me.

“Well you’re welcome to stay at ours for the night until you’ve got yourself sorted out” he offered

“That would mean a lot thank you Carlisle” I said with gratitude

“Happy to help” he replied, suddenly I felt like someone was trying to read my mind, I strengthened my mind barriers and sat up looking around “What’s wrong?”

“It feels like someone is trying to read my mind” I said

“I apologise, it’s my son Edward, he likes to be nosy” Carlisle looked behind his seat, on the next row across, he seemed to be signalling to someone, his son presumably, finally I found the prodding of my thoughts gone. Carlisle turned back to me “Sorry about him” he said

“It’s fine, just tell him not to do it to me or to Harry” I replied, he nodded

“I’ll let him know” I nodded in thanks; I looked out the window, deep in thought again, while I carelessly ran my hand through Harry’s hair.

What the hell I am meant to do when I get there, what do I tell them? The truth? Or lies? If I told them the whole truth would it endanger our lives, after all we were planning on living in Forks for half a year. I mentally shook my head, ridding myself of the thoughts, stop thinking like that, Carlisle seems nice enough and his eyes show that he doesn’t hunt on humans, so what have we got to worry about, we’re coming to Forks to get away the bad experiences, I reminded myself. I sighed coming to a good enough conclusion.

“Are you alright?” Carlisle asked

“I'm fine I was just considering whether to tell you the whole truth or not, I decided that the truth would be good” I smiled

“I'm glad about that” he smiled back.

The rest of the flight passed in a daze as me and Carlisle spent all of the flight talking. I found out that Carlisle was a chief doctor at Forks hospital; he had a wife named Esme and five adopted children, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward. He found out I was married, although I failed to mention that it has only been a day since I said my vows, I had two other children, Harry is my adoptive son, and I was a senior constable, but would be a teacher when I get back to England.

Before we knew it we landed on America soil, Port Angeles. Not wanting to wake Harry up I carried him off the plane and waited with Carlisle for his family. Moments later I saw 6 figures gliding towards us gracefully

“Your family?” I asked with a hint of sarcasm

“How did you guess?” Carlisle grinned equally sarcastically; I shrugged with my free shoulder. As the new arrivals stopped in front of us, I noticed that there were 3 males and 3 females. “Fiona, I would like to introduce you to; my wife Esme” the tall kind faced woman with long brown hair “My son Emmett” the big burly one that you could mistake for a body builder “My daughter Rosalie” slim blonde one that could be an underwear model if she wanted to “my son Jasper and daughter Alice” the blonde quiet boy and the small pixie-like girl, who looked hyper “and Edward”

“Are the mind reading one” I smiled shaking each of their hands in turn, if Edward could blush I was sure he would be bright red

“Sorry” he apologised

“It’s ok, just try not to do it again, I may be able to block you but Harry can’t” Edward nodded “Not to sound pushy Carlisle but I don’t think Harry will be very comfortable in my arms,” Carlisle smiled softly

“Of course” he turned to his sons “Edward go get your Volvo, Emmett get your Jeep,” both of them nodded and ran off which I knew that the moment they get outside they would be running at vampire speed, Carlisle turned to his wife “Esme, Fiona and Harry will be staying with us for a while until she gets herself sorted with accommodation” I saw Esme’s eyes light

“Mouths to feed eh?” I said with a smile, Esme smiled

“I don’t usually get the chance” she said in an apologetic tone

“Esme, it’s fine, Harry still needs fattening up, you can stuff him until he explodes” I said grinning, she laughed, I glanced at Carlisle who obviously caught on the
meaning of what I said when I said ‘Harry still needs fattening up’

“They’re here” Alice’s voice cut through our conversation, we nodded and all headed outside where a large red Jeep Wrangler and a silver Volvo sat, I picked the Jeep and Emmett offered a hand to help me up and I accepted it, with one easy pull I was sitting in the seat next to him

“Thank you Emmett” I thanked gratefully, he grinned

“Harry’s quite a sleeper isn’t he” Carlisle said as he and Esme sat in the back, I smiled and stroked his hair

“This is just one of the times he can sleep through for hours without waking up from nightmares of his past, I think knowing someone is there with him calms him in his sleep, it’s the only thing I can do to stop the nightmares” I explained I sighed “At least it’s something”

15 minutes later.

