one of the few...

one of the few...

A Poem by Brad

for seleneys hope for humanity contest


There are no angels

No miraculous miracles

No burning bush

No superman or wonder woman

There is only us

And even though we see

Corrupt police officers

There are those few

Who care

and want to make a difference

and though there are

demented priests

whom prey on the weak

there are those few

who have given everything

to give hope to a darkening world

though we all

seem so self absorbed

there are some of us

who cannot turn a blind eye

who cannot walk away

from injustice

those who fight

those who die

those who shout

to let the world know

Through out this blackness

There stands a few

Who won’t let the light die out


It may take a catastrophe

To bring us all together

But that glimmer

Is there

And burns bright when it counts

We may not have wings

Wear badges

Or crosses

We may not wear capes

Or bullet-proof bracelets

But we all have hearts

Some beat louder than others…




© 2010 Brad

Author's Note

oh shit this was hard...finding hope in such a sea of apathy...but i dug deep, and there it was...thanks, selene, for the challenge

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beautiful... you pin pointed how I feel about injustice... the few good men and women are those who without a name adorn the gravestones and memorial walls... who without recognition try to make a difference when all the odds are against them... who instead of saying nothing says something, and sometimes pay with their blood or the blood of their family... this should be printed everywhere! on the first page in the phonebook, on the last page of the bible, on the wall at a public restroom and on a napkin at your favorite restaurant... brilliant.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I am with you...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

very nice write bro i felt every bit of emotion i loved it keep it up man.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on November 4, 2010
Last Updated on November 4, 2010





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