Chapter 32 - Sticking together

Chapter 32 - Sticking together

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Coming Back to Reality

Chapter 32 - Sticking together

We arrived outside my parents house 5 hours later, I stopped the engine and looked at Sirius, he smiled encouragingly at me, I took a deep breath, and got out of the car, Sirius and the twins did the same and after I had locked the car, we walked up to the front door, I tried to open it, except it was locked I glanced it Sirius then 'Alhomora'ed' it open I stepped in and walked into the living room, I looked around the room, sighing deeply,

“I can't believe it's come to this” I said softly,

“You'll get through it, you know we'll always be there” Sirius said

“I know, can you go get the suitcase out the boot?” I asked handing him the keys,

“Sure” he agreed walking out, I looked down at the twins, they had changed their hair colour from black to mousy brown, just like mine, I smiled and decided to order a take away, I ordered, a nine inch chicken tikka pizza with a portion of chips, and 4 cans of diet coke. While we were waiting Keira and James got their pyjama's on, and I put the telly on, while they were watching the simpsons, I went upstairs, I walked over the landing to where my old room was, it was locked, every time I came down and visited it was always locked, but since I was practically a witch now I unlocked it and the door swung open, I gasped, my room was exactly like it was the day I left 9 years ago, my laptop on my desk, every inch of the walls were covered in Doctor Who and Torchwood posters, my bed was still the same, Doctor Who quilt cover, my large set of drawers still had all my dvd's on, my telly, sky box and dvd player, I couldn't believe it, I rubbed my face in my hands, trying to get my head around it all, I sat down on my bed and looked around, I spotted a photo on my shelf, I went over and picked it up, it was the photo I took the day before the Marauders left, we were all out in the back yard sitting by the large apple tree, Sirius was hanging upside down on a branch and I was laughing and kissing him, James and Lily were hugging each other and staring at the camera, Remus had his arm around Alice's shoulder, while Alice's was across his back, her head on his shoulder, and Jess and Kirsty were pulling faces, I smiled, Lily had charmed the photo to move, and now all the occupants were smiling at the camera, I heard someone walk in, I looked up and saw Sirius walking over to me “Whats wrong?” he asked sitting beside me

“This room's been locked every time I've visited” I told him, staring at the photo “The day you left I just packed my bag and left with Jess” I explained, “All I left was a note, and yet my mum and dad left my room how it was, untouched, apart from dusting, I guess being their only daughter they couldn't come to terms that I had left, I haven't even told them you lot had stayed with us although I think they mighta guessed if they saw the photo, but I don't think they did” Sirius took the photo off me and stared at it,

“I remember that day, I turned into Padfoot and chased James around the garden because he stole my donut” he said smiling softly,

“Yeah when you caught him you farted in his face” I laughed, he chuckled and put the photo on the shelf, just then James and Keira appeared at the door way, they looked around in awe

“Mum, is that David?” James asked pointing at a Doctor Who poster,

“Yes” I answered, Keira pointed to one with Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones

"Is that Uncle Gareth and Uncle John?" she asked

“Yes it is” I laughed, I stood up and walked over to the shelves, and pulled a large folder out, I took it over to them again, the twins had made themselves comfy on the bed, I sat down and opened it up, there were lots more posters in there, except these were Harry Potter ones, I pulled one with Sirius in it,

“That me?” Sirius asked

“Yeah” I grinned

“Damn I look good” he said grinning, I laughed, just then there was a knock on the door, I put the posters away and folder back on the shelf, and we headed down stairs, it was the delivery man, I paid him and he went. 5 minutes later we were in the dining room eating. Once we were done it was almost 10 o'clock, Sirius went and put the twins into bed in the room they always used, while I cleaned up, just as I had turned the dishwasher on the front door opened and my mum and brother Wayne walked in, I ran up to them and hugged them tight

“When did you get here?” Wayne asked

“A couple of hours ago” I answered I looked at my mum “I've been in my room” I told her, she looked at me confused

“How? It was locked” she asked, I smiled and pointed to the coat rack,

“Wingardium Leviosa” I cast and the rack slowly lifted in the air, Wayne and my mum stared at me shock

"How did you do that?” Wayne asked, Sirius picked his moment to walk down the stairs

“Mum, Wayne this is Sirius Black” I introduced, Sirius shook hands with them

“Nice to finally meet you” he smiled

“He's Keira and James' father” I told them, all of a sudden my mother launched a slap across Sirius' face I gave out a small scream as Sirius yelped in pain

“That was for leaving my daughter to bring up your kids on her own” my mum told him, I looked at the large red mark on Sirius' cheek and stroked it, I looked back at my mum