When I was just about to ask how much further I noticed, there was some thinning of the woods, and we
were suddenly in a small meadow, or was it actually a lawn? The gloom of the forest didn't relent, though, for there were six primordial cedars that shaded an entire acre with their vast sweep of branches. The trees held their protecting shadow right up to the walls of the house that rose among them, making obsolete the deep porch that wrapped around the first story.

I don't know what I had expected, but it definitely wasn't this. The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a hundred years old. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well
proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration. I
could hear the river close by, hidden in the obscurity of the forest. Emmett pulled into the overly large garage, where a BMW convertible and a black Mercedes sat already. Emmett jumped out and helps me out before leading me into the house. He led me straight up the large curving staircase into the first spare room. I gently placed Harry on the king-size bed; I transfigured his clothes into some pyjamas and took his glasses off, putting them onto the table next to the bed, I took the miniature suitcases out of my pocket and enlarged them, placing them at the bottom of the bed before, I kissed Harry’s head, and left the room, leaving the door open. I held back a yawn as I made my way downstairs, there was a large open area that must’ve been a few rooms with the walls knocked out, and there was a sitting room, which was where the vampires were situated.

“Did he get off alright?” Carlisle asked, I smiled

“He got off fine” I replied “Well I know you want an explanation, so I’ll just start now shall I” I said, I thought for a second wondering how to start

“Well for starters you’re a Witch and Harry’s a Wizard” Alice added, I raised my eyebrow at her

“You’re a mind-reader as well?” I asked, she giggled and shook her head

“No I'm not, I can tell the future or possible futures” she told me

“So if you’re a seer, wouldn’t you have seen us coming?” I asked, intrigued

“The futures not set in stone, it can change easy, and I couldn’t see you, I'm not sure why” she paused as she thought about “Did you by any chance make a quick decision about moving to Forks?” she asked

“I did” I confirmed

“That’s probably why I couldn’t see you coming” she said, I nodded in understanding

“Ok, moving on, as Alice said, me and Harry are magic-” I started, but Emmett interrupted

“So like you cast spells and fly broomsticks and stuff?” he asked, I smiled and held out my hand to him, casting a levitating charm on him. The large vampire rose a few metres in the air, before I set him down again “Oh that was awesome” he grinned, we all laughed.

“Anyway, I’ve read up on all magical creatures, but I was thinking, because all of the information in the books only tell us vampires that want to suck human blood, that there must be at least a handful of vampires who don’t, but live off some other blood, like animal blood, and Forks being the least sunniest place in the world, apart from England, well I figured you’d be living here, or maybe Alaska, Alaska’s a good place” I added, all the Cullen’s were smiling at me

“You have been studying” Carlisle smiled “Any other magical creatures you know about?”

“Veela, Werewolves, Grindlylow-”

“What do you know about Werewolves?” Carlisle butted in

“Werewolves are men who go through a painful transformation into wolves on the full moon, it’s usually called lycanthropy, to be inflicted with this you usually have to get bit by a werewolf” I explained

“I didn’t think you can find so much information in books” Jasper said, surprising me slightly

“Well, in magical books yes, but one of my best friends is a werewolf, and he’s one of the kindest people I know, despite the books saying that werewolves are branded dangerous creatures, just like vampires, but we know that’s wrong don’t we” I smiled, suddenly I heard a scream, before the vampires could even think of even moving, I was sprinting upstairs into Harry’s room, I ran into find him thrashing about in bed, I hurried over to him and gathered him in my arms “Harry, Harry, sweetie I'm here” I said, trying to calm the boy, he must’ve registered my voice because he woke up,

“Mum” he whispered

“I'm here, I'm sorry for leaving you” I kissed his head

“I had the dream again, the screams and green light” he told me “Can you tell me what happened to my mum and dad and why I was left with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon?” he asked, I paled drastically,

“Well...” I bit my lip, before sighing “Harry, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask for a few years, but I suppose, I honestly can’t keep it from you anymore” I said “But how about we wait until the morning shall we?” I suggested, Harry looked at me, before nodding

