![]() Chapter 16 - At long bloody last!A Chapter by lover of SiriusChapter 16 - At long bloody last!
4 months later 4 months later I was sitting on the sofa in the flat "Anything you need?" Jess asked, I laughed "Jess I'm fine seriously after last time you asked me" I said "Sorry, I just don't believe 9 months has gone already, you're due any day now" I smiled "Me neither, and can you write me a note to Remus and ask him if he's not busy can he come over for a couple of nights because I want him be here for the birth, i know it's not Full moon, at least for a couple of weeks yet, " I asked "Sure, where's Lucky?" Jess asked, Lucky is the owl James sent me before he left from my house "In my room I think" I said she nodded and dissappeared, 5 minutes later she appeared with Lucky on her arm, a letter attached to her leg, Jess bought her over to me and I stroked her head "Safe journey" Lucky hooted and Jess let her fly out the window, I sighed and lay back, one hand on my womb. 4 hours later "I'm back!" I heard the door shut as Ceri entered the living room, I smiled at her, just then there was a loud crack filled the room, I smiled while Ceri jumped in surprise, Remus stood there in the middle of the sitting room "F*****g hell!" Ceri screamed, I burst out laughing, covering my mouth trying to muffle the laughter, Remus stood there sheepishly, once I had calmed down, I stood up and gave Remus a hug "Thank you for coming Remus" I said kissing him on the cheek "It's fine I was just reading anyway" I smiled and took his hand pulled him into the bedroom, I sat him on the bed and shut the door before sitting next to him "Any news?" I asked "Well James Lily and Harry are under the Fidelus charm, few more months until it happens" Remus said sadly, I wrapped my arms around him "Whatever happens I'm always here, don't forget that" I said, I looked at him, stroking his cheek "Yeah I know, Thanks Fiona" He said "Anytime, so how's Sirius coping?" "Well, since Dumbledore said he can't visit you again, all he's been doing is moping around" Remus sighed "He wants to be here at the birth, but Dumbledore won't let him" "I would love him to be here too" I said "But when you go back tell him I love him more than anything" "I think he already knows" Remus said, I smiled "Remus, can I ask you something?" I asked "Course you can" I sighed then looked into his amber eyes "Will you do the honour of being the godfather of mine and Sirius' children?" "Fiona I would love too, thank you!" I hugged him tight "I knew you would" I smiled pulling away "But don't tell Sirius I want to tell him in person" Remus nodded, just then I felt something wet undernearth me "Oh f**k!" I cursed "What!" Remus asked "My waters have broken!" I yelled as the contractions started "Ceri!" I shouted, the door opened and Ceri burst in "What?" she asked "Fiona's in labour" Remus said "Right, Remus, hold her hand and keep telling her to breathe deeply, I'm going to ring my sister, shes a midwife" Ceri said Remus nodded as Ceri ran out the room, he held my hand "Why isn't she ringing the hospital?" Remus asked "I want a home birth in case something happens" I said in between breathes, Remus nodded and stroked my forehead "The contractions are getting closer, Ceri hurry up!" I shouted, Ceri ran into the room "She'll be a couple of minutes, shes just getting her stuff" I nodded as Ceri ran out again then ran back in moments later with towels and a wet cloth, she handed it to Remus, "Wipe her head with that" Ceri said 6 hours later "They're beautiful" I whispered as I held my baby girl, Remus hold my baby boy "Fiona they're Metamorphmagi!" Remus whispered in my ear, he was right the twins hairs kept changing colour "Brilliant!" I replied, thankful Courtney had gone, Ceri had gone to ring Jess who was staying at Gareth's "At leats you were right saying you wanted homebirth in case something happened" Remus grinned, he kissed my forehead "Suppose I was" I smiled just then Ceri came in "Ceri get my camera" I said she nodded and got it out my drawer, Remus was just about to hand me my baby boy "No come here" I said moving across on the bed to make room for Remus, he sat beside me while Ceri held up the camera "Say Magic!" she said "Magic!" Me and Remus said together, Ceri took some more, one with me along with my babies, another with the babies alone, one with Ceri, me and the babies one with Ceri on her own with the babies then one with Remus on his own "Can you go get them developed for me a few copies of each" I asked her she nodded and went out the get her laptop "Have you thought of any names?" Remus asked "Well Keira Lily Black, for the girl," Remus smiled "I'm not sure, erm... James Sirius Black?" "Perfect choice" Remus said, I smiled, Ceri came in with a pile of Photographs, she handed them to me, I began to sort through them, giving Remus one with him and the new borns then one with Keira and James on their own then one with me and the twins I handed them to him and he grinned "Thanks" "No problem" I replied and gave Ceri one with her and the twins then one with twins on their own, she gave me a hug in thanks, I had some left over, I pulled one with me and the twins and one with twins on their own, and got a pen, I wrote on the back on the one with the twins on their own Sirius Meet your beautiful children, Keira Lily Black and James Sirius Black they're metamorphmagi I'm sending an inclosed photo of them for James and Lily, give them my love, and to Harry, good luck with everything. Fiona I wrote on the one with me and the twins Sirius, I love you, and I miss you, I've asked Remus to be Godfather, hope this pleases you, write to me please, tell me how you're doing, and I know I shouldn't be talking about this but remember when you get sent to Azkaban, it wasn't your fault Love you forever and always xxFionaxx, I put them both and an extra photo of me and the twins in an envelope, and wrote Sirius Black on the front I got up carefully as not to wake Keira and James and went over to Lucky, I tied them to her leg, "Keep pecking him until I get a reply" I told my pet she hooted in understanding and flew off. I smiled and went on my knees to look under my bed, I pulled out to large slim boxes, cots, I looked up at Remus and Ceri "Well are you going to help me or what?" © 2010 lover of Sirius |
1 Review Added on June 1, 2010 Last Updated on June 1, 2010 Author![]() lover of SiriusStoke-on-Trent, England, United KingdomAbouthiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..Writing