Chapter 35 - Bigger Surprises

Chapter 35 - Bigger Surprises

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Our reception was going to be held at a large hotel, 15 minutes drive from the church
Once we arrived we were led inside and into gigantic ballroom, half of the hall was filled with tables, and in the other half, at the far end of the hall was a large stage with a dancing area, the whole thing was amazing, silver and gold balloons were everywhere, everyone was staring in awe,

"I didn't ever imagine it would be this good" I said to Sirius, he looked at me smiling,

"Well it's beautiful," he replied and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss, and when we pulled away, we were told by the head caterer that we were to be seated as our meal was almost finished. On mine and Sirius' table were, sitting next to me was Ceri, then Alice, then Dom, then Remus and finally Sirius, on the table next to ours were, John, Scott, Keira, James, Harry then David, on the other side of our table was the Hogwarts teachers, I caught Dumbledore's eye, he gave me a wink, and I smiled and returned it, on the table next to John's was the Torchwood stars, Eve, Gareth, Naoki, Burn, Tom and Kai (Rhys) with Billie Piper, Catherine Tate and Freema Ageyman.
While we were eating the head caterer put the CD I had made on, I had some of the Doctor Who prom songs on, and the Harry Potter theme tune, and when I heard the familiar 'Song for Ten' which was played in the episode Christmas Episode, David's first proper appearance, when David and Billie heard it they both looked at me, I just smiled and they laughed, I then noticed Keira & James singing to it, I smiled, they had started watching Doctor Who when Christopher Eccleston first appeared as the 9th Doctor, and they were now huge fans of the sci/fi drama.

Once we had finished our meals, Dumbledore and the Hogwarts professors walked over to me and Sirius,

"We should be heading off now, Congratulations to the two of you, and thank you for inviting us" Dumbledore said, he shook our hands

"Thank you for coming Professors" I said looking at them all,

"It's our pleasure Fiona, considering how Mr Black was at school" MacGonagall, said, glancing at my husband, who just grinned back

"Oh you can't say you don't miss me Minnie" he winked, I held back a laugh as the Transfiguration Professor rolled her eyes and walked out, the other Professors followed her out, Dumbledore gave us his twinkling smile, then walked out, I looked at Sirius, and he stared back at me, just then we heard a famliar voice on stage, we turned and saw John on stage, in front of the microphone

"Ladies and Gentleman, it is now time for the couple to have their first dance together" he announced, I looked at Sirius

"Ready?" I asked

"Of course" he answered, he intwined his fingers through mine and pulled me onto the dance floor, he pulled me to him, our bodies pressed together, I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he rested his on my waist, my head lay on his chest, and we let the music guide us,

"You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived.
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The thought of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak.
But if you feel like I feel.
then let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you baby, and if it's quite all right,
I need you baby to warm my lonely night.
I love you baby.
Trust in me when I say:
I love you baby, don't let me down, I pray.
I love you baby, now that I found you. Stay.

And let me love you, baby. Let me love you ...

You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived.
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you baby, and if it's quite all right,
I need you baby to warm the lonely night.
I love you baby.
Trust in me when I say:
I love you baby, don't bring me down, I pray.
I love you baby, now that I found you. Stay.

And let me love you, baby. Let me love you ...

as the last line played out Sirius picked me up and spun me around, before putting me back down, we kissed passionately, then pulled away and clapped our hands, cheering for John, then having an idea, I walked up to the stage, John kneeled down so he could hear me,

"Mind if I sing, I know Him So Well, with you?" I asked, he grinned & held out his hand for me

"And why would I mind that?" he asked, I smiled and took his offering hand, with one quick swift & easy pull I was standing on the stage, I found an extra microphone on the music player, I picked it up and tapped it, making sure it was on, finding out it was, I stood next to John and linked my fingers through his, I had always love this, because even though, he hands were bigger than mine, they fit together perfectly, and it made me feel safe when I was with him, of course he knew that, and we shared a knowing smile, then the music started

(John - Blue
Me - Red
Both - Orange)

""Nothing is so good it lasts eternally,
Perfect situations must go wrong,
But this has never yet prevented me,
Wanting far too much,
For far too long,