“He didn't have a choice mum!” I told her “He was falsely accused of murdering his two best friends, and anyway he didn't know I was pregnant when he left,” I told her, I looked back at Sirius, and healed the bruise that was starting to show, then I hugged him, “Are you ok?” I asked in a whisper

“I'm fine thanks” he hugged me back, we pulled away but held hands I looked back at my mum and brother

“Whens the funeral?” I asked,

“Tomorrow” I stared at them

“Bit quick isn't it? I mean he only died today” I said, I was getting pissed off now “I mean I am a part of the family aren't I, yet you didn't discuss anything with me, is it because of me moving away suddenly and not giving you any indication of doing so? I was alone, and I was of age, so I decided to pursue my dream, move down to Cardiff, become a Police Officer, start a family with the man I love” I explained “So tell me, why the hell didn't you discuss the plans with me?” I asked, they didn't say anything "Fine, if that's the case, we'll be at the funeral tomorrow, then we'll be going home, and you won't be hearing off us for quite a long time” and with that I stormed off upstairs, Sirius followed me, I walked into my room and sat on my bed “I can't believe they could do this” I told him angrily, he sat down and wrapped his arms around me, I sunk into it, quietly fuming, I took a deep breath and calmed down, I looked up at Sirius “I'm sorry” I apologized, he narrowed his eyes

“What have you got to be sorry for? Your dad has just died and they planned all the arrangements without you, I'd be pretty pissed off as well so don't worry” he told me, I smiled softly and kissed him lovingly

“I love you” I said, he smiled and kissed me back

“I love you too” he replied, I smiled and pulled away

“Let's get some sleep, I've got a weird feeling it's going to be a big day tomorrow” I said, he nodded and we both got changed, I enlarged my bed and we both got in, after half an hour Sirius fell asleep, but I just couldn't close my eyes, instead I got out of bed and and started to pack my belongings away, I got a few card board boxes out of my wardrobe, I put the items I was going to take with me in the boxes, my laptop, my two shelves full of books, over a hundred magazines, a few teddies I thought Ceri would like for her child, the rest of my clothes, photo albums, 2 large piles of DVD's, and after taking them off my walls my posters, once the boxes were full I shrunk them and put them by the door ready to be put in the car, satisfied with my nearly empty room I got into bed and snuggled up to Sirius finally letting sleep take over.

The next morning I had a quick shower and made breakfast for Sirius and the kids, who were sat at the kitchen table, I made Sirius beans on toast while the twins had cereal, at around half ten once we had finished my mum and brother walked in, announcing they were going up my aunt Janet's (My dad's sister) I just nodded

What time is the funeral and where is it?” I asked carrying the dishes to the dishwasher

“Wetley Rocks church, 2.30” My mum answered I nodded and they walked out the house

“Keira, James can you go get changed, Sirius you go have a shower” I said as I loaded the dishwasher, they nodded and went upstairs once I pushed the on button I walked into the living room, I rubbed my forehead in frustration, just then my mobile started to ring, I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller display screen, Jess' name was flashing on it, I flipped it up and answered “Hello?”

“Hi Fiona, where are you?” Jess asked

“In my mum and dad's house” I answered

“Well I'm in Cheadle, can you come pick up, I'm up the high street?” she asked

“Yeah sure, be there in a couple of minutes” I agreed

“Ok, cheers” she said then hung up, I slipped my shoes on and picked my keys up I walked to the bottom of the stairs

“Sirius!” I called

“Yeah?” he replied

“I'm going to pick Jess up, she's arrived in Cheadle” I shouted “Look after the kids”

“Ok will do” he said then I walked out, I got into the car, put my seatbelt and started the engine.
I picked Jess up in the car park and we drove back to my parents house

“What are you doing here?”I asked

“Well, I couldn't leave you here on your own in these terrible times could I?” she said grinning, I laughed “And anyway I wanted to tell you in person,Ceri gave birth last night, baby girl” she said, I gasped

“That's great news, I'm ecstatic for her” I grinned

“Yeah she's named her Olivia Fiona Tennant” she told me, I was so glad that we had just pulled up outside the house or I would've stopped in the middle of the road

“Really?” I asked, she nodded “OMG, that is so sweet” I smiled getting out of the car, Jess did the same, after locking the car I led Jess into the family home

“God I can't believe how long it's been since I last stepped through this door” she said, I laughed and walked into the living room where I found Keira and James watching TV

“Hey you guys” I said “Where's your dad?” I asked

“Doing his hair” Keira answered, I shook my head

“He spends longer on his hair than I do” I sighed, before making my way upstairs and sure enough Sirius was in my room in front of my mirror, combing his hair “What are you doing?” I asked

“My hair” he answered

“Sirius you're a 28 year old man and you're still worried about your hair?” I asked, he sighed, I walked over to him “You're perfect the way you are” I said “That's why I love you” I added kissing him softly he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me deeper, just as it started to heat up I pulled away, smiling I looked at my watch 1.30 already, I looked at Sirius “Promise you will always be with me” I asked

“I promise” he said I smiled and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him deeper, I knew this was going to further so I pointed my hand at the door, it swung shut and locked as Sirius pushed me down onto the bed, landing on top of me.

