Broken Chalice
I saw a sundown
Bleeding day
Beheld a dawn
That stabbed the night
My youth did ask
Why do they fight?
Falls end as cold
Sapped the leaves
Winter did melt
Spring ends the Freeze
And I grew older
And then I thought
The seasons just turn
The sun just burns
Each change just brought
Another thought
I saw a soul in pain
And then in rage
Against the onset
Of despair
And now I ask
As I grow older
Why do I care?
Because my needs
I thought too much
Yet not enough
My cup too small
To hold her love
My eyes
Were turned inside
I did not see
Not mine to free
A heart bled
That soul
I love that one
I tried to catch
With broken chalice
I always watched
Her seasons turn
My inspiration
My heart is hers
Though seasons change
I hope she sees
It was not malice
I learn too slow
And hold too hard
And loved with fear
Of what I lost
And lived with guilt
For what I felt
She has to know
That what I feel
Was not for show
Not at its core
I can be more
I'll cast my needs
To the four seasons
But love I hold
She is my palace
I hope she sees
It's lined with gold
And bound with love
This broken chalice