Looking back,
I could have played it differently,
Won a few more moments,
Who can tell,
But it took time to understand the man,
Now at least I know
I know him well

Wasn't it good?
(Oh so good)
Wasn't he fine?
(Oh so fine)
Isn't it madness,
He can't be mine?
But in the end
He needs a little bit
More than me,
More security,

He needs his fantasy and freedom,
I know him so well"

As we were singing my eyes scanned across the dance floor, I noticed, Keira and Sirius dancing, James and Ceri, David & Billie (A/N: Don't be jealous Cez, hehe) Gareth & Dom, Ally & Remus, and a few others, my eyes landed on Sirius' and our gazes were locked, before unwillingly I tore my gaze away, landing on Gareth, who gave me a bright smile, I smiled back, my eyes saying Love you his eyes replying the same thing,

"No-one in your life is with you constantly,
No-one is completely on your side,
And though I'd move my world to be with him,
Still the gap between us is too wide,

Looking back,
(Looking back)
I could have played it differently,
(I could have played it some other way),
Learned about the man,
Before I fell

(I was just a little careless)
But I was ever so much younger then,
(Maybe, so much younger then)
Now at least
I know I know him well

Wasn't it good?
(Oh so good)
Wasn't he fine?
(Oh so fine)
Isn't it madness,
He can't be mine?

Didn't I know?
How it would go,

If I knew from the start,
Why . . . Why am I falling apart?

Wasn't it good
Wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness,
He won't be mine?
But in the end,
He needs a little bit
More than me,
More security,

He needs his fantasy and freedom,
I know him so well,
It took time to understand him,
I know him so well

I gave a sigh of relief before wrapping my arms around John's neck, hugging him tightly, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist, his head buried in my hair

"That was amazing" I whispered, I heard him chuckle, making my skin tingle

"That's certainly one way of putting it" he replied, pulling his head away to look at me, we smiled at eachother before I pulled away, interlocking my fingers with his again, we put the microphones down and I pulled him off the stage, walking over to where Ceri, Ally & Dom were standing, chatting, they looked at us as we approached,

"God, guys you were amazing" Ceri told us, we smiled at her

"Thanks babes, now I want to ask you something, will you do me a big favour and go perform something on stage?" I looked at them each in turn "I can get Remus to transfigure a drum set, guitars and keyboard" I added, they looked at eachother, then back at me

"I'm up for it, I'll play guitar and sing" Ceri agreed,

"I'll play drums" Ally said, Dom grinned

"Guess I'll be playing keyboard then" I grinned at them all,

"Thank you, can you play Happy Ending by Mika?" (A/N: I am actually listening to this now, funnily enough) I asked, they nodded, "Great" I looked around the hall and spotted Remus standing over the other side of the hall, near the entrance, talking to Sirius & Gareth, it looked serious (A/N: No pun intended, considering) but I chose to ignore it, I caught the werewolf's attention and signalled him over, he came straight away "Rem, can you do me a favour and go transfigure, a set of drums, a bass and electric guitar, and a keyboard?" I asked he smiled, but I noticed it didn't match the tension in his eyes, I could always tell if there was something up with one of my friends, I gave him a questioning look, he shook his head at me, and led the girls up to the stage, I scratched my neck with my free hand, I took a deep breath and looked at John, "I figured I should have a dance with my best friend" I smiled, he chuckled he let go of my hand and did a little bow,

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with the beautiful Mrs Black?" he asked like a perfect gentleman holding out his arm, I let out a chuckle,

"You may Mr Barrowman" I agreed linking my arm through his, he led me to the middle of the dance floor, he pulled me close to him, our bodies pressed together, I didn't care, neither did her, I rested my hands on his shoulder while he rested his on my waist, just in time to hear Ceri's voice echoing through the hall, in song

"This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if wastin'
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wastin'
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Hap-" Suddenly the music and Ceri's singing got cut off by shouting and screaming, coming from the lobby area out side the hall, I pulled my head away from where it lay on John's chest, I looked around and finally noticed that Sirius, Gareth & Remus were missing, I heard more shouts, finally recognising one of them to be Jess, anger immediately boiled up inside me, I pulled myself away from John, gave him an apologetic look then walked up to David who was standing by the door,

