My body filled with anger. My face grew hotter and hotter filling with blood. “You promised!” I managed to say, my voice still shaky and hoarse. “You said if I answered your questions then I could leave. You promised I could.” My throat swelled again my eyes feeling swollen and my cheeks sore from frowning.
“I know, I did. I’m sorry. We need to know who your parents are though, without knowing their names you can not leave.” He said also frowning, but it only made mine more grave.
“Why do you need to know their names anyway. What does it matter? What do you want with me?” I asked confused and wondering, so many emotions taking me over at once.
“We just do. I can’t tell you why, you’d know to much. For now just sit tight, we will find your parents and then everything will be alright.” By this time he had made it to the door and exited after David.
What have I gotten myself into? What do my parents have to do with anything. Maybe they were in the FBI and now they are looking for me. Perhaps they’re just messing with my head, torturing me… the only good thing I see coming from this is finding my parents. That’s what I was hoping for after all wasn’t it? I didn’t mean in this way though. By being kidnapped by these maniacs! And what if they do find my parents, what will they do then, will they really let me go. Could things ever be alright after this?
Hours must have passed by the time I heard the knob rattle again. I still sat in the same spot on the floor as I had when he left. All the intense emotions from before draining me of so much energy I felt almost dead. My body lay weakly on the floor.
The questioning guy entered the room and sat on the floor across from me, his eyes never leaving the floor. I wasn’t sure what to think of his silence at first. Was he putting on some kind of act?
Finally after a moment his head lifted and his eyes looked deep into my own making my gut sink as I saw something horrible within his own. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t be sure of what.
“Kaitlin, we found your parents.” I lifted my head curiously. “Their names are Arnold and Kate…Paole.” He swallowed hard and looked away sharply. “Which means we can’t let you leave.”
“What?” I asked confused. “Why? You said…”
He cut me off, “I know, what I said, and I’m sorry for saying that. I guess I just got used to making mistakes…” His voice trailed on and I lost track of what he was talking about.
“What do my parents have to do with me? I don’t even know them! If you have something you need from them, be my guest and go find them because I don’t know where they are.” I was angry again now, I just wanted to leave, it’s not like this guy could stop me. He may be bigger than me, but I bet I could out run him.
“They are your parents, that’s what they have to do with you. And we don’t need anything from them. We need you.” David said after reentering the room answering me.
“Why do you need me? What could I possibly do for you two…psychos?” This made my head swim and I began to regret asking that, praying that they would just say nothing.
“We are far from psychos.” He smirked. I began to tremble as I closed my eyes and cried. “Ethan, how can we expect this cry baby to help, I’m starting to loose faith in the...” I looked up, slightly peeved by him calling me a cry baby.
“She’ll amount to great things. She just has a lot to learn that’s all..” They now glanced at me as I listened, very confused.
Whipping away the tears I stood as tall as I could and asked, “Ok, what are you talking about?” They exchanged a look and then turned to me letting that fear jump inside me.
“Kaitlin, your parents were strong people. Your blood line runs pure all the way back to the 12th century.” The boy I now knew as Ethan said. “because of that, you have great potential to be just as… strong as your parents and grandparents before. That is why we need you.”
“What is it exactly you need me to do? Rob a bank?”
“Much more significant than that.” Ethan said grinning.
“Take over the world?”
“In a way.” This surprised me, making the two of them chuckle.
“And how will I do that?” I questioned once again.
“Time will tell all.” David said patting me on the shoulder, making me freeze for a second. “Don’t you worry your teary little head.” This made me scowl. David exited to room and left the door open unusually.
“Don’t get too shook up over him. He just likes to burst peoples bubbles.” Ethan said, my attention turning back to him. “Well, we better get going.” He exited the room also.
“Get going where?” I asked carefully following him down the hall.
“Back to the city. We have to stay there for a few hours. People to see, business to attend to.” He walked down the hall, me following carefully behind, now with nothing left to do.
“What kind of business?” I asked timidly again.
“None of your business.” He chuckled softly at his own joke.
When we entered the lobby, David stood at the door, peaking through the blinds out into the world. It was then that I realized that I was still trapped. Trapped in even a more desperate way than I had been before, what I would give to be back in my previous hell hole.
David’s finger slipped from the blinds, turning back towards us.
“Looks like we have a little free time.” I watched him curiously, “And I haven’t slept in ages.” With that he let out a loud yawn and stretched his arms out over his head making him look even larger than before.