“Okay, thanks mum” he said, I pulled him to me again

“Anything for you Harry” I muttered into his ear. He cuddled closer and closed his eyes, before opening them again

“Can’t get sleep again” he said

“I’ll sing to you, see if that works” Harry nodded and closed his eyes,

“Okay” I took a deep breath, and ignoring the vampires that had just gathered at the door, I softly sang to him,

“Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

I ran my hands through his hair as the words left my mouth

I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

Somewhere in my memory
I've lost all sense of time
and tomorrow can never be cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it should be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be

You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes you will, say you will, you know you will
Oh baby, you'll always be the one I know I'll never forget
There's no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye

I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be
A part of me will always be with you”

I could’ve stopped after the first verse, as Harry had quickly fell off to sleep, but I liked the song, I smiled softly and looked up at the door way where the Cullen’s were gathered, I nodded and allowed them to enter, they made their way across the room, “Make yourself comfortable, I have no idea how long this will take” I warned, they did so; Edward sat at the bottom of the bed, Carlisle sat on the sofa, with Esme on his lap, Alice leant into Jasper, where they sat on the floor, Emmett and Rosalie had nowhere to sit so I enlarged transfigured a chair into another sofa, which they both sat down on. “Right, here goes

In our world, there’s 3 Magical Boarding Schools, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, situated somewhere in Scotland; Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France, and Durmstrang Institute, no one is quite sure where, but it is meant to be in northern Europe, so where that the days are short and its incredibly cold.

Hogwarts is one of the most famous ones. Created by four of the greatest Witches and Wizards known today; Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin, they named four inner houses after them; Gryffindor, stands for courage and bravery, Ravenclaw, stands for knowledge and understanding, Hufflepuff, for trust and loyalty, and Slytherin, the house known to be cunning, most attendants of Hogwarts also say that Slytherin’s are known to be evil, in some sense they are, Salazar Slytherin, was a pure-blood, and he didn’t see right that Muggleborns, witches and wizards without pureblooded parents, should attend Hogwarts, as they were not ‘pure’ enough. Gryffindor and Slytherin didn’t agree on the terms and ever since then, Gryffindor’s and Slytherin’s have never got on, even to this day.

More than 50 years ago, Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Salazar Slytherin himself, was born; he was half blood, his mother, Merope Gaunt died at child-birth.
Merope Gaunt was the only daughter of the prejudice Gaunt family, she fell in love with the muggle Tom Riddle senior, but she couldn’t do anything about it, her father, completely despised his daughter, and muggles. One day, her father, Marvolo Gaunt and her brother Morfin, who was a parseltongue. Parseltongue is the language of snakes. It is in the common mind associated with Dark Magic, and those possessing the ability to speak it are very rare, anyway, Marvolo and Morfin are arrested, giving Merope the chance to be free, she makes Amortentia, a powerful love potion, she gives it to Tom Riddle Senior, who falls in love with her, 3 months after they are married, Merope discovers she is pregnant, believing that Riddle Senior, hoping that Riddle Senior, would have grown to love her, if not stay for the child, she stops giving him the love potion, however she was wrong, and he leaves her.

6 months later she is found on a doorstep of a Muggle Orphanage; she gives birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle, and dies an hour later, 31st of December. �"I’ll just skip to the ‘attending Hogwarts’ shall I.

When he was ten years old, Riddle Junior, had a visit from Professor Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore told Riddle he was a wizard and allowed him to attend Hogwarts. Once he was attending he became one of the most popular and smart students, Hogwarts has ever seen, despite being half-blood, he branded himself a pure-blood because of his Slytherin Heritage and he wanted all the Muggleborns out of Hogwarts, Tom learned of the Chamber of Secrets built by his ancestor, Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin had built the chamber deep in Hogwarts castle and kept it hidden from the other founders. He sealed it so that only his own true heir would be able to unseal the chamber and unleash the horror within to purge the school of “all who were unworthy to study magic”, muggles.

