Last Words

Last Words

A Chapter by ~loud whispers~



               "Some times I just cant take it any more!" Bailey exclaimed as she collapsed into my arms. I rubed her back in a circular motion in my attempt to calm her down as I spoke reassuring murmers to her. " I know we have been through this a million times before, but when ever Tallon dissapers like that I just get so angry!" I cringed at the sound of his name, he has been pulling the "bad boy" act for as long as I have known him. And the fact that he is a total creep doesn't help either. "I know, I know don't let it get to you. I keep telling you to break up with him." I droned my words. Each time he dissapears no where to be found she became a sobbing mess. "But I love him, he makes me so happy!" I let out and exsaperated sigh. "He obviously does not make you happy if you are crying because of him." She looked up at me as if I just told her that elephants learned to speak. "Come on lets go to my room." I tugged her down the hall way to the room that we have spent countless hours laughing, crying, fighting, and talking in. As we entered my room I looked at the familar sight of our safe haven. My walls sported an off white with chipping paint and a montage of pictures Bailey has horded on my wall over the years. Bailey and I managed our way through the maze of trash, laundrey, and small trinkets littered across my floor.

               The both of us followed routine and curled up together under the thin light blue blankets of my twin sised bed. I didn't dare say a word knowing she had some thing to say. She has been hiding something from me for weeks and plan to find out today. "How have you been holding up with at the courner store?" she asked inoccently trying to get me off topic. "And the thrift shop? Have you been keeping up with your home work?" All I did was glare at her. "I knew that wasn't going to work." She stated looking down at her key neckless that was the exact copy of my own. "Why do you put your self through this?" I half yelled half asked. "He treats you like the neighbor hood stray! You are nothing but a toy for him! he doesn't care Bailey! Why can't you see that?" My last sentence came out a plea, I was all but begging her now. "I may never get the chance to love agian. Loramindy? Please understand me I need him." I was appaled at her statment. She has never needed any one else in her entire life. We have always been on our oun. Now I know for a fact she's hiding somthing, we don't keep secrets from each other. Danm it shes slipping through my fingers! "Whats wrong, what are you hiding frome me?" I asked accusingly. She looked like a deer caught in the head lights. The room went silent as we looked at each other trying to figure out what to say. Then her big almond eyes welled up with tears, tears only I was alowed to see. "I have been having thoughts," she confessed "bad; bad thoughts!" So thats what it was. I dinn't say any thing all i did was stare at her collecting my thoughts for a coupple grueling seconds. "No, Bailey you didn't!" I exclaimed as I grabed her arm and tore down her long sleves to reveal the new long red streaks that stained her olive skin. "I thought that we talked about this." I held up her arm as if a cobra was wraped around it "This wont help any thing!" She looked ashamed. "I know, this was the only time, I promise I wont do it agian." I looked at her speckticly. "Okay just don't do it agian. Please Bailey I need you." I pulled her into a desprate hug. "You can tell me any thing, you could never make me mad for to long. Just so long as you dont leave me." Bailey returned my hug and squeezed tight. "I promise Lora, you know I love you." That is the last thing she said as she drifted off to a peacful sleep.

             I looked at a peacful bailey as she slept with a smile. I have always admired her. She has the prettist medim length brown hair. My cousins smile cheeky smile could lighten up any room. Compared to me, Pure white skin, and long blonde hair that goes down past my butt. My small smile was a drop of water in the ocean compared to Baileys. Even my deep green eyes had nothing on her cute almond ones. I sighed, "Time for bed." I spoke mailnly for my self, and turned over on my side and fell into a restless sleep.

© 2013 ~loud whispers~

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Added on January 2, 2013
Last Updated on January 2, 2013


~loud whispers~
~loud whispers~

Big Bear, CA

Hello, my name is Morgan. I am presently attending high school as a sophomore, and I am the publicity chair for the undead poet society. I also a member of the drama club. I spend most my time reading.. more..

Dreams? Dreams?

A Chapter by ~loud whispers~