40 minutes later

“We'd better get dressed” I suggested

“Yeah” he agreed, I got changed first, slipping into a short black halter neck dress with black high heels and I wore a black jacket over my dress, while I let Sirius borrow one of my dads old suits, except he didn't know it was my dads, I had a quick brush through of my hair and let hang loosely on my shoulders, once we had finished I fetched Keira and James to get them changed, I made a copy of my dress, jacket and shoes and shrunk them for Keira, I made the heels shorter so she didn't break her neck, I shrunk another of my dads suits for James, and using my magic I quickly curled Keira's hair. When we had done we walked downstairs and into the living room where Jess was drinking a cup of tea

“Are you coming?” I asked she shook her head

“No I'm going to visit my folks” she said, I nodded

“Okay seeya later” I said, I picked up my bag and keys and walked out the front door, I unlocked the car and everyone got in.

10 minutes later.
We pulled up outside the church and we all got out, I looked at the outside of the building noticing how beautiful it was

“I want to get married here” I told Sirius, he smiled

“Anything you want babes” he said, I smiled and kissed him in thanks, I linked my hand through his, he squeezed my hand, I smiled gratefully and with James holding my hand and Keira holding Sirius' we walked inside. We walked up to the front and on the bench on the right my mum, brother and aunt sat so we sat on the one on the left.

When the whole ceremony was finished and everyone was leaving the graveyard, the vicar walked up to me

“Are you Fiona?” he asked, I nodded

“Shortly before your father passed away he visited the church, leaving this with me, he said when he goes he wants you to have everything” he explained handing me a large envelope, I stared at him

“Everything?” I asked, he nodded, I accepted it off him and looked on the front there written in my fathers handwriting was Fiona Mcnicol “Thank you vicar” I thanked he nodded and walked away, I slipped the envelope into my bag and looked at Sirius “That's really weird, there must be a reason why my dad left everything to me, after all there's my mum, brother, uncle & aunt to think about” I said as we walked to the car

“Well it must be all in that letter” Sirius suggested, I nodded & got into the car.

I pulled up outside my family home 15 minutes later

“Right I'm going to see Jess, you go upstairs and what ever you do don't pick a fight with my mum, lock the door if you have to just avoid any confrontation from her okay?” I said he nodded and him and the walked into the house, then I turned the engine on again and drove to Jess'.
I knocked on the door, letter in hand and Alan Short answered

“Fiona it's so good to see you” he said we hugged

“Great to see you too Alan” I replied, he let me in “Where's Jess?” I asked

“Her old room” he said

“Do you mind if I go up to her?” I asked

“Not at all” he replied, I smiled and walked up the stairs carefully, as I was still wearing my heels I knocked on Jess' bedroom door and walked in

“Hey Jess” I said she turned around to face me

“Hey Fe, how'd it go?” she asked, I flopped down on her bed and kicked my heels off

“Alright I suppose,” I said I held up the envelope “The vicar gave me this at the end and said it was left to me from my father,” I told her “He said my dad had left me everything he owned” Jess stared at me, she sat down as I slowly opened it, once done I tipped the contents onto the bed, there were a number of sets of keys, I recognised ones such as, house keys, car keys and a large set of keys I didn't know what were for, next to them were a folded up piece of paper, and some odd ones, I picked a couple up, one was the deed to the firm of factories and toy shops my dad owned, the deed to the house, the papers for the car, deeds to the villa's he owned across the world, Spain, France, America, Australia, Italy and Poland, I picked up the folded up paper, it was a letter from my dad written to me, I cast a silencing charm on the door and locked it and read it out loud “Dear Fiona
if you have opened the other items first you can see there are the deeds and papers to everything I own, I have given it all to you, not because I love you more than you mother or Wayne but because I think you'll deserve it. I have led an amazing life and knowing you have and will lead one too with having Keira and James, and I know whoever the father is, he didn't mean to leave you on your own, I just hope he has found you before it was too late, whoever the lucky man is I give him my blessing and he would've been a wonderful son-in-law I wish you both all the happiness you deserve, and if he does find you and you decide to get married, I'm sorry I can't be there in person but I'll always be looking down on you. Once you say I do I will be the happiest man in the world, you go and lead the wonderful life I know you'll have, and whoever walks you down the aisle should be the one that you trust the most and has stayed with you throughout everything. I love you Fiona I'm glad I'm your father and you're my daughter.
Lots of love Dad xx
I had tears running down my cheeks when I had finished, I cover my mouth with my hand and wiped the tears away