“How long do you think we have?” Ethan asked, still facing away from me.
“I’d say at least a few hours.” He walked back to the room, we had just come from and I heard the springs of the mattress squeak.
Ethan led me back to the room, his hand just barely grazing my back before I quickly walked forward to avoid his touch. He must have sensed my tense action because he kept a foot away from me after that.
David lay fast asleep on the bed when we entered and Ethan was quick to join him on the couch. So after a moment, when the snoring began I realized I was left, standing in front of these two strangers, expected to just wait for them to wake so we can leave together like a happy family.
A jolt of energy hit me and my body stiffened as I silently sliped from the room. With a fast pace I made it back to the lobby for the fifth time today, jiggling the door. It shook but didn’t open. The blinds clanged against the glass and I swear I heard a body stir back in the room.
I began to panic as my pace quickened. I shook the door harder now hoping it would somehow open and free me, but it didn’t. It only clanged louder like an alarm system trying to warn my captors.
Only a second had passed when I finally decided that the window was the only way out. It too was covered with blinds, but I threw myself at it anyway, full speed. The blinds banged against the medal and the cold glass shattered against me covering the ground outside where I tumbled.
I knew that this noise was heard so I began to run, fast as my legs would push me down the road leading to the city hoping for dear life that a car might come by. I heard a crash behind me. I ran faster and faster, as fast as I could, I had gone maybe half a mile down the road until I started to hear the fast paced pitter patter of feet behind me. I pushed myself harder, and knew that they would catch me, but maybe just maybe I could escape.
My legs burned from my thighs down to my calves, and my heart and lungs expanded double their normal size as I stretched my limits, running for my life. The morning air was cold and ripped at my hot skin, stinging like acid.
I felt a hand on my elbow, which slowed me down, but I didn't give up, not yet. I tried to rip away and to run faster, pushing and pushing, his hand slipping away for a split second but returning all too fast. I tried to pull away but could feel my legs growing tired, giving in. I was slowing down and he had me. My escape plan had failed.
When I came to a complete halt my heart was still racing and my arms and legs were long peices of meat that hung from my body, I could feel myself getting drowsy. My body began to shake again, and I couldn't hold my weight any longer, I collapsed to the ground and my face nearly hit the bumpy road below, but I opened my eyes and begged myself to stay conscious, not wanting to fall asleep again.
Ethan had caught me, and was now carrying me back in the opposite direction, "Why can't you just let me go?" I said weary and whining, gasping for breathe.
"I'm sorry," My vision returned and I felt my strength slowly come back also. He let me down and I stood up almost still with his help.
It was silent as we walked back to the motel, me left feeling helpless and hopeless yet again. Ethan opened the door and brought me to the room I had first been asleep in instead of his and David‘s. Laying me down on the bed and I realized I could no longer move my arms without total pain.
"Take off your jacket." He ordered.
"I can't," I bit my lip trying not to cry. I saw him roll his eyes as he began to peel off my sleeves. Each arm hurt more and more by the second and I could feel the material of the jacket rubbing against small cuts and glass across my skin. I let out a small yelp and only one small tear was left to fall from my eyes.
"It's ok you'll be fine," He said acting like it was nothing. I watched him as he plucked small pieces of glass from my flesh and then in my right arm I saw a huge piece of glass about as wide and long as my index finger and it was right threw the muscle of my forarm. Blood gushed from the wound and he tried to give me a comforting look and then began to take the glass from my wound. I bit my lip again trying so hard not to let out a sound. I had never been hurt this bad in my life, always played it safe. This was the first big cut I had ever gotten and was by far the deepest, then again it was really the first time I ever needed a band aide too. “None of this would have happened if you had just stayed in the room.”
“You really expect me to just sit, unguarded, in a motel room with two complete freaks?” I was staring at the wall across from me when I felt my arms sting again. I looked down and saw his hand rubbing against all my cuts, a sticky fluid beneath his palm. “What is that?” I asked worried.
“Just stuff that will help it heal faster.” He ripped a piece of his shirt off and began to wrap it around my arm, like a bandage. “There, all good?” He asked. I nodded and scooted away from him. “Good.” He moved his hands swiftly and in one small motion he had my arm hand cuffed to the bed frame.
This made my fear return as I tried to somehow break free. When I realized it was pointless I stared up at him horrified, waiting for the suffering to begin, but instead… I saw him exiting the room, hearing the door lock behind him.