![]() DaddyA Poem by ~loud whispers~![]() letter in poem form![]()
You know I dont hate you right? That I just say that to make myself feel better. Because you do drugs or drink achohol? I know its not your fault that its just an addiction! Do you hate me Daddy? I hope you dont because I do love you. Im just affraid to say it. Because Im affraid of you Daddy! That you will tear out my heart and rip it to shreads once agian. my heart used to be golden and innocent. Happy and filled with love! Now its ugly and courrpt. Sad and terrifyed. Terriffyed that some one will break it agian! Did you know I hate your wife? I hate her like you hate this poem! Im telling the truth when I say I hate her, with a burning passion inside my soul. That i keep close to my chest, enveloped in my arms that i will never let go of! Why you ask? Because she is the source! She is a theif! She stole my real father from me like the greedy b***h she is! She is like the same poison you rush to every day. You bring her close to your lips and inhale her poison. Alowing her to seep into your lungs slowly sufficating you. Blurring your vision and clouding your judgement! Why cant you see that Daddy? I love you and always will so tell me how to save you so you can love me to. © 2012 ~loud whispers~Author's Note
Added on August 28, 2012 Last Updated on August 28, 2012 Author![]() ~loud whispers~Big Bear, CAAboutHello, my name is Morgan. I am presently attending high school as a sophomore, and I am the publicity chair for the undead poet society. I also a member of the drama club. I spend most my time reading.. more..Writing