Chapter 11 - Never Say Remember

Chapter 11 - Never Say Remember

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

I woke up with a jolt, remembering the night before, S**T S**T S**T!, I thought, getting out of bed fast, I quickly slipped on my clothes and left a note for David, reading it over: 

Last night shouldn't of happened, I was drunk you were drunk, it was a drunken accident, I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone, seeya around, Fiona 

Before walking out the door, when I reached my car I dialled Ceri's number she picked up


"Ceri it's me Fiona, are you in?"

"Yeah, why are you in Cardiff?" 

"Yeah got here last night but you weren't answering your phone so I stayed the night in a hotel, anyway I'm coming over seeya in a bit" 

"Ok seeya later chic" She told me before hanging up, I sighed and got in my car and started the engine.
I arrived at the flat 10 minutes later, I grabbed some of my bags out the car and knocked on the door, Ceri answered, and gave me a tight hug, I hugged her back, when she let go she handed me a key

"That's your key and Jess' is in the living room, by the way where is Jess?" She asked

"Gareth David-Lloyd's flat probably" I said getting some clothes and towels out my bag "I'm going to have a shower there wasn't one at the hotel" I lied "I'll explain everything once I'm fresh" Ceri nodded

"Alright, want a cup of tea?" She asked

"I would love one, 2 sugars plenty of milk please" I told her, she smiled, I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door after me.

20 minutes later

I walked into the kitchen, feeling refreshed and more awake, to find Ceri sitting at the table reading a magazine, she looked up and smiled

"Feeling better?" She asked as I took a seat next to her

"Much thanks" I grinned I just took a sip of my drink when the door went "That's probably Jess, I'll go get it" I said standing up again, she nodded and I went through the living room and down the hall. I opened the door expecting to find Jess there, instead I found David "David!" I gasped, a little loudly because Ceri was standing beside me straight away

"David!" She yelled and went and kissed him, David kissed her back, I stood there rooted to the spot, I couldn't believe it, I unrooted myself and went into the living room, picked up my keys then walked back into the hall again

"I'm going out" I said making them come apart

"Why?" Ceri asked 

"Give you some space, nice meeting you David" I said forcing a smile, "I'll be back later, and I'll bring Jess with me if I find her" I said walking out, I ran over to my car but decided not to drive, instead a walk should do me good, I walked along Cardiff Bay and letting the tears fall, I passed a T.V set, and realised it was Torchwood, John should be there, I thought I hastily wiped my tears but I knew my make-up had smudged, I wiped as much of it off as I could, & stood at the edge watching John do a scene, a few minutes later it finished, John said something to Eve Myles who laughed then he turned around his eyes landed on me, he grinned and came over, his grin faltering slightly when he came closer

"Fiona what on earth is the matter?" He asked

"Nothing why?" I lied putting another fake smile on

"One you're fake smiling, two you've got red puffy eyes which means you've been crying" He told me

"Bad luck since I got here I suppose" I sighed

"Want to go get a coffee so we can talk?" He asked

"Aren't you working?" I said 

"They can do without me for an hour" He said

"Thanks John" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"I'll just tell Russell" He smiled walking away, I looked around and my heart stopped, I saw a large black dog running behind a restaurant, I blinked and shook my head that couldn't of been Sirius, I told myself "What are you shaking your head for?" John had come back, I spun around 

"Thought I saw something" I told him, he nodded 

"Come on let's go find a Cafe" He said I nodded and let him lead me away telling myself it wasn't Sirius, I touched my necklace that Sirius had given me the other day, I sighed before I knew it I was sitting at a table opposite John.We waited for the coffee's to come when they had John stared at me, I rubbed my face with my hands

"When you went last night David invited me back to his flat after telling me that he was not going out with my best mate, slept with him, woke up left a note and went over to Ceri's - my - flat" I corrected "Had a shower and when I came out there was a knock at the door, that's when I found out David had lied to me, I walked out" 

"Holy F**k" John cursed 

"I know" 

"I'm gonna kill David" I grabbed his hands and held them tight

"Don't John, Ceri doesn't no and as much as I am pissed off with David, I can't tell her, I just needed someone to talk to" I explained, he squeezed my hands in return smiling

"Ok sweetheart, but don't expect me to be nice to him after what he did to you" I laughed

"I wouldn't expect anything less off you" He grinned "And John" I said he looked at me 

"Thank you"

"Any time darling" He replied, I let go and took a drink of my coffee 

"So, what series are you filming?" I asked, he studied me as if deciding to answer it

"3rd" He finally said

"Can't wait" I said drinking the last of my coffee

"I bet you only watch it 'cus I'm in it" He wondered

"Well you and Tom Price" I agreed

"What Tom as in PC Andy?" He asked

"Yep" I grinned, he thought for a moment

"He is quite dishy I agree" He said I laughed

"Keep off him John, you've got Scott" I said 

"Alright, alright, well I know one things for sure"

"What's that?"