"What the hell is happening?" I asked, he sighed

"Sirius told me to keep you in here, Jess & Kirsty are out there, Jess is trying to talk to Gareth, but Gareth wasn't having any of it," he explained, I looked at him,

"You aren't actually gonna keep me in are you?" I asked in a slightly pleading tone, he stared at me for a few seconds, sighed then moved aside, I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, look after the kids, and do not let anyone else, I'm going to get Jess out of our lives for good, one way or another" I said, leaving no hint of mercy in my voice, he winced, then I slid out quietly, the 3 men stood opposite the two women, Gareth in front, while Sirius & Remus were a bit behind him, while Kirsty and Jess stood side by side, none of them aware of my presence, I stayed where I was listening to the argument Gareth and Jess were having

"I will not have the likes of you messing up my best friends wedding, you've already messed up her Hen Night, and Sirius' Stag Do, even her childhood, and it stops now!" I smiled as I registered his words, warming my heart, I didn't know our friendship was so strong, but now I was glad it was,

"I'm not here to ruin her freak show of a wedding" I instanly felt Sirius' anger, ever since I had excepted the bond of magic, me and Sirius were able to feel eachother's emotions, if he was sad, I was sad, if he was happy, I was happy, and now we were both angry, "I just needed to talk to her" before any of the men could respond, I strode forward, eyes set on Jess, anger burning in them, I brushed my hand against Sirius' our fingers connected for a brief second,

"You know who you sounded like just?" I asked "Petunia Dursley" I said without having time for her to answer, she stared at me, slightly shocked "Yes Petunia Dursley, she called Lily a freak because Lily was a witch, she called Harry a freak, because he is a wizard, just because she was jealous of her sister, she made Harry & Lily's life hell, and this is exactly what you're doing now, you're basically calling me a freak, what is it? Because of Sirius? Because of my magic? What is it Jess, what is so bad that you had to go and f*****g sleep with Harry's father?!" I heard intakes of breath from Gareth & Remus, but Sirius remained silent "I've been wracked in guilt, ever since that night, I could've told her, I really could've but, I loved James, & I loved Lily, I knew I wouldn't do that to their relationship, and so what did I do? I kept it a secret, every time I stared into Lily's eyes, I was heart broken, for what I was doing to her, she was one of the closet friends I have ever had, only being in her company for a few weeks, it felt like a lifetime, and I really wished there was some way I could've stopped James and Lily's death, but I knew there wasn't. Harry had to get the protection in order to survive, bringing us back to the reason about you, I've been dying to know, how the hell does sleeping with James, get back at me, yes he was-is one of my closet friends, but out of anyone it should've been Sirius" I glanced at him "No offence sweetheart" I added

"None take, and just to add, even if you did try it on with me, I wouldn't of had anything to do with you, and yes that includes me being pissed, what ever the circumstances were or are, I love Fiona and the kids, & all I want to see is her and the kids happy, and if you are going to jeprodise that, I suggest you leave right now" his tone was laced with thick venom, Jess stared at us each in turn, and turned to go, but I called her name

"Wait, I really need to give you something" I said in a soft voice, walking up to face her, my hand was curled into a tight fist, she looked at me, and before she had anytime to defend herself, I launched my fist into her nose "That was for making my life hell, b***h" I added, sending her death glares, I knew if glares could kill, then she would've been dead a long time ago "Now leave, go back to Cheadle, with your lover, and leave my friends and family alone" and without further ado, she stumbled out, Kirsty running after her, I gave out a sigh of relief, "I should've obliviated them of us all," I added in an whisper, I knew Remus would've heard, shrugging I walked over to the men, I kissed Gareth on the cheek, "Hopefully that will get them to stay out of all our lives" I told him softly, he smiled softly, hugging me briefly before walking back inside, Remus gave me a smile before walking back in as well, leaving me and Sirius, standing there, "You know you have made me the happiest woman on earth, the kids are happy, especially Harry, he has a family that love him, and care for him, all he has ever wished for, Sirius Black you are completely different to the character in the damn book, so much better, and I'm so glad I met you" I explained, he grinned and pulled me to him, I buried my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent

