spinning loveA Poem by Suffer In SilenceWhen you were a little girl, did you ever spin around in a cirlce with your arms out and look at the sky? I did and that's what love feels like to me. You're so free and you're adrenline is running wild, it's as if nothing can touch you. But then once that feelings over, You feel dizzy and sick to your stomack. So you lie on the ground and close your eyes until the sick, pain feeling passes. But in reality, your broken heart sometimes never goes away or it may be mended, but someone, one day, is going to rip it open again and your spinning fun will be over. Falling in love is easy, to some. Others have a hard time falling. But that one is going to come and your never going to stop spinning © 2009 Suffer In SilenceAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on May 31, 2009 AuthorSuffer In SilenceCanada, CanadaAboutMy name is Aliya and I'm currently 16 years of age. My writing is pretty mutual, nothing extradionary or breath taking... not yet at least. If you have any comments on any of my poems, PLEASE commen.. more..Writing