"Gareth's one hell of a good kisser" I burst out laughing

"You dirty bugger" I said after about 5 minutes once I had finally calmed down

"Thank you" He thanked, I shook my head

"Come on you better get back to work" I said standing up, he did the same, we paid for the drinks and walked out together I walked with him back to the set and said good bye to him, he returned the goodbyes with a hard kiss instead, before walking away, I grinned and touched my lips, sighing and started off towards my flat, when I was about half way there I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped violently and spun around to find David standing there "David!" I said

"Sorry" He apoligised, I glared it him and started to walk off, he caught up with me "Fiona will you please listen to me, let me explain!" 

"Why David, why should I listen to you? You lied to me, letting me cheat on my best friend! You're nothing but a rotten, dirty, cheating wanker!" I screamed, making some passer-bys look over, we ignored them

"I'm sorry!" David yelled "I shouldn't of slept with you but I wasn't right in the head, I was f*****g para'! If I wasn't bloody drunk I wouldn't of slept with you!" He lowered his voice when he said it, I could tell he was angry, so was I, I was furious, 

"If you think that's gonna work you're well mistaken" I sighed "And if you're wondering if I'm gonna tell Ceri, I'm not, not for you it's because I don't want to see her get hurt" I said scowling, David took a step closer to me, "You gonna hit me Tennant?" I asked. Just then I heard a loud growl from behind David, then a bark and before he could do anything David was knocked to the floor by a large, shaggy black dog, "Padfoot!" I shouted, thinking better to use a nickname than his real one, 'Padfoot' jumped off David and ran up to me, I knelt down and hugged him, "You have no idea how much I've missed you over the past couple of days, Sirius" I whispered into his fur, Padfoot gave a low growl, 

"Fiona!" I heard my name shouted, I turned my head and saw John running up to me, he knelt down beside me, I pushed Padfoot off me "Are you alright, sweetheart" I smiled 

"I'm fine, just a little spot of bother with that wanker over there" I said motioning over to David, who was still on the floor, looking scared shitless, John was just about to get until I grabbed his arm to stop him "John leave it" I said, he sighed and nodded helping me up, Padfoot growled at John, I knelt down again "He's alright Siri" I whispered, his growling ceased, I smiled "Good boy" I got up and turned to John

"You know him?" He asked, I laughed

"'Course I do" I paused then sighed, glancing at Padfoot "John can I trust you to keep an enormous secret?" I asked

"Depends" He replied

"On what?" I asked

"If you can tell the dog to stop bloody staring at me" He moaned, 

"Padfoot stop it!" I commanded, he stopped and gave me the puppy eyes "Don't bother Padfoot" I sighed, turning back to John "So?" He nodded "We can't go back to mine, can we go back to your flat?" I asked

"Yeah sure, if it's so important" He said 

"It is" I told him, linking my arm through his as we made our way to his flat, Let's just hope you believe me, i added in thought "Come on Padfoot" I said, letting him walk beside me. We got to John's flat a few minutes later, John was just about to shut the door on Padfoot but I stopped him 

"What?" He asked

"He's coming in" I said "He's the most important in the information I'm going to tell you", he sighed and let the Animagus in "He's trained don't worry" I reassured, as we made our way to the lounge 

"Want a drink?" John asked

"No I'm fine" I said he smiled and sat down beside me on the sofa, Padfoot lay on the floor "Right, I think we better get this over and done with now, rather than later" I told John 

"Get what over and done with?" He asked

"Sirius, you know what to do" I told Padfoot

"Sirius? You've just been calling him Padfoot!" John said confused

"Padfoot, is his nickname, Sirius is his real name" I said 

"Bu--!" John started

"John, shut up it will be explained in time, just watch and don't freak out" I interrupted, I nodded and Padfoot, who stood up on his four legs and right before our eyes started to transform into a human, infront of us now stood Sirius Black, I jumped up and hugged him tight, he hugged me back "I have missed you so much!" I said

"I've missed you more Fiona" He said, I pulled away and kissed him hard, he kissed me back, before pulling away, hugging him once more then sitting down, I looked at John who was staring at us gobsmacked

"You have got a lot of explaining to do Fiona" John said once he had recovered

"Haven't I just" I replied under my breath "Where do I start?"

© 2010 lover of Sirius

My Review

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Just read on from where I last reviewed. Overall, good. A bit messy in the continuity of the ideas you have written down, it seemed like you tried to write everything you thought up in a few chapters. Lastly, there were a lot , and I mean a lot, of grammar and spelling mistakes (I could proof read it for you, correct all the mistakes, but I'd need printed versions and my printers doesn't work)
Brasso (by the way, The Priest has been posted in the cafe)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 22, 2010
Last Updated on May 22, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