It took Tom Riddle five years to find out everything he could about the Chamber of Secrets and discover the entrance and the monster it contained. The monster was a basilisk and Tom was able to control it because he was, like Salazar Slytherin, a Parselmouth. Tom sent the basilisk into the school and several students were injured and finally, one was killed. A student named Myrtle was found, dead, in a girls' bathroom. On June thirteenth, 1943, Tom staged the capture of another student, Rubeus Hagrid, and tricked Headmaster Armando Dippet into believing Hagrid and his giant spider Aragog were responsible for the attacks. Tom received an engraved trophy for special services to the school, but he realized that Albus Dumbledore was keeping an “annoyingly close watch” on him and it was not safe to open the Chamber of Secrets again while he was still at school. Tom preserved himself in the pages of a diary with the hope that he would one day be able to lead another in his footsteps and “finish Salazar Slytherin’s noble work”.

During the summer of 1944, Tom M. Riddle took the revenge he had vowed on his hated Muggle father. The Riddle’s gardener, Frank Bryce, later told police that on the day of the Riddle’s deaths he had seen a stranger; a teenage boy, dark-haired and pale, near the manor. The next morning a maid found Tom Riddle and his elderly parents dead in their drawing room, “still in their dinner things”. The Riddles were as cold as ice and each had a look of terror upon their face but had no sign of physical injury. The Riddles were buried in the Little Hangleton churchyard. Tom returned to Hogwarts to begin his seventh year in September. He was Prefect, Head boy and received a Medal for Magical Merit, Albus Dumbledore later said of him, “Brilliant. Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen”.

Tom concluded his education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in June of 1945 and after leaving school he disappeared for some years. During this time he “travelled far and wide...sank so deeply into the Dark Arts”, he “consorted with the very worst” witches and wizards” and “underwent so many dangerous, magical transformations” in his quest for power and immortality.

Right now, there is a very powerful dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, at rise, well right now he’s not exactly at ‘rise’ he’s currently half dead, on the bridge of survival.

9 years ago Voldemort heard a prophecy, ‘The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches . . . born to those have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies . . . and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have the power the Dark Lord knows not . . . and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the survives . . . the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh dies . . .’

I looked around at the Cullen’s, each one of them were listening intensely “Question, for anyone, what day would you consider is the last day of the seventh month?”

“31st July” Edward answered, I nodded,

“Ok, what’s the date tomorrow?”

“31st July” Edward answered again,

“It’s Harry’s birthday tomorrow” I added, stroking the sleeping boy’s hair, all the Cullen’s gasped

“He’s the Dark Lord’s equal?” Carlisle asked, I nodded

“But he’s just a little boy!” Esme said, slightly outraged, I smiled slightly

“Yes and this little boy is meant to grow up and by the age of 17, he has to defeat the Dark Lord, no one else can” I said, I slowly lifted Harry’s fringe up where his lightning bolt scar was

“How did he get that?” Jasper asked,

“There’s 3 Unforgivable curses that should never be used, Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, Crucio, the torturing curse, and Imperio, the curse that causes the victim to be under the control of the caster, on the night of 31st of October, a family was ripped apart, James and Lily Potter were found and killed by the Dark Lord, then he moved onto the one year old boy, he shot the killing curse upon the child, but the curse didn’t work, it rebounded to the caster, leaving the child with a lightning bolt scar, and leaving him to be the Chosen One, the only one in the entire Wizard world, to have survived the killing curse” I explained

“Harry” all the Cullen’s said together

“Harry” I confirmed “Now I have to explain to an eight year old boy that he is famous” I sighed, I couldn’t hold back a yawn, I shook it off, Carlisle stood

“You should really get some sleep” he said, I shook my head

“I may not be tired but I'm not even gonna consider going to sleep, and don’t try to make me either” I added as the doctor went to open his mouth, he shut it again and smiled

“Well, we’ll see you in the morning” he said instead

“Yes, thanks Carlisle” and with that they ran out, closing the door after them. I stood up carefully and glanced at my watch, 4.43am, suddenly I had a peculiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, and the next thing I knew I was sprinting into the bathroom and throwing up violently. Once finished I gasped, realising what this could mean.

I was pregnant.

And I don’t know whether it was Sirius’ or Greyback’s.

I was in deep s**t now.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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1 Review
Added on July 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
