Chapter 34 - Each Happy Endings a Brand New Beginning

Chapter 34 - Each Happy Endings a Brand New Beginning

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Coming Back to Reality

Chapter 34 - Each Happy Endings a Brand New Beginning

I shot up in bed the next morning around 8.30

“Oh my god todays the day!” I yelled I jumped out of bed, wrapping my silk gown around me before running into the kitchen, it was empty, I narrowed my eyes in confusion before making my way to the spare room in which I had enlarged to fit more beds in, there I found Ceri, Soph and Claire still asleep, I sighed and held my arm up in front of me, thinking about which spell to use, when I had they shot up in bed, “Excuse, me it's my wedding day and you should've been there to yell at me, and here I am yelling at you!” I said in a slightly whining voice

“Yes in another hour” Claire said after glancing at the clock, she yawned, I hadn't actually noticed the time, all the excitement I suppose, I thought to myself,

“Yeah well never mind get up and I'll make us some drinks” I said, they all nodded tiredly and began to get up, I smiled and skipped into the kitchen. Putting the kettle on I got the cups out and put two teabags in two mugs for me and Ceri while put coffee in the others for Soph and Claire, once I had added the sugar I walked into the living room where the girls were lounging on the sofas, I smiled and went back into the kitchen just as the kettle had finished boiling, I made the drinks and took them in, the cups floating as I performed Wingardium Leviosa, I handed them to their owners and took a sip of mine, I was holding all my excitement in.
At half 11 I decided we should make our way to Claire's flat, where we would be getting ready, it was about 10 minutes drive to Wetley rocks, so we would have to leave about 20 minutes early, Soph had told Sirius and the guys that they could get ready at her flat, and a car would pick them and take them to the church. We stood up and picked up our bags, then walked over to the fireplace where I had connected Claire's flat to mine via floo, I let the others go first, once they had I gave the flat one last look around and smiling I stepped into the green flames, letting them engulf me.
I fell to my knees as my legs gave way, I shuddered and stood up steadily, I stretched and sighed in relief when my bones cracked, making me able to move properly, I ignored the girls winces, I smiled and just then a tall slim man walked in, , he had cropped hair, styled so it was spiky, I knew who it was Claire's fiancé James Seymour , I walked over to him

“So good to see you Jamie” I greeted, he smiled

“Right back at you Fiona, what is it, 15 years since I last saw you?” he asked, I smiled and nodded “How much you've changed, Claire says you've got 3 kids now, job as a detective and living in Cardiff, that right?”

“It is indeed, been busy with your life James? Claire says you're in the same band as her” I said

“Yeah I'm the drummer,Claire's lead guitarist, Natalie's the singer and-” I cut him off

“Nat Cope?” I asked, he nodded “Bloody hell, I knew she could sing, I just didn't think she had the confidence” I said, James laughed,

“Yeah she's doing great, which by the way I have to go meet her and Rob” he added, I smiled “Congratulations on the wedding by the way, sorry I couldn't come, I'm not into weddings” he said, I smiled

“Hey it's fine, good luck with all the stuff you're doing and say hi to Nat and Rob for me” I said, he nodded

“Will do, seeya later and have a nice time” and with kissing Claire on the cheek he walked out, I turned to Claire.

“Claire what the hell have you done to him?!” I demanded to know although I was only kidding, she looked at me shocked

“I haven't done anything!” she said

“Yeah like I'll believe that! Claire he's being polite!” I pointed out, suddenly she got it and burst out laughing, I grinned

“I have my ways” she choked when she had finished,

“I'm glad, now come on, let's do hairstyles first” I suggested, “Ok, Ceri, I'll do yours and you do mine and Claire you do Soph's and vice versa” I said, they nodded and we got to work

An hour later we had finished

My hairstyle:

Ceri's, Claire's and Soph's:

I told the girls that I would get into my dress on my own, I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone, even my best friends hadn't seen it, they nodded and I walked upstairs to the spare room, carrying my protectively sealed dress and other accessories.