“Christ almighty” Jess said, I nodded

“Yeah it's certainly that” I laughed softly, I collected everything up again and put them back in the envelope I thought of something “Jess?” I said

“Yeah” she answered

“Since I know Sirius is going to pick Remus as his best man, and I'm going to ask John to sing at my wedding, what do you think Gareth would say if I asked him to walk me down the aisle?” I asked she smiled

“He would say yes definitely” she said, I smiled, looking at my engagement ring

“Thought so,” I grinned “We'd better set off, I've got a lot of planning to do” I said, I stood up and looked around only just noticing how much stuff Jess left behind when she moved to Cardiff 9 years ago “Jess do you want to take some stuff with you?” I asked,

“It won't fit in the car will it?” she asked, I laughed

“I can shrink it” I told her, she laughed and started to tell me what she wanted to take with her and I shrunk them. When we had finished loading them into the boxes we took them to the car, which I made the boot bigger so mine would fit in as well, when we walked back inside to say goodbye Jess' twin sister Jaz decided to make an entrance

“So you going again then?” she asked spitefully

“Yeah” Jess answered “And don't worry I won't miss you” she said

“Good I'm hoping you won't, we can go back to how we were when you left 9 years back” Jaz spat, I put my hand on Jess' shoulder as if to say let me handle this one she nodded and I took a step towards Jaz

“So if that means Jess' going back to her loved ones where's she's got a life, and you stay here where you're still living with your parents at 25 years of age where you haven't got a life, I'd say you're jealous” I said

“I am not!” she protested

“Oh yeah, prove it, you're living with your parents with no job, no future no GCSE's and Jess' got a boyfriend who loves her, friends who care, which include David Tennant and John Barrowman, a dream job, teaching sports at a primary school, and a promising future” I said “A proper life....” I paused and looked at Jess “Have you told them yet?” I asked, she knew what I meant

“No” she said

“Well tell them” I told her, she took a deep breath

“Mum, Dad, I'm pregnant” she said, all of a sudden she was being hugged to death by her parents, I turned back to Jaz

“So Jaz, what does that tell you, all those of years of you being a spitefully jealous b***h which obviously still hasn't rubbed off” I glared at her “Do us all a favour including your parents, get a job, get a house, get a family and most of all GET A LIFE!” I turned away from her and to Alan and Tina “It was so good to see you again” I said hugging them both, when I let go I stepped outside Jess following me,

“Safe journey” Alan called as we got in my car

“Thanks” I shouted back and I started the engine.

When we arrived outside my family house again, which I corrected was mine now, I told Jess to wait in the car while I went inside, I found my mum and Wayne in the living room talking quietly, I walked in and they stopped abruptly

“There you go again, what are you planning this time?” I asked spitefully I got the envelope out of my pocket and took out the letter, I slammed it on the table “Read that, and you better hurry up” I said, after a couple of minutes they looked up at me shocked

“When did you get this?” Wayne asked

“After the funeral, the vicar gave it me, I own everything in dads name, but because I won't be able to live in the house, I'm going to let you carry on living in it, and Wayne you can have the car,” I passed him the car keys, “Right I'm going home, got a lot of planning to do” and picking up the letter I walked out, I walked upstairs to where Sirius and the kids were sat on the bed, Sirius was telling them some sort of story, I smiled and walked over to them, Sirius hadn't noticed me walk in yet so I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and kissed him on the neck, he nearly s**t himself in shock

“Where the hell did you come from?” he asked as the twins laughed their heads off

“Never mind that, come on we're going home” I said, he nodded, then I noticed he was still in his suit, I transfigured it into some jeans and a shirt, “Right pick the boxes up and take them to the car” I told Sirius, he gave me a hard kiss then went over and picked the items up, walking out the door with Keira and James following him, I looked around the room just in case I had left anything, which I did, I had forgotten to put the photo in one of the boxes, I picked it up and walked out.

