"Let's pretend I'm not me and you aren't you." She said, smiling hazily. I didn't know what she meant, but I agreed. She's a mystic. A princess with grey eyes and green kool-aid streaked hair.
She'll rule the world someday, I'm just her next stepping stone. And that's okay as I weave flowers at her feet. She tells me secrets everyone already knows, and I am in awe.
She's reminds me of springtime and teenage lust. She's a drug. We're all on drugs. She dances in twirling, whirling waves of brilliance and light. The smell of roses and grace left behind in her wake.
"Let's have an adventure." She says, the early morning misting through the curtains. I follow her lead, inhaling her numbing essence and laughing aloud. Tracing my fingers softly across the rainbows her dreams leave behind.