2 hours later. I looked at myself in awe, I couldn't believe it, even I couldn't deny how amazing I looked, I slipped my shoes on and carefully placed my veil on my head, before making my way downstairs, everyone stood still and stared at me in awe, Keira and Gareth had arrived, Keira was all ready and Gareth was just doing his tie up, his hands dropped to his sides as he stared, I fidgeted with my hands nervously

My dress:
Veil: (5th one down on the right)
Bridesmaid dresses:
Flower girl dress:

“Will someone say something please” I begged, Keira did

“Mummy you look beautiful” she said walking up to me, I smiled and knelt down carefully, I hugged her

“Thank you sweetie” I said pulling away “You look gorgeous too” I said, she smiled, I stood up again, and looked at my best friends, all standing there with tears in their eyes, yes even Gareth, I walked over to him and hugged him,

“You look amazing Fiona” he whispered, I smiled into his shoulder forcing myself not to break down in tears

Thank you” I muttered in reply, after a few minutes we pulled away, I finished doing his tie up “Ready to go?” I asked everyone once I had glanced at the clock, the wedding was at half past 4, it was now 10 past, everyone nodded and they made their way to the car, Gareth remained behind with me, as I gathered myself, he held his hand out and I took it, then I thought of something, I touched my neck, the necklace that Sirius had given me, I had forgotten it, I mentally slapped myself, and let Gareth lead me out the door, I picked up my bouquet of red roses, on the way

Meanwhile at the church, in the back room, Sirius was pacing the room, while Remus leaned casually on the mantel piece

“Calm down Padfoot” Remus said

“I can't Moony, I'm so damn nervous, I've never done this before” Sirius moaned, Remus stood up and walked over to his best friend he rested his hands on Sirius' shoulders

“You love Fiona don't you?” Remus asked, Sirius stared at him

“What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I do” he answered

“Then what have you got to worry about?” he replied, Sirius relaxed

Guess you're right, as usual” Sirius mumbled, he shoved his hands in his pockets

Sirius suit:

He felt something brush his finger tips, he pulled out a necklace, the one that he had given to me, he smiled softly, & handed it to Remus

“Can you give that to Fiona?” he asked, Remus smiled and took it

“Course I will” he agreed, he put it in his pocket, and looked at his watch “Ten minutes Padfoot” he warned, Sirius nodded and took a deep breath, “I'll meet you at the alter” Remus said, and without waiting for an answer he walked out the door and went on search for John, he found the singer/actor outside, with Scott and David, he handed him the necklace, “Can you give this to Fiona, when you see her, she has to wear it before she walks down the aisle” Remus asked, John nodded

“Of course mate” John agreed smiling, Remus grinned.

We pulled up outside the church just in time to see people entering the historic building, I quickly put a concealment charm on my bridal clothes, so if anyone would see me, all they would see me in is jeans and t-shirt, I got out the car and saw John walking up to me,

“Where's your dress?” he asked, I smiled

“I'm going to make an entrance John” I said smirking, he laughed, and took something out of his pocket, my diamond necklace, I lit up inside, I turned around and he placed it around my neck, doing the clip for me, I touched my most precious gift, and grinned “Let's get the party started shall we?” I said and with a wave of my hand I was back in my dress, shoes and veil, John stared at me gobsmacked

“Bloody hell Fiona, you look f*****g amazing” he said I smiled

“Thank you” just then the bridesmaids, flower girl and Gareth walked up to me Gareth handed me my bouquet, and held out his arm, I slipped my arm through it

“Ready?” Gareth asked as John walked inside to tell the vicar we had arrived

“As ever” I smiled, he smiled and we heard the music start signaling for the flower girl to enter, then the bridesmaids, finally the music changed to the wedding march, I was starting to get nervous, I wrapped my arms around Gareth's neck and gave him a hard kiss, shocked at first, he relaxed into it, and then I broke it, “Sorry, sorry, needed something to relax” I said, he chuckled and hugged me

“Ok, let's go soon-to-be Mrs Black” he grinned, I took a deep breath and slipped my arms through his offering one, then he led me down the aisle, nearly all the church was full, on the left hand side at the back were some of the Hogwarts teachers, including Professor Dumbledore, Professor Macgonagall, Professor Sprout and standing on a very tall pile of books was little Professor Flitwick, I glanced at the Headmaster who gave me a smile and a wink, I smiled back and nodded my head softly at him, carrying on my journey, I heard mutterings coming from the guests such as 'She's so beautiful' or “Where the hell did she get the dress, it's amazing' I smirked to myself and finally we made it to the alter, I kissed Gareth on the cheek in thanks, he smiled and joined mine and Sirius' hands together, I squeezing my almost husbands hand as he smiled

