Your life is protected by carefully placed defense mechanisms. Layer upon layer of security checkpoints. Some alarms are tripped some are accessed by the right password. Some people jealously glare at others with the access codes. We judge each other by what level of security clearance we hold in our wallets. I am the big bad wolf, and I am going to huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
I love it.........speaks volumes about us as a tribe really....... Some are so me
Layer upon layer of security checkpoints. Some alarms are tripped some are accessed by the right password.
So are you coming to blow my house down?!
Love your work, gets right down to the bare emotion within.
Outstanding in its brevity, in its intention .. .. alert, alert!
We all put out warning signs, all need that 'own space' whilst it suits us .. it's only the privileged who gain entry, unless of course, war's declared!
Brad, love it when the obvious is finally given the tap into something deeper, genius you, with words like blam, of course you could take a house down :p
Everything up to these lines made it edgy, even political,
I am the big bad wolf, and I am going to huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
the metaphor of love/war, psych defense mechanisms, security clearance really worked, but the BIG BAD WOLF thing was almost like comic relief. U let the reader off too lightly. It's not the Bradley I know lol maybe something about an EMP bomb going off in the wallet or something...that would be more Bradley-ish.