6 hours later

I knocked on Ceri's door, and David answered

“Fiona, welcome back” he greeted, I smiled and hugged him, he led me through to the living room where Ceri who was holding Olivia and Harry were sitting on the sofa, when Harry saw me he ran over and hugged

“Hello Harry, have you been good?” I asked, Ceri looked up and smiled

“He's been a little star, helping me out with Olivia and everything” she answered, I smiled and kissed Harry's head,

“That's good to know, Sirius' in the car, you go get in babes” I told him, he nodded and ran out, I walked over to my best friend and sat down beside her

“How'd it go?” she asked

“Okay I suppose, had an argument with my mum and brother oh and also with Jess' sister, found out my dad had left everything in my name, all the firms, the car, house, shops, villa's etc.” I told her, I looked at Olivia who was fast asleep “She's beautiful Cez” I said “She's got your nose” I grinned

“Really?” she asked

“Definitely” I said, she laughed

“Thanks, well she's got David's eyes that's for sure” she commented

“What those brown doe-eyes that you can't tear your eyes from?” I asked smiling

“You too eh?” she laughed, that's when David decided to walk in we looked at him and burst out laughing

“What are laughing at?” he asked,

“Never you mind Dave” I said once I had calmed down I stood up “Right I'd better be off, got a lot of planning, oh and Dave you working tomorrow?” I asked

“No, why?” he replied I smiled

“You're babysitting Olivia, me and you're girlfriend have to go shopping for dresses” I told him, he laughed

“Ok” he agreed

“I wasn't asking I was telling” I laughed, “Anyway Cez, my flat 2.00pm” I said she nodded “Ok, seeya later” I said before walking out the flat, I got in the car where Sirius, the kids and Jess were waiting “Just a couple more things to do before we can go home, go round Jess' and then around John's” I said, Sirius nodded.
I helped Jess carry the boxes into her flat where we found Gareth lying on the sofa looking at some scripts, he grinned as we entered, Jess dropped the box on the floor and hugged him, I put the box on the floor and after they had finished hugging I hugged him

“I would say that I only came in because I'm helping Jess with her boxes but that would be a lie, Gareth will you do me a huge favour and walk me down the aisle on my wedding day?” I asked, he stared at me before breaking out in a huge smile, he hugged me tight

“I would be honoured thank you so much Fiona” he said, I smiled and hugged him tighter

“You're welcome, my dad left me a letter and he said he wanted me to pick someone who has always been there for me, and since I can't pick Remus or John because they've got different jobs to do you were next, because ever since I moved to Cardiff you've always been there for me and I thank you for that” I explained he smiled and pulled away “Right better be off, and Jess be around mine for 2pm tomorrow” I added before walking out the door, I got in the car

“What was that about?” Sirius asked

“Gareth's walking me down the aisle on our wedding day” I told him, he smiled “I was going to ask Remus or John but Remus will be your best man right?” I asked, he laughed

“You know me so well”

“Yeah I guess I do, and anyway I want John to sing at our wedding” I said as we drove to John's

“I've never actually heard John sing” he admitted

“Really? Well you won't be disappointed, he is amazing” I said

“I'm relying on you babes” he said

“Wouldn't have it any other way” I laughed, he chuckled and kissed me on the cheek, just as I pulled outside John's flat “Come on kids let's go say hi to Uncle John and Uncle Scott” I said they all cheered and jumped out the car running up to the front door while me & Sirius followed them, I knocked on and a few seconds later it opened and Scott appeared, he smiled when he saw it was us, “Hiya babes” I greeted hugging him,

“Hello to you too” he replied, he shook Sirius' hand

“Great to see you mate” Sirius said, he nodded

“You too” he said, he moved aside and let us, the kids ran into the lounge where John was lying on the sofa watching T.V all of the kids jumped on in, he yelled in pain, and hugged them all, even Harry, he had always counted Harry as one my own, once he had finished mucking about with them he stood up and held his arms out, I grinned and ran into them, he picked me up and spun me around, I hugged him tight

“Hey gorgeous” I said once he put me down, he winked and clicked his tongue, I smiled and rolled my eyes, “I came to ask my best friend a very important question” I said, grabbing his hands with my own, he squeezed them gently

“Hit me, I'll probably say yes anyway” he grinned, I laughed

“Ok, John, would you mind singing at my wedding?” I asked

“Course I will” he answered almost straight away, I laughed and hugged him tight

“Thank you, I'll drop you off the list of songs tomorrow” I said, he nodded, I reached up and kissed him on the cheek, “Come on kids say goodbye” I said, they all hugged John and Scott then followed Sirius out the door, I hugged Scott, “You'd better be coming” I warned jokingly, he laughed

“Wouldn't miss it for the world” he grinned I laughed, bid goodbye and walked out.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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Added on July 4, 2010
Last Updated on July 4, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