“You look bloody amazing” he muttered, I smiled

“You too” I replied, he winked, then the vicar approached us,

“Family and Friends, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Sirius Orion Black & Fiona Rachel McNicol, but before we start, in the name of god, is there anyone present who has a good reason why these persons should not marry?” he asked, everyone stayed silent, “Ok, Sirius do you take Fiona to be your wife, do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and protect her, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?” he asked

“I do” Sirius said smiling lovingly at me, I grinned

“Fiona, do you take Sirius to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and forsaking all others be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?” he asked

“I do” I replied

“Ok, Sirius repeat after me” the vicar said (we'll just get straight into it)

“I, Sirius, take you, Fiona, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part” he quoted, I smiled

“I, Fiona, take you, Sirius, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part” I replied

“Will the bearer of the rings please step forth,” the vicar asked, Remus did as he was told and handed the rings to the vicar, “The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love. It is a seal of the vows Sirius and Fiona have made to one another, Bless O God these rings, that Fiona and Sirius, who give them, and who wear them, may ever abide in thy peace. Living together in unity, love and happiness for the rest of their lives” he explained, Sirius picked a gold band up and place it on the 3rd finger on my left hand,

“Fiona, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am and all that I have, I honour you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I thee wed.” he said, I smiled and put the remaining ring on his finger

“Sirius, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am and all that I have, I honour you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I thee wed.” we smiled at each other staring into each others eyes,

“Now I remember that Fiona and Sirius have got their own vows” he said, we nodded, “Fiona would you like to go first?” he asked, I nodded, taking a deep breath

“Sirius, I stand here today, in front of our family and friends, to give myself to you. Before you, life had no meaning. I was a drifter in search of a home. Now I've found it and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our 3 beautiful children, we have faced our ups and downs but we came out fighting, and here we are with the help of all of our friends, I couldn't believe that you appeared on my doorstep 9 years ago, and what came out of it was nothing I had ever believed would happen, because Sirius, the day that I met you I knew from that instant that you were the one who would make me the happiest woman on earth, you have helped me to love like never before, on this day I pledge to you my love and my happiness, for all eternity.” I stared at Sirius who had tears in his eyes

“Sirius?” the vicar asked, Sirius nodded, he cleared his throat

“I used to be afraid of falling in love, of giving my heart away. How could I trust a woman to love me, to give to me all that I wanted? Fiona, when I met you, I realized how much we could share together, you renewed my life from the minute I took foot on your doorstep all those years ago, you have made me into a better man, much better than the one I once was, I was the heart throb at Hogwarts, I counted on my looks and charms to get me through, and when I had to leave, when all the world ended, two of my best friends died and I get sent to prison for it, but I knew I was innocent, all I had to do was keeping thinking of you, and my two beautiful children, I had to remember how much little Harry needed me. Then some amazing happened, even though it was not meant to be, I got let out 5 years earlier than I was meant to, after losing my two best friends, Remus remained by my side, the only remaining Marauder left, apart from me, when I found you I gained best friends, You, John, who had been there for you all the time, same with Ceri, Gareth, David, Scott, they all excepted me for who I was, and all that leads up to now, where we have survived the worst apart, but hopefully can face the rest together, Fiona Mcnicol, I love you with all my heart” he said, tears were sliding down my cheeks, as I fought to remain calm,

“In the eyes of the church, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Sirius you may kiss the bride” the Vicar announced, Sirius pulled me towards him, and carefully placed the front of my veil over my head before capturing my lips with his, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper, both of us oblivious to the claps and cheers of the congregation, finally we pulled away for air,

“I love you Mr Black” I grinned

“I love you Mrs Black” he laughed and kissed me again, when we pulled away I gave him a tight hug. Before the Vicar interrupted by saying it was time for the signing of the register, we nodded and joined hands, with Remus and Ceri, who was my Chief bridesmaid, followed us, as we signed it, the music started playing, Carrie Underwood's Ever Ever After, playing throughout the church.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

My Review

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I am a huge Harry Potter fan, loved the concept! Make sure you try to avoid adverbs at all cost, the "ly" words normally. Many agents will be thrown off if they see one, especially in the first chapter. With such a huge fan base that comes with Potter fans, you might also consider changing to a more PG, so as to not exclude a large part of that potential audience. One last observation would be to use the dialog tags to set up the scene and tone of the conversation. For example, "“I haven't done anything!” she said." This would be a great opportunity to describe the horror and disbelief in her face. With just "she said" the moment is not as impactful as it could be for the reader. Great Job!!!!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Wow. Ahaha. You've got this all planned out don't you? Ahahaha. Jk. Love it so far.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