"I'm so glad I met you sweetheart, I love you so f*****g much" he told me, I smiled, and cupped his cheeks in my hand before pulling him down for a long passionate kiss, when we had broken away for breath

"And I love you so f*****g much, maybe even more, if thats possible" I grinned, I slipped my hand through his, intwining our fingers, and we walked back into the hall, I noticed then that Ceri, Ally and Dom were playing Happy Ending again, Harry, Keira and James ran over to us,

"Mum, Dad what happened?" Keira asked, I smiled, and bent down to their level,

"Blast from the past, and they won't be bothering us ever again" I answered, she gave me a smile, her hair turning bright pink, I chuckled, I looked at Harry, "Harry would you like to dance?" I asked, he went bright red and gave me a shy nod, I smiled and held out my hand, he took it and we walked over to the dance floor, I held his hands and we moved around the floor. As we danced I noticed something up with him, "Harry are you okay sweetie?" I asked gently, he looked at me,

"I want you and Sirius to adopt me, properly" he said, I frowned, I quickly transfigured my wedding gown into a blue midnight elegant dress, which stopped just above my knees, allowing me to kneel down infront of him,

"Oh darling, you know you belong in this family, whether or not you are related by blood, you will always be our son, why do you need to be adopted to realise that we love you for who you are," I explained,

"I know that, but I want to be Harry Potter-Black, not Harry Potter" I gave out a breath of relief

"Anything you want darling, but after our honeymoon ok?" I asked, suddenly he smiled and hugged me, I hugged him back, holding him tightly "Love you" I whispered into his messy hair

"Love you too Mum" he replied, I smiled and kissed his head,

"Come on lets go find your Dad" I said, pulling away, he nodded and we walked over to the tables, where on one, Sirius, James, Keira and Remus were sitting, it sounded like the two Marauders were telling the twins about the Hogwarts days, Sirius looked up as we approached and smiled when he saw me in the blue dress,

"You look stunning babes" he complimented, I smiled and kissed him softly, I noticed that he had taken his suit jacket off, rolled his shirt sleeves up, took his tie off and unbuttoned his 2 top buttons,

"You too" I replied, I moved a chair next to Remus and Harry went to sit on it, "Be back in a bit" I winked and walked over to the stage, I stepped up and took the remaining electric guitar, putting the strap on my shoulder, once done I walked up to the girls who were talking, "Hey girls, up for some more?" I asked, they laughed

"Course" Dom answered,

"Great, My Interpretation, Mika" I told them, they nodded and got set up, while I walked up to the microphone, I glanced at my best friends, silently asking if they were ready, they all nodded in confirmation, I smiled and let my fingers glide over the strings effortlessly, I had been playing guitar since I was 8 years old, Piano since I was 10, and I started drums when I was 13, needless to say, I was no pushover, everyone of the audience stared at us,

"You talk about life, you talk about death,
And everything in between,
Like it's nothing, and the words are easy.
You talk about me, and you talk about you,
And everything I do,
Like it's something, that needs repeating.
I don't need an alibi or for you to realize,
The things we left unsaid,
Are only taking space up in our head.
Make it my fault, win the game
Point the finger, place the blame
It does me up and down,
It doesn't matter now.

'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again.
This is not about emotion,
I don't need a reason not to care what you say,
Or what happened in the end.
This is my interpretation,
And it don't, don't make sense.

The first two weeks turn into ten,
I hold my breath and wonder when it'll happen,
Does it really matter?
If half of what you said is true,
And half of what I didn't do could be different,
Would it make it better?
If we forget the things we know.
Would we have somewhere to go?
The only way is down, I can see that now.

'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again.
This is not about emotion,
I don't need a reason not to care what you say,
Or what happened in the end.
This is my interpretation,
And it don't, don't make sense.

It's really not such a sacrifice

if I ever talk to you again.
This is not about emotion,
I don't need a reason not to care what you say,
Or what happened in the end.
This is my interpretation,
And it don't, don't make sense.

And it don't have to make no sense to you at all,
'Cause this is my interpretation, yeah, yeah, yeah.
" I smiled brightly as the guest cheered and clapped, I heard a faint "Encore!" I knew it was from John, and I grinned in his direction, I turned to the girls,

"Grace Kelly?" I asked, they all grinned

"Perfect," Ally said, I turned to the guest audience again, and my fingers strummed the intoduction of the song, and the girls joined in,

"Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?
I could be wholesome,
I could be loathsome,
I guess I'm a little bit shy!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me without making me try?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly,
But all her looks were too sad,
So I tried a little Freddie,
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown,
I could be blue,
I could be vi-o-let sky!
I could be hurtful,
I could be purple,
I could be anything you like!
Gotta be green,
Gotta be mean,
Gotta be everything more!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

How can I help it,
How can I help it,
How can I help what you think?
Hello my baby,
Hello my baby,
Putting my life on the brink!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me ?
Why don't you like yourself?
Should I bend over?
Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad,
So I tried a little Freddie,
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown,
I could be blue,
I could be vi-o-let sky!
I could be hurtful,
I could be purple,
I could be anything you like!
Gotta be green,
Gotta be mean,
Gotta be everything more!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

Say what you want to satisfy yourself!
But you only want what everybody else says you should want, you want!

I could be brown,
I could be blue,
I could be vi-o-let sky!
I could be hurtful,
I could be purple,
I could be anything you like!
Gotta be green,
Gotta be mean,
Gotta be everything more!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Walk out the door!

I could be brown,
I could be blue,
I could be vi-o-let sky!
I could be hurtful,
I could be purple,
I could be anything you like!
Gotta be green,
Gotta be mean,
Gotta be everything more!
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Walk out the door!


As the audience cheered and clapped again, Sirius walked up to me,

"Come on, time to go, I've got a surprise for you" he said, slipping his hand through mine, my eyes lit up, I threw the microphone up in the air, knowing Ceri would catch it,

"I love surprises" I grinned, he chuckled, and led me over to the door, but I stopped, "Oh no you don't, I gotta do the exiting the traditional way" I said, I ran over to the far table and picked up my bouquet of roses, "Right, I'm going to throw the bouquet girls, and very femine lads!" I shouted, all the women came rushing over, I smirked and turned around, and with one powerful throw, the roses flew behind me, I heard a cheer, I turned my head and saw Ceri holding the bouquet, I smiled, then looked at David, "Better go start looking for a ring Dave!" I shouted, he rolled his eyes, I winked at him before letting Sirius pull me out the hall, I wasn't much drunk but I was certainly hyper, I was jumping in each step I took, "Siri, what's me surprise?!" I asked in a child-like voice, surprising myself, Sirius let out a barking laugh

"If I told you that, it wouldn't be much of a surprise would it?" he answered, I frowned, then thought of something, I quickened my pace so my strides were the same as his, then leant over to whisper in his ear,

"But Siri, if you tell me now, I will know who to make it up to you later" I whispered seductively, I heard Sirius swallow hard, I bit gently on his earlobe "Come on baby, you know you want it" I bit harder this time, he groaned with pleasure, I smirked,

"You don't know how much, but no, you are going to see your surprise first" he said, with a deep breath, I knew he was forcing himself not to do what he wanted to,

"You know you could just take me against the wall, quick and hard" I suggested, he glanced at me and smirked

"Oh but my beautiful Mrs Black, that would be all to easy" I shrugged,

"Ok, your loss, just to warn you, next time, I won't be so willing" I grinned cheekily,

"Can't wait" he clicked his tongue and winked, I laughed, and looked at my surroundings, Sirius stopped, we were in a empty street, Sirius pulled his tie out of his pocket and placed it over my eyes, tying it, like a blindfold "Now sweetheart, we're gonna apparrate, just to warn you" he said gently, I nodded, and I felt him take my hand, before he turned on the spot. I felt my knees give way as we appeared in a different place, I stumbled up,

"Can I take this off now?" I asked,

"Wait a minute" he said, I heard him move away, "Ok now" he said, I took the tie off and gasped.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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Added